A Tale of Two Thieves

A/N: Sage: (bows) Welcome one and all to our new story, A Tale of Two Thieves. This story, for those reading for the first time, is actually a sequel to a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic we wrote called Life of a Thief by Ryou Bakura.

Kaley: Yep! And so when we started the sequel, we figured out a way to smoothly mix two fandoms to make one epic story! Yes that's right! Not only is this a sequel but it's also a crossover between D.N.Angel and Yu-Gi-Oh. That's why we have this long prologue. It's for those readers just joining us. Of course, if you want to go read Life of a Thief first before reading this then be our guest! Oh and it's a great recap for Life of a Thief reviewers!

Bakura: Blah blah anyway me and Dark here will do reviewer mail answering questions and comments at the start of each chapter.

Dark: Why do I have to do it?

Bakura: Because we're the thieves mentioned in the title and as muses we have no will of our own.

Kaley: Yep!

Dark:…oh, damn then.

Sage: Well not much to say at this point. Just remember the plot is Dark comes after the Items. Sounds simple enough but wait until you see what is planned…

Bakura: Ahem, so without further ado-

Dark: Start the story already!



Thousands of years ago, in the kingdom of Egypt, a story began that would span the ages. A war had broken out between Egypt and a neighboring land. The Egyptians were losing badly and soon they would fall. The Pharaoh knew not what to do and so he ordered his most trusted Priest to find a way to drive the enemy away. The Priest indeed found a spell that would create seven magical items of immense power, however at a terrible cost. To make the items, one needed the blood sacrifice of ninety-nine people. The Priest knew the Pharaoh would never allow such a thing and so he went behind the king's back and murdered the villagers of a small town named Kuru Eruna. At last count, there were exactly ninety-nine. However they were wrong. One terrified little boy remained and lived on.

Thus the Millennium Items were created. The Priests used them to destroy the other kingdom and the murders went unnoticed in the celebration. The young boy however knew the truth and grew up hating the Pharaoh. His hate took the form of revenge and so he lived everyday waiting for his chance to avenge his family, friends and especially his younger sister Akila whom he'd loved more than anything. He even manipulated his very soul's energy to form a beast named Diabound. Together the creature and the boy became a team in the art of stealing, making the Pharaoh's life miserable. However, before he could take that very life, the Pharaoh died naturally and so his son took the throne. This angered the thief, who felt his revenge had been taken from him.

The new Pharaoh knew nothing of his Priests actions and so he was confused by the thief's hate. However, the thief didn't know this and fought the king. The Priests came to their Pharaoh's aid but each was cut down until the thief gained control of the Millennium Items. A battle raged but in the end there was no victor. The Pharaoh used the last of his energy to seal himself and the dangerous thief into the Millennium Items so that the land would be spared their destruction. The Thief was sealed into the Ring while the Pharaoh into the Puzzle. A time of peace came across land of Egypt and the people soon forgot about the items, the wars, the thief and the king. The spirits themselves slept in darkness until the time of that their destinies could be fulfilled by their physical reincarnations.

This time came 3,000 years later. Motou Yugi and Bakura Ryou each inherited the Puzzle and Ring respectively and made contact with the ancient beings. The spirits bonded with their hosts and continued to do battle with each other. The Pharaoh had lost his memories over time though he still knew the thief to be his enemy. However, the battles were taxing on Yugi and Ryou, something neither spirit wanted as they had grown attached to their look-alikes. It was at this time that the Pharaoh and Thief both agreed though the thief not as much to use an ancient ritual to copy the boy's bodies and inhabit those instead, the only drawback being that they had to stay very close to their reincarnations. This was done so the battle could be done without fear of hurting the two teens.

Yet, although Yugi and the Pharaoh, who gained the nickname Yami, shared a strong bond Ryou and the Thief did not. The thief was twisted from his many years in the darkness and Ryou too was a sad child. Yet one day Ryou glimpsed the pain in the thief's heart and set out to help him, knowing the pain of loss well. Using a school report as an excuse Ryou interviewed the thief, who took the name Bakura as his own, and soon discovered the root of his pain. As he uncovered more, Ryou bonded with Bakura and the two became very close. Although this troubled the thief, who had felt like he could not care for anyone, he still accepted Ryou as almost a lover.

Sadly, all along Bakura had planned to return to Kuru Eruna in order to revive the true spirit of the Items, a creature named Zork. Though he was no longer the vengeful soul of the Ring, in his mind he did not think he could be anything else. Ryou was devastated and was left alone. He had been alone much after his father moved to Egypt and his mother and sister Amane died. Yugi and Yami intervened and to ease Ryou's heart agreed to find Bakura.

