Life Through the Eyes of the Youngest

A/N: (Read/skim so you know what's going on here!) This is a story about Phoebe's life, a few months before she left for New York. The parts in italics are entries in her diary. I'm trying to make it so that the last sentence of every chapter foreshadows something to come or hint at something about the show, so I hope that continues to work out…

I know this should take place in 1998, but I'm breaking the continuity to fit my original ideas. It's 1997. If you haven't read any of my other Charmed fics, then there's one thing you should know: mostly all of my stories have one thing in them that is different from the Charmed-verse. I won't tell you what it is because that would spoil the surprise. This contradicts a few minor things in another story, The Lost Halliwell, but since when have Charmed episodes not contradicted each other? Well, now that I'm done rambling, here's what you actually clicked on this page for:



January 4, 1997

Well, today's the day Piper and Prue move back in. I can't wait to see who tries to kill who first- me or Prue? (sarcasm) Anyway, what I mean is that things would be a lot easier around here if I didn't have someone else coming to yell at me about how I live my life. Thanks for having a heart condition, Grams. And Prue's probably going to blame me for that, too. God, sometimes she doesn't seem like my sister at all. More like a Nazi who's been forced to live with us… These last few years without her around were heaven. Well, at least Piper's coming back too. Oh great, hell's about to break loose. I just heard a car door close. My room's around the back so I can't see who's parked outside, but it's got to be them. Any minute now, Prue's going to stomp her way up here, barge into my room without knocking, and say something like

"You have to carry some things in too, y'know," Prue said sternly, glaring at Phoebe, who was lying on her stomach on her bed.

"I didn't hear you guys come in," Phoebe lied, quickly closing her diary. "In fact, I didn't hear you knock on my door, either," she sniped. Prue rolled her eyes. "Could you please at least try to respect my privacy, Prue? What if I was changing clothes in here, or… I was with a guy or something?" As soon as the words came out of Phoebe's mouth, she knew it was the wrong thing to say.

"After you make advances towards your sister's fiancé, I don't think any guy would want to sleep with a tramp like you," Prue said coldly. She turned to leave.

Phoebe groaned, sitting up on her bed. "I never touched him!" she said. Prue started down the hall, ignoring her completely. Phoebe shuffled over to her door. "Do you really want to start an argument the minute you move in?" she called. Once again, no answer from Prue. Phoebe rolled her eyes and turned back to her bed. She grabbed her diary from the sheets and hid it. Ever since Grams announced that her sisters were moving back in, Phoebe had known Prue would say something like that. She'd been ready for it. But she still didn't expect an insult like tramp. Phoebe stepped out of her room, shut the door, and headed downstairs. Unpacking time.

"Hey, Phoebe!" Piper smiled as Phoebe passed her on her way out the front door. She was carrying two duffel bags full of stuff.

"Oh hi, Piper!" Phoebe smiled back. She continued across the porch, down the steps, and to the car, where Prue was picking up a heavy cardboard box full of stuff. They exchanged quick, tense eye contact and then Phoebe grabbed the first thing she saw. It was a lamp, and she could carry it in one hand.

"I see lazy little Phoebe can only carry the light things," Prue jousted. It was quite a childish insult, but it still made Phoebe angry. She put her free hand on her hip.

"You trying to start something? Because I'll bet lazy little Phoebe could give you a black eye," Phoebe said, glaring at her sister. Their faces were only about a foot apart, and neither of them blinked.

"Uh, Prue, shouldn't you be meeting up with Roger to go over wedding arrangements?" Piper asked, destroying the tension. She was always good at breaking up their impending catfights.

"Right," Prue said plainly. Piper took the last suitcase out of the back of the car and shut the trunk as Prue got in and started it. She pulled away. Phoebe silently picked up the suitcase in her other hand. She and Piper carried the last of the things into the Manor.

Phoebe sighed. "Will she ever believe me? Or at least forgive me?" she asked Piper.

"Unless one of us can see the future, I don't think we'll know anytime soon."

A/N: Thanks for reading! I'll update soon, but only if I get reviews! (If not I'll still update, just a long time from now!)