Welcome to my second Fan Fiction!

Lets get some requirements out of the way…


Arwen Rivendell: Dude please.

Executive: No, you don't get to own any thing

Arwen Rivendell: Please, even-

Executive: You have money

Arwen Rivendell: no… :(

Executive: then no

Arwen Rivendell: I'll buy you a sundae and put a cherry on top

Executive: NO NO and… NO!

Arwen Rivendell: Are you sure

Executive: SECURITY!

Arwen Rivendell: Darn, maybe next time.

Summary: Fun in the sun for the Inuyasha gang, with water fights, competition, war… wait I thought this was suppose to be full of games, oh well… Maybe a dip in the lake will cool them off. 

Fun in the Sun

Chapter 1

Surprises Around Every Corner

His ears twitched as he heard Shippo sprinting at full speed towards the well, yelling "KAGOME!" all the while. He sighed as her scent reached his demon-enhanced nose, the scent washing over him with a calm that only she could bring. The hanyou gracefully leapt from the branches of Goshinboku and headed for the source of excitement.

As he came out of the forest he blinked in shock at the scene before him.

Shippo was running away from Kagome, screaming in terror, as the miko giggled, shooting streams of water at the kitsune with a water gun. Shippo sprinted off towards the village, screaming at the top of his lungs and Kagome looked up and smiled at the hanyou, tossing him the gun and ducking down into the well to get her other supplies.

Inuyasha caught it easily, looking at it and recalling when he saw it last…

He came out of the well and heard a scream, sounding an awful lot like Kagome's little brother. Going on instinct he rushed out of the well, hearing laughter, and screaming in another area of the shrine. Recognizing the new screaming as Kagome he rushed to her aide, as he ran around the corner he ran smack into the very drenched miko, and they both fell to the ground, Kagome on top of Inuyasha, wet hair dripping and her breath ragged.

"Kagome are you ok?" he asked in a worried tone.

She had landed so they were nose to nose, she caught her breath and smiled, "hey Inuyasha!" He looked at her, stunned and wide-eyed as he cleared his throat.



She sat up and backed up so he could sit up as well. She sat a minute, recovering her breath before answering, " I'm GREAT!"

"Then why are you all wet?"

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Souta had run around the corner and squirted her square in the back, shocking her with the cold water. Inuyasha shoot and looked ready to act when she winked his direction, smiled turning to chasing her little brother yelling, "I'm gonna get you, you little twerp!"

Inuyasha just sat there for a second, trying to figure out why her little brother was attacking her, and why they were both laughing as they shot each other with water.

Kagome stopped, seeing a very confused hanyou; she put pointed her gun to the sky and said turned to Souta, "I surrender… FOR NOW. I'll get you back later."

She was now drenched from head to toe as she walked over to Inuyasha, tossing him the gun. He caught it easily, turning it over in his hands to study how the plastic toy was put together, "This is called a 'water gun'. It is used in a water fight."

"Water fight?"

"Yeah, its something we do for fun in our time."

"Squirting each other?"

"Yeah, or we get water balloons and throw them at each other."

"Water balloons?"

"Yeah, I will have to bring some to Sengoku Jidai sometime to show all of you, it will be fun."


"Just wait and see."

"Oh, ok…well how do these work?"

"See that handle by the trigger?"


"Pump it a couple of times."

"Like this?"


"Ok, ok."

"Now pick a target and… AAAHHHH!"


"You little, OSUWARI!"


"And when is squirting your defenseless teacher fair?"


"Let me get changed and dried off and we will go."

"These would be fun, when can you bring them?"


"So you gonna show us the 'water balloons' today?"

"Yeah, and a lot more."

Kagome tossed the final bag out of the well, clambering out over the wooden lip she tripped, hitting the ground with a resounding thud, laughing at her own clumsiness. She stood up and silently counted the bags before reaching into one of them and pulling out a water gun of her own. She picked up one of the small backpacks and smiled; turning to the hanyou she slung the backpack on her back and readied her gun. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye she looked towards the directions that Shippo had retreated to and said, "Want to have some fun?" she motioned to his gun, " Just remember, don't pump it more than 10 times, you'll break it."

She turned towards the village and motioned him to stay quiet and follow her. They headed towards the village and started to "sneak up" on the borders of the village.

Inuyasha could tell they wouldn't be able to sneak up on anything with all the noise she was making so he tapped her shoulder and motioned her to get on his back. She complied, handing him her gun and climbing up, and holding both guns so he could hold her in place he silently crept into the forest and took to the branches, nimbly hopping from branch to branch, despite the weight on his back.

He came to a stop on a well-hidden branch behind Kaede's hut. Gently letting her down he was given his gun back and he pointed to the scene below.

They looked down to see a miserable kitsune running towards the hut with tears streaming down his face. Kagome's smile faded for a moment, I didn't mean to make him cry.

