Chapter 19

Zarbon watched in amazement as Freaza disintegrated before his eyes. They did it. They truly did it. He would not have believed it. He wasn't certain that he did believe it.

The fused Saiyan who had called himself Gogeta turned looking down at them. Zarbon moved towards Radize who lay unconscious on the ground. How was it that someone managed to faint so many times in one day?

"Radize, Radize wake up."

Zarbon was nervous to say the least. The fusion had seemed to work out well but with Vegeta in the mix Gogeta could still be unpredictable.

The fused Saiyan touched down just as Radize woke up. Radize took one look at the fused fighter and his eyes widened, "wow, who the fuck are you?"

Gogeta smiled a small kind smile. "I am Gogeta, Vegeta's and Goku's fused form." His voice consisted of a chorus between those of Vegeta and Goku.

"Wait a sec, are you telling me they actually did it?"

"Hai, I'm going now. The thirty minutes allotted for are almost up," the duo voice range again. With that a flash of light engulfed Gogeta and from it came Goku and Vegeta looking tired but uninjured. There was something different between them. A shared knowledge unknown and incomprehensible to all others.

"Zarbon is everyone alright?"

Zarbon blinked surprised to both hear and see Goku alone again. "Hai, everyone seems fine. Goku, do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah it was really strange. But they're Gogeta's memories not my own. How about you Vegeta do you remember?"

"Oh course I do baka." Vegeta's voice was incredibly quite, stunned. That, at least Zarbon could understand. Freaza had kept Zarbon in his clutches since childhood just like Vegeta. It was no surprise to him that Vegeta was in a state of shock. Goku seemed a little more concerned. Zarbon sighed moving away from the two. They would need time to sort these things out.

"Radize come and help me with the others." Most likely the last thing the two Saiyans needed was Radize hovering over them.

"Well alright, Zarbon answer me this. What the funk just happened? Where's Freaza and who the hell was that?"

Zarbon smiled despite himself. "It's alright Radize. Freaza's dead, the fighter you saw, Gogeta killed him. Vegeta and Goku fused successfully and Gogeta was the result."

"Oh, wait a sec. Are you telling me that Freaza got his but kicked all the way to hell be Saiyans and I missed it? Ah damn it, why the hell didn't you wake me up you ungrateful worthless rat?"

Zarbon found himself laughing, a move that baffled the Saiyan. Looking at the longhaired man Zarbon realized without question what he had known for some time, he loved the Saiyan.

Tears came to the tired warrior's eyes. Tears of disbelief. How was it that all this could be true? Now that Freaza was gone Zarbon truly hadn't known what to do. He had supposed he would take Nayo and find someplace he could go. Some place he might start making up for the things he'd done. But now with Radize…

'What am I saying! Radize hates me, he would never have a thing to do with me.' Zarbon shuttered at the thought of it. He could never tell Radize. It would be more then he could stand. He turned away from the Saiyan.

"Nayo are you alright?" It took all he had to keep the tears from his voice. Nayo looked up his eyes full of shame. He nodded slowly. "Then we should go. We've got a long trip ahead of us."

The boy looked at him in surprise. Zarbon smiled reassuringly. 'The poor chibi, I'll have to talk to him. I think he must feel bad about Goku.' Nayo approached him slowly his eyes locked with the green fighters. Zarbon knelt picking up the boy.

"Go? Wait who the hell gave you permission to go anywhere?"

Zarbon sighed, 'he's mad at me. He has every right to be. I should have known he would never just let me walk away.' Zarbon set the boy down again and turned to face the angry Saiyan. It was not anger he met but misunderstanding.

"Why the hell are you leaving? Freaza's gone there's nothing to worry about now." The question was unexpected, it sounded as if he truly wanted to know. 'He deserves to know, it's the least I can do.' Zarbon took a breath preparing himself for the wave of hatred from the Saiyan that was sure to follow his words.

"Gomen asie Radize. Ai Shiteiru."

Zarbon turned finding himself unable to face Radize. He didn't want to see the look on the Saiyan's face. Radize said nothing so Zarbon figured he was too angry to speak. He knelt down picking Nayo back up.

"That's your reason for leaving? Fuck you Zarbon if you think I'm letting you go anywhere you're very wrong."

Zarbon sighed, he had expected this. He set the boy down a second time turning to face Radize. He stopped his mouth opening slightly in surprise at the expression on Radize's face. There was no hatred there. Anger yes, there was plenty of that. Pain, so much pain and betrayal. "I'm not going to let you just turn your back on me. I love you damn it! And now you're just going to leave? Fuck no I won't let you!"


