
A legend of Zelda fic...

With only three OCs!

There's Lady Nexus, the free knight

And the two others will be found out later.

So there.



I own nothing but the three OCs and the plot.

Some of this stuff makes no sense whatsoever.

But in the end it will be okay.

Some of this is stolen from certain animes.

I don't own it either.

So there.

And bla.


I think I shall begin.

Somewhat now.




The Lady Knight: a Girl of Grays

One day the whole world looks

Like an open page

You've been dancing as fast as you can

With a smile on your face

And my feet can't stay on the ground any longer

With every leap of faith I feel a little stronger

Wanna swing from a star

In the big blue sky

Don't want to watch it all go by

So I'm gonna fly

Spring had just begun in Hyrule. Cherry blossoms were forming on the trees, and everything seemed to be rebirthing itself. Link opened his eyes and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He yawned and kicked the covers off his bed before getting dressed. He ran his finger through his blonde hair and stepped outside to face the day.

There was a note tied to the railing of his house. Link took the bit of parchment from the wood and unrolled it. His blue elven eyes scanned the writings for a moment before he sighed and whistled for Epona. She trotted over the hill, nearly running one or two of the little Kokiri as she came. Link jumped down the ladder and into Epona's saddle. He whistled again and she trotted in the direction of Hyrule castle.

He left Epona outside the castle and made his way to the courtyard.

Standing there was not only Zelda, but another woman he didn't recognize. She was not much older, or taller than either of them. Her hair was short and blue-gray, and her eyes were a blazing green. She was not Hylian, not remotely elfin.

Silver armor mostly covered the left half of her body, her tube-top sized breastplate sculpted into the head of a dragon, the plate armor attached by belts around her body. Her shoulders had plates over them, as did her knee-high boots. She had a knife strapped to her thigh, in plain sight. Her gloves went to her elbows, and likewise hand the same plate-style to them, from being on the backs of individual fingers to the rest of the way like gauntlets. Her turtleneck and baggy leggings were both dark gray, and she wore a sword but no shield.

Her face, which was once beautiful, was now marred by one great scar over her right eye, and another one tracing from below her left eye to under her chin and vanishing beneath her turtleneck.

"Oh, Link, you're here." Zelda said, turning away from the woman.

"Hi. What did you call me for?" Link asked, feeling slightly nervous around this woman.

"This is Lady Nexus, a free knight. She's staying here for a little while, and I thought it might be a decent idea if two heroes stuck together."

The woman bowed, but said nothing. Link, feeling dread in the back of his mind, agreed anyways. This was starting out to be a great day too. They left in silence. Link whistled for Epona. She looked up from grazing and trotted over. Nexus whistled too, and over the hill came a plucky little horse, smaller than Epona but appearing to be just as strong.

Link reserved a room in the local inn for her before they continued out into the land.

"What have you done? Why do people here call you a hero?"

Link was caught completely off guard by this question. The tone of her voice didn't help. She sounded cold, emotionless. Unable to do much else, he told her about his adventures in time. She nodded, taking in every word he said.

"And you?" Link asked, hoping to get some sort of answer.

"I save people from themselves." She said simply. She seemed sad, like there was something that she was hiding.

Link decided not to press the subject and instead headed towards Lon Lon Ranch. He had promised Malon that he would help her with some of the new, lively colts.

Upon arrival, they were greeted with a shrill, frightened scream. Epona's ears flicked forwards and she ran towards it, running to the barn wall facing the pasture. Malon had collapsed to her knees, in a hysteric shock. Her eyes were wide and her face was white with fear.

Link leapt from Epona before she stopped, landing nimbly at Malon's side. Nexus pulled her horse to a stop, dismounting and looking on. Link glanced at the wall, more disturbed than afraid.

Painted on the wall, in bright red blood, was a cross with a serpent curling around it.


Chapter one! End!
