Hey everyone! Thanks for choosing my story. Just to get started:

Disclaimer: I don't own Wolf's Rain and I never will, so this goes for all the chapters. If I ever use anything else that's not mine, like a song or something, I'll have a disclaimer for that, but not before.

Okay, one other thing. This is the first fic I have ever done, so I'm sorry for any OOCness or anything like that which I might do by accident. I know some people probably won't like me messing with stuff, but I can't please everybody, just myself and hopefully a few other people. If you like the story or you have any advice for me, please review but DON'T FLAME. I don't like unnecessarily mean people. Well that's all for now, so here goes.

Moon's Herald

There aren't many stories told in this world, if any at all, in which wolves are the heroes instead of the bloodthirsty villains. Maybe you were raised on those ancient fairy tales where the evil "Big Bad Wolf" devours innocent children, or the not-so-ancient ones that say wolves died out and no longer exist at all. Maybe you believe these stories. Or maybe, like I was when I was younger, you are completely unaware that such creatures were ever even alive or spoken of in the first place. Until now, that is.

I was no wiser than you are when I first learned about wolves. I, too, hated and feared them for a long time and wished for them to disappear from the world. I thought they could do nothing but destroy and bring evil and death wherever they went. And then I learned how wrong I was.

In my life I've had the privilege and pleasure (and sometimes frustration) of knowing the noblest and bravest of wolves. They were a small and rather mismatched pack who came together to chase a dream, to find a Paradise of their own, and their spirit gave me hope when I had none left and taught me the true meaning of friendship and family. They are the ones who gradually melted the ice wall I'd put around my heart. I love humans, but I will always cherish wolves more dearly, thanks to them.

Now I've been charged with telling this very different kind of "fairy tale" to anyone who will listen, human or wolf. It makes me a bit sad to remember and I don't know what good, if any, can come from my words, but if I can change the heart of even one person who listens today from despair to hope for something better, I suppose I'll have to be content.

So I'll take you back with me on the journey that changed me so completely, in hopes that it will do the same for you. And to do that, we have to start from the beginning . . .