"Oh don't act so damn innocent. You've known this whole time how I felt and you've sat there rubbing it in my face like it didn't matter. And now you're just going to tell me 'I love you' and than walk out? Fuck you no I won't let you end it that way!"

Zarbon reeled far too much information running through him at once. It was the opposite of what he had expected. "But when Freaza came you said you hated me. That you didn't want anything to do with me."

"You mean to tell me you actually believed that? I was saying that to keep Freaza off of you. And you call me a baka?"

"Radize I didn't realize. I thought you hated me. I-gomen Radize."

The Saiyan smiled the anger gone from his eyes. He stepped up bringing his arms around the green fighter. "You know you really do apologize way too often. Just don't leave and we'll forget about it alright?"

He smiled bring his face up so close to Zarbon's that the green fighter could feel the other's breath on his lips. And then the kiss came again and Zarbon welcomed it. As much as the Saiyan's sent had overwhelmed him it was nothing compared to this. The last kiss had been anything but reserved. Radize simply wasn't the shy type.

The definite rightfulness that accompanied this kiss was different. Zarbon no longer questioned Radize's prepossess. Zarbon trusted the Saiyan and knew that Radize would do nothing to harm him in anyway. Zarbon knew that now and the resolution shocked him. The green fighter had always stayed on guard trusting only himself. Now this Saiyan had gained his full trust and it was a feeling unmatched by any other.

Zarbon leaned into the kiss uncertain of what to do. This kind of thing was so new to him. He still couldn't believe that it was happening. Radize flickered his tongue at the corners of Zarbon's mouth. Zarbon smiled in the kiss understanding and instantly opening his mouth. The Saiyan took the opening with a low growl bringing his tongue into the others mouth running it along every crevasse and knock tracing the gum lines and sending a tingle through Zarbon like a pleasant blot of electricity.

Zarbon responded awkwardly. He felt the need to do something. A need he had never known before. With Freaza he had never had an urge to participate in the experience, just survive it. With this he wanted to do something. Radize was giving him so much, he wanted to give something back.

Zarbon timidly began moving his lips against the Saiyan's at first uncertainly and them more steadily as he set into a rhythm moving with Radize. Radize moaned into the kiss his already strong sent filling every crevice of Zarbon's senses.

"Ah Zarbon?"

Zarbon stopped a move that set a grown through Radize.

"Hey Zarbon what are you doing?"

Zarbon looked down at Nayo his blue-green face turning red as he studied his son's face. The boy had a look of timid wonder on his face. Radize turned to the boy as if noticing him for the first time.

"Oh, okay, come on lets go."

Radize grabbed Zarbon's hand dragging him off away from the others. Zarbon followed nervously at first but soon relaxed. This was Radize, he trusted him.

The Saiyan was not one to dawdle or beat around the bush. That applied to this new strange experience as Zarbon soon learned. The moment the two were alone and in an area big enough for them to move in any direction the Saiyan tackled Zarbon wrapping arms snugly around his waist and kissing him deeply.

This was just as well for Zarbon was certain if the Saiyan had been shy and questioning about it nothing would have had a chance to happen. Now that it had begun Zarbon had no intention of ever letting it stop. Radize pulled away a teasing look on his face.

"So you ready?"

"Na-nani?" Zarbon couldn't keep the nervous edge off his voice.

Radize smiled, a smile that was amazingly tender. "Remember when I told you that how Freaza did it was wrong?"

Zarbon nodded his nervousness mounting.

"Well I want to show you the right way. The way it should be. I know you'd enjoy it, but I sure as hell am not Freaza and I want to be sure you're ready first."

Zarbon focused on the Saiyan trying to find something. Something that suggested some kind of alternate motive. All that he saw was a pair of truthful eyes that spook more than all the words and insults the Saiyan had ever hurled. 'I've never really studied his eyes before. They always seemed plain, lifeless. They're not, are they? They're like space. It may seem lifeless but in it's endless spans it holds all the life of this universe.

'I don't know what it is he wants of me, but I trust him. I do trust him.'

Zarbon nodded quietly a smile touching the corners of his lips. "Alright Saiyan, lets see what you can do."

Radize smiled excepting the challenge with another kiss. Zarbon wasted no time in returning it. He wasn't certain what exactly to do. He copied Radize's movements using what he had learned. The Saiyan was quite vocal in his responses and responded to Zarbon with a series of multi-pitched moans, groans, and to Zarbon's surprise soft demanding mews.

Radize pushed into the other causing Zarbon to topple backwards. He landed in a bed of dried leaves and grasses with Radize on top of him. Their hair was instantly covered with twigs and such and Zarbon could feel the moist ground socking through his clothing.

