Disclaimer: As I said before.

An Antagonising Factor

Tom hastened to lift the heavy, empty sacks from the trailer floor. He hoisted one up around his knees, demonstrating how they would go about pretending to be puffskeins.

"Just stay quiet and Krudge won't notice a thing!"

Michael had climbed up and laughing, chose a sack of his own, hopping around the trailer with a thump-thump sound as if participating in a sack race. A bee flew past his ear and he flailed at it, leaving the right side of his sack to fall. Sammy wondered when Krudge would be back.

Each boy quickly covered themselves with their respective sacks lest he should come and find them playing there.

It was cosy, lying there, listening to Michael's giggles beside him. Tom was crouched on all fours, in his surprisingly comfortable sack. He peeked out and saw Sammy grinning at him from across the trailer, his crooked teeth peeking out from under his stretched lips. Tom waved at him.

He thought about what it would be like in Hogsmeade – they would look at shop fronts and explore shops, and perhaps Sammy would buy him something – something small. He had grown quite thirsty, and thought about the cool drink he could get at the village fountain. He wished Krudge would hurry up.

He heard a clunking noise beside him. It was Michael – he was getting up.

"Don't do that – we'll be seen!" Tom hissed, reaching out of his sack to pull Michael back down by his muddy robes.

"He won't be here for another while Tom," said Michael, his freckled hand swatting Tom's away. "And anyway, I've just realised something…"

Tom stood up, the harsh sack material crumpling around his bare feet. He looked at Michael in annoyance – trust Michael to point out a flaw in his plan. Sammy had gotten up too, but he still had his sack pulled about his shoulders. He had begun to shiver slightly – his robes had become wet from lying down.

Sammy looked at Michael questioningly – all previous apprehensions about that day's adventure had been abandoned, and he looked positively furious at Michael's insistence that he should interrupt.

"What is it, Michael?" asked Sammy, slouching over him, his arms crossed.

Michael stared back at the other two defiantly, "I've just realised that Krudge – you know what he's like – he'll know there're three extra puffskeins in the coach!"

As weary as Tom was of the fact that Michael had already been to Hogsmeade and therefore was not as eager to go for a second time, he had to admit that he saw his point. Krudge was an extremely exact man, his timetable down to the last second. He could spot dirt a mile away, and Tom knew he would notice three extra bundles in his trailer.

Sammy spoke up quietly, "Then someone will have to stay behind." Both other boys looked at him, devastated. "Someone will have to stay and tell Krudge that there are two extra puffskeins on board…"

Tom felt sorry that Sammy would have to stay, but he was the one who didn't want to go in the first place. Sammy's ears were red from speaking out of turn, and he looked quite awkward, just standing there a head taller than his friends. Splotches of light filtered through the leaves above them casting a golden sheen on his light brown hair. His tie was a miserable knot at the base of his neck, and Tom wondered if he had been taught how to tie it properly. Sammy looked quickly back at the path, to make sure no-one was coming. Tom stepped forward.

"So, Sammy you'll tell Krudge, and Michael and I will -" but he was immediately interrupted by Sammy.

"I'm not staying behind! Michael should – he's already gone before!"

Michael glared at him menacingly, his blond hair lifting up in the breeze. But Sammy – as shy as he was – did not quell under his angry gaze.

"I mean it. I'm going and that's final." He towered over Michael, and his lips trembled around his askew teeth.

Tom watched this development, frowning. He was not sure who he wanted to take. Michael had been before, and it would be unfair to leave Sammy behind, but Sammy could be such a scaredy-cat. Sammy would never be up for some mountain climbing –Tom had heard there were caves up there and he couldn't wait to visit them.

Michael had pushed Sammy angrily away. The surrounding puffskeins shook in surprise, and Tom realised that he would have to make a decision right away, as Krudge would arrive soon.

He took a quick glance at the path, but it was still mercifully empty.