It was Yami who found the thief but he wasn't the first one. The spirits of Amane and Akila had come to help Bakura, both intending to save their brothers from any more pain. Together the four conquered the darkness of Bakura's heart and sealed away the remains of Zork. Yami then invited Bakura to come back to Japan, back to Ryou and their old rivalry, but Bakura refused and stayed in Egypt. After reviving his ka spirit Diabound, he returned back to his thief days, stealing from the Cairo Museum.

Amane and Akila returned to heaven and Yami went home to tell Ryou what had happened. Ryou was relieved to know his other half was alright and set himself to move on, despite strange pains that now nagged him.

So months have past and the holders of the Millennium Items have lived peaceful lives. There has been no fighting or struggle but it is only the calm before the storm. The final stage has been set and a new force is about to enter their worlds, sending everything they know as true crashing down around them.


"Argh! Mom!" Daisuke cried after opening his suitcase. "How many of Dark's outfits did you pack!" He called staring down at the pile of black clothes, all of which were decked out in leather, buckles, zippers and other things not of place at a punk concert.

"Enough so that he can wear a new one for each Item!" Emiko sang as she walked past her son's door, carrying a duffel bag. She paused, glancing over the boy. Even though he had grown taller since his fourteenth birthday, he still maintained his almost child like appearance. His crimson eyes were still wide and innocent as ever, conveying his emotions with great ease. "Dai-chan, look at your hair." She frowned and began the very motherly ritual of trying to fix Daisuke's hair. Although she liked the way his red locks stuck up like gentle flames, today they looked particularly unruly. "Did you brush it?"

"Mom!" Daisuke blushed as she brought the brush to his head. "Its fine, I already took care of it. But where are my clothes?"

"Your clothes?" Emiko blinked, tapping the brush on her shoulder as she thought. "I asked Towa to iron them out before we packed them." Emiko went back to the task of making her son look presentable while her husband, Kosuke-san, peeked around the corner. Daisuke had inherited his hair from his father, although his was black, not red like Emiko's and Daisuke's. "Oh Kosuke-san, could you ask Towa-chan where Dai-chan's clothes are?"

"Er, well, she had some trouble with that…" Kosuke came fully into the room, holding up one of Daisuke's shirts that now had a lovely hole through the center, complete with singes all over.

"My shirt…" Daisuke groaned, taking it from his father.

"Don't worry, she didn't burn them all." Kosuke said, attempting to cheer the boy up. "I gave her some help after she showed me that one…"

((Geez, Towa just wasn't cut out to be a maid was she?)) Dark commented from Daisuke's mind. ((That's the fifth shirt this week isn't it? One of them was mine too…and I liked that shirt…)) He said, suddenly sounding as if he was pouting.

"Daisuke!" His grandfather's voice from downstairs. "We have to hurry or you'll miss the train!"

"Ah!" All three jumped in unison. "The train!" They all raced out of the room, each going a different way. Daisuke, in his rush to get downstairs, missed a step and went crashing down to the bottom. He sighed, sitting up and rubbing his head.

"Hurry or you won't be able to eat breakfast." Daiki said calmly, shuffling through the newspaper. Daisuke jumped up and ran into the kitchen, stuffing a piece of toast that Towa gave him into his mouth.

So went a normal morning in the life of Daisuke Niwa. Somehow he was always running late and though that wasn't too bad on a school day, today was much more important. Today marked the day he and Dark set out for Domino City for their first out of town heist. It had been his mother's idea and Dark himself was thrilled at the chance to steal from a new museum. Kosuke had recently found a new book in the Niwa Library that contained a story about an Egyptian Pharaoh and a King of Thieves who owned the most powerful magical artifacts ever created. These were called the Millennium Items and inside were sealed the souls of these ancient people, who were supposedly doomed to do battle for all eternity. Normally, given that these weren't Hikari works, such information would be ignored but the second Emiko had seen a picture of the Items, she'd fallen in love. Not long after finding the book, word reached her ears that the Millennium Scales would be on display in Domino City. Even more digging revealed that all the Millennium Items resided in that region. To say the least, she was excited.

"Such a beautiful collection," she had declared with a sparkle in her eyes, "and such an epic tale shouldn't be forgotten or lost to time but needs to be taken care of and cherished! Those spirits and wonderful Items need a home and someone to care for them and keep them safe! The Niwas are just the people to do that!" Without waiting for anyone else's say, the matter was decided. Daisuke was to spend some of his summer break in Domino City, letting Dark do his Phantom Thief bit and steal the Items. Kosuke had spent some time there, researching the area and eventually narrowed down where the remaining artifacts were. He even tracked them down to their owners, giving Daisuke the list to help ease his search.

((Sooo are you ready yet?)) Dark asked, excitement edging into his voice. Daisuke swallowed the lump of toast in his mouth.

