It all started on a very dark and rainy night in July, where 2 people were gathered in a round office waiting for news on why they were called on such short notice. Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black were gathered in Prof. Dumbledore's office. Sirius and Remus were discussing Harry Potter's (Sirius's godson and Remus's best friends son) participation in the triwizard competition and how it was unfair that he had to go back to the Dursley's. The door to Dumbledore's office then burst open. Professor Dumbledore walked in with 2 cloaked figures.

"Now I know you all want to know why I summoned you tonight." Dumbledore began looking at everyone of them with a really bright twinkle in his baby blue eyes. "I have to tell you a remarkable story that I am sure will go down in history. Yesterday as I was doing my usual rounds of the school when I noticed some people walking towards the school, so I drew out my wand and went down to see who these people were. I wasn't expecting anyone for a couple of days so I got suspicious. But what shocked me was who these people were…now before ask you two to remove your cloaks I ask that everyone keep their voices down. There are still teachers in this school."

Everyone was confused but nodded never the less.

"Very well…If you would?" Dumbledore said. The two cloaked figures lowered their hoods and they were none other then James and Lily Potter. Sirius and Remus just sat there gaping like fish until Lily spoke.

"Well are we going to get a hello at least? It has been 14 years you know!" Sirius and Remus both jumped up and went to hug Lily and James.

"How are you back?" Sirius asked James and Lily.

"We really have no idea, but we are really glad to be back." James replied. "Now what I want to know is what is Harry like? Does he play quidditch? Is he a troublemaker?" Sirius looked at the floor.

"You mean Dumbledore didn't tell you?" Sirius asked.

"Tell us what?" asked a very confused Lily and James.

"I have only explained to them that Harry survived the killing curse, that is all they know. Know why don't we all sit down and talk about the last 14 years. Shall we?" Everyone sat down and they started with the night that Harry survived. Sirius told them about trying to get Hagrid to give him Harry, tracking down Pettigrew and being sent to Azkaban.

"So Harry went to live with Petunia? She hates magic why would you send him there?" Asked Lily.

"When you died you left a protection in Harry…Love. This bond is strong by blood and seeing that Petunia was Harry's only living relative he went there for his own protection." Dumbledore explained. Then he went on to explain about Harry's first two years. James and Lily were very stunned that their son had achieved that much in two years. Then Sirius and Remus took over on his 3rd and little bits of his 4th years with a little help from Dumbledore.

"Can we see him?" asked Lily after a tense silence.

"Yes actually I want Sirius to go get him now." Dumbledore said. Lily and James faces lit up. They were going to see their son for the first time in 14 years.

"NOW! It's 2 in the bloody morning! What will the muggles think?" Sirius cried.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT TIME IT IS!" Lily yelled furiously "I WANT TO SEE MY SON!"

"You will get Harry" Dumbledore said as if he hadn't heard Lily yelling "and his things and take a portkey back here into my office. Do not wake the muggles and we will have no problems…okay?" Sirius nodded. "Now this portkey will take you straight to Harry's room and this rubber duck will activate in 30 minutes time...okay in 3-2-1" Sirius grabbed it and he was gone. "Now I think it is important that the Potter's stay at Hogwarts until we determine that it is safe for them to roam around the wizarding world as they please. So I am going to let you use the Gryffindor dorm room. Now I would like you three to head up there now and I will send Harry up once I have had a chance to talk to him. The password is "dragon eggs". Have a nice night."

James, Lily and Remus chatted happily all the way up to the Gryffindor commons room where the all sat on the armchairs surrounding the fire and discussed their school days.