Phoenix: What's up!

Crystal: Guess what! We're doing a story with an actual plot!

Phoenix: (Gasps and spins as if about to faint but doesn't) I thought I was gonna faint but I didn't…………huh!

Crystal: Wanna know how this story came to mind?

Phoenix: She was being hit on the head over and over again.

Wild Journeys

"98 smokes of marijuana on the wall, 98 smokes of marijuana, you take one down and smoke it around, 97 smokes of marijuana on the wall," Kagome groaned as her oh-so peppy classmates started that song again. It was the fifth time for god sakes! Let it die!

Kagome stared helplessly out of the bus wondering why schools subject their students to this. She began half listening to her friends' conversation and half asking the higher power why he hates her so. As the bus jumped she caught a bit of one her classmates sentence, "-here because they opened a Wild West replica of a real saloon!"

Kagome rolled her eyes and muttered, "I knew I shouldn't have glued Kikyo to the wall, I should have at least said Satan made me do it. Then they'd think I am crazy not a delinquent."

Then the whispering started, it was obvious someone heard what she just said. Well, now her classmates think she's crazy, that's just great!

"This is an actual saloon where many cowboys chilled out, ain't that groovy dudes?" Kagome rolled her eyes as another teacher tried to "communicate" with her classmates, though they were only ensuring that some kid's egg their cars after this torture is over.

Kagome followed her tour group hoping something distracting would happen so she could make her escape, but unfortunately it seemed today was the day everybody chose to behave.

"Hey, Kag, isn't this great, we get to learn about all these interesting things," Ayume cried with glee, it seemed she was the only one who actually liked this stuff. It saddened Kagome to know her friend was a geek.

"It's just a bunch of old junk that doesn't matter anymore, Ayume. I don't get how you love this stuff," said Eri, she was just as freaked out by their friend's love of history. It was downright unnatural!

Kagome sighed tiredly and continued following the group. But that didn't necessarily last long. She soon found herself wandering farther and farther away and for a second thought that maybe she could get away. That is, until Hojo appeared, the guy just wouldn't leave her alone! It's like he loves the bad girl type, which is weird since Hojo is the definition of obedient.

"Hey, Higurashi, don't get lost," he yelled out to her, effectively getting the attention of the whole Museum! She groaned and trudged along behind him, thinking of why she was here.


"Watch where you're going, you little freak," smirked Kikyo, Aka, Mrs. Popular Bitch-face. She pushed back Kagome as her cronies chortled at Kikyo's "original" insult.

Kagome fixed her with a cool look before turning away and walking down the hall, to anybody else it might have seemed Kagome didn't care what Kikyo had said but inside she was seething and already planning revenge.

That day, after school, she waited for Kikyo to show, seeing as she left a note in her locker posing as a secret admirer. When Kikyo did appear Kagome pushed Kikyo against the wall and glued her there. Unfortunately hindsight showed maybe should have worn a mask because the next day Kikyo identified her as her "attacker."

So Kagome had a choice either suspension or she joins the over-achievers club, who were just about to go on a field trip. She chose the geeks; after all they were going to get out of class for the whole day! She quickly saw her mistake when she found out where she was going.

(Flashback ends)

Kagome berated herself once again for her stupidity, how could she say yes to go to this field trip! She dragged her feet and slumped when she walked just to show her anger at being here. But when she looked up she saw opportunity knocking and this opportunity was called Ian.

Ian could be called a lot of things, a nuisance, annoying or maybe even retarded but to Kagome he was a lifesaver. Ian, being his strange self, had actually gotten on top of one the tables and stripped! Amidst the screaming and shrieking, Kagome took this as a sign, a sign saying, "Go Kagome! Freedom! Run!" so she did what any fun starved teenager would do, she ran.

She ran right past all the places her classmates had awed over, looking for the way out. But she soon found it was useless, this place wasn't just a museum it was a maze to trap inn- ok not so innocent teenager within there walls.

She soon found herself resting in the Wild West saloon replica; she sat on one of the freshly cleaned stools and took a breather. She soon was on the other side of the bar counter playing bartender. "Hey! How ya doin'? How's ol' Johnny?" She knew it was pathetic but hey, she was bored!

All of a sudden she noticed something glittering in the corner of a cabinet, she looked around searching for the security guards that most likely would be looking for her that is after they tackled Ian and made him put on clothes. she picked it up and took notice it was a smooth round rock, a pink color. Kagome guessed it was worthless but all in all she decided to keep it, sort of as a souvenir of her misery.

She looked around her and sighed, "I bet things were better in the Wild West. I wish I was there, right now," she put down the rock and moved away from the counter, not noticing the rock was shining. She moved to walk down to the hall to look for the way out when her vision got hazy and glittery. The scene in front of her slowly began to change, the old bar table became shiny and new and the cabinets were filled with liquor bottles. The last thought that struck Kagome before darkness claimed her was, 'I wonder if this means I get out of a lecture?'

Phoenix: Voila! C'est incroyable!

Crystal: We know Kag's a little O.C but it'll help the story if she's the kind of person who does what she wants no matter what anybody says.


Crystal: Sheesh, you're sooo annoying

Phoenix: Speak for yourself, Miss ' Hi we're baaaaaaaaaaack'

Crystal: Readers and reviewers like being welcomed! You do like being greeted don't you?

Phoenix: No, they like plotting revenge on someone, who takes a gun, stabs you in the back, right in front of you.

Crystal: (Sweat drop)

Phoenix: What?

Crystal: Nothing……………..nothing at all!