Inuyasha turned and saw her smile fade, he put a comforting hand on her arm and whispered, "He didn't know it was a game."

She smiled back, and then she turned her head as her attention was caught by Sango and Miroku coming out of the hut to see what all the commotion was about.

Sango came out with an amused look on her face, "What happened to you? Fall in a stream or something?"


Sango, suppressing a laugh, picked up the kitsune and hugged him comfortingly, "Slow down and explain what happened s.l.o.w.l.y."

(Sniffle) "I smelled Kagome (sniffle) and I ran to see her (sniffle) and I looked over the well (sniffle, tears) AND SHE SHOT ME!"

"With wha-AAAHH!" Miroku straightened as stiff as a board as a jet of cold water stripped across his back, sending a shockingly wet surprise was now soaking his clothes.


Between the overreacting kitsune and the priceless expression on the monk, Sango couldn't help it any longer, she burst out laughing and clutched her sides in pain. She felt bad for laughing at their misfortunes with the water, but she figures it was just one of Kagome's games, since she wasn't the type to just go and attack people.

Her laughter turned into a scream as an object came flying out of the trees, bursting on her head and dousing her with water. Miroku and Shippo turned to the taijya and broke out in laughter at the sight of the normally composed girl now frozen in shock.

Kagome and Inuyasha were smiling, and Kagome was trying desperately to quell the giggles that were building up. Inuyasha was surprised at how easily she had volunteered to shoot her friends, even if it was for fun, wasn't that his job? He laughed inside, I think I'm rubbing off on her.

Inuyasha snickered and turned to Kagome, "Nice shot."

"Could say the same for you, your pretty handy with a gun."

"What did you throw anyway?"

"A water balloon."


"Shall we reveal ourselves?"

"Why not. Who else would attack them without trying to kill them."

She gave him a blunt look, Inuyasha put an arm around her waist and pulled her tight, hopping down from the branch. When they landed he released her, and they walked out of the woods and Kagome knelt beside her three friends, all of which, were now rolling in laughter. She pulled off her backpack and opened it to reveal several towels and a couple more balloons. She handed Sango and Miroku two big towels and Shippo a miniature towel, "Here, something to dry off in and change into."

They all looked a little puzzled at the last remark and Shippo unfolded his to reveal a small pair of red swimming shorts. "Oooo, what are these Kagome?" He had long since forgiven her since she had only meant to shoot him for fun.

"They are 'swimming trunks', go try them on."

"I got some too… uh" Miroku held up a black pair.

"What is it Miroku?"

"Is this it?"

"…uh, yeah. If you go swimming you don't want to be weighed down."

"And is Sango's just like it?" a hentai grin appearing on his face...SLAP


"Uh, Kagome-chan, mine are a little different."

"Yeah Sango-chan, let me help you get yours on, it can be tricky for the first time."

"I'll help… OUCH! What did you hit me for Sango!"



Sango and Kagome went into the hut and Miroku started heading for the woods to change. Shippo muttered under his breath, "definitely deserved THAT one."

Kagome brought her backpack in with her and set it down inside the hut, looking over to her friend she pulled the two-piece swimming suit out for her friend. Sango made quick work of changing into the black swimming shorts but she was having trouble with tying the pieces of her top together. "This is confusing, I can't see what I'm doing."

"Halter tops can be that way, let me help you."


Skillfully, Kagome tied the lower ties at the middle of Sango's back and was handed the other two pieces, tying them securely around her neck. "I made sure to get a wide strapped swimsuit 'cause we all know a certain monk who would love nothing more than to see you in a bikini." I don't even want to know, Sango thought to herself.

"You mean you wear this in public?"


"Wha- Where's yours?"

"Under my other clothes."

"So do I get extra layers too?"

"No let me explain," Kagome said with a giggle, "You wear these clothes when you get play water games or go swimming, its made of a light material that won't weigh you down, and it dries quickly, so you aren't wet for long."

"I might as well wear my taijya outfit," Sango muttered.

Kagome smiled, "Oh, but you look great."

"I feel naked."

Kagome sighed, and went to her back, pulling out a black, silk like material, and tossed it to her friend, "Here, this should help."

Sango eyed the fabric wearily as Kagome took off her shirt and shorts, revealing an identical swimsuit in a deep red color. She unfolded the material and found that it was quite comfortable to the touch. "Uh, Kagome-chan… what exactly is this."

"It's, well I don't exactly know what its called, I just call it a 'tie-around'."

"What is it used for?"

"When a girl doesn't want to go swimming, but wants to walk around, or play around water, one wears a 'tie-around'."

Kagome took hers and wrapped it around her waist, tying it off to the side and spinning around to show her friend. "It's kind of like a kimono, but only the lower half."

"What about my stomach?"

"What about it?"

"It's still showing."

"And it's very nice and toned, what's the problem."

"Never mind."

