Version 12.16.2006.04.50

DISCLAIMER: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a property Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Television and Kuzui Enterprises while Gundam Wing: After Colony and Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz is a property of Sotsu Agency and Sunrise and TV Asahi. No copyright infringement intended, these characters are not used to generate money, nor are they used with permission.

WARNING: This fan fiction may contain spoilers on the series mentioned in the disclaimer including the author's note. Read at your own risk.







Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Millions of years after the last season

Gundam Wing After Colony: Two Years After the Endless Waltz Movie

Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to Herald-Mage Brianna the first reviewer of this fictionwho inspired me to continue when I want to give up the story.


"She will be the one to restore your ideal kingdom, Father...and I will fight for her sake. So please forgive this hopeless son of yours." -Zechs Marquise / Milliardo Peacecraft, Gundam Wing After Colony


By A Writer Wannabee



"Good afternoon Ms. Hilde, Ms. Relena is at her office," the butler greeted before allowing the young woman in.

"Thanks, Pagan," the German said before going upstairs.

A few minutes later she entered the office without knocking.


The office was mess. Newspapers and magazines were scattered everywhere.

"I'm here Hilde," a small voice answered from the back of the room.

The blue haired lady found the former princess in a middle of papers, books and a huge amount of dust.

"What on Earth are you doing?" she asked between her coughs.

"Oh, I'm researching for my next speech."

"You're going to talk about general house cleaning?"

"Very funny! Finally, I found it!" the blonde suddenly exclaimed.

"What's that?"

"My father's journal."

"You're going to read his diary? Isn't that invading his privacy?" Hilde asked as she peered at the notebook

"Well, sort of, but my mother said he would have wanted me to read it."

"So what's the topic this time?"

"I have to convince the elite members of the Earth Space United Nation to support the colony repairs," Relena replied before skimming between the pages.

"And how's your Dad's diary going to help?"

"My father wanted the Earth Federation to increase the maintenance budget for the colony during his term."

"So you're going to copy your father's proposals," the former OZ soldier teased.

"Not necessarily, I'll just go over it and take some pointers."

"Oh, so how many days do you have left?"

"The talk will be in two months time."

"WHAT! That's several weeks from now."

"Yes but I really need to prepare," the Sanq princess said and stood up

"Oh no you don't, you're not going to spend your entire weekend inside this room."

"What do you mean, Hilde?" Relena asked as she set aside the journal before picking the books that are scattered around the room.

"I know we could go clubbing tonight."

"I can't. I have to work on this..."

"I won't take no for answer."

"Hilde, we can't! In case you've forgotten, I'm the vice-"

"Rellie, there's nothing that a little make over can't change."

"We won't get passed the security."

"Well, I'm a former OZ soldier and a PREVENTER in reserve."

"But my head security officer is an active PREVENTER and a former GUNDAM Pilot."

"I'm sure we could distract him with something."

Hilde winked at her friend and took out a cellphone.


"Hilde, I don't really like this."

"You need some adventure in your life," she said and continued dragging the other girl inside club.

It was hard for her convincing Relena to come with her especially Heero almost caught them. At least, Duo agreed with her. Her boyfriend distracted the perfect soldier as they snuck out. Hopefully he will be able to leave the mansion, unnoticed and join the both of them before anyone gets suspicious. A voice broke her reverie.

"Hi Miss, would you like to dance with me."

When she noticed that Relena will decline the offer, she answered for her friend. "Of course she would love to."


Relena glared at Hilde when the guy took her hand and lead her to dance floor. She was having a hard time moving because of the crowd and her clothes. Her friend obviously picked the whole outfit for her. She's currently wearing a pair of tight jeans with matching white sleeveless tank top. Not to mention her feet was beginning to hurt because of the high heeled sandals that she's wearing. She's grateful for the wig though. She can't imagine tomorrow's headline will be.

"Yo babe, are you going to dance or not?"

"Sorry, I don't really feel like dancing."

With that Relena headed for the nearest exit.


Hilde was tapping her fingers on the table along the music when she saw Duo entered the club.

"Over here," she shouted as she waved at her boyfriend.

Her smile faded when she noticed that Duo seemed hesitant to join her. She decided to approach him instead.

"What took you so long? I thought that you'll ditch the perfect soldier at the quickest possible time and head right here. Are you losing your touch?"


"He is losing his touch. He failed to ditch the perfect soldier," another voice pitched in.


'This can't be happening. This is not true,' repeating the mantra in her head over and over again.



"Hn," he replied as he gestured to come with him.

"I'm sorry."

Dead silence was between them even when they got out of the alley. She opened to speak once more but stopped when she noticed her brother walking towards them.

"Relena, what were you thinking? Everyone was worried about you. I should have known you never list How many times I told you not to-"


Everyone stared at her, shocked at what she had just done.

"I'm sorry. I'm tired. Can't we just go home?"

Everyone nodded and immediately left.

In the alley beside the club, there was a pile of dust in the alley and small piece of broken wood right next to it.