A/N: Here's the final chapter. You may notice that I changed the title of the story. This is because I noticed another story called "Destiny" and didn't want anyone to get confused. Hopefully the change won't cause any confusion. Chapter 4 is short, but pretty much ties up the stories and sets up new ones for the next story.

Chapter 4

Colonial One

President Roslin sat upright in her bed, drenched in sweat. Another vision had seized her. She struggled to reach the phone next to her bed.

"Yes," the weary voice said on the end of the line.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Elosha, but I've had another vision," Roslin told her.

"Describe it to me," the Priestess said.

"I was in a field and there was a man there. He revealed to me everything about the Cylons. He told me how they became human."

"The prophecy of the outsider. He will reveal to us the answers about our enemies. He will show us how to defeat them."

"How? How will he show me?" Roslin asked.

"You must be patient, Madame President," Elosha told her. "Everything will reveal itself in due time. Prophecies have a tendency to come to pass at the least likely time."

"I see," Roslin said, resignedly.

"Try to rest well, Madame President," Elosha said, breaking the connection.

Roslin sighed and stared out the window at the planet Kobol below. Reaching over the bottle of chamala, she took three and went back to sleep.


Colonel Tigh waited on the hangar deck as the three Raptors were pulled in from the landing bay. He had heard of a man found down on Kobol and was interested in meeting him.

The Raptor that held the survivors of the Kobol mission was pulled in and the hatch opened. The Marines disembarked and made their way to debriefing followed by the Raptor's pilot and navigator. Following them was Chief Tyrol, who saluted Tigh and made his way back to his post. Cally followed him, smiling and clearly happy to be back on the Galactica. Following her was Doctor Baltar, Vice President of the Colonies and finally, the strange man he'd heard about.

"Colonel Saul Tigh, Battlestar Galactica," he said, extending his hand.

"Mark Kelan of the planet Earth," the man said, finally revealing his name. Taking the offered hand, he went on, "Permission to come aboard."

"Granted," Tigh said, astonished that this man from Earth would use protocol.

"My ship is on board." Kelan said, motioning inside the Raptor. "I'll need some help getting it out."

Now it was Tigh's turn to be confused.

"Ship? In there?"

"I know, it sounds ridiculous but it's a long story. My computers are installed and I need to begin analysis on them immediately."

"I see," Tigh said. "You do realize we'll have to check them for explosives."

"There are no explosives, Colonel," Baltar said, joining the conversation. "I give you my word as Vice President of the Colonies."

"I see," Tigh said again. Turning to Baltar, "Speaking of which, congratulations, but you're now Acting President. Roslin's been placed under house arrest."

"What?" Baltar asked, surprise in his voice.

"Mr. Kelan, we'll give you a lab so you can start analysis on your computers," Tigh said, getting back to the business at hand.

"Understood," Kelan said, looking at Baltar.

The two men watched as Tigh left. Two deckhands had already retrieved Kelan's craft from the Raptor and were waiting patiently to take it away.

"I'm not sure if I want to know what all that's about," Kelan told Baltar. "Sounds like you have some of the problems we have on Earth."

"So it would seem," Baltar said and left as well.

Kelan shook his head and motioned for the two deckhands to bring the ship along. Another deckhand led them to where he could work on the computers inside the ship. As he walked out of the hangar bay he glanced over at Cally, who met his glance and smiled.

In the CIC, Tigh was going over the next candidates for jump when the alarms began to sound. Lt. Gaeta stopped in mid sentence and ran over to the ships Dradis console.

"Dradis contact. One Cylon Raider, approaching the Galactica fast, sir."

"They must have found out we destroyed their Basestar. Prepare the fleet for jump."

"Wait, we're getting a recognition signal, sir," Dualla chimed in. "Sir, this can't be possible, but it appears to be Lt. Thrace's Raider."

"What?" Tigh said, looking at Dualla. "You're positive of that?"

