Title: When Kakei Met Saiga
Rating: M (Yes, changed it. You'll see why later …)
Fandom: Legal Drug
Pairing: Kakei/Saiga
Disclaimer: Oh woe is the sadness that CLAMP does not give them enough pages! Oh, and "You, you, you, you, you" is not my song, but it is done by The 6ths. And I heard this actually while I was thinking about Kakei & Saiga … man it's perfect. Oh, and "O. Lover" & "Life is Wonderful" don't belong to me either, it belongs to the awesome Jason Mraz. It's a good song ("O. Lover"), cool to dance to. Heh, AND! Most clothing ideas taken from It's Kakei's first day of college and already he's lost and embarrassed in front of his entire freshman class, but at least the burly senior who embarrassed him at Todai was hot.
Warning: Err … I'll let you be surprised! Beware a bit of Kakei OOC please.

A/N: Here you go, last part. Then I believe I shall continue for the rest of their year … hmm, I guess I'll need to think of some crazy stuff for them to go through …

Chapter 8: Shin-dig (Part 2)

"Well, that was odd." Saiga said whipping out his cell phone and punching in the number 1 on speed dial. A few rings later and …

"Chi? Yeah, as soon as you get your drink meet me in the kitchen …"

Chi joined him a few minutes later. She hugged him and said, "Hey! What's up?"

"Well … I just managed to have a perfectly casual conversation with him and then towards the end he starts turning all red and storms out of the room," Saiga mock-cried and said, "I'm so confused Chi-chan!"

"Ahh, he probably still thinks you're a player." Chi said simply.

"Oh come on!"

"All right, all right! I'll try to convince him you're not, but in the mean time … why don't you … err … drink your Kid Beer, and I'll text you to come over when I think he's okay. Strike up a conversation and I'll mysteriously need to pee or something." Chiaka suggested.

If Saiga weren't gay, he would have kissed her. "You're my Saint Chi!"

"No problem!" She said leaving the kitchen, but before she did, she turned and asked, "Just tell me what you thought of his outfit!"

Saiga paused for a little bit and then said, "Is there room in that oversized sweater for me? He is so cute …"

"Hey, no butt sex on top of my sweater!" Chi said leaving, but not before she slipped a set of keys into his hands.

In the hallway she sent a text message to Ayumu from her cell phone saying:



"Back!" Chiaka said plopping herself on a red couch next to Aiji and Ayumu. She briefly met eyes with Ayumu in a knowing way that let Chi know Ayu had gotten the text message.

"Aiji-kun! How are you liking the party so far?" Ayumu asked her cousin.

"Oh, it seems pretty fun."

Chiaka started laughing, "Aiji-kun! You act like this is the first party you've ever been to with your peers!"

"It is." Kakei said simply.

"Err …" Ayumu said.

"Oh … sorry," Chi said feeling awkward.

"It's okay, I've never really been interested in this kind of thing."

"But what are you interested in my good cousin? What here interests you?" Ayumu asked trying to keep conversation going and steering it right into Saiga waters.

"Oh err … I dunno."

"Seen anyone you know besides us?" Chi asked casually.

"Oh well … I did see …" Kakei started.

"Yes?" The girls leaned in to hear Kakei's next words.

"Err, Shunichi Saiga, I saw him when I got the drinks." Aiji said a blush sneaking it's way across his face.

"Oh, well, Aiji-kun, he's not such a bad guy, it's not like he did anything to you did he?" Ayumu asked.

"Err, no … he was normal,"

"You sound sad when you say that, why?"

"Oh, do I? I can't think of a reason why I would." Kakei said trying to return to cheerfulness, but apparently it wasn't working. He felt the heat rise to his cheeks. Why were they talking about Shunichi Saiga when Kakei would rather stay away from him the entire night?

Even though I met you only recently

Chi's fingers moved fast across her cell phone texting Shunichi.

"Sweetie, what do you think of Shuni-kun?" Chi asked looking up from her cell phone and pressing the SEND button at the same time.


"I guess he's … the more you think about him … just to say … he's really …"

"Shuni-kun!" Ayumu said greeting the tall figure that was Saiga standing over their couch. He winked at Chi who's mouth was wide open at the sight of him.

Did he travel at the speed of sound?