(You sound pretty happy…) Daisuke commented, chugging down some orange juice. Of course, he knew the thief would be happy. He loved getting out and enjoyed the thrill and glamour of stealing.

((You bet I do!)) Dark said with his wild grin, listening to Daisuke's thoughts. ((It's the only time you let me out…unless of course you're thinking dirty thoughts…then you've got no say in the matter.)) He laughed as Daisuke turned red.

"Dai-chan, come on! We have to get you to the station!" Towa cried as she ran up to him, her short silvery hair and maid outfit bouncing in rhythm with her steps. "I have all your bags ready and Wiz is ready to go and um um…" She suddenly stopped, blinking her lavender eyes. "I think I'm forgetting something…"

"It's ok!" Emiko suddenly slid into the room, tossing a knife at Daisuke. The boy's body reacted before his mind did, dodging to the side with ease as the blade embedded itself into the kitchen wall. "You'll be alright Dai-chan. If anything important gets left behind we can just send it along somehow."

"Ah um right mom…" Daisuke laughed, his nerves slightly shaken. After so many years of enduring his mother's 'thief training' his body was now well honed and able to escape from such perils. It didn't stop him from freaking out sometimes though. "Well I um…I guess I'm ready then…"

"No worries Dai-chan!" Emiko grinned and she held up a small envelope. "Here's something special for you! It's an all purpose Phantom Thief Kit!"

"Phantom Thief Kit?" Daisuke blinked and took the envelope, flipping it over in his hands. "What's in it?"

"Let's see…" Emiko leaned back thoughtfully. "I think you'll find that out when you get to Domino City. Don't use it until then ok?" She winked at him then glanced at the clock. "Ah! But right now we need to go!" She grabbed his hand, dragging him to the door.

"Why am I always running late…?" Daisuke sighed heavily.


((Well let's try to look on the bright side…)) Dark said as Daisuke stood dumbly in front of a large, very complex looking map. ((You uh…still have your health))

"Dark!" Daisuke cried, earning more than a few stares. He blushed and turned back to the chart mounted on the wall. Next to it was a list of times for all the departures and locations of various trains. Daisuke had been studying them with the futile hope that an answer might appear from the muddle of hiragana and numbers. (This is terrible…how could I lose them?)

((You checked all your pockets right?))

(Yes…I turned my bags inside out, you saw me…ugh how could I lose all that stuff?) Daisuke groaned, his shoulders sagging. It was only noon and he'd arrived in Domino City only to make a truly terrible discovery: In all their rushing, the one thing Towa-chan had forgotten to give him was the hotel name and location. He now had no destination at all and wasn't about to call his mom, no matter how many times the thief suggested it. He couldn't let her know he messed up already.

((Well then now what?)) Dark sighed, lazily flicking away strands of his long violet hair. Though he had no physical form, it was entirely possible for Daisuke to 'see' his actions inside his mind's eye. ((You won't call your mom…so where exactly do we go from there? Do we wander aimlessly through a city we don't know without any idea where to go?))

"Um well…" Daisuke grabbed his luggage off the bench and took another look at the subway chart. "I think this is a smaller town…and it looks like…" He placed his finger gently on a blue line on the map. "If we take this one…" He traced down the path. "To this yellow one then cross over and hop onto this green one…"

((Yes because this plan doesn't sound doomed for failure…)) Dark muttered, also looking at the map. ((It looks like some kid with a box of crayolas scribbled all over it in a hissy fit. I can't even read this thing, are you sure you want to try it?))

(Of course!) Daisuke had returned to his normal self: bouncy, happy and full of blind determination. He smiled and began heading for the train. (It can't be that hard. We'll stop by the museum and go from there!)

((Yep, doomed.))


"I beat you again mutt. Let's just let sleeping dogs lie for once shall we? Give it up Wheeler, you'll never best me." Seto Kaiba, a tall teen with short, perfectly cut brown hair said. His blue eyes, which were almost always narrowed, wore a look of triumph as he glanced over the table. Before him was a set of cards placed in very careful arrangements on a dueling mat. Joey Wheeler sat across from him, glaring and shaking his fist.

"Damn it Kaiba can't you just say 'Oh you lost?' or something!" Joey shouted. His friends looked on with interest. This was becoming a ritual for the blonde teen to play a game of duel monsters ever day with the CEO of Kaiba corp. They would use Yugi's living room in the back of the Kame Game shop for these events now that school was over. Yet everyday ended with a brief fight between the two hotheaded teens. This current fight was a grand example. "And I'm not a damn mutt you bastard!"

"You're right, my mistake, you're a puppy." Kaiba chuckled darkly. "A tiny, helpless, disgustingly weak puppy."

"Yeah and your mother was a ho!"

"…A what?"

"…It's slang, I heard it on TV."

"You're a fool Wheeler."

