A/N: Okay, so as you may have noticed, a while ago, this story dissapeared. Well, that would be because decided that it had bad grammer and needed to be deleted...yeah, don't ask cause I don't understand it either. Whatever. So it's being reposted. And hopefully it won't be deleted again for a massively stupid reason. I'm reading it over and fixing whatever bad grammer might be considered bad. Anyways, here ya go. Oh and I don't think I'm gonna use chapter titles because I don't remember the titles I had before. So I'm just gonna do away with them. Enjoy!

A/N: Alright, I know I probably shouldn't be starting a new story, cause I have like 4 going, but I can't help myself from starting this one. Besides, I'm in a block with the wedding for Gone. And Lindsay was very good and gave me her part of United Paths, but now I'm stuck on it. lol Figures. And The Twin, well, that only gets updated once a month cause I write really long chapters for it. And the Mary Sue, well, that's on hiatus right now. Just so the nazis (someone said that in a review to someone starting a MS and just loved it, so I'm borrowing it. lol) can calm down. It should be started again by February. Or at least that's my plan. It'll give time to relax, gives me time to work on Gone, and gives me time to get more for the newer chapter. Also we've been having massive problems with the computer and the problems just seem to get worse and worse. Um, it's a mixture of probs with AOL and my computer I suppose. I'm in the process of talking my mom into renewing my Norton Anti-virus. And just a little note to Lindsay if she should happen to read this before I get to talk to her. When I move down there, there will be NO AOL being used on my computer. Lol I will be looking into a DSL down there. Because I can't deal with these assholes anymore. Lol Also, you'll love this one, I'll be getting a Wal-Mart discount card because of going to JCC in the fall. Since my mom works there, I get one for goin to college! EEEEEEE! Lol So we'll get 10 off everything in that store except sale items, I think. Lol So cool! Um, I think that's it. Oh, if there are any computer geniuses out there, could you possibly tell me why my computer is calling 911 like once a week or every other week. So far since Christmas they've been called 3 times. So if anyone knows of a reason for this, please tell me what to do to fix it. THANKS! I've also included an extra, longer summary since I couldn't write a good one by the link. This story will probably have a few updates in the beginning to take place of Gone. And then when I think of stuff for Gone, I'll put this one aside like The Twin. Why do I get the feeling this is all a bad idea? Lol I think that's it.

Summary: Alexandria has been in the WWE for a month now, working house shows and dark matches. But no one knows who she really is or where she even comes from, except for a few handful of people. What is she hiding, and why is she hiding it? Her past is a very un-proud time for her and her family. But what did she do that was so bad? Everyone asks about her, but never get any answers. The only one that admits to knowing her before the WWE is the man she's currently valeting for, Randy Orton. He's been sworn to secrecy about her, but not by her. And if not by her, than whom? Could her friendship with Randy become more than meets the eye, or is she destined to hide her feelings because of certain rules? Is Randy the one she truly wants anyways? Or could she fall in love with the one person that's constantly asking her questions about her past?

She sat in the chair, 1st row, ring side seats, right behind Lilian. She wore the Evolution t-shirt, tight, and tied in a knot in the back so it showed off her midriff. Her luscious shoulder length blonde hair was left down, and fell across her face as she moved in her seat. Her black and white plaid mini-skirt barely covered her back side when she stood. Her feet adorned with knee high combat boots. The men in the audience around her ogled and drooled over her. She was hot, and she knew it. Her presence screamed confidence. Her blues eyes sparkled as she watched the match currently being fought. Randy Orton versus Test for the Intercontinental title. It was one hell of a match and she was completely into it. Test started getting the upper hand and she jumped up, much to the men's delight, out of her seat and started pounding on the barricade for Randy. Test looked over at her, grinned and started pounding on Randy some more. Her anger got out of hand as she climbed over the barricade and climbed up the steps to stand on the apron. Test looked up and shoved Randy's head into the mat. She smiled at him and jumped down off of the apron, to prance around and dance for him. Test wiggled his eyebrows as she bent over to shake her lacey covered ass at him. Randy started to come back to reality and he saw his opportunity. He went up behind Test and pulled him down for a rollup, getting the pin. She laughed as she climbed back up the stairs, this time getting in the ring. She walked over to Randy, gave him a coy smile, and ran her finger down his chest. She grabbed his arm and raised it in the air as Lilian declared him the winner of the match. She spun around, wiggling a bit and a smile on her face, as she grabbed his arm once again to the opposite side of the audience. She let his arm fall to his side and he sat on the ropes, holding them open for her. She stepped over them and he jumped down to the floor. Taking her hand in his, he helped her jump down as well. As they walked up the ramp together, she held his arm in the air, while he held his other arm up holding the IC title belt.

