DISCLAIMER: Meg Cabot owns all! But I own the plot and the unfamiler charecters.

not-usa-girl: I'm going to France, Italy, and Greece.

And thanks to all my beautiful reviewers. You guys have rocked! Now, onto the final chapter.

Suze's POV

"Oh, my God... I can't wait until all this weight is gone..." My Mom complained, once the last of the guests have left. She plunked down in one of the chairs. "Andy, sweetheart, will you get me some water?"

"Of course." He said. Andy's really been good throughout her pregnancy. He's gone to every doctor's appointment, every trip to the baby store. He even went to the baby shower! I can tell he's really excited. I mean, he probably didn't even imagine the thought of another child.

I glanced over at Adam and CeeCee, who couldn't seem to stop giggling. At first I though "Aw... how cute!" But then I thought "Holy crap... they are so incredibly drunk."

CeeCee broke away fromhis embrace and came over to me. She couldn't seem towalk straight, if I do say so myself. "I think were gonna go. I know you have an early flight tommorow, so I just wanted to say Congrats and that I hope you have fun." A few of those words were kinda slurred, but that's ok.

"Aw... thanks." I said, giving her a hug.

"Call me when you get there." She then added, in a whisper. "And don't forget to use a condom."

"I should say the same to you. Now go!" I told her, completly mortified. That's not something that I'm to comfortable talking about. It is kinda personal.

Adam and CeeCee finally went off to they're hotel room. We all decided to stay at the hotel that night sincesome of us would be totally plastered. My Mom isn't included, but it's difficult for her to drive.

I walked over to Gina, who was getting some of her stuff together. I got the feeling she was leaving too.

"I saw you with Jerry alot tonight, Gina." I told her. Alot was an understatement. They danced together every chance they had and when they weren't dancing, they were talking.

"Yeah... I didn't realize he was such a great guy." Gina said with a smile. "Well, I'm extremly tired. So, I guess I'm going to go. Aw... congrats. And have fun in Hawaii." She said, giving me a hug. Before we pulled apart, she whispered in my ear. "Happy humping."

"Go! Now!" I said, giving her a playful slap. As she left, I coulnd't help but notice Jerry, who was talking to Jesse, had left shortly after Gina.

Mom and my new sibling began to peel themselves off the chair. I noticed that she finished her water and left it on the table. Her, Andy, Jesse, and I were the last ones there. All the boys had already gone to they're rooms.

"Aw, honey..." Mom said, geting all emotional and hormonal again. "I'm so happy for you. Have a great time." She ended with a kiss on the cheek, and I ended with one final squeeze and a kiss on her stomach, as always.

"Call if it comes early." I told her as she left with Andy.I turned to Jesse, who was standing next to me.

"So... Mrs. deSilva..." Jesse said, picking me up as all new husbands do. "Whatever shall we do now that everyone has left the party?"

I'm not going to lie to you. When Jesse said that, I was a little surprised. But I really shoudn't have been. I mean, we are married now. I adjusted myself slightly, my lips meeting his to steal a brief kiss.

"Hm... Sleep." I said. I know what your thinking. I've been waiting for this moment since the day we met. Why wasn't I upstairs with the love of my life, with my HUSBAND, and making passionate love to him?

Um... because I was tired.

Plus I was drunk and I didn't want anything to cloud such an amazing moment like that.

"Yeah, your right..." Jesse said, about to put me backdown. He didn't look disapointed or anything. He truly understood. I mean, he already waited over 155 years. What was one night?

"Don't put me down!" I said. "My feet are killing me."

The End!

The sequal shall begin eventually. I would like to thank all my reviewer's again. Ya'll are truly awesomeness! I hope to see you reviewing the next one...

Hugs and Kisses

(PS. a finalreview for this storywould rock...)