Radize moved from Zarbon's lips to his neck tracing his tongue along it. This move sent shivers through Zarbon and caused him to produce sounds he had not at all been aware he could make.

"Like that do yeah?"

"Hai," was all Zarbon could manage. Never had he known such pleasure could be possible.

"Well then try this." The Saiyan continued on Zarbon's neck while at the same time using small ki blasts to remove Zarbon's armor. Zarbon barely noticed. Had he known he would not have let Radize use ki on him. He trusted the Saiyan not to intentionally harm him but Radize's ki skills were questionable to say the least.

Radize moved down the lines of Zarbon's neck pausing at the collar bone to trace along the lines up to the green-blue mans shoulders and back down again. He stopped at the center making a feline for Zarbon's nipple. The green fighter gasped his head rocking back into the damp forest floor. The feel of Radize's tongue running over Zarbon's nipple was more than he could handle.

"Oh god Radize!"

Radize responded with a growl bring his entire mouth over Zarbon's nipple his tongue rubbing the hardened end along the roof of his mouth. Zarbon cried out his hands coming up finding holds in Radize's hair to use as anchors.

"Hell you sure are sensitive!"

"I gomen."

Radize chuckled, "don't go apologizing for it. It's a good thing."

Zarbon found his face reddening by the moment. Radize had moved to the other nipple and was giving it the same treatment. Zarbon cried out again his body shacking with pure pleasure. The fear that had filled him throughout his life was gone.

Radize smiled moving down the green fighter's chest until his tongue hung just above the sensitive skin of his groin. Zarbon spread his legs wide throbbing with an unfamiliar desire. Radize chuckled his eyes gleaming with a similar desire. Zarbon shuttered as he felt hot breath teasing at his sex. Radize's tongue flickered over the head. Zarbon shuddered his voice leaving him in a strained scream.

"Hell you're sensitive."


"Stop apologizing already."

"Please Radize…"

Zarbon didn't know what he was asking for. He needed something and some how he was certain Radize could give it to him.

"I thought Saiyans were worthless."

"Radize PLEASE!"

Radize laughed, "don't worry about it Zar-chan. I'll show you just what a Saiyan do."


"You got a problem with that?"

"Well no, Rad-chan"

Radize laughed, "okay I guess that's fair."

Radize grinned evilly then his eyes dropped too Zarbon's sex and he opened his mouth bringing it down and over the throbbing shaft. Zarbon screamed out a second time panting in thick pleasure. His hands griped the ground in desperation as Radize messaged his shaft with expert skill.

Zarbon's cries continued and he shuttered with the immense pleasure that filled him. His shaft swelled larger with every turn of the Saiyan's tongue until it seemed it was going to burst open. It did just that as hot liquid poured out in a rushing stream. Radize lapped at it getting every bit of the undefiled liquid. Zarbon collapsed back of the ground in satisfied exertion. Radize came up beside him lying heavily against the green-blue fighter's chest.

"Arigato Rad-chan."

Radize smiled planting a kiss on Zarbon's quivering lips. Zarbon frowned as Radize's sex brushed his leg. It was full and throbbing. Guilt built up within him. Radize had given him every thing and Zarbon had given nothing in return.


The Saiyan looked at him with husky eyes. "Nan desu ka?"

"I, I want…"

What did Zarbon want? Oh he wanted something he was certain of that. But what was it? This was all so new to him.

"I want to give you what you gave me." Yes that was what he wanted.

Radize smiled giving Zarbon a brief kiss before turning him over. Zarbon's eyes widened as he realized the position he was in. This was all too familiar. Zarbon's eyes closed as he prepared for the pain that was sure to come.

The very idea of trying to stop Radize didn't reach him. Radize had a right to do whatever he wanted to do to Zarbon. He loved the Saiyan so much he could never deny him. Zarbon felt something wet touch his opening slowly and carefully pushing in. He spared a look back surprised by how little pain there was and was surprised to find it was Radize's fingers he had felt not his sex.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll see soon Zar-chan, you can wait."

Zarbon turned back to the ground his fear pushed back somewhat by a slowly growing curiosity. After some time, Radize's fingers left and his shaft entered and with it the fear was pushed out of Zarbon leaving him with pleasure. The discomfort from the entry was small and the mind-blowing wonder that came from the oddly exposing deep touch filled Zarbon.

"Oh Rad-chan!"

"Like that ah? Still think I'm nothing?"

"I never thought you were nothing Radize. You've always been something to me. I never dreamed you could mean this to me though, my love."