"Get me out of this skirt!" she exclaimed as soon as she was out of sight.

"Why? You look great," Randy smiled as she looped her arm with his.

"I feel like a ho," she laughed.

"Nah, you're just sexy," he said. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you later Alex."

"Later Randy," she smiled at him before leaving him at his locker room. She pushed her blonde hair behind her ears and crossed her arms as she walked down the hall, still smiling. She walked into the women's locker room and quickly started untying her boots.

"You looked good out there tonite," Trish complimented her friend. The blonde Canadian took a seat on the bench and smiled. "I saw some chemistry between you and Randy tonite."

"Oh gees. Here we go," she sighed leaning back against the wall.

"You two are very cute together is all I'm saying," Trish said.

"You've been saying that since I was brought up last month."

"Alexandria, maybe you should go for him. Ya know, take a chance?"

"No way Trish. We're friends and that's it," Alex said pulling her boots off.

"Fine, but I think you're missing out on a really great dating situation," Trish stood walking to the opposite side of the room to take off her own gear. Alex shook her head and started changing into her street clothes.

The 5'7" girl finished dressing into a pair of loose jeans and a sweatshirt in minutes, along with a pair of her trusty Nikes and her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had washed off the make-up that she wore that nite, making her look like a whole new person. She grabbed her bags and walked out into the hall. The 23 year old waited for her travel partners, Lance Evers, Jay Reso, and Shane Helms. Most of the time she traveled with them, Lance and Jay, adopting her as their sister. Shane, well, she was still unsure what to make of Shane. He was just more flirtatious and out there than she was used to. But she did enjoy his company. She leaned up against the wall and waited for them. She glanced at her watch, seeing that they were about 3 minutes late, which with Lance in the group, that didn't happen often.

"Made it!" Shane exclaimed running up to Alex. He looked around her and noticed she was the only one standing there. "Where are they?"

"What do you mean? You share a locker room with them," she replied crossing her arms.

"They left the locker room like 5 minutes ago. I figured ya'll were waiting out here for me," Shane said.

"I've been standing around for 3 minutes waitin for ya'll!" she exclaimed pointing to her watch.

"Oh no," he shook his head. "Lance won't wait for us anymore."

"I've been out here since 11!" she insisted.

"Honey, what's it say on your watch?"


"If Lance left the locker room 5 minutes ago, do you honestly think it'd be 11:03 right about now?"

"Are you sayin my watch is slow?" she asked.

"Um, yeah," Shane crossed his arms. "How the hell are we getting from here to the airport and then to Quebec without missing our flight out of Houston!"

"Oh my God! It's called a taxi!" she exclaimed picking up all her gear and walking down the hall.

"Oh, oh! You're so immature!" he exclaimed trying to catch up to her.

She stopped, dropped her bags on his feet, and placed her hands on her hips. "I'M immature! Oh that's great! This coming from a man who admits to reading comic books at the age of 29!" she yelled as he winced from the pain in his feet.

"Hey! They're fine pieces of literature!" he exclaimed as she started to storm off once again.

"Oh puh-lease! Fine pieces of literature my ass!" she yelled practically slamming the door in his face.

"I'm SO gonna hurt you!" he yelled through the large metal door.

"You and what army?" she yelled back as he threw open the door. She flagged down a cab and got in, stood there staring at it. "You getting in or what?" He smiled at her and got into the cab.

"Ya know, I don't know a lot about you. And we've been traveling together for a couple weeks now," Shane said as we sat on the plane next to each other, having to get on a later flight, missing their original one by 5 minutes.

"Nothing to know," she responded as she looked out the window.

"I'm sure there is. I don't even know where you're from," he smiled.

"Around," she replied vaguely.

"Around? Around where?"

"Just around. God, what is this? An interrogation!" she exclaimed.

"No, I'm just curious who Alexandria is."

"You wouldn't like her if you knew."

"I'm sure I would. I like you, don't I? So what's so bad about you that you won't share it with me?"

"Look, I've done a lot of stupid things and I just want to forget about them," she sighed.

"I can understand that, but I seriously don't know anything about you. Like what your last name is, where you're from, what your family is like, and everything else."

"Shane, please stop," she begged looking up at him.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was such a bad thing."

"There are somethings that need to be kept secrete from people. My life is one of them."

"I can understand that. I won't ask again," he smiled.

"Thank you."

"I'm sorry about calling you immature," he apologized.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about my crack about your comic books," she smiled.

"So I guess we're even?" he questioned.

