Disclaimer: This is purely a non-profit fan-fiction. I have no affiliation with Disney; I am only borrowing the characters from "Phil of the Future."

Author's Note: Hi. This is my first fan fiction. I really hope it doesn't suck super badly. Any suggestions to be improve would be greatly appreciated, but please no flames. Oh and I apologize if the formatting doesn't come out perfect on this, my computer just isn't cooperating.

Time's Up

Chapter 1: Living on Borrowed Time

Wednesday 4:35 p.m.

"Keely just leave me alone!"

"Phil, I…" Keely Teslow was at a loss for words in the four years she'd known her best friend he'd never once yelled at her. She just stood there shell-shocked as Phil stormed past her.

Now, sitting alone in her room she could feel tears coming to her eyes, she just didn't understand what was going on. Had she done something wrong? Last week had been one on the best weeks Keely had ever had; she and Phil went to the senior prom together as best friends. They danced together all night, she was even sure they had a 'moment'.

Keely had never admitted to anyone, but she had secretly fallen in love with her best friend. When Phil had asked her to be his 'date' she had never been happier, maybe, just maybe he felt the same way about her.

But something had changed in the five days after the prom. Now she could barely get Phil to look at her, let alone talk to her. Monday mourning Keely was walking on cloud 9, she hadn't seen Phil since Friday, and was making it a point to thank him for such a great night.

"Hey Phil." Keely remarked cheerfully as she tapped him on the shoulder.

As if coming out of a dream, he seemed to focus on her, "Oh, hey Keely."

Keely studied him for a second, to put it bluntly, he didn't look so good. "Are you alright?"

"Huh, oh yeah, just fine Keel." Phil replied very unconvincingly.

"Well, I just wanted to thank you for Friday night that had to be the best night of my life!" Keely watched as his face faulted, but then recovered so fast she thought she imaged it.

"You're welcome Keely." Phil kept his voice neutral. "I have to go." He remarked flatly.

"See you later?"

"Yeah sure."

Phil had become more and more withdrawn as the week went on. Every time she had tried to talk to him, he got that same pained look in his eyes. Now it seemed he was just avoiding her all together.When she'd finally managed to corner him after school, she was going to give him a piece of her mind.

"Phil Diffy, what is going on? You've said six words to me all week." Keely half pleaded, half demanded.

Phil just looked at her. "…"

"Well aren't you going to say something?"

Phil opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Fine, be that way." Keely spat.

Phil looked hurt, but then his face hardened. "Keely just leave me alone!" Then he just stormed off.

She tried to talk to Tia about it, but that didn't go to well. Tia was being Tia. The problem being she hadn't even told Tia how she felt about Phil; so how could she possibly explain how much this hurt her.

Keely looked around her room, she had pictures of she and Phil everywhere. Her eyes stopped on the one from the night of the talent competition. Phil had done everything he could to help her, he'd even shrunk himself down so he could hang in front of her on the microphone. That was only one of the times he'd gone out of his way for her. He'd always been willing to drop everything to come to her rescue; that was one of the things she loved about him.

But the look in his eyes, the hurt, in the four years she'd known him never once had he looked like that. So lost.

'Ok Teslow, he's your best friend and for some reason he's hurting. Now you can sit here and mope or you can go find out what's going on.'

With a new determination Keely pushed herself up and out the door.

For better sake of word Phil Diffy was absolutely miserable. This week had to be the absolute worst week of his entire life. Not only had he avoided his best friend, which was hard enough as it was, he yelled at her. He, Phil Diffy had yelled at Keely Teslow. The look in her eyes haunted him; she hadn't looked that hurt since the thing with Tanner.

'Why can't you just talk to her?' His heart berated him.

"Because." His mind replied.

'Because why?'

"I don't want to hurt her."

'And what you yelling at her didn't?'

"Well, I…"

'That girl is your best friend, she trusts you more than anyone else.'

"I know."

'Then why are you doing this to her?'

"It'll be better this way."

Phil thought back to the senior prom which had only been a few days before, but now felt like a lifetime ago. Keely had looked absolutely stunning in her pale green dress; they had laughed and danced the night away. But the euphoria was to be short lived. When he got home his parents wanted to talk.

"Hey Phil?" His mother called when he entered the front door. "Can you come in here?"

"Coming." Surprised she was still awake, Phil walked into the living room to find both parents.

"Honey," Barbra Diffy began, "We need to talk to you."


"Son," Lloyd Diffy continued. "I fixed the time machine; we're going back to the future!"


"Yeah isn't it great!" His father continued, unaware of the true weight of his words. "We'll leave two weeks from today!"

While her husband went on and on about how good it was to be going back to the future, Barbra Diffy couldn't help but notice the heartbroken look on her son's face. "Sweetie, are you ok with this?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm great." Phil plastered on a fake smile. "I can't wait to go home. Umm, I'm tired I'm going to go to bed now." Phil quickly left the room.

So that was it. They were going back to the future; they were leaving everyone and everything in this time behind.

He always knew this day would come, but somehow it always seemed so far off. But the reality was he was living on borrowed time, his and Keely's entire relationship was on borrowed time. He just didn't know how to tell that to Keely. She'd cry and it killed him to see her cry.

Phil had long since made it his duty to make sure Keely was happy, seeing her smile made him happy. He still wasn't quite sure when it had happened but he had fallen for her, hard. Being her best friend just wasn't enough anymore. So he had asked her to the prom and she accepted, maybe his luck was changing. He'd never been so wrong.

Phil looked around the park he was sitting in, he really was going to miss it here, and there was just something about the simplicity of this time he loved. But he was going to miss the people here more. 'Keely I'm so sorry…'

"Phil Diffy." An outside voice pulled him out of his reverie. Phil turned to see the subject of his thoughts behind him and she looked mad.

"Hi Keely. Umm, what's up?" He started, looking into her normally bright eyes he noted they were red, red from crying. Had he done this to her?

"You tell me." Her voice was low and serious.

"Keely…" Phil still had no idea what to say. "I…"

"Phil please, tell me what's going on? I can't stand this." She gestured around them, exasperated. "I can stand you avoiding me, you not talking to me." Tears started to fall down her cheeks. "Please Phil tell me what's going on why are you doing this to me?"

Finally seeing her tears pushed him into action. "I wanted you to hate me."

"Why?" Keely's voice dropped to a heartbroken whisper.

"You don't miss people you hate."

To Be Continued…..

A/N: Hi again. Please tell me what you think, should I continue? Is there anything major I can do to improve? Thanks for reading. Please leave a non-flaming review, thanks again.