A scream echoed through the surrounding forest. It was a scream of both rage and sadness. Sesshomaru heard this and rushed to find its source.

A girl stood in the clearing, hatred plastered on her face. She growled angrily, sending shivers down Sesshomaru's spine. Her silver hair was streaked with black, and her eyes were a deep blue with specks of gold in them.

She growled deeply again, making her adversary shiver in fear. Nonetheless, the demon charged at her, making a b-line to her throat. It lunged, claws extended.

The battle was over after only a few short minutes. The demon girl had won, hands down. Now she sat on the ground, arms crossed in annoyance. She had let her anger show, and someone had witnessed it to boot.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me?" she asked suddenly. Sesshomaru let himself slip from the coverage of the brush and came over to the girl. She still sat on the ground with her arms across her chest, frowning angrily.

"Why were you watching me? Its not very nice you know," she said. Sesshomaru's ears pricked up at the milky sweet sound of her voice. He even tried to quiet his racing heartbeat so that the sound could flow over him like rain.

"Miss! Miss! I've found you!" called a child's voice. Out from the forest, emerged a small child, a girl with dark hair and green eyes. She saw the demon lord, yet showed no fear whatsoever.

"Oh, I see… Dump the child and gain another boyfriend. I see how it is," the girl said. To this, the demoness' face grew taunt. Her eyed tinted red with anger as she prepared to lash out at the girl, yet it did not come.

"He is not my boyfriend, got that? He's cute, but he is deficient," the older girl said.

She turned to find that Sesshomaru had fled, his instinct getting the better of him. The girl smiled, for she had known that he had gone, and she also knew that she wouldn't have said she thought he was cute if he had been standing there still.

"Deficient?" the child asked. She couldn't have been more than 9, but she was well educated for a child.

"What do you mean by deficient?" She asked huffily.

"Why do you care? Alright, so he's handsome, strong…. What else does he got going for him?" The demon girl asked coldly. She exhaled deeply and blew at the strands of hair what had fallen into her line of vision.

"Leave me alone, Hina…" she said finally, still annoyed.

"But Miss Naru…." The child protested. Instead of yelling at the child for intervening, Naru just let out a frustrated sigh and headed to the nearest clearing… Well, the nearest clearing that didn't smell of Blood and a male dog demon.