"Well you've got a fat head Kaiba, want me to crush it down some for ya!" Joey went to leap across the table but Ryou and Yugi quickly grabbed his arms, pulling him down.

"Come on Joey, let's not do this!" Yugi cried. Though he was much shorter than his friend, with Ryou's help they managed to pin him.

"Yeah you're right Yugi…" Joey glared up at Kaiba. "Fine let's settle this like men! We're taking it outside!"

"I don't feel like walking my pets today." Seto stood and briskly left the room. Joey fought off Ryou and Yugi and ran out after him screaming a string of curse words against everything Kaiba owned. The two looked at each other at the same time and burst out laughing as they gathered up their things. Ryou shoved his dueling deck into the back pocket of his tight denim jeans and grabbed his pastel blue trench coat off the couch. Putting it on over his darker blue shirt and brushing away his long ivory hair from his wide chocolate eyes he glanced over at his friend. He was oddly amused by him putting on a leather choker and some matching black cuffs. Yugi's darker half had a strange influence over the small boy and had him dressing in leather, belts, zippers and other slightly kinky outfits. Of course he never went anywhere with the Millennium Puzzle chained securely around his neck, his pride and joy. His wild, black and red star shaped hair set with blonde bangs completed his punkish look. Yet on such a tiny person it looked a bit out of place, like he was trying on his older and cooler brother's clothes. Ryou had to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Yugi asked, genuinely curious. Ryou shook his head and smiled.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about how you dress. No worries," He added, feeling the hot glare on the back of his head, "It's nothing bad, honest! I like your clothes…" Ryou walked out into the storefront as Yugi's grandfather scolded Kaiba and Joey for fighting. Seto rolled his eyes and left the store, hopping into his waiting limo. Ryou and Yugi went out to wave him goodbye while Joey continued to be lectured inside. Seto rolled down the tinted window so that he could look at the boys as they ran up to him.

"I expect a more worthy challenge next time if you insist on this training program Yugi." Kaiba said, sighing. "I do not understand why you won't duel me until I help the mutt become a first rate duelist. Not even a miracle smothered in angel dust and pixie nuts can salvage that crap he calls a deck."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." Ryou said, smiling good naturedly. He'd spent far too much time in Bakura's presence to be fooled by a mask. Seto was content to spend his afternoons dueling against Joey and talking to Yugi and Ryou and they all knew it. Well maybe not Joey but that was how he was.

"Feh…" Seto scowled, his way of blushing, before handing the two boys special looking envelopes with gold seals on them. "Here, I'm having a party for stock holders and other vaguely important people next week. You might as well come and keep me entertained. Bring your decks. Oh and Wheeler can come if I get to keep him on a leash." He smirked and Yugi leaned in closer.

"Come on Kaiba-kun…" Yugi pouted. "Do you have to bother him like that?"

"I'm not Kaiba-kun and I will annoy him until he dies." Kaiba rolled up his window and the limo sped off down the street. Ryou and Yugi watched after him as Joey shuffled dully from the game store.

"I'm going to beat him one of these days. Rat bastard…" Joey growled, glaring after the limousine. "Gah I can't think right now! Creepy asshole! I know it's early but I'm shoving off ok? See you two later!" The blonde waved half heartedly as he trudged off down the street. Yugi waved after him and turned back to his remaining friend.

"Alright, it's still early so should we go to the museum now?" Yugi asked.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do today." Ryou shrugged. Honestly he just wanted to go home and see if he had any mail. Waiting for mail…what a pathetic way to spend a morning and, yet he had spent more than a few mornings doing just that. Bakura had broken his promise. Completely shattered it. In fact, Ryou had only gotten three letters from him since he'd decided to live in Egypt. One letter had promised a return. Ok hinted. Vaguely hinted at a return. Still it was there and it was, in Ryou's eyes, a promise. It would be nice to have him back for many reasons. For one, no matter what Ryou did, he still was in love with the thief. That was something that couldn't be helped and he had accepted it. For another, he really wanted to go one day without feeling as if his head was in a vice. Taking tylenol everyday wasn't cutting it anymore and it was Bakura's fault for that pain. The strain of having your other half clear across the globe was too much on Ryou's soul after all. Also, they were two halves of a whole. That was why he was in pain to begin with! He needed his other half to be complete, to be one again. Oh and he wanted the Millennium Ring back. It was his, damn it.

"Great!" Yugi smiled brightly as they started down the sidewalk. "Let's get going then. Isis said Marik will be here tonight so I have to greet him at the airport…it sure is weird…" He paused thoughtfully, his face turning skyward. "I mean, it's strange enough that Isis is having the Millennium Scales displayed at your dad's museum but sending Marik to guard me…" A frown came across his face, "I wonder what's going on…?"

