A Glance at the Future

Summary: Hermione and Draco have been transported to the future due to a shiny watch they found. Will they find their way back? Will they continue to bicker endlessly? Or will a romance blossom between them? DMHG fic. Please be nice…

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this story. Maybe a few people and the plot but everything belongs to J.K. Rowling not me… sadly not me….

Chapter One: Bickering Endlessly

Hermione Granger is really tired this day. Since they started the 7th year everything has just been so hectic in her life. Being a head girl and the smartest girl in their year. Harry and Ron were not much of help since they have got more problems. Ron was trying to pass his Potions and is having remedial classes with Snape along with half of the Gryffndors and Harry was busy on Divination and making Ginny notice him. She was heading to their common room when an all too familiar voice stopped her from her tracks.

" So the mudblood has finally begun to feel tired in her stupid mudblood life."

" Shut up Malfoy." She said while glaring at him.

" I hate you. Mudblood."

" The feeling is mutual you slimy git. Let me pass through or flobberworms will come out of you mouth till the end of the year."

" Oh the mudblood is brave now. Oh! Save me!" Draco said sarcastically.

Hermione just passed through and pretended that she didn't hear Malfoy's last remark. ' When will he grow up' she told herself. And finally reached the portrait of the fat lady.

" Password?" it asked her

" Miladthrompus." And let Hermione pass through.

After a few hours of studying she went to sleep and dreamt of ten ways to make Draco Malfoy suffer.

the next day

Hermione was as usual scurrying off to class and was carrying her bag that may have hollow blocks in them, for being so heavy. She hit someone while she was walking. All the contents of her bag spilled on the floor she was mumbling an apology but when she saw who it was she quickly took it back. It was non other than the Slytherin prince himself, Draco Malfoy.

" Watch where you're going mudblood." He said and smirked

" Whatever you git." She said while picking up her books.

" Watch your language you bushy haired beaver"

" Like I would listen to a smirking ferret like yourself."

" Oh. Right you obnoxious otter."

" Yes. You platinum haired freak."

It seems like an eternity before they finished bickering. They stopped because a shiny clock near the wall caught their attention. Hermione got to it first. Malfoy followed her and snatched the clock from her grasp.

" Give it back Malfoy." Hermione said irritably

" Look, Granger. Stop acting so childish."

" Give it to me. You're the whose acting childish."

They continued to pull it and it fell into the floor.

" Great, you broke it." Malfoy said to Hermione.

" No I didn't."

A piece of paper fell from it and they picked at up at the same time and read it too. After they read it they felt a strange sensation in the pit of their stomach like it was grabbing their bodies by their navels and it wiped them off to another time.

Author's Note: Please be nice… and please, please, please review. All you got to do is push that little tiny button on the left side of your screen. I promise to update the story on 3 days if I get 3 reviews please…. :)