"Looks that way."

"Can I ask you just one question?"

"Depends on the question, I suppose," she replied.

"What's with you and Randy Orton? When you two first saw each other it was like a massive reunion. And I know you two weren't at OVW together, he was out of OVW before you got there, so what's up?"

"Um, okay, nothing," she answered.

"Don't give me that answer," he laughed.

"Randy and I go way back, like WAY back. It all has to do with my past, Shane. I'd rather just leave it at that."

"So you guys knew each other before the WWE?"

"You could say that," she nodded.

"Ya know, one of these days, I will get it out of you," he smiled.

"You wish," she laughed before turning her attention to the window. She muttered, "And I wish I could tell ya'll."

Alex yawned as she climbed out of her comfortable hotel bed. She rolled her head and looked at the clock that sat at her bedside. She and Shane had made it to Quebec at 6 that morning. She only managed to get 5 hours of sleep. She was exhausted but knew she had to get up and do her job. Tuesday, house show, at 7:30 pm, she knew she had to be at the arena by 5, so she struggled to get her ass in gear. She pulled on her sneakers and tightened her ponytail, not bothering to change out of her sleepwear. She walked out of the hotel, and down the street to the gym, which was packed with her co-workers. She shook her head and walked past the building to a familiar sight.

"Starbucks," she sighed happily as she walked into the packed coffee shop. She ordered her usual, tall mocha frap, and walked back to the gym.

"Morning sleepyhead," Jay smiled standing at the water cooler.

"Well, looks like you've had an invigorating workout," she said sarcastically sipping her caffeineated drink.

"Hey, I just got here. I over slept," he said. "But at least I got here when I was supposed to this morning."

"I can't help it if my watch happened to be a little slower than Lance's," she replied.

"Maybe you should get that fixed," Jay suggested throwing his paper cup in the garbage.

"Right away your highness," she scoffed walking towards the barbells and weights.

"Have you ever noticed how she has an attitude?" Jay laughed as he spoke to Randy.

"Runs in the family," Randy laughed. When he realized what he said his eyes bugged out and he struggled to fix his words. "Um, well, I mean, it probably runs in her family."

"Dude, do you know something about her that we don't know?" Jay questioned.

"Nah, man, I know just as much about her as you do," Randy said, walking away quickly before saying something he wished he hadn't.

"What's got you in such a rush?" Alex smiled at Randy as he walked towards her.

"I think I almost blew your cover," he laughed.

"What do you mean?" she asked frantically.

"Well, I mean, Jay asked if I had noticed that you've got an attitude problem. And I said that it runs in the family. That's it, I swear Al," he said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Randy, I hate this. It sucks so much," she said as tears came to her eyes.

"Do you wanna leave and talk someplace?" he asked. She nodded at him and they left the gym for a little diner.

"Trish, are Randy and Alex dating?" Shane asked as he noticed the two walk out with Randy's arm around her waist.

"No, they're not. She tells me they're just friends. I keep pushing her to go for it, but she won't. Never gives me a real answer as to why though," Trish shrugged.

"I asked her last nite about the two of them and she was very vague with her answer. What's she hiding?" Shane asked.

"I don't know. Kinda makes you wonder what kind of person we're dealing with, doesn't it?" Trish asked. "Like if she's in the mafia, or maybe she's like a runaway, or like some criminal."

"I doubt Vince would hire someone like that," Chris Irvine interrupted. "I mean wouldn't that be endangering the rest of us?"

"Yeah, you're right," Trish crossed her arms. "But I still want to know what she's hiding from everyone."

"And Randy seems to be the way to find out what that thing is," Shane nodded.

"Have you talked to your father?" Randy asked Alexandria as they sat in a booth together.

"He won't listen to me. I want to tell them all, but I'm afraid they'll treat me differently."

"Do I treat you differently?" Randy questioned.

"No, but you don't know it all Randy. You don't know what I did before I went to OVW," she replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Just another thing that I've got to hide," she cried.

"Sam, calm down. Just talk to your parents, okay?" Randy asked.

"Don't call me Sam!" she exclaimed. She lowered her voice, "You know that I can't go by Samantha anymore. You know I have to go by my middle name! God, Randy, what are you trying to do to me?"

"I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget. I mean as kids you were always Sam, or Sammy, or," he smiled. "Mantha."

"I know, but I'm Alexandria now. And I kinda like that better. Sets me apart from you know who," she rolled her eyes. "Please just keep the Samantha stuff to a minimum."

"I'll try……….Mantha," he laughed causing her to kick him under the table. He rubbed his shin but his laughter continued, especially seeing her smile.