This piece of fan fiction was inspired by the lovely and amusing story 'Dude Looks Like A Lady' by PodSara. If you like this then you'll like that and hopefully vice versa. I've asked her permission to nab a bit of her idea but I haven't got a reply, however because of my extreme urge to write this, I thought I would begin anyway. Don't hate me.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the FF8 characters etc. because they belong to the lovely Square. I probably would not have been started this if it weren't for 'Dude Looks Like A Lady' by PodSara so go and read that too.


Chapter One
A Slight Change

It is a well known fact that training with Rinoa Heartilly is the same as playing a game of ping-pong with Ifrit, meaning that by doing so you'll probably lose an eyebrow or two in the process. However losing eyebrows is not the worse thing that could happen to you, although Headmaster Cid would beg to differ after being hit by a Fire spell gone awry a few weeks back. You could have your pigtails turned into rattle snakes ala Amy, the library girl, or perhaps even be turned into a half man half koala bear like what had happened to Ward when he came to visit a month earlier. Rinoa was prone to causing such mass, yet amusing, destruction and this fact made her new training partner Zell, although 'victim' would be a better name for it, wish to take back the arrangement of five free hotdogs for a one hour training session with Rinoa 'Whoops-How-Many-Heads-Should-You-Have?' Heartilly.

"If you turn me into a koala then it'll be ten free hotdogs from you, understand?" Zell warned nervously. He had seen what Rinoa could do, those rattle snakes were still slithering around here somewhere.

"Yeah I understand. Now hold still while I practise my Ultima," Rinoa ordered, her arms out in front of her ready to cast. Zell took a step back realising that perhaps ten hot dogs were not enough compensation for what could happen to him.

"Ultima?" he whined, "but I thought you'd just do a few Water spells and we'll be done with."

"I've already practised my elemental magic with Cid remember?" replied Rinoa, a faint purple glow was now emitting from her hands, "be quiet and let me concentrate."

"So you can turn Chicken-Wuss here into what he should rightfully be?" Both Rinoa and Zell turned to see Seifer Almasy leaning casually on one of the Training Ground's trees; his trademark smirk plastered on his face.

"What would that be Seifer?" Rinoa sighed in an exasperated tone. Her hands were now no longer glowing but resting floppily at her side.

"A chicken of course, what else?"

At this Zell immediately launched himself Seifer, hands clenched into fists ready to punch. Seifer just laughed and held Zell back with his gunblade with one hand and raised his other to his mouth in a mock yawn.

"You fight like a girl Chicken-Wuss," he said, "why don't you go back and continue braiding Rinoa's hair"

Siefer's insult was cut short by a sudden burst of purple like that engulfed both him and Zell. He braced himself for the impact of the spell; he knew Ultima was bad news, one of the most powerful spells alongside Meteor. However the strange thing was that the purple glow disappeared in a matter of seconds leaving Seifer completely unharmed. Puzzled by this he turned to see what effect the so-called Ultima spell had on Zell but bizarrely enough Zell was no longer standing beside him and in his place was something that caused Seifer to burst out into a fit of hysterical laughter, in the background he could even hear Rinoa giggling.

"What the hell are you laughing at Almasy?" demanded Zell, his voice was higher than normal and he could feel a strange weight on his chest.

"YouHAHA-Girl" Seifer said in between spurts of raucous guffaws.

"Rinoa?" Zell asked; his face scrunched up in confusing, "what did you do?"

"I-I'm sorry Zell," Rinoa replied. Her giggling was louder now, like she couldn't stop no matter how guilty she felt about what she did to Zell. You see he had changed slightly. Shoulder-length curls replaced the short and spiky blond hair and his figure was now extremely feminine. On 'his' chest lay breasts, not to big and not to small. The knee length shorts that this new Zell was wearing were baggy and hanging off at the hips, almost ready to fall. There was no denying it Zell was now a girl.

It took a few long seconds for Zell to realise what Rinoa and Seifer were laughing at. He looked looked down and saw the new breasts, he felt the hair on his shoulders and he noticed that his shorts were about to fall down so he hitched them back up and tightened the belt of it as much as he could. Ten hotdogs were definitely not worth this humiliation.

"Change me back," Zell insisted, his voice sounding extremely strange and slightly whiny in his ears. He could still hear Seifer's chronic laughter behind him; it echoed throughout the whole Training Ground.

"Oh, um I'll try," Rinoa said, she was trying her best to control her giggling and only partially succeeded since every now and then a little hiccup of a laugh escaped from her mouth.

Rinoa really did try. She had bombarded Zell with countless Ultimas, healing him/her every now and then with Potions and Curagas. She tried all the elemental spells in hope that they would reverse the effect and even a few Holies but to no avail. Seifer stood as far away from Rinoa as possible during her castings but he still watched the two with amused eyes, the smirk of his dancing on his face.

Many hours and a still unchanged Zell later even Seifer was getting tired of watching Rinoa barrage Zell with countless spells. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost midnight and he turned to leave. However he was stopped by a scream of "ALMASY!" coming from Zell and turned back around to face him.

"You better not go telling people about this," Zell warned, or at least tried to. Seifer was, unfortunately, not at all threatened and couldn't help but thinking that this fem-Zell was rather cute when she was angry.

"Yeah yeah," Seifer replied grinning, "whatever you say Little Miss Zell." After saying this he left the Training Grounds, laughing again to himself.

"Fuck you Almasy," shouted Zell and he turned back to face Rinoa, "come on lets keep on going."

Rinoa shook her head; she was breathing heavily and her eyes were weary.

"It's no use Zell," she huffed, "I'm too tired and I can't cast anymore. I'm so sorry Zell but I have no magic left." She looked at him apologetically and Zell could see she was telling the truth. Even so he still did not want to give up and remain a girl for any longer then he had to, but Rinoa was his friend and so he nodded to her signifying that that would be enough for the day.

"I'm sorry Zell," Rinoa repeated, "they won't let you in the guy's dorm so you can stay with me, okay?"

"Okay," Zell agreed and with one last hoist of his shorts he walked with Rinoa to her dormitory.

First Chapter is a wee bit short but I had no better way to end it. Reviews very much welcome and very much wanted. I need Feedback people, it's my wine and bread.