"Hey guys! What's up, enjoying yourselves?" Saiga asked the two ladies.

"Yes!" Chi said finally able to stop gawking. "Aiji-kun's been a great fun! He even danced with me!"

Aiji turned to Chi and stared at her with a what-do-you-think-you're-doing look on his face. Chi just smiled at him.

I find myself falling in love with you

"Look, I'm going to get another Kid Beer," Ayumu said standing up.

"And I've got to pee, excuse me." Chiaka said. Both girls left for the hallway.

Shunichi slid over and sat next to Aiji and smiled at him. "So? Having fun?"

Aiji blushed crimson, "Yes …" he said.

I don't know quite how to put this decently

But what's the chance that you can love me too?

"Glad to hear it!" Saiga said. God, if he didn't get his arms wrapped around this guy … he might combust.

They kind of sat in an awkward silence. Kakei took this time to reflect that they hadn't been this close in proximity for quite a while. Not that he missed it. No. He also realized that Saiga was wearing baggy black pants with a long sleeved pinstripe shirt that had a print of a revolver on the front. Complete with his sunglasses, he looked really good.

"Umm, look, about this week …" Saiga started to say. He felt bad, worse than he had ever felt for anything bad that he had done. This whole week had definitely taken the cake. He had been selfish with this poor guy. Saiga just needed to fulfill his own desires; he hadn't taken into consideration Kakei's feelings at all.

A formal apology would be the best thing to start with. "Look, I'm really—"

But Kakei had other things on his mind. While Saiga was beating himself up for being such an asshole, Kakei was thinking about what this relationship really meant to him. Was Saiga such a bad guy? Well, after this week, he had a lot of explaining to do. All the teasing was torment, or was it? Kakei hadn't done a very good job of pushing Saiga away, trying to make him see this wasn't what Kakei wanted, but he hadn't made much of an effort; he just sort of invited Saiga to take advantage of him even from their first encounter. Did he like it? Did he like the attention?

Then suddenly, an image burst into Aiji's mind. A whole scene, he saw himself, he saw Saiga … was that Shinjuku? Were they really … yes, they were! Holding hands, oh God!

The next thing Saiga knew, Aiji Kakei was taking hold of his hand while blushing and saying, "I like you … I really do."

Now it was Shunichi's turn to blush. "Wha-what?!" He asked in disbelief.

Aiji glared at him and then said a little annoyed, "I said I like—"

Saiga cut him off with, "No, no! I got that bit."

Kakei looked really annoyed now, he let go of Saiga's hand and said, exasperatedly, "Then what did you miss?!"

"The part where this is not a dream." He was still in disbelief, but a broad smile was spreading across his face. Shit, now I really gotta get inside that sweatshirt.

Who who who who who
Has made my dreams come true?
And turned my gray sky blue
Why it's you you you you you.

It was Aiji's turn to stare disbelieving in Shunichi's direction. What the hell? Wasn't this what the guy wanted? There was no point denying the inevitable …

"What the—" Aiji began needing to know if Saiga was going to reject him or not, but …

"Come here you," Saiga grabbed Aiji's hand and wended his way through the dancing people and out into the hall. He didn't know where to go, just somewhere without so many people. Need to be alone, need to be alone, need to be alone. He thought to himself. And the first empty room was …

"Why are we in the kitchen?"

Ahh, blissfully ignorant innocence … the guy never really gave off such a strong aura of innocence as he did now. Wow.

Shunichi backed Aiji onto one of the kitchen countertops. Aiji's head hit one of the cabinets, but before he had time to think about it, Saiga had already started kissing him. Aiji groped the back of Saiga's shirt. There was this great tingling sensation in Aiji's mouth as soon as Saiga slipped his tongue in. The counter's edge was cutting into his back now, but to Aiji, this felt so good, so right.

Who who who who who
Like amorous lovebirds do
Who made my world seem new
Tasted you you you you you

But they couldn't do this now, not here, not in someone else's house. Aiji finally managed to push Saiga off of him.

Breathing heavily he said, "Wait, we can't … not here … no."

"Iruni won't care and neither will anyone else." Saiga said simply, moving in to kiss Aiji again.

You make me feel like I'm seventeen again
You make everything beautiful seem true

"Right." Kakei said finding himself joined at the mouth with the senior again.