"Who knows? Dad only called me and told me how excited he was to display all this stuff for the grand reopening of the Egypt exhibit tomorrow." Ryou said, crossing his arms behind his head as they walked. The streets were fairly empty even though it was early in the day and so they were able to walk easily without worry of eavesdroppers. "I haven't heard anything from anyone."

"…still nothing from Bakura?" Yugi, who had grown close to the loner, knew the hidden message in his words. From the look on Ryou's face, he was dead on.

"No…" Ryou said, sounding huffy. "He mentioned coming back for the Cherry Blossom Festival but obviously he had more important things to do."

"Ryou, that's not true…" Yugi trailed off though, unable to think of any words that might comfort his friend. Bakura had always been one to do things because HE wanted to, not because anyone else desired it. So if he truly wanted to be back in Japan, chances were that he'd have already come back and ravished Ryou. Yugi missed a step, realizing what his last thought was and shook the images that appeared from his mind. He really didn't need to think of them like that, not when he woke up half the time from a Yami related dream. "I'm sure—" He stopped as a sudden, soft sob broke the air. Ryou heard it too and dropped his arms to his sides. "Where…?" Yugi looked around until he spotted a young boy curled up in a ball under a nearby payphone. His knees were brought up to his chest and his head was hidden behind a baggy tan tunic and a crop of flaming red hair. A duffel bag and suitcase rested by his feet unattended along with a confusing subway map that was slightly torn.

"That poor boy…" Yugi said, dropping his voice to a whisper. "What should we do? He looks really upset." Ryou considered the smaller child with a careful eye. From the looks of things, he was probably a runaway. They weren't all that uncommon and some didn't have what it took to live on the streets. The redhead before them was no doubt one such teen. Running away from his past, his troubles and fears, only to have them catch up to him once more. A creeping sense of pity and familiarity rose up in Ryou's heart and he sighed, walking up to the boy as he pulled a tissue from his bag.

"…Here…" Ryou said very gently, putting on the kindest voice he could muster. Inside, though it wasn't something he wanted to dwell on, Ryou felt oddly connected to the new child. He held the small white tissue in front of the boy, who jumped at the voice from above. He lifted his head slightly to reveal beautiful ruby eyes, made even brighter by the sunlight reflecting in his shining tears. Those same eyes grew wide when they saw the tissue dangling in front of his face.

"Hi-hiwatari-kun!" He stammered instantly before his sight raised farther up, meeting Ryou's own coffee stained irises. For a moment the two stared until they had easily bore a hole through each other's head. "…Ah! Ah I'm, I'm so…" He grabbed the tissue, hastily wiping his eyes as he stood shaking. "I'm so sorry! I thought…but no…he wouldn't be…I um, I'm so sorry! I mean I thought you were someone else." He laughed nervously, still blotting his face. "I got lost and I just got upset and the map wasn't helping and um…"

"Lost?" Yugi piped up, looking over his bags. "Where were you trying to go?"

"I was—" But he cut himself short as his wandering gaze settled on the Millennium Puzzle around Yugi's neck. He blinked at it, his eyes glazing over as if in a trance before he snapped to a moment later. "Those…aren't they on display at the Domino Museum?"

"Oh!" A grin came to the shortest boy's face. "You came to see the Millennium Item display!" He glanced down, fingering the chain the puzzle was looped upon lovingly. "Oh this one won't be in the display…but a few of them will." He looked back up. "If you're going that way, we could always go together! We were going to go see the exhibit too. That way you won't get lost again!"

"Together?" The redhead shut his eyes, becoming very quiet for a time. When they opened again, a cheerful light shone from within that had been absent before. He now seemed bouncy and when he spoke there was a genuine happiness to his tone. "That sounds great! That will make things much easier! Except…well um I…um…" He hesitated. "I don't have anywhere to stay…I was supposed to stay somewhere but I can't now…I kinda messed up again."

"I'll see what I can do." Ryou said, his voice back to that which most knew him by: soft and delicate. Yugi noticed he seemed to sound this way before he got to know someone, at which point his odd brand of sarcasm usually came out. "Maybe I can figure out somewhere for you to stay."

"That'd be wonderful, thank you!" The boy beamed at the two before holding out his hand. "I'm Niwa Daisuke. It's very nice to meet you two!" Daisuke cried enthusiastically.

"I'm Motou Yugi and this is Bakura Ryou." Yugi shook his hand, followed by a more solemn nod from Ryou.

"…Motou-kun and Bakura-kun?" Daisuke tested, a thoughtful look passing behind his eyes. Both Ryou and Yugi burst out laughing at once before he got any further. "Eh?"

"…Bakura-kun…" Ryou snorted, subsequently ruining his previous low key façade. "He'd kill me, honestly…no wait, even better for him would be something cute like…say…Kura-kun. Now that sounds like a high school girl's nickname…oh yes, can you see it Yugi?"

