Moment of Clarity

Summary: Have you ever felt time stop? I have. It's a moment, A moment of pure terror as you watch a tragedy unfold in front of your very eyes. (ShepWeir)

Author's note: Spoilers for 38 MINUTES. Song is by Lifehouse, Hanging by a moment

.:Here we go:.

Have you ever felt time stop? I have. It's a moment, A moment of pure terror as you watch a tragedy unfold in front of your very eyes. It feels like ice is slowly moving through your veins, like the air has gone from your lungs, and it happens. That moment of pure clarity before you see death. That brief second where everything is in focus as you suddenly understand. You understand your mission. You understand your life.

desperate for changing
starving for truth
closer to where I started
chasing after you

I'm falling even more in love with you
letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

It's in that second, that you finally realize what you want. Well, it happened to me. I was there. I was watching. I was so close to death I could feel it within my fingertips as it reached out, it's cold clammy hands taking me from here, from this life into the dark void that was death.

But then I saw her face.

forgetting all I'm lacking
completely incomplete
I'll take your invitation
you take all of me now

I'm falling even more in love with you
letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

The light radiating from her pierced through the darkness, her smile melted the ice from my veins and suddenly, I was breathing. It was my moment. My moment of understanding. It was then I realised I couldn't die. I had to be there, to be with her. I reached out for her, willing for her to bring me back from the darkness I had fallen into, and when I opened my eyes, there she was, her face breaking into the smile I longed to see, and my face broke into a returning grin, and I was floating.

Floating on clouds a thousand miles away. Floating on clouds with her.

I was alive.

And so was she.

I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
and I don't know what I'm diving into
just hanging by a moment here with you

there's nothing else to lose
there's nothing else to find
there's nothing in the world
that could change my mind
there is nothing else
there is nothing else
there is nothing else

So I fell back into unconsciousness, knowing there was no way I was going to die, and I fought. I fought the darkness to be with her.

And I won.

I woke up happily in the infirmary, her worried face looking over me as my eyes adjusted to the light. She sighed in relief, her eyes widening in surprise as I raised myself painfully on my elbows and kissed her.

desperate for changing
starving for truth
closer to where I started
chasing after you

I'm falling even more in love with you
letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

I murmured 'I love you' into her lips, and I knew, everything was going to be fine.

As we pulled apart, and she looked at my in happy disbelief, I cocked my head to the side, pulling the med tube from my arm.

Because I felt no pain. All I felt was happiness flowing warmly through my veins.

I had finally seen my moment of clarity. And it had come in the form of Elizabeth Weir.

I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
and I don't know what I'm diving into
just hanging by a moment here with you

just hanging by a moment
hanging by a moment
hanging by a moment
hanging by a moment here with you
