Going Back

Lord Sesshomaru stood in a path looking up at the sky and at the rain dropping from it. His hair was heavy with water and his armor glistened and shined in the rain. He was a sight to be held.

He was soaked head to toe, but he would not fall ill, nor would Jakan. There was one problem Sesshomaru recognized 'Rin is shivering and we are miles away from the den. Much more of this cold wet weather, and she could become deathly ill. I could use the Tenseiga if the worst were to occur, but I'm getting tired of taking orders from my sword. There is that human village nearby, but they wouldn't take kindly to Jakan. Where can I take them?'

Once the idea hit he could not sit idle. He knew where to take them. His focus returned to the path in front of him and he started to walk towards the forest of Inuyasha.

Jakan was tending to a tired looking Rin. She sat back against a tree with her chin on her chest. "Sire?" asked confused Jakan. "Where are you going? Oooh hoo hoo hoo! Don't leave me master! Don't leave me!" Jakan turned to leave, but then looked back at Rin. With a scowl on his face he said "Oh! YOU! Again! It's always YOU! Get up child Sesshomaru-sama is leaving!"

Rin stood up, less jubilant than normal and stumbled after her lord. "Sesshomaru-samaaaa!" She left the shelter of the tree she was under and caught up with his pace to walk by her dashing lord's side. 'Wow, I'm really tired.' She fell down on her knees and when she did not get up right away Sesshomaru stopped, turned his head and took a good look at her.

Ah-Un was not with them on this trip, but was nursing a wound of its own back in the den, but Jakan's small statue belied his strength.

Sesshomaru could hear the little demon grunting his displeasure about carrying Rin, but the Great Lord of the Western Lands could not be seen doing such a thing himself. Plus, Jakan was always more amusing when he was irritated or under duress.

Sesshomaru-sama carried the staff of two heads while Jakan carried Rin over his shoulders and head. The unconscious girl was slumped over him and he constantly shifted the weight around.

At first her stomach was on his head, then he wrapped her around his shoulders like a fox stole, and then he tried just dragging her by the arms. She didn't mind, she was unconscious, however Sesshomaru did mind. As Jakan walked backwards he grumbled "You're a pain when you're awake, and you're a pain when you're asleep! I just drag you around all day and night, and what thanks—THUD" He looked up at the wall of white and silver sternly looking down at him. A bolt of lightning flashed and was soon followed by a crash of thunder. "AAAHoo!" Jakan exclaimed.

Lord Sesshomaru said "Get your act together. We have no time to waste." Jakan managed to find a more sensible way to carry her and they were on their way. Rin's limp arms were wrapped around Jakan's neck and he held her legs off the ground.

The rain did not lighten up during their short trip and Sesshomaru stopped at the edge of the clearing around the Bone Eater's Well. Rin woke up and groggily asked "Lord Sesshomaru? Where are we going?"

"Follow me" said the rain drenched lord. He took a few long strides across the clearing and hopped into the well.

Rin's tired eyes widened at the sight of Lord Sesshomaru and his graceful movements. Rin could smell adventure in the air. She wiggled free of Jakan, and knocked him to the ground in the process then used his head as a springboard as she found enough spunk to run towards the well "Sesshomaru-sama! Wait for me!" She had faith that he would catch her and jumped into the well without looking.

Jakan sat muddied and alone in the rain. The thunder clapped and with a typical sputter and a complaint about the delightful girl. He stood and tripped then stood again and made it to the well.

He peered over the lip of the well and with the flash of lightning spied its contents. He saw the whiteness of bones and the empty socket of a demon skull. Jakan whined "Ooooh why do you do this to me Lord Seshomaru…WHY! Lord Sesshomaru?" He leaned further in. "Lord Sesshomaru are you down there?" He leaned in further and the thunder clapped behind him.

His anxious nature made him jump up, and before he knew it he was falling down into the Bone Eater's well. Just as he screamed "LORD SESSHOMARUUUUUUU!" he landed gently on the ground. He looked around and noticed there were not as many bones as he thought however, there was still no Lord Sesshomaru to greet him. He kicked and screamed then vaulted into hysterics.

He did what Rin called the backstroke tantrum. He threw himself onto his back and flailed his stubby little limbs. He writhed and wriggled on the ground but froze when he saw two familiar faces looking down at him from outside the well.

"Come, Jakan. There is no time to lose." commanded his lord. Lord Sesshomaru then leaned the staff of two heads on the edge of the well, walked up the stairs of the well's shed, and through a set of recently repaired doors. 'It must have been only a month since I was here last.'