This was perfect! Aiji Kakei's confession made everything so much easier. Finally, he didn't have to wait to jump the kohai. Suddenly everything in the world seemed beautiful to Shunichi. They were kissing, sure it was in the middle of the kitchen, but everything was still going well.

Until, Kakei pushed again.

"Hey, we haven't even agreed to become lo—"

Shunichi silenced the other boy with another kiss. Really, who confessed first? No need to get all technical right now.

After a few minutes interlocking tongues, Shunichi came up for air, and contemplated over the blushing boy he was hovering over. Maybe he was being a little unfair. He liked this guy, wasn't part of being in a relationship being able to listen to the other side? Right well, this was Shunichi's first real relationship, so … Kakei would have to bear with him.

Shunichi kissed Kakei's neck and said, "Do you wanna go somewhere?"

Kakei nodded still quite flustered. Saiga pulled out a set of keys from his pocket as he and Kakei shuffled out of the house hearing the music go:

I can't wait to go to sleep and dream again
cause every dream I dream is a dream of dreamy little you

The two boys staggered outside into the chill of the night air. Everything was still, making Saiga turning the keys in Chiaka's bike the only thing disturbing the silence of the night. Kakei looked over at him as Saiga pulled on a helmet and swung his leg over the bike and then handing Kakei the spare helmet.

"What are you doing?" Kakei asked suspiciously.

"Taking you out," Saiga replied simply waving the helmet at Kakei, who took it finally.

"This is Chiaka's bike …"

"Yeah, and?"

"How is she going to get home?" Kakei asked concerned.

"She can take the train or something, come on," Saiga said.

"But she—"

"I can't believe you're thinking about a girl right now when you've got me … right now! Hop on and let's go!"

Kakei nodded, slipped the helmet on over his head and got on the bike. Almost immediately afterwards, Saiga revved up the bike and they were off.

Kakei held on tightly as Saiga drove them through the city. He felt glad to get away from the party, but all the same, why was he going off with a stranger, and they had appeared in Shinjuku in his premonition. If not to go to a love hotel, where else would they go off to?

Saiga finally parked the bike right outside a love hotel in Shinjuku. Saiga grabbed Kakei's hand as he dragged him inside the hotel, paid for a room, took the key and went up to their room. Saiga never let go of Kakei's hand the whole way. Except when they reached their hotel room. Saiga didn't even bother to turn on the lights once they got in the room. He just tossed the keys and the room key onto the floor while pulling Kakei close and they began kissing heavily.

Somehow between all the kissing, they managed to pull off each other's shirts and rock their way onto the bed set out for them. As soon as he hit the bed, Kakei finally came out of the heat of the moment and pushed Saiga off of him. Saiga rolled over on the bed and stared at Kakei.

Kakei said desperately, "You're going too fast, we've only know each other a week. I don't want this to just be a hook-up and then we don't know each other within the next week …"

Saiga sat up thoughtfully, and said, "You're right. I don't want that either."

"So what do we do?" Kakei said, not really thinking about that when he pushed the other man off of him.

Saiga smiled. He had still managed to keep his glasses on in the heat of everything. He laid back on the covers. "Well, I paid for the room, so I'm going to sleep, you?"

Kakei smiled at him and placed his head on Saiga's chest. He said softly, "Yeah, I think I'll just go to sleep here too."

Saiga's smiled widened in the dark and wrapped his arms around Kakei. Kakei slept silently through the night. It was only too peaceful and he was in a state of happy bliss. Saiga stayed awake for at least another hour just thinking. Yeah, he had been a little too driven, but who knew what the freshman would through at him tomorrow?


Heeeeeeeeheeeee! I finished it. I'll save the added sexiness for later, still keeping it M-rated though, and please no reporting me, this is NOT a songfic, I only added those lyrics as background music as you can see, though I don't doubt you guys won't report me, as you are all smart and cool.

Bit of a confusing chapter in my opinion as well. I did my best to try to make the emotions make sense, but somehow I think I failed a bit … I'll try harder in my writing next time … And the ending was a tad on the fluffy side, but meh.

Thanks for waiting for this too. I know it's been forever, since when, like June maybe? Well, you hopefully won't have to wait like 6 months for the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed this, please review if you wish to I like getting feedback.