"He'd skin us! No no wait, he'd send us to the shadows I know it! Kura-kuuuun!" Yugi laughed and the two boys had to lean on each other for support with visions of Bakura in a girl's school uniform prancing through their minds. Daisuke blinked at them, his brow furrowed in confusion. Finally after a few minutes they managed to stifle their laughter enough to speak, though they both now suffered from side pains.

"Please, don't call me Bakura." Ryou said, trying not to smile. In all honesty he was very serious about this. Ever since Marik had dubbed the Spirit 'Bakura', it no longer felt like his name. It was the Spirit's, the Tomb Robber's name now. "Ryou will be fine."

"And Yugi for me too!" The star haired youth said warmly. "I'm not really used to honorifics actually. We don't use them too much here…"

"…Ryou-kun and Yugi-kun?" Daisuke asked, tilting his head curiously to one side. The boys smiled, realizing the Niwa was a little on the polite side and nodded to humor him. "Wow, that's kind of odd isn't it? Honorifics are important to me but I guess…Ok then um…I guess you can call me...Daisuke if you really want to."

"It's alright, if you're not comfortable with it." Ryou shrugged. "Um, Niwa-san."

"So Niwa-kun!" Yugi said, also trying out their new friend's name. "Let's see…Ryou's place is on the way so let's drop off your bags there until we can find you a place to stay ok?"

"Sounds good!" Daisuke grinned and heaved his stuff over his shoulders. They all nodded, wandering down the sidewalks and past the streets in silence. However Daisuke found it unnerving and instead turned to the new people. "So um, do you guys work at the museum? I just mean that…I heard those Items were given to the museum by a private donor and well you have one…" He tried very hard to suppress the blush rising to his face.

"My dad owns it." Ryou shrugged, playing with the zipper on his trench coat. "We also happen to own a few of the Items. The ones in the exhibit are being leant to my father by a friend. I guess he was all for it because it means more business and that means more funding…which means more digs for him." He noted the look on the other's face and smiled. "Aside from having partial ownership of the museum my father also does most of the artifact digging…he's an archeologist at heart."

"So then he's always away?" Daisuke asked. When Ryou nodded he continued on, "Then do you live with your mother?"

"No, she died a while ago…" The corner of Ryou's lips twitched sadly and Daisuke felt a small pang in his heart.

"I'm so sorry Ryou-kun…" Daisuke turned the color of his hair. "I didn't…I mean, I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine." Ryou waved his hand dismissively. "I live alone actually." He quickly flashed the upset redhead his best comforting smile. "But it's nice, I like it really."

"You don't have anyone?" Daisuke said, turning his wide, pouting eyes downward. "No one at all?"

"…I had…someone…" As he said this, Ryou tried to keep his emotions level and yet as 'someone' escaped his lips even Yugi noticed the sudden odd pitch. "I don't anymore though but it doesn't bother me at all."

"That's sad…it must be lonely…" Daisuke went silent, seemingly lost in his thoughts. He kept his eyes cast towards the dull cement they walked on, nearing Ryou's house. Yugi had to watch him, pulling the daydreamer away from any oncoming objects before Niwa was yanked from la-la land too harshly.

"I think he's sick." Yugi said softly in Ryou's ear.

"Or maybe he just uses his brain a lot."

"…Are you sure?" At that moment, a surprised squawk stopped them. They turned and saw that Daisuke had run into a telephone pole and was now shouting apologies and rubbing his face.



((So that thing is the Millennium Scales?)) Dark observed thoughtfully as Daisuke leaned in closer. After a quick stop at Ryou's home, and some tea, they had gone straight to the Domino Museum. Ryou had an all access pass and so he took the lead, past the crowds and public areas to a storage room where all the new exhibit pieces waited for their chance to shine. Behind many cluttered boxes was a special pedestal, encased in glass and lined with red velvet. Resting there was the golden Millennium Scales, a normal set of weighting scales with two disks balanced on either side. However in the center was a large Egyptian style eyeball with another orb stacked on top with a pair of small horns. Daisuke couldn't help but notice that the longer he stared at the scales, the stranger he felt, as though that eye were judging him or sizing him up. Dark felt it too and they both looked away. ((Damn, I don't like the look that thing just gave me…))

(It didn't give you a look Dark…)

((Yes it did)) Dark pouted, ((It's glaring at me, I know it is))

(…I'll admit it's creepy but glaring at you? It's kind of cold too…)

((I think 'dead' would be an even better word. It looks dead…hollow…yes, cold too though)) The thief said, his voice suddenly serious. Whenever Dark was actually serious about something, it was usually a bad thing.