"Wait one, sir. I'm picking up something on the wireless."

"Put it on the speakers," Tigh ordered.

"Galactica, this is Starbuck, requesting permission to land. Repeat, Galactica, this is Starbuck requesting permission to land."

"I can't believe it," Tigh said. "I just can't believe it. Give her permission to land. Then order a security detail to the hangar bay. I want her arrested as soon as she sets foot on this ship."

"Aye, Sir," Dualla said as she relayed the orders.

"I'll be in the hangar bay," Tigh said and left.

The hangar deck was a buzz of activity as the Raider was hauled in on the lift. Having no landing gear, it was the only way to safely land the ship once it powered down. Tigh had already arrived to watch, a full security detail behind him. He almost grinned, but checked himself. This was not the time to show his dislike of Lt. Kara Thrace.

The hatch opened and everyone was suddenly in shock as Lt. Karl Agathon was the first to disembark from the Cylon craft. A man everyone had though long dead now proved to be alive and well. Or so it seemed. When the next person disembarked, the security team immediately raised their weapons and everyone was shocked as Sharon Valerii got out.

"Arrest her," Tigh demanded. "She's a Cylon."

"No wait, Sir, you can't. She's pregnant," Helo pleaded.

"Another one of these things shot the Commander yesterday. I don't care if she's carrying twins, she's going to the brig to join her fellow Cylon."

"What? What happened to the Commander?" Kara asked, poking her head out from inside the Raider.

"He was shot because you went off on your little mission, Thrace," Tigh told her, omitting her rank. "If it weren't for you he'd be alright. And, for disobeying orders you're going to the brig as well. Arrest her."

"What, no!" Kara protested as the security team took her into custody.

Lee Adama chose this time to enter the hangar deck. He watched as his friend was handcuffed and led out of the bay.

"Lee, do something," Kara pleaded.

"Colonel, maybe you're overreacting," Lee observed.

"Would you like to join her, Captain?" Tigh asked. "I told you she went way over the line and she's going to pay. So long as I'm in charge there's going to be proper discipline on this ship. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Lee said, saluting.

All Helo could do was stand and watch as the woman he loved was taken away. Tyrol walked up to the Raptor pilot and looked at him.

"What?" Tyrol asked, confused.

"She's a Cylon, Chief," Helo told him and left.

Basestar, Orbit of Cylon-Occupied Picon

Cylon Humanoid Model Number Seven, known to the humans as Doral, looked down on the ruined planet of Picon, a dark look on his face. Interaction with the surviving humans had come to a standstill in the past two days, with the complete deactivation of model number Six and the destruction of over one thousand model number Twelves. Two were known to have been captured by he humans.

"The plan is unraveling," he observed to model number Five, known to the humans as Leoben. "We must get it back on track or else God will be upset."

"We're tracking them. We're also organizing an assault on their battlestar. They will not get away this time."

"We keep thinking that. Yet they always get away. If we don't destroy them soon, then our plans for the Galaxy will go unfulfilled," Doral told him.

"We won't fail this time. There's no way they can stand up to the numbers we're going to throw at them."

A Centurion chose this time to walk in to report to its superiors.

"By your command," it intoned.

"Report, Centurion," Doral commanded.

"Cylon Humanoid Model Number Six has been reactivated," it replied in its monotonous voice.

"It's about time. Bring her in."

"By your command," it intoned and left.

When the door reopened, it was Six that entered. Her appearance remained the same, but something had changed about her. Something deadly.

"Are you sure you're up for this mission?" Doral asked her.

"Of course," she answered.

"You can't let your feelings for the human to get in the way, you know. Nor your thirst for revenge."

"I serve God and His will," Six told him.

"See to it that you remember that," he told her. "Now go."

"By your command," she said and left.

Doral turned his back and once more stared out at the ruined planet of Picon. His mood did not change.

A/N: And that's that, for now. There's more to come, eventually.