Disclaimer: This is purely a non-profit fan-fiction. I have no affiliation with Disney; I am only borrowing the characters from "Phil of the Future."

Author's Note: Hey guys. Sorry about the super LONG wait. Life's been pretty insane. I hope someone is still interested in reading this. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Oh and sorry if this chapter is well below your expectations.

Time's Up

Chapter 6: Settling In

-- Thursday 1:27 p.m. --

"So Keel, what now?"

Keely rolled over to look her boyfriend in the eyes, "Well what's there to do?"

Phil got a thoughtful look on his face for a second, "We could go to the mall and look for jobs or something like that or we…"

At the mention of the word "Mall" Keely's eyes lit up.

Phil realized his mistake and smiled at her, "I lost you at mall didn't I?"

The blonde just nodded.

Phil sighed, "Alright we'll go to the mall, but we can't afford to buy anything."

"But…I've got a whole house…not to mention a new closet to fill."

"Well how about we find away to afford this new house and then fill it."

Keely thought for a second and smiled, "Sounds good."

-- Thursday 1:58 p.m. --

Phil and Keely entered the local mall, "So Keel where to first?"

"How about something to eat, isn't that normally how you start a first da…" Keely cupped her hand over her mouth and blushed. "Phil do you realize this is like our first official date?"

Phil's eyes widened at the sudden revelation, "Yeah I guess it is isn't it." He reached for the blonde's hand, "Well then Miss Teslow can I take you out to lunch?"

Keely smiled brightly, "Why yes Mr. Diffy, you can."

Phil smiled back, "Good, because I wouldn't have it any other way."

-- Thursday 3:03 p.m. --

Barbra Diffy walked into her son's room with the laundry basket, thankful this was one of the last times she'd have to do this. Walking over by Phil's desk she noticed a very neatly written piece of paper with the word "Parents" on top. Curious she picked it up and read the first line. "Oh my…Lloyd!"

-- Thursday 8:06 p.m. --

Phil and Keely retuned home both quite satisfied with the day, they'd both gotten jobs. Keely had landed a job at the GAP and Phil ended up getting a job at Best Buy. In some ways you could say it played to both their strengths, Keely got a job in a clothing store thanks to her shop or die attitude and Phil ended up working in an electronics store. It would seem knowing what technology would be one hundred years in the future paid off.

"So Keel it's not reporting but what do you think of your new job?" Phil asked as Keely settled herself on the couch.

"Well, like you said it's not reporting, but that can come later." Keely's face too on a thoughtful look and then brightened, "But on the other hand I get a discount on clothes."

Phil had trouble not laughing, same old Keely. "Anyways, I know this wasn't like the ideal first date, but what you think?" His voice faulted somewhat apprehensive of her response.

The blonde could easily hear the nervousness in his voice; you aren't best friends with someone for four years and not pick up on stuff like that. She smiled at him with a mischievous look in her eyes before responding, "Well…"

Phil felt his throat tighten and tried to swallow the lump, "Well what?"

Keely closed the distance between them, grabbed him and put his lips to hers.

Some time later, when the need for oxygen parted them, they rested their heads together with contented smiles on their faces. "So I guess it was alright then?"


Phil was still not entirely satisfied with their first attempt at dating. I mean on their first date they went looking for jobs together, what kind of lame boyfriend does that? Then that realization brought on yet another question, was he really Keely's boyfriend? Was it ok to call himself that?

Unconsciously Phil pulled away, confusion apparent in his eyes.

Keely noticing the sudden change in the mood quickly became concerned, "Phil what's wrong?"

"Keely it's I…you…"

The blonde bit her lip nervously, "Did I do something wrong?"

Realizing that he'd scared her Phil quickly shook his head. "No it's not that at all…it's…"


"Keely am I your boyfriend?"

She almost had to laugh, so this was what was bothering him so bad. Leave it to Phil to be so sure about running away together, but questioning if could call himself her boyfriend. In some ways his insecurities about things like this had all the more endeared him to her. "Yeah Phil you are definitely my boyfriend and if anyone has a problem with it well…"

"Sounds good to me, if that's alright with you?"

"Only if I can say I'm your girlfriend."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

After a while the two just sat in the presence of the other, but finally the silence started getting to him, Phil had to know, "So that date was ok right?"

Keely giggled, "Yes it was great…but…"

Phil felt the lump coming back up, "But…"

"Now that I think about it, every time we've ever done anything like a date, party, school thing or whatever, we always end up dancing so…"

Phil had to smile as he thought back over the last four years; they always did end up dancing. Standing quickly Phil stretched out his hand, "May I have this dance?"

"Yes…" Keely smiled and closed her eyes contented as she laid her head on his shoulder. As they slowly swayed to the music only they could hear.

-- Thursday 9:10 p.m. --

The Diffy and Teslow homes were quite frantic as they tried to figure out where their children had run off too. Both Mandy and Lloyd had called the police but they had said that since both Phil and Keely were over 18 and legally adults their really wasn't much they could do. So it seemed they were on their own and the Diffy family wouldn't be going back to the future anytime soon.

-- Two Months Later --

They say time ebbs and flows like a river, breaking apart and joining once more. Passing quickly, yet for some all too slow. Time had passed quickly for Phil and Keely as they settled in to their new lives. Sure they both missed their families but they were happy.

-- Tuesday 8:06 a.m. --

Keely tiptoed around the kitchen trying very hard to not wake Phil who was asleep on the couch. Keely looked across the room to her sleeping boyfriend. He'd been sleeping on the couch since their first night here, always the perfect gentlemen. That was just one of the things she loved about him. He'd do anything to make her happy, even if it meant waking up sore every morning. Frankly that couch wasn't very comfortable, yet he never complained.

Keely had every intention of making breakfast for them, the normal present day way. Before they had run off, Keely had mentioned that maybe some of Phil's spray food would come in handy, since neither one were phenomenal cooks. So they'd crept back to Phil's house and grabbed the spray cans along with a few other gadgets.

In the past two months though Keely had learned to at least make bacon and eggs so today since she didn't have to work and Phil didn't go in till one, she was going to make them a home cooked meal.

(Knock, Knock, Knock)

Being pulled out of thoughts Keely quickly went to answer the door; I wonder who could be here this early?

Opening the door Keely froze, "Mom?"

To Be Continued….

A/N: Well that's it; again I'm sorry if this chapter isn't the greatest. Just to let everyone know, that is if you're interested of course, I will finish this story, it just may take longer; it will completed though. So please be patient But if it's not too much trouble I'd really appreciate it if you told me what you think, please leave a non-flaming review, Thanks!