"It's very odd…" Daisuke said, straightening up. Ryou glanced over at him before pushing back the curtains over a nearby window. Light trickled in, hitting the metal of the Item and causing it to glimmer and reflect the sun's rays. Now it truly looked beautiful, a work of art worthy of any museum…or Niwa basement collection.

"What is?" Ryou asked, pushing past a few crates to join the other boys. "The Scales?"

"I feel like they're watching me." Daisuke laughed awkwardly. "Silly, right Ryou-kun?"

"Er well…" Ryou stopped, dusting off the glass box that kept the Scales safe. "I don't know how much you know about these but they say each holds a unique power. The Scales hold a very interesting one that has a lot to do with Ancient Egyptian Mythology."

"The Scales measure the purity of your heart." Yugi continued, an unreadable look in his eyes as he gazed at the golden item. "You take a feather from Ma'at and place it on one side and on the other side you place the person's heart. If the heart weights more than the feather, a beast devours your soul as punishment for your sins. It's a judgment thing…it weights the sins of your heart to see where you should go in the afterlife. That is the power of the scales…judgment. It can see the truth."

"Ah…" Daisuke shivered despite himself, feeling the eye's grim stare boring its way through his soul. He swallowed and started fidgeting, trying to keep his hands from shaking. Why was this scaring him so much? It was just a myth after all.

((You should know better than anyone else how true myths can be…and how dangerous…)) Dark sounded tense but it quickly passed and a second later all traces of it were gone, his joking voice back again. ((Besides, you're too pure. The feather will be like a ton of bricks next to your heart, unless dirty thoughts are bad. Then we're both screwed, in the same boat, up a river with no paddle…especially lately. You have some hormone issues going on…all these girls around you…oh and of course there's the commander, ick.))

(DARK!) Daisuke's face flushed a deep crimson and turned his back on the Scales. (So have you seen enough or what?) He asked in a huff, tempted to cross his arms.

((Ooh you're pissy now…geez some people can't handle the truth)) He sighed dramatically, shrugging ((Yeah yeah, I already have this place mapped out in my head. Not much in the way of security, just follow the main hallway down until you reach a three way split, go left, ignoring the first three side rooms and follow that unti-))

(Alright I get it) Daisuke smiled, stopping his other half's rambles. Dark got so into his thefts, he really did love what he did. "So umm…well they are nice…when are the rest coming?"

"Let's see…" Ryou titled his head back and closed his eyes in thought. "The Millennium Ankh should be here…later this week maybe? And Yugi, you said you were going to put the Tauk on display too right? Dad was hoping you would anyway."

"As soon as Yami let's me." Yugi sighed. "He's so defensive about the Items. I think he'll be ok after Marik comes though…or at least less paranoid. I think he has some thief issues." The small boy grinned and nudged Ryou playfully in the ribs, who in turn opened one eye and gave him an amused look.

((…Get the feeling we're missing something here?)) Dark asked.

(Yeah…there's something going on…) Daisuke frowned slightly. "Um so…you guys know a lot about Egypt?"

"We might as well live there with as much of Egypt that we deal with…" the moonlight colored teen responded with a groan. "Anyways, we can come back tomorrow night if you want for the grand unveiling of the revamped Egypt exhibit."

"Oh is it tomorrow night?" Daisuke asked, feeling Dark's excitement spilling over into his own personality.

((Well then let's hurry up and leave a notice! I want to do things by the code of etiquette after all))

"Yes…we still need to find you a place to stay, don't we?" Ryou said, guiding the boys out of the storage room. Daisuke took one last look at the Millennium Scales and held back the quiver that tried to rise up his spine. "Well then let's do that…" On the way out, Daisuke slipped away and wrote a small card out for Dark, announcing his intent to take the Scales. He was careful to leave it in a place where it would be found that night but not while he was in the building. He rejoined the group, claiming a bathroom break before the trio made their way past the dying crowds. They had just made it to the entrance when Yugi caught sight of the clock.

"Oh no!" He cried, his violet eyes widening. "Marik arrives in an hour, I have to go get ready! I'll see you later Ryou and I'm sure I'll see you too Niwa-kun!"

"Bye Yugi-kun!" Daisuke grinned, waving as the boy fled from the museum. Seeing the sun fading fast over the tall skyscrapers he too looked at the clock. "…It is getting late…"

"Yeah." Ryou's lips turned downward just a bit. "I wonder if any of the hotels will have a room available though. A lot of people are staying here for the opening of the new exhibit…and there are also a lot of business meetings going on at Kaiba Corp…"

"Well we'll just have to try, right Ryou-kun?" Daisuke beamed at him, his eyes showing nothing less than utter and complete faith that Ryou would think of something. The older teen sighed, breaking down under such an honest look.