"Good…now lets head down to the well, I left all the other stuff there."

There's more? Sango wasn't sure what to think of all this stuff from the future, sighing, she followed her friend out of the well and towards the well, leaving their clothes in the backpack in the corner of the hut.

As the girls stepped out of the hut they were welcomed by Shippo, launching himself into Kagome's arms, and wearing the little red pair of swimming shorts. Once he was perched on her shoulder he looked at her's and Sango's outfits, "What are these weird clothes for Kagome?"

"I will explain everything at the well… trust me. There is plenty more to see."

The three walked down to the well and Kagome started to climb into the well…

"Where are you going?"

"I left a couple of bags at the bottom."

"Oh." The kitsune relaxed before screeching and running out of the way the big trash bags being slung over.

Sango walked over to study the plastic trash bags, "What are these for Kagome-chan?"

"All in good time Sango." She looked towards the trees, raising her voice to a louder level, "Especially when a certain couple of guys comes out!"

Kagome could sense Inuyasha, and hearing the smack she guessed Miroku was there as well.

The boys didn't come out, as Kagome continued, "I have a special surprise for who ever gets here first!"

"But we look RIDICULOUS!"

Kagome winked to Sango, whispering, "I bet they look hot." Sango giggled, remembering Miroku holding up his swim shorts.

"Come on you guys I want to know about all this stuff Kagome has," motioning to the pile of bags.



The boys came out of the brush and Kagome shot Sango a look of triumph, as she was surpressing a giggle from their reluctance. The boys came down to the side of the well to stand next to Sango. Kagome motioned for them to have a seat on the grass as she began rummaging through the pile. She pulled out the two trash bags the had nearly crushed Shippo with, and opened one, seeing it full of water balloons the rest of the gang could only look on curiously as she picked two of the jiggling masses up. "These are water balloons, they will be a main part of our first game."

She tossed one to Inuyasha, who tried to catch it, but his claws caught the delicate skin and it splattered all over him. Everyone snickered quietly as he shot up, shorts now soaking along with his stomach. "HEY YOU LITTLE!-"

Kagome didn't respond, but instead tossed a smaller one to Sango, who caught it delicately, allowing it to stay intact.

"How did you?"

"It requires a certain amount of delicacy when handling something like a water balloon."

Kagome winked at Inuyasha, who cursed under his breath and muttered threats in her general direction. She got the mischevious look in her eye again as she said, "I want us to have a little competition."

Everyone perked up and wondered how they were to do that with the strange items from her time.

"If you'll notice you are all wearing either red or black, this will determine your teams. I have given Sango and Miroku black, and since Kilala has black on her tails I figured it would be the best color for your team. Inuyasha… you, Shippo, and I will make the other team. These teams are only for the first game mind you. We will switch them up when the game is done."

"But how, what are we playing."

Inuyasha's eyes lit up with recognition as he said, "We are gonna have a water fight!"

"Water fight?" the others still looked confused as Kagome finally pulled out a small water gun and tossed it to Shippo.

"Now, here is how it works, there are two kinds of weapons in this game…"

"Is this gonna hurt Kagome?" Shippo looked up at her with worry, she giggled as she replied, "No Shippo-chan, it will just get you wet for a while." Satisfied with her answer he sat back contentedly and allowed her to continue.

"The black team has control of how long the game lasts…"

"Why is that?" Inuyasha looked a little frustrated at this.

"Because water balloons are not refillable like our water guns."

"OOOHHHH." everyone nodded in understanding.

"So when the black team is out of balloons we are done… the goal of the game is to get the other team as wet as possible."

"This should be fun," Sango rubbed her hands together, devising a plan already.

"When your ammo is gone come back to the well and we will go on to the next game…"

"Lets go then!" Everyone got up and started leaving...

"Hold on Inuyasha there are a couple rules."

Groan from everyone

"1. When the black team runs out of ammo we are done."

"We know that one!"

"2. Inuyasha, Shippo, NO face shots with the water guns."

"Got it!"

"3.the team who is the most wet at the end wins!"

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, have fun, and at the blow of the whistle, (as she pulls it out of one of the bags) everybody go!"

Everyone gathered up their supplies, the black team taking the trash bags and slinging them over a now transformed Kilala, and the red team filling up their water guns. When all was ready they all looked to Kagome, who smiled and let out a hard whistle from the little plastic device.

The black team headed off to the village aboard Kilala, and Inuyasha gathered up Kagome and sprinted off into the woods, leaving poor Shippo to run after him, trying to catch up with his teammates.

What do ya think? There may be fluffy moments here and there but this story isn't nessesarily focused on the coupling, although that may change.

Shippo will end up playing a big role in this story so Kagurafuujinnomai … have a blast girl!

I've got lots of twists and turns for this one, (grins with anticipation) I've got several chapters written up, I've just got to type 'em out and fine tune 'em for posting.
