The two ladies were not very eye appealing. In fact, many of the men that came to greet the ladies looked away in disgust. Some politely looked away with masked amusement of what a convent could do to these ladies. They looked as spoiled as pigs (though pigs aren't spoiled, so no offense to pigs).

The two very enormous ladies were very enormous indeed. As the red headed one of the two stepped out, many were shocked to see the purple gaze. The lady was clumsy, and the footman was struggling in vain to keep her steady. When she was on her two feet, she laughed shamelessly behind her fan, and giggled even more when she spotted the prince. Speaking of the prince, he just grinned a bit uncertainly and turned away to converse with his friends, obviously not sure how to react to this lady.

Seeing this, the red head called back to her friend, who was also of the enormous lenght and width.

"The prince is here!" she squealed. The person who stepped out was a brunette with dark eyes. Shelooked a bit like one of the Prince's friends. But her face was not facing that way, she was facing the redhead, and responded with a high voice,

"Oh, this is so exciting!". And together, the pair giggled behind their fans that they held. Each made sure to put in an unlady like snort or wheeze.

The third person in the carriage, however, just smiled laughingly at the pair's actions. If it weren't for all the lessons they held at the convent, she would have burst with laughter. This young lady, as she stepped out daintily from the carriage, caught many of the men's eyes with her beauty. They were all smitten immediately, for her looksrivaled Lady Delia's looks. Not only that, but her smile was kind, not one that was trying to dazzle the many men present. Her waves of brown hair fell lightly foward as she proceed out of the carriage, and her delicate face was lightly framed.

The myriad of people made way for the ladies as they made their way to their room, each watching with curiosity as to why a lady as beautiful as her would sit with the two most obviously unlady-like ladies.

It was just a half hour ago when Gary exclaimed that there would be three new convent ladies arriving soon. The group of men that were practicing quickly stopped what they were doing, and hurriedly place the equipment back where they belong when of no use.

They quickly made their way to they palace gates, just in time to see the horses pull in the carriage. The people their all eagerly raised their heads above the others to see if the ladies were dashingly beautiful. Jonathan doubt that anyone could be as ravishing his Delia, so he did not watch with as much anticipation. Gary and Raoul, however, did. Because Jon was prince, they did not interfere with their relationship. They did complain about it half heartedly though. Now they are looking foward to someone new who would catch their eyes.

The three ladies did catch their eyes though. The redhead with the purple eyes caught everybody's eyes, for she was apparently related to Thom of Trebond somehow. The second lady caught Raoul's eyes. He could not take his eyes off her, for she resembled his cousin Lucinda. It is also very possible that it could be his cousin Lucinda of Malorie's Peak.

After he concluded fully that it is her, he gaped fully at the fact that his cousin could possibly spend time with a Trebond. He had known Lucinda as a perfect friend who stood up for her believes whenever possible,knew how to make the right decisions, and would never hang out with snobs. But, he reasoned, if Lucy is hanging out with a Trebond, then she must have turned out to be one of them. No, maybe that Trebond isn't that bad, if Lucy hangs out with her.

It was certainly a surprise when the third lady stepped out. Everybody took in the smile at once, for it was filled with genuine kindness. Even the ladies smiled in greeting, for she was one of the most ideal lady ever. She mastered the class on how to govern her own fief, knew most of the helpful sewing tips, and was kind and polite to most people. Her only flaw was hanging out with Trebond and Malorie's Peak. But most people did not hold that fact against her, for her many perfections made up for it.

Jon and Raoul found Gary's eyes shine in the sight of her, as did many of the other men's. Raoul then glanced back at the lady, and reasoned once again If Lucy spends her time with that kind lady, and if that kind lady spends her time with Trebond, then Trebond certainly wouldn't be so bad.