Rogue watched as Kagome rushed into the room, her face flushed and her breathing only slightly out of place. She looked like an alluring dark enchantress in her black dress with red lacing and swirling designs. It was her eyes though that were so compelling and enthralling, the color was so uncommon, a mixture of silver swirled with an icy blue. She was standing at the top of the stairs with them all looking up at her. She blushed slightly as the last of the others appeared behind her.

"Thank you for coming today students. This is Kagome Higurashi and her son, Shippo; they have just arrived from Japan with some very unusual news. I shall allow Kagome to tell you herself." She bowed slightly to him before moving to the top step.

"Hello I'm afraid I only know a few of you so this is a tad bit awkward. For years every one has believed that the reason for mutants has been in our genetics thus the name. Many have tried to find a cure for this so called disease but in most cases all experiments have died and failed. The real reason is that a shard of a crystal called the Jewel of Chaos has sought you each out and entered your body since more then likely before your birth. It shard has a fragment of a soul inside and each has specific requirement for who they will enter. Those who cannot find a host have come to me, seeking the jewel that already resides in me. It is now my duty to remove these shards from each of you around the world. It won't hurt and it will not remove your gifts. You will have them till death but they will be more controllable and I will be able to work with each of you to help you gain complete dominance over it. Is there any questions?" she watched them with wise eyes that had seen much more then they could imagine. Rogue felt the need to ask just what she had seen to take the naivety from her eyes and replace it with the look of just about hopelessness but there was a decided determination in those eyes.

"Just how do you know this?" she couldn't make out who'd said it but the words made Kagome stand straighter. That determination that had been hiding in the background came to the front full force, nearly glowing with her conviction.

"It whispers incessantly to The Shikon no Tama. It tells me of its desires and past as if to tempt me. Would you like to hear it? To see what it has given me? Every one of you that I take a shard from, it gives me your powers. So I may protect them easier. Its how I know everything I've told you because they tell me." She laid her hand on her heart and it began to glow. A gentle breeze began to move through the room. On which was the whispers of something she didn't understand till they reached her ear.

'Complete me, allow me to become whole, to devour your purity, to taint you, let me become the Jewel of Nature.' Then the whispers stopped and they saw Kagome had removed her hand and her face was once again flushed. She leaned lightly against Logan as she regained control over the dark souls in the jewel. Then she had a faint glow surrounding her and she stood straighter immediately. Her son's eyes widened and he bound over to her. He was cute and apparently she wasn't the only one who though so because the room was filled with squeals and sighs. She rolled her eyes and watched him as he grabbed his mother's hand. The light slowly faded and she seemed to slouch into her normal stance, her eyes glittering gently. She placed a hand on her son's head and flashed a smile of gratitude towards Logan before looking back at them.

"I need you to line up single file. This might take a bit of time." They did as she asked but Rogue made sure to be the last in line. Perhaps then she wouldn't have time to get to her. She dearly hoped so.