Love is Difficult

Here is the first chapter hope you like it, but it is bad anyway!

Chapter One

Kai watched as the Beyblade champion launched his blade into the ring as the exact same time as Rei, yet he didn't pay attention to the actual game; he just watched their flaws.

For example- Rei had a lot of speed and less attack, plus going at a speed like that could easily make you lose control over your blade if someone were to attack.

Kai leant against the tree trunk and sighed. His team had a lot to improve on, especially Tyson who had too much confidence a mental flaw is another way to put it.

Kai had been up since 4:30 in the morning doing training, then at 7:00 he woke up his team, waking up Tyson was always a struggle, he thought rolling his eyes as Tyson taunted Rei, losing a lot of speed in the process and giving Rei a clear point to attack.

Then Hillary came at 8:00, coming to watch the team suffer under Kai's extreme training, Kai looked at the young girl who was a few years younger than him.

Her chocolate brown hair shone in the sunlight and her sparkling ruby eyes were gentle, so full of life and yet so frail, Kai thought idly.

Kai was shocked at his own thoughts, admiring a girl? He thought angrily to himself, you are too weak even to defend yourself from your dreams! Wait that must be it! Lack of sleep…

Kai remembered the dream he had had the other night…

A young boy about five years old was sitting on a tire, which was hanging from a rope on a tree. He swung around faster and faster feeling giddy and exhilarated. As he slowed down he stood up on the tire.

"Mummy! Mummy look at me!" He called out excitedly, his mother turned around smiling, she said with a laugh, "Be careful d-" suddenly he head exploded, blood, brain and shards of bone flew everywhere.

A blood splattered Kai screamed, even with his young brain he was aware of what had happened. Two men in black suits stood on either side of a man with goggles; the man was holding a shotgun.

Kai now wished he hadn't gone to Russia, he knew something was waiting for him there.

And that thing was his past.


Hillary's POV

"Go Tyson!" I screamed nearly deafening Kenny.

The reason I was cheering for him was, well, it was because I like him, his annoying yet comical way to experiencing life.

Stuffing his face with food at every opportunity, having confidence in himself at all time, yet sometimes having too much confidence, and having that optimism that could cheer you up in a second when all seems lost.

And also because he is cute, well Max is cute too but not in the way like Tyson is.

And Rei? Well Mariah likes Rei and I don't want to get in her way, not that I am attracted to Rei anyway.

Then last is Kai, the grouch, Oscar the Grouch Tyson confided to me, only to be rewarded with a- "You watch Sesame Street?"

Which of course embarrassed Tyson.

Kai was definitely an ice king but his fashion sense fared better than Tyson's, Kai was wearing baggy blue jeans, and a white jacket with hood over a white sleeveless shirt.

Yet I had to laugh at Tyson's outfit- which clashed horribly- A red T-shirt with yellow stripes and green trousers, as well as a purple cap which made his hair messier than usual, his blue bangs hung into his hazel eyes which were full of life and laughter.

You could practically see the flames dancing in his eyes excitedly.

Though when you look into Kai's eyes you get lost in the dull faded crimson colour, he looks older than sixteen, and the bags under his eyes make him look as if he has seen too many days.

As Tyson laughed my attention turned to the happy boy who never cared about pride and dignity like Kai has, which makes me love Tyson much more than anything in the world could give.

As Tyson's attention withdrew from the battle Rei seized the time to attack, "DRIGER! TIGER CLAW NOW!"

Tyson's blade flew from the arena and Tyson ran to fetch it, calling out, "No fair Rei!"

"Why isn't it fair?" Rei asked.

"Because I wasn't paying attention!"

I burst into laughter, tears formed in my eyes as I clutched my side laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Max laughed along with me, and Rei joined in.

"A good blader must never lose their focus," Kai said quietly, his eyes refusing to let anyone see his emotions.

Tyson sulked, and I felt so sorry for him… Then I got an idea! "How about I make you guys pancakes?" I asked.

"Really?" Tyson perked up.

"Yeah pancakes!" Max said jumping from one foot to the other looking exactly like a little kid.

"I'll help you," Rei said more like a statement than an offer.

"Thanks!" I said happy to have assistance.

"Could you please pleeasssse make the blueberry sauce?" Tyson pleaded with me, he was on his knees with his hands clutched together, his eyes hopeful.

I laughed; he was sooo cute sometimes, "Of course," I said sweetly.

"YOU'RE THE BEST!" he whooped, and hugged me, making me blush.


So Rei and I were in the kitchen, making pancakes and Max and Tyson were playing a card game from which Kenny watched amazedly, Kai however, just leant against a wall listening to some songs on his MD.

Rei mixed up the ingredients I gave him, self raising flour, milk and egg, then I added sugar once I was sure the mixture wasn't too thick and wasn't too thin. I tasted the batter.


"Is it okay?" Rei asked.

"Yep it's perfect!" I formed my thumb and index finger into a perfect O.

Rei and I laughed and poured the batter on the frying pan once we melted butter onto it.

Instead of making large pancakes we made small pikelets consuming a lot of time though, also making Tyson complain.

"Rei! Hillary! Are they done yet?" Tyson whined.

"Nooo!" Rei shouted back as I got out the secret ingredients for my blueberry sauce, which I can't tell you of because they are a secret.

Rei poked his head into the fridge, "Should I get some whipped cream?" he asked with a small smile on his face.

"Okay…" I answered, preoccupied with making the sauce.

Rei flipped the pikelets easily without messing them up, which is hard I assure you!

"Ummm… Rei?" I asked.


"There is something I want to tell you…"


"Um, well I have kept this in for so long and I have waited to finally not be embarrassed to tell someone and so now here I am-"

"Go on…" Rei said, a gentle understanding look passed through his eyes.

"Um, well I- I have a crush on Tyson!" I rushed.

"Oh." Rei looked taken aback, "Oh, that's great Hillary!" he laughed at his own use of words.

"Have you told him?"


"Then you should!"

Rei unloaded the last of the pikelets onto a big place and I put the blueberry sauce into a jar, and picked it up along with the whipped cream.

"Well, you will tell him, won't you?" Rei asked.


"Well I want you to know that I am always here for you." He said with a look of trust in his eyes.

I nodded.

"O' Tysoooooonnnn!" Rei called out and Tyson raced to the table, as Rei placed the pikelets on the table and I placed the blueberry sauce and the whipped cream on the table.

"FOOD!" Yelled out Tyson and Max came running.

"FILL'ER UP I'M STARVING!" Tyson held out a plate. I loaded it with pikelets and blueberry sauce, Max and Kenny helped themselves.

I realised Kai hadn't come to the table, "KAIIII!" Called out Tyson suddenly, "IF YOU DON'T COME NOW I'LL EAT YUR PANCAKES!"

There was no answer, Kai walked downstairs, pale faced, "You can eat them Tyson," he said tonelessly.

"YEAH! MORE FOOD FOR ME!" he yelled stuffing his face.

I laughed, then felt worried about Kai then laughed again.


After Breakfast I walked up to Tyson. "Um Tyson, there is something I would like to tell you…"


What do you think pretty sucky eh? Oh well, Please review!