A Wedding Revenge

It had been nearly two years since Ginny had graduated from Hogwarts and since the war had ended. It was so overwhelming to think about how much her life had changed after the war ended. She no longer had Hogwarts to look forward to every September and Harry Potter dumped her. She had loved since as long as she could possibly remember, using different methods to get his attention. One day it finally worked and they were happy ever since then till after that bloody war. He said that he didn't love her anymore. He didn't feel the connecting after the war and he didn't want to lie to himself anymore. He said he loved her like a sister and always will but he did not want a relationship right now and nor would her ever want a romantic relationship with her ever again. It was still hard to see him, talk to him, but Ginny managed. She hated him for the longest time after that but those wounds had healed by now.

She was the only Weasley left unmarried. Ron and Hermione eventually confessed their feelings for each other when Ron made a public declaration of his love for her in the Great Hall during diner. Hermione went pitch red but she was beaming from ear to ear. They have been married for a year and are excepting twins in two months. Charlie has married a co-worker, Jacqueline, who is just as obsessed with dragons as he is. They made the perfect couple, as mother says, and have a little boy named David. What a little rascal he is. Bill married Fleur a few months before the war broke out and they are happily married now. They still have mom at their throats though because she wants grand-children and Fleur is not ready to take on that responsibility yet. She would much rather travel and Ginny could not blame her. Fred married Angelina and George married Desiree, an American he meet when he was on vacation who could almost out prank him and Fred. Percy was still not talking to the family but even he was happy with his marriage to Penelope.

Ginny worked at a café in Diagon Alley and did some special work for the Ministry when ever she was asked. She was pretty happy with her live but today was not going her way. She woke up late and burnt her breakfast which made her late for work. The customers were not very pleasant and then at lunch break an owl came with a letter addressed to her. It was from Harry. She was shocked. He never wrote to her and they barely talked anymore which was Ginny's fault because even when he tried to make things right with her she pushed him away from her. What was inside that letter shocked her even more then the letter itself.

"Everything ok?" her friend Luna asked as she entered the employer's lounge.

"Harry is getting married." Ginny said as she sunk into the closest chair.

"No way! When did this happen? Last I heard he was single." Luna exclaimed.

"Yeah well now he is getting married. Oh and it gets better. Guess who is getting married to?"

"I honestly have no idea."

"Cho, from Hogwarts. The one he was obsessed with for the longest time. He probably never even loved me. I was just a toy he used when he waited for her to come around and be him. I can not believe this," Ginny began to sob.

"It's ok Gin. He is a bastard anyways. He smothered you when you were going out. Always wanting to be at your side, never letting you fight your own battles. You could not have lived like that much longer so let that dumb bimbo have him. You can do way better. You should probably get a date for his wedding though so it doesn't look like you are still hooked. Go and have fun and make it look like you don't give a damn he is married."

"I know but who? Who would be willing to do out with me? I mean look at me," Ginny was not an ugly girl. She did not see it but she was quite beautiful with her curly copper hair that went to her shoulders and her hazelnut colored eyes. She could get any guy she wanted at Hogwarts but was just too blind to see it.

Just then a young man barged into the lounge, "Are you just going to stand around all day or are you going to actually serve people? You know this is a restaurant."

"One minute," Ginny said angrily.

"Weasley?" the strange asked.

"Yes, do I know you?" He looked familiar, and not to mention gorgeous but she could not think of were she knew him from.

"Yah you do. Blaise Zabine. I was a year ahead of you at Hogwarts."

"Oh, a Slytherin. I remember you . Always at Malfoy's side criticizing my family," She sneered.

"Yes well things change. I am now working in the Muggle department with your father. He is quite a humorous man. I quite enjoy working with him and he talks about you all the time. Wow, does he ever like muggles though? Has he always been like that?"

"You work with my daddy? Since when and why hasn't he told me about it?" Ginny was totally confused.

"I'm going to go serve people Ginny. Is it ok if I leave you two alone in here?" Luna asked. Someone needs to do some work around here.

"Yeah, It's ok Luna. I will be fine." Luna left and Ginny decided now was the time to get a good look at the former Slytherin and her father's co-worker.

He was tall and well built. He had dark hair that almost covered his eyes. He looked mysterious and with his chocolate colored eyes that were currently staring into hers; she could almost see them sparkle.

"I've been working with him for 7 months and as to why he never told you I can't tell you for sure about that." He then looked down at the letter in her hand. "Ah, Potter's wedding invitation."

"How do you know about that?" She snapped.

"It's all the newspaper is talking about. It's a huge deal to everyone. You know, Mr. Potter; The Boy-Who-Lived, Defeater of he who can not be named, Pain in a Slytherin's Ass. I always hated that bloody bastard even after he defeated Lord Voldemort. He is too perfect to be real. All him morals and values that he himself probably does not follow."

"Oh trust me he is real. A real pain in the ass. As if he excepts me to go to his damn wedding."

"And why not? Not going would only prove how not over him you are. And that's probably why he sent you the invitation. He knows you are not seeing anyone so he wants to show that you are still hooked on the Potter."

"That's what Luna said," Ginny sighed. Blaise seemed so easy to talk to and she hardly knows him but then again her dad must trust him. "I don't have a date so I can't go. I would make a fool out of my self if I went alone. It would prove his point."

"I'll go with you," Then he almost blushed. He didn't mean to say that out loud. "I mean if you want me to, you know, make Potter jealous."

"Really? You'd do that for me," Ginny smiled. "That could be fun. Why don't you come back here tomorrow and we can talk about this a bit more. I have to get back to work. I'll see you around Blaise."