Megaman X: Lost Love

Disclaimer: I don't own Megaman and never will. This story is just what should have happened near the end of Megaman X 1. This is NOT a Yaoi fic, it is what would have happened if Zero was a girl instead.

"Maybe...but I'm not through YET!" Zero said, charging up her Z Buster on Vile's robot main core. She pointed at the main reactor and fired, the explosion sent her flying back, taking out her legs. X kneeled there, immobilized as he watched Zero fly back. Vile managing to survive the blast got up.

"What a worthless gesture, I won't be defeated so easily!" he said "Well X, I guess its you and me now" the evil Vile laughed.

X clenched his fist, he had just seen Zero blew up Vile's machine, and he just watched not being able to help. It angered him, Vile made Zero blow his robot up, but at a cost. How dare he? He thought, how dare Vile make Zero do that. X looked up, angry at Vile.

"You…bastard!" he said, X broke free of the holding around him, his X Buster charged up. Vile looked up and saw X, filled with anger and hatred.

"What the hell! You still had all that power? Heh, it's still alright...I'll send you to be together with your precious Zero!" Vile said, firing his cannon at X.

Meanwhile, Zero lays on the ground

She saw blood in one eye, clear in another. She heard fighting noises, not surprised by the sound. She knew that explosion would do that damage to her, but she had to…to give X a chance. She closed her eyes, seeming like she was going to accept death. Until she heard a voice, an enraged one

"You're gonna pay you bastard!" X shouted as he fired his X buster at Vile, who was losing the fight badly. She heard him, she opened her eyes and tried to see what was going on, she saw X, in a rage like she hadn't seen before. Something inside X changed, she knew it. She put her head down, not able to hold her head up anymore.

Battle of X and Vile

X speed after Vile, angered and ready kill him. Zero was his best friend, and because of this bastard, she was dying. X snarled as he fired his homing missiles at Vile, who couldn't avoid the up coming attack. The missiles hit Vile, damaging him. X landed and growled, no longer was he the gentle X Zero knew, no he was something more.

"What the hell? Where did you get this much energy!" Vile said, now a little scared of the mad X. X stood there, and his eyes turned red.

"I'm your worst nightmare…." X said, charging up his X buster to full power. Vile now scared charged at X in a desperate move. He fired his lasers at X, but a shield around the blue bomber appeared, the laser didn't even make it to him. X's cannon was soon completely charged, he aimed it at Vile and said coldly.

"Die." Without another word, X fired the blast, hitting Vile dead on, doing damage never thought of before. Vile self-destructed from the attack, it was far too much damage for Vile's healing program to heal. X now clam, turned to Zero, still laying their half. X's eyes widen and rushed over to her.

"Zero!" he said, kneeling over her. He held her hand, it was going cold

"Hey…X" she said weakly.

"Hang in there Zero! We'll get you fixed!" X was cut short, Zero had slapped him

"Baka, don't worry about me…" she said, her power fading.

"Zero! Don't die on me Zero! You can't!" X said, eyes now full of tears. Zero looked up and him and her eyes filled with tears as well. "You're my best friend…." He said.

" beat...Sigma..." she said, weakly.

"Not until we get you to the lab!" X said, now holding her head, his hands began to feel her blood. It was a awkward moment, here the two best friends of the Hunters were, alone and silent.

"Look X, you have to go on without me….I know you can…beat Sigma.." Zero said, looking up to X's eyes. "You must X…" Zero's eyes where half closed.

"No! Zero….please…" X said, his tears fell on her face, Zero kept her eyes open for a little while before she said the last three words.

"I love…you…" Zero said, her power core had now failed. X looked at the now dead Zero in his arms, his body shook, she was gone…he felt like it was all his fault. He hugged Zero's cold limp body.

"I…I love you too Zero." X kissed her cold lips, wishing he could have told her before charging into the base. The moment seemed to last forever for X, who then laid Zero's head down on the floor. He stood up and charged up his X buster, now it was more powerful since he took Zero's arm part, when it reached maximum power, he pointed it at the roof and yelled out loudly.

"THIS ONE'S FOR HER!" he yelled out firing the powered up blast which hit the roof hard, blasting into the sky. X looked down at Zero, who laid there quietly.

"I promise…if there's a way to bring you back…I'll find it…" X said, running off to face Sigma.