Radize groaned low in his throat as he moved with Zarbon the two long time enemies coupled together in pure delight. Then it was Radize's turn to scream as he came deep within Zarbon.

The Saiyan collapsed on the green fighter clinging tightly to him.

"Zar-chan," Radize's voice echoed with the great exertion. "Tell me you won't leave me. You can't, I will never let you."

"Never Rad-chan never. You couldn't get me away from you. Not even if your hatred of me returned."

"Not a chance in hell Zar-chan."

Nayo was quite surprised by how Zarbon was acting towards him. First he had been so kind to him. Then he and Radize had gone off into the woods and came back with brush filled hair and secretive smiles.

Nayo couldn't stand it a movement longer. He had to know what was going on.

The boy walked up to Zarbon with slow nervous steps.

"Ah, Zarbon?"

"Yes Nayo."

The boy paused for a moment unsure how to start. "Gomen asei Zarbon. I never meant to cause so much trouble."

Zarbon stood for what seemed like forever just staring at the tiny boy. Then he knelt down wrapping his arms around the small boy's body. "You've done nothing wrong, my son."

Nayo's eyes went wide. "S-son!"

Zarbon smiled kindly standing and taking the youth's hand.

"Come, I'll explain everything."

Vegeta stood alone staring off into an endless abyss. The never-ending emptiness nothing compared to the emptiness that occupied him.


Never had he thought that it could have such an effect on him. Never had he been so close, so open to anyone. He and Kakorrot had shared all their memories, all their feelings. Kakorrot's memories would always be his. That did not bother him too much. Kakorrot's life had been like a game. Nothing compared to Vegeta's life.

He feared that Kakorrot now had his memories as well. That was what worried him. The gentle Saiyan would see what he had done, and what had been done to him.

"Vegeta there you are. Why do you have your ki pushed down so low I was beginning to think I'd never find you!"

"Baka what are you doing here?"

"Well after we split you didn't say a word to me. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine baka why wouldn't I be?"


Kakorrot moved closer to the prince his eyes reflecting his worry. "Please Vegeta, Freaza's gone and nobody else is here. You don't have to act like this. I know you Vegeta."


Kakorrot moved closer still until Vegeta could have reached out and touched him.

'Vegeta it's me. You know I would never do anything to you.'

'Your wrong Kakorrot you do something to me every moment you exist. You force me to look at myself. Look at what I am. Dam you Kakorrot why won't you just let me be?'

Kakorrot's eyes filled with sorrow and Vegeta instantly regretted the shared thought. More moved between the two Saiyan's connection then thoughts, and he could feel Kakorrot's guilt.

'Vegeta, gomen. I'm not trying to change you. I love you as you are. Please Vegeta don't push me away like this. You're everything to me.'

Vegeta sighed, 'baka what the hell am I suppose to do with you?'

"Then you're not mad at me?" Kakorrot's words were spoken out loud.

"No baka I'm not mad at you."

Kakorrot smiled, 'Arigato Vegeta!'

Vegeta smirked in return to Kakorrot's smile. The closeness of his mate awakening the sleepless desire within him.

Kakorot's smile deepened as he saw the look in Vegeta's eyes and he moved closer bringing his hands up and around the Saiyan Prince's body.

"So what do you say we go check on the ship? The others won't miss us while we're gone."

Vegeta growled in eagerness. He had no intention of waiting that long and he was perfectly fine with doing it here and now. Then the thought of Zarbon coming up on them while they were mating shot that thought right out of existence.

'Dam that green rat! He never ceases to cause trouble.'

'Oh Vegeta Zarbon's not that bad.'

'Go to hell Kakorrot and stop reading my mind.'

'Hey you started it Vegeta.'


'You did and you know it to.'

'Fuck you low level, that was an emergency!'

'You still started it.'

"Dam you."

Kakorrot laughed out loud taking Vegeta by the hand and pulling the prince after him. "Come on Vegeta lets go."

Vegeta pulled his hand away. "Baka have you no sense of direction? The ship is that way."

"Oh gomen Vegeta."

'I can't believe I'm in love with such a moron.'

'If I'm such a moron why am I a Super Saiyan ah?'

'Stop reading my mind Kakorrot!'

'You first.'

'You are the low-level Kakorrot not I. I give orders and you follow them.'

Kakorrot laughed again, a habit that proved quite annoying. "Ah come on Vegeta it's not really that bad is it?"

Vegeta didn't answer.

'Vegeta I know you don't mind it that much.'

'Dammed mind reading baka.'

Kakorrot landed and Vegeta followed.

