The room wasn't what you'd call cozy. Unless you like dimly lit 8x8x9 rooms that smell like urinals. The boy in the center of the room was getting used to it. Since we're on the subject, let's talk about him, shall we? Yes, I think we will. He's slightly muscular, more than what is usual for a fourteen-year-old of 5'9" and 145 lbs. He has long black hair; which would reach down to his knees, were he standing up, with a silvery tint; in one long braid. His braid wrapped loosely around is neck to keep it from getting too dirty. He has on khakis that are a few inches to long for him, and a bit wide at the waist, held up by a trio of belts tied together; one holding up his pants, while the other two are for show and serve another purpose, but we'll get to that later. His shirt is a white cotton button-down, the sleeves rolled up twice so they reach halfway up his forearms; his left of which is, is wrapped with two belts. On his right bicep is yet another belt, this drawn so that it binds loosely to his arm with the excess dangling from under his sleeve. You may think that he has an obsession with belts. This is true, but they serve a deeper purpose. We'll get to that later. Around his neck is a black and silver rosary, with a crucifix at the end. While decorative this also serves a purpose. We'll get to that later. He also has on black boots with metal plating on the toes and heels. We'll get to that later.

His eyes are closed at the moment, and his facial features are nothing out of the ordinary. Except for the fact that he had a jewel imbedded in his forehead at birth. Other than that he has normal human features. But he is far from human. We'll get to that later. As for his position in the room, he is in the center, sitting with his legs crossed. Sitting on five feet of thin air; sitting upside down, on five feet of thin air. Yes, upside down on five feet of thin air. That is what makes this boy far from ordinary, far from human. His origins are strange, and perhaps sacrilegious. For he is the spawn of something vile, a demon; a demon and a creature from a planet distant from Earth, a planet called Tamaran.

As for why he is in a dimly lit, 8x8x9 room that smells like a urinal? We'll get to that later, because I do not believe we- well you have learned his name. His name is Abel; Abel Thayne. Abel is meditating at the moment; he does this keep reasonable control of his emotions which trigger his powers. It used be quite difficult to do, since he also has the natural powers of Tamaranians, which are triggered by expressing emotion, but his demonic powers, also triggered by emotions, are more erratic, and harder to control, so his emotions must be suppressed. He was at a paradox for many years until he met a kindly old woman in Japan, during his quest to control his powers. From her, he learned to control and express his emotions, while not blowing anything to kingdom come, as his powers tended to do.

But enough about him. On to the situation at hand, this involves a robot walking down the hall to his room. When the door slid open, Abel opened his eyes to reveal they were a silver-gray and the parts that would be white on a human; glowed slight and eerie silver. He flipped himself self right side up and set his feet on the ground. He glared at the white-eyed, orange-spot-in-the-middle-of-it's-face, robot for a few seconds, knowing that it couldn't be anything that would benefit him. Wordlessly Abel followed the robot out into the hall, once outside he tried to engage in friendly conversation.

"So…" he started, the robot glanced at him over his shoulder, but proceeded on.

"Got any hobbies?" no response. Abel sighed, 'These things are so boring.'

"Giving me the cold shoulder, eh?" he smirked a little, finding that rather amusing, but got no response.

"Guess so," he said and gave up after that. The next ten minutes were uneventful; Abel decided he would try again, but to no avail. For another fifteen minutes, they walked in complete silence. 'Damn, these halls are long,' Abel thought to himself. No sooner had he completed the thought, they stopped at another door.

"This your stop?" he asked the robot.

'Ever so talkative,' they proceeded into the dark room, there was an array of video screens on the wall providing the little light in the room. They walked in and stopped at the screens, as the robot turned to leave Abel couldn't help but make one more remark.

"Nice talking to you," he called to the robot as the door shut behind it. When he actually took time to consider his new surroundings, he discovered he wasn't alone. There, standing in front of the screens was none other than "One-eye Jack" himself.
