To live or die

Authors Note: A story of pure friendship, Inuyasha bonds between everyone and a small connection between Sango and himself

"Everyone has a story Inuyasha that lies deep within your soul…"

Inuyasha snapped up, sweat running down his body, his hand clutching at his heart, panting slightly. Sango looked up at Inuyasha, standing under the tree of where Inuyasha sat. "Are you okay Inuyasha?" The hanyou had been acting quite strange ever since there last battle and it was even starting to freak Sango out. Inuyasha looked over from his tree branch, as Sango stood below looking up at him, curiously. "Yea…I'm fine." Sango sighed turning around, as Inuyasha spoke again. "Thanks Sango" Sango smiled and turned back to Miroku who was preparing breakfast.

Shippo whined as Miroku handed Sango a bowl of ramen noodles, Kagome had left for them. "I miss Kagome!" Shippo cried, petting Kirara as Miroku handed him a bowl of ramen. "Lady Kagome will be back shortly, she was very tired after the last battle, and we all must have our rest." Miroku stated slurping up the ramen noodles.

Inuyasha looked off into the clearing, he had sensed it. There was no doubt in mind; something was stirring even after yesterday's battle. Sango too stared out there a slight look of worry in her eyes as she looked over at Inuyasha. "You sense it too?" Sango said as Inuyasha nodded his head slightly. Inuyasha stood, "something in that area concerns me." Inuyasha said to Miroku, as he too began to rise. "No, Miroku I'll go alone." "Inuyasha, would that be wise to go alone?" Miroku questioned as Sango stood "I'll go. You protect Kagome once she comes back, we will return as soon as we can." Sango said Inuyasha looking a bit surprised as they walked out the door.

Inuyasha stared at Sango surprisingly. "What possessed you to come?" Sango just smiled shaking her head. "The same thing that possessed you" Sango said as they walked through the woods to the area.

Inuyasha looked at Sango, it was probably afternoon by now, but with the thick branches of the forest, it looked more like the sun was setting, or just rising then being up the whole time.

"Should we stop for lunch Inuyasha?" Sango questioned, it had been a good four hours, and since they had a late breakfast, having a early lunch didn't sound to bad. "Feh" Inuyasha said as he looked at Sango's gaze, it was slightly annoyed yet vaguely determined. "It was a question Inuyasha; I can last just as long as you can." Inuyasha chuckled slightly "Really Sango? A human like you?" "Don't doubt me." Sango said annoyingly.

'Man its fun plucking her nerves.' Inuyasha said smiling watching as Sango shook her head smiling a bit herself. "We're really not that different, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha paused, as Sango kept walking onward. "Inuyasha?" Sango asked as Inuyasha's eyes softened. 'Whatever I said must have made him remember something…' Sango thought nervously.

"Kikyou said that. When she was alive…She said she couldn't kill me…Because she and I were the same…" Inuyasha whispered, Sango looked at him stepping closer putting a hand on his shoulder slightly. "I'm sorry Inuyasha I didn't…" "You're NOTHING like Kikyou." Inuyasha bellowed tossing Sango's hand to the side. Sango snapped, she was trying to HELP him, and it's not like she was being mean, but he had broke Sango's patience. "I didn't say I was like Kikyou! I said I was like you! You idiot!" Sango screamed, Inuyasha's ears flattened, his ears were keener then Sango's and her screaming was LOUD.

Inuyasha just gave up "come on! We got work to do." Inuyasha said as he picked up his pace walking farther through the woods. Sango huffed, and then smiled slightly. "I won!" she said slightly to herself, just loud enough for Inuyasha to hear causing him to twitch.

Suddenly a scream interrupted the silence between the two, "Monster! Help!" "It sounds like a village is being attacked!" Sango said her eyes widening, quickly putting her hair up. Inuyasha winced slightly, "It reeks of human blood…" "We better hurry!" Sango said hopping onto Inuyasha's back. "W-What?" Inuyasha asked as he looked up at Sango. "Just go! I'll explain later!" Sango said rolling her eyes.

See Sango was human and no matter how fast she could run, she'd never be able to get by as fast as Inuyasha especially through the trees.

As Inuyasha and Sango ran through the woods, they reached a clearing and what the say was even enough to make Sango wince. Sango had seen, blood before, youkai corpses, human corpses, but the sight she saw now was worth then the two combined. There were mothers killed, babies killed, men killed, and very few youkai killed. There didn't appear any youkai here at all actually, just a bunch of humans dead, there bodies spurred all over the place.

"Sango! Do you hear that?" Inuyasha said as he bolted off towards one of the huts. "Be careful Inuyasha! The huts on fire!' "Sango there's a KID in there!" "What?" Sango said bolting into the hut after Inuyasha, coughing as the smoke engulfed her lungs, putting on her mask as she dove for the ground catching up by the hanyou who too was lying over the baby.

"Inuyasha" Sango whispered as she took off her mask and handed it to him. "Thanks" He whispered giving her a lazy smile catching his breath for a second before throwing Sango on his back, and running out sleeve over the baby's mouth, the hut collapsing as soon as they reached outside.

Sango picked up the little boy smiling slightly. "He's a hanyou." She whispered stroking the child's hair, looking at Inuyasha softly "Can I hold him?" Inuyasha looked at Sango curiously as she rocked the baby in her arms, the hanyou eventually stopped crying and was drawn into a light slumber.

"You'd make a good mom." Inuyasha muttered looking away startled, a light blush covering his face, Sango blushed a bit herself looking at the small child "Thank you…Inuyasha." Suddenly there was a loud growl and Sango jumped up a crack now forming from between Inuyasha and herself.

A demon arose from the cracking soil and a deathly urge ran through Inuyasha's veins, Sango's grip tightened on the child as she now stood next to Inuyasha a. The demon had long blowing hair, she appeared familiar to Sesshomaru as if in a females form, her eyes a hypotonic blue. "Inuyasha." She whispered her voice mysterious, lurching, a voice that could send shivers down your spine, and right back up again.

"That…voice…" Inuyasha said his golden eyes watching the figure in pure horror. "Was the same voice…from my dream…"

"Everyone has a story Inuyasha that lies deep within your soul…"

Authors Note: That was the first line, the demon they are just meeting has the same voice as the person who said what's italicized to Inuyasha