"…Maybe…I guess you're right. We need to try." Daisuke was satisfied with that answer and grabbed Ryou's hand, pulling him forward.

"You know this city better than I do so you can lead the way!" He grinned again and Ryou gave him a nervous smile in return. "Alright let's go find a room!"


((The bed is pretty nice huh?)) Dark said as Daisuke tested it, bouncing lightly on the mattress. ((Although this looks like Krad's room if you ask me. He'd think it was pretty cozy)) Daisuke had to agree. The sadistic angel would love this room, with all the swords and daggers that hung against the walls, gleaming blades in the moonlight. There were also handcuffs sitting on the dresser along with table top RPG pieces. In the closet were several black trench coats that Dark had been eyeing for the past ten minutes and many nice gold necklaces and bracelets.

(I wonder what kind of person he was…?)

((Looks to me like some blend between the commander and Krad…course they're the same person…so I guess it would be someone like them…err…him…whatever)) Dark yawned widely, smacking his lips a bit as he tried to signal Daisuke to sleep.

(Kind of creepy though…) Daisuke said, his gaze resting on a particularly sharp looking sword with a nasty curve at the end.

((Yeah well I guess we should just be happy to have a room right?)) Dark had a point. Ryou and Daisuke had searched high and low but there were so many events happening in Domino City that no hotel had any rooms open, not even the usually convenient capsule hotels. A few seedy inns were open for business but Ryou advised Daisuke against them, fearing for his purity. Dark said it didn't help when the redhead had asked why anyone would want mirrors on their ceiling. So to avoid any mess, Ryou had decided to let the out of towner stay with him. They had bonded fairly well over the day and while that was no assurance in today's world, Ryou was willing to risk it.

"I can't just let you sleep in the streets." He had said as they stepped into his large house-like apartment. "There's room here…lots of it. You can stay here…I don't mind."

(You're right.) Daisuke smiled and let himself fall into the waiting warmth of the navy blue sheets bundled around him. He stretched, his fists bumping the headboard as he turned his eyes to the shimmering stars dancing in the sky outside. (Do you think our warning will be in the paper tomorrow?)

((Of course it will! I am the legendary Phantom Thief Dark and this is one of my first times leaving a city to pursue an artifact! It will be huge!)) He proclaimed, suddenly wide awake.

(No need to be so modest) Daisuke frowned, though his eyes were soft and smiling. They lay in the gathering darkness for sometime, listening only to the noises of floorboards creaking in the distance and watching the moon drift past their window. The shooting star passed through, streaking a glowing trail of dust through the atmosphere. They even heard Ryou up and about much later on in the night, getting some water from the sounds of it. Both boys were lost in their own thoughts, gradually falling into sleep's gentle embrace. However, one of Daisuke's aimless thoughts caught his attention somewhat and in his mind he prodded at Dark's still frame. (Dark?...Hey Dark, are you awake? Daaark?)

((…I'm awake now…)) He scowled, rolling over onto his back to face his other self. ((Well? What is it?))

(…Are you going to take Yugi-kun's puzzle?) He asked, his red eyes filled with concern

((Uh yeah? That's why we're here remember? Steal and seal the dangerous Items. So of course I'm going to take his puzzle, Ryou's stuff too))

(We shouldn't do that…they're both really nice people…I mean…) He paused when he saw Dark had opened his mouth to speak but then he shrugged and let Daisuke continue. (But Ryou-kun doesn't have any Items does he?) Daisuke sat down near Dark's head, scooting close to the older teen.

((Well Bakura Ryou is on the list and down for the Millennium Ring so what can I say? He might be hiding it or something…or maybe the other Bakura kid has it. I don't know yet)) The two lapsed into silence for so long that Daisuke was positive Dark had fallen asleep again.

(…It's weird but…when I look at Ryou-kun and Yugi-kun…) Daisuke whispered. (I feel like…we're bonded…like they know something…like they are…are—)

((Like they are the same as us?)) Dark finished. Daisuke jumped slightly, looking down at him as he opened one eye lazily ((Yeah…I get that feeling too…and those items…they give me the creeps.)) He sighed in annoyance, a odd look in his eyes ((Damn it, I hate this…))

(Hate what?) Daisuke inquired softly. Something in Dark's voice had changed; he wasn't talking about the Items anymore. There was a long pause as Dark seemed to be considering something, his face turned away from Daisuke's.

((…Nothing Dai-chan)) He smirked and reached up, hesitating for a second before patting the younger thief on the shoulder. ((You should get to sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow. I have to track down the rest of the items and steal the Scales so get some rest already and stop asking me stupid questions.)) He grinned and rolled back over, his way of ending the conversation. Daisuke sighed and shook his head.

(Dark…you're frustrating sometimes) He said before taking the Phantom Thief up on his offer and letting sleep finally take him away.