Sakky: Whoa I'm so sorry you guys!!! Really I'm sure this will be the last chapter! And thanks to loyal fans if your still reading this. To be honest I'll be winging this chapter, writing it as I go. So sorry if it sucks! Where were we last time? Oh yeah! Also I don't know Inuyasha.

-In the late of the night-

Inuyasha sighed and looked at the tree. The wind blew, making the leaves fall from the tree and moving his hair.

'Maybe she didn't want to see me and sent me away so she could talk to them. Or maybe she decided not to come back.' Inuyasha thought jumping to conclusions. Inuyasha sighed again and leaned against the tree in the spot he would have been pinned to. He looked around bored and then he noticed a stick. Pretendong it was the arrow that had sealed him, he put it to his heart.

"Now don't tell me I have to unseal you again Inuyasha." Came a soft calming voice of Kagome.

Inuyasha couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Kagome. She was different, she still had the same long raven hair but her eyes were the color of the deep ocean.

"Ka...Kagome…" Inuyasha stuttered out. Kagome's bright smile made Inuyasha even more scared. Scared this was just an illusion, something his mind had made up.

"It's been along time, Inuyasha." Kagome whispered, "How have you been?"

Inuyasha had his eyes wide and mouth open. This was Kagome, her looks, her smile, the scent that drove him wild.

In a blink of an eye Inuyasha was embracing Kagome, inhaling her scent.

"Misrable without you, Kagome. Is this really you!?" Inuyasha sqeezed her tighter. Kagome let out a deep breath.

"Inuyasha…I thought it be better if I left you alone. I thought everthing be better once I wished the jewel away. And to be honest it really it. Though…. I realize I could live without you!! Coming back here was a selfish thing, I know! But I couldn't handel being without you!" Kagome cried onto Inuyasha's shoulder. Inuyasha couldn't believe his ears.

"Kagome…what was your perfect ending?" Inuyasha asked and pulled Kagome off him.

Kagome looked down, "It was to make the jewel disapper, never to be made. Then I thought I'd never be born and I'd never have to get in your and Kikiyo's way." Kagome wimpered and looked away ashamed. Inuyasha grabbed her chin and connected his lips with Kagome. The kiss was long and sweet, well in Inuyasha's opinion.

"Kagome, I love you not some rotting corpse. She never was as real as you. You never wanted to change me, you wanted me for me." Inuyasha stroked her hair.

"Wh-What?!" Kagome nearly choked out.

"Kagome I. Love. You." Inuyasha said slowly.

"Don't talk to me like that you idiot!!" Kagome yelled and smacked the back of the half demon's head.

"What was that for wrench!?" Inuyasha welped in pain.

"You talked to me like I was 'slow'!!" Kagome screamed.

"This is just like old times!" Came the merry voice of a monk.

Inuyasha and Kagome turned their heads with a wild blush. "How long have you been there?!" Inuyasha accused him.

"Long enough Inuyasha, long enough." Came the voice of the young demon, Shippo.

"You!? What are you doing here?!" Inuyasha screamed getting more embarrassed.

"Oh calm down Inuyasha. There's nothing to be embarresed about." Sango said with a devilish smile across her face.

"The hell you guys!?" Kagome screamed, "Why are you here?!" Kagome felt a blush grow across her face.

"Well I dunno something was calling me here…and well here we stand." Miroku explained with a joyfilled face. "Sango, this is a sign that we also must make this moment ours." Sango's eyes flinched.


"I didn't even touch you!!" Miroku whinned.

"You were planning it, Monk!"

Inuyasha and Kagome couldn't help but laugh. It was just like old times. But this time they were together…their hearts were on the same level.

-From the tree's-

Ryu leaned on the tree at the happy group. A small sad smile fell on his face.

"Kagome-san…my lovley Kagome. How I will miss you." Ryu whispered. Then he turned and looked at Inuyasha, "But it appears you no longer need me." Ryu closed his eyes.

"No no! I'm not your mistress. I'll be your friend." Kagome voice ran in his head with her warm smile. He looked back down at Kagome. "I will always love you Kagome. So it's Inuyasha's job to keep you happy or I might take you for me one day." Ryu whispered and then disappered into the night.

-The Group-

Kagome stopped her laughing.

"What's wrong lady Kagome?" Miroku asked. Kagome shook her head slightly.

"No…I suddenly feel sad. Like something just disappered." Kagome thought aloud.

"Well you're amound friends now! So don't worry lets go back to the hut!" Sango said and pulled the Kagome in the direction the Keade's hut.

-5 Years Later-

Kagome smiled as she dipped her feet into the cold river. She laied back and looked at the sky.

"Mama, why won't you come in!?" Came a small child voice. Kagome looked down to see a little boy with silver hair and ocean blue eyes about to cry.

"Arika are you picking on your little brother!?" Kagome scolled the little boy with black hair and amer eyes behind the rock, who was caught guilty. (Arika means Intelligent)

"No…" He muttered.

"I told him he shouldn't have." Came a sweet/not to sweet voice of a little girl with black hair.

"Oh shut up Rini." Arika glared at the little girl. (Rini means little rabbit)

"Oh look Kagome, Arika and Rini are flirting again." Sango said with a smile. This made the two childeren jump back and glare at her.

"Ew that smelly boy!? Never!!!" Rini screamed and turned from him.

"That weird and silly girl! Ha!" Arika said and turn around also.

Kagome and Sango smiled at each other. They knew their generations would be together one day…

Kagome then closed her eyes again.

'Shippo went off with his father, Sango and Miroku got married have one child and I'm sure another is on it's way, Kohaku is seeing someone and me and Inuyasha… well,' Kagome thought and opened one eye to see her two childern playing in the water.

'Well things went well.' Kagome then looked up to the sky. 'But I never saw Ryu again… he disapeared from my life without a word. The only thing I remember is him smiling at me on our last conversation.' Kagome thought sadly. Suddenly something covered her lips. Kagome smiled as the half demon pulled back.

"You looked sad, woman." The demon grunted.

"Just thinking…" Kagome told him and sat up.


"Nothing…you don't have to worry about it." Kagome smiled and went into the water with her childern.

This was her life now. No one else's, and so far life is good. Though she feel's that her childeren will have advenchures much like herself and there fathers.

"Inuyasha!!" Kagome called and waved at him and splashed him.

"What was that for!?" Inuyasha yelled and stomped over to her.

"So I wouldn't have to move and I could do this." Kagome then pressed her lips against Inuyasha's lips.

"I love you Kagome, and I will never betray you." Inuyasha whispered into her ear.

"I know and I love you, too." Kagome said with a smile.

"Ewww gross, parents kissing!!" Arika and the other boy , Jiro (second male).

"Oh you know it's cute." Miroku said with a smile and slid his arms around his wife's waist.

Kagome smiled and leaned against Inuyasha.

"Forever and ever, away the crimson tears." Kagome chanted.

Sakky: So um…is that ok….i don't have to die right? I covered everything right? I'm pretty sure I did. Thanks to all my faithful readers who did get to the end. And please give me a new anime to write about!!! I hope you all loved this last chapter of 'Crimson Tears' I think I did pretty good for just typing as I go.

Well anyway love you lots