Kakorrot smiled sheepishly moving closer to Vegeta. His groin came into contact with the Prince's and they both jumped from the electrifying need that ran through them.

Vegeta groaned low in his throat the touch that had once made him so fearful filling him with immense need. He knew now what Kakorot's intentions were and he shared them. Kakorot's eyes had gone hazy and he did not even attempt to hide the look of desire that filled him.

Kakorrot wasted no time. He knelt down his body quaking from his need. Placing his arms gently at Vegeta's side he slide his hands up the prince taking his armor with him. In no time Vegeta found himself completely undressed. He blinked not entirely sure how this had happened. He would have cursed himself for letting such an obvious thing slip.

When Kakorot's mouth closed over his shaft engulfing the tender swelling length that was forgotten.


Kakorot looked up at the other Saiyan.

"Yes Vegeta no Ouji?"

"Damn you don't stop."

Kakorrot chuckled his eyes lighting up with an authentic smile. He returned to his task playfully licking the bulging sex.


"Hai Vegeta?"

"Dam it get serious."

"Hai, hai Vegeta."

Kakorrot put his mouth over the sex his lips and tongue working in unison and sending an exhilarating purr through the Saiyan Prince. Vegeta's hands moved feeling for support holds and finding them in the cloth on Kakorrot's shoulders. He griped the bright orange fabric leaning into Kakorrot's warm body. He came with a loud animal like cry that filled the room and the entire ship.

Panting he collapsed on his love bringing his head to rest on the others Saiyan's shoulder. Never before had he felt so safe, so right. This was were he belonged. Here with his mate.

Kakorrot fell to the floor and Vegeta was pulled back to the present by the sight of his loves throbbing member. He smirked lying down beside the other Saiyan. Kakorrot looked at him in surprise.

"Baka, did you think I'd leave you in that condition?"

"Vegeta, are you sure."

"Of course I am Kakorrot! Stop treating me like a helpless child. You may be a Super Saiyan but that does not make you my superior."

Kakorrot smiled lovely, "no Vegeta I could never be that. The most I hope to be is your equal. To be equal to such a wonderfully beautiful figure is the greatest thing I could hope for."

'Because you see Vegeta. You are beautiful not only in body but in soul.'

Vegeta found he was staring. Never had anyone said such a thing about him. Oh he knew he was physically attractive. He had no reason to question that. But his soul was tattered, dark, and infectious.

Vegeta turned away as guilt overtook him.

'Kakorrot, you don't know anything about me. You give me far too much credit for within I am a monster. The things I've done Kakorrot. If only you knew."

"Vegeta I do know."

'I know everything. I was a part of you and I still hold your memories just as you hold mine.'

"And it only shows me that your soul is not only beautiful but that it can not be altered no matter what. My beautiful Ouji."

"Hup baka."

Kakorrot smiled turning the Prince over. Vegeta moved without complaint. Anticipation getting the best of him. Never had he imagined that feeling Kakorrot within his could bring him so much pleasure. It was a feeling that he longed for more then anything else.

Kakorrot's hands played at his opening preparing him. It took longer than Vegeta would have preferred but he did not complain. Kakorrot knew what he was doing and for once the prince would just have to trust him.

Kakorrot slid slowly and carefully into him a grown escaping his throat. Vegeta smiled through the opening pain that went with entry. It was anticipated and a very small price to pay for the pleasure that followed. Vegeta screamed as Kakorrot brushed his sensitive spot a scream that invoked a twin response from Kakorrot. The two Saiyans screamed in unison as they moved as one. Kakorrot came deep within Vegeta collapsing on the other's back in exhaustion. Vegeta closed his eyes more then happy to stay just as he was.

Kakorrot's breath tickled at his neck and sweat that was from both of them stuck stubbornly to his body.


'Hai Kakorrot?'

'Thank you.'

'Thank you for what Kakorrot?'

'For loving me, and for being the person that I love.'

Vegeta smiled despite himself fascinated with Kakorrot's illogical view on things. A view he was starting to understand and even take up for his own.

'No Kakorrot thank you for your love. Without you I never would had learned and for that I owe you everything.'

'Ouji if I ever gave you anything then we are even. You gave me my people and most importantly Vegeta no Ouji, you gave me my Prince.'

Kakorrot put a soft kiss on the Prince's back before settling down to sleep. Vegeta smiled closing his eyes. Here in his loves hands he was safe and more then content. He was happy.

And so ends the tale of the Prince and the Clown. One hidden in a frozen empire. One concealed on an insignificant planet. Two souls coming together in a Hellish Paradise to find a Hidden Utopia.
