Disclaimer: Neon Genesis Evangelion belongs to Gainax, ADV, Star Child, Movic, ING, and Dynamic. The Fight Club belongs to 20th Century Fox, Regency, and 1999 Fox. If legal representatives ask me to remove this from FanFiction, I shall do so. Also, if anyone wishes to copy something from here, he/she may do so after asking me for. Finally, this has been rated R for the fact that there will be Light Gore, almost minutely described and/or detailed, as well as various physical facts a tad bit too much pointed out. (Yes, I know, I'm using the same Disclaimer from TTYO. I'm lazy, so what!) LOL

AN: Alright, here's the sequel to "The Things You Own…". Note that this will not be following strictly the movie "Fight Club" anymore, though it will influence it quite a bit. We'll see Shinji and his gang fight the Angels and stuff. This will start a week after the epilogue. All details will be given throughout the prologue and the first chapter.

And I have no idea who will Shinji end up (sarcastic joke) paired with, so don't bother categorizing this as RxS or AxS already. Not even GxS!

More details will be provided in the First Chapter. (As soon as the Muse graces me with her divine presence, of course) Grumbles

Cyber-Undead presents:

... Ends up owning you!

This is narrative.

"This is a dialogue."


'This is a quote/EMPHASIS made either during a dialogue or narrative.'

These are thoughts.

These are mouthed and facial expressions before, during, and after, a dialogue.

This tells where and when the following happens.

(These will be Author Notes)



Gymnasium 'B&S', basement

Bending his torso to his left, Shinji manages to evade the punch. Leaving his clenched fists in front of his chest, thus in guard, he gives a couple of steps back. While licking his bloodied lip, he takes a moment, breathing deep but not relaxing his muscles. Knowing now that delaying an event would just worsen the situation, he approaches his opponent hopping in each leg, one at a time.

Rearing his right fist, he throws a punch, aimed at the upper-left torso, but it's blocked by his opponent's left forearm. He sees a right foot coming straight at his belly, so he jumps back, though he reacted too late to dodge the kick. Feeling his stomach go against his lower spine, Shinji bents his head down by reflex. Immediately after this, he feels two hands grab his head, and then he saw, just for a fraction of a second, a coffee-coloured-skin knee coming at his direction in high speed.

Needless to say that it hurt quite a lot. His opponent had released him the moment his knee connected with Shinji's nose, thus allowing him, Shinji, to straighten himself, propelled by the kneeling. Unfortunately, this didn't do him much good, for he was having serious trouble maintaining balance now. That and he had trouble breathing too. Feeling something warm and bitter tickle his throat, Shinji blinks several times. Noticing his vision clear a bit, he only sees his opponent, who had at this time his body already in the air, lower his torso back and raise his legs sideways, pressed together, up and towards Shinji. Next, he felt both feet bump against his ribs suddenly and quite painfully. (1)

Not having the strength to resist such a powerful kick, Shinji falls backwards. The moment his back touched the mattress, he coughed saliva and blood mixed together.

Rapidly turning to his right side, Shinji coughs severely for a few seconds. Looking at his opponent, he sees him pace right and left, always staring at him. Not feeling winded enough yet, Shinji rises into a kneeled position, places both open palms on the mattress, and pushes himself up in a sudden movement. Raising his hands in a guard-stance, he spends a minute thinking about the best tactic to defeat him. Twenty seconds passes, before he discards his idea to make a plan and just go recklessly. He runs forward, but his opponent wasn't that easy to be surprised, so he bents a bit forward, grabs Shinji's shoulders, and pulls against himself, thus making Shinji go forward even faster. Of course, a foot in the middle of his feet wasn't expected, so Shinji falls and slides in the mattress. Feeling his left arm a bit sore, Shinji again looks up just in time to see his opponent's elbow coming straight at his face.

After that vision, he just felt something very painfully connect with his temple, and then he blacked out…

15 minutes later

Blinking, Shinji tries to focus his sight, which wasn't easy, considering he had the left side of his head numb as well as some pained parts in his body. And breathing wasn't painless either. He raises his head a bit, and sees that he's lying on the floor with one of them kneeling next to him but observing another fight. Raising his hand, he touches his left ear, only to discover that it's covered with a chilling cloth. He then feels and sees a hand pressing against his chest, very gently pushing him to the ground. Looking up, he sees the same man nod and say

"Rest a bit more first."

Not having the strength or will to resist it, he relaxes against the floor. Breathing deeply, through the mouth not the nose, he rapidly lost conscience, without even noticing it.

20 minutes later

Tokyo-3 EMS


Frowning slightly, Shinji squirmed. The nurse paused for a moment, and then resumed his work. While Shinji felt his right eyebrow receiving stitches, he noticed that the nurse, a young man around twenty-five, had his jaw tense as well as his shoulders. Looking him in the eyes, it took less than a second to recognize that Shinji wasn't exactly welcome.


Suspiring, he thought about the global reactions to the dissemination about Second Impact, Gehirn and Nerv, and SEELE. He expected what happened: masses voicing their outright violent opinions concerning SEELE and their inhuman procedures. Their plans, categorized megalomaniac worldwide, forced the UN, USA, Russia, and the Asian Superpowers to pursue and arrest all of the members. Two of them, an American general currently in duty in a military base cooperating with NATO, in the northern Finland coast, and an Italian ambassador serving in the embassy in Tokyo-2, committed suicide. Six other members were found and taken unharmed. The remaining four, however, managed to elude the authorities, Lorenzo Keel being one of them.

Nerv had been, and still is, placed under heavy scrutiny, being constantly monitored by armed and escorted NATO officials. Foreign ambassadors came and went daily too, in order to pay Nerv a visit. Granted, they had short-to-medium clearance only, restricting their access to many areas, much to their displeasure. Terminal Dogma and the former Chamber of Gauf, for example, not only were off-limits to them, but they didn't even know it existed.

That was a crucial part of the relevance of classified information world spread, only the higher-ups of the UN knew about Rei. To spread word that she, in fact, was a clone of his mother, Yui Ikari, and that the soul of Lillith, the Second Angel, mother of Humanity, resided in her, therefore meaning that Rei and Lillith could have the same drive were it nor for Nerv to assure at all times, whether by drugs or orders, or both, had and still kept a 'human' nature in her. Just barely, but better some than none, especially considering their circumstances, namely the Angel Wars.

True, Shinji had been teaching Rei a few minor things about life, considering that she smiled more often now. Without being told to.

Smiling slightly, Shinji remembered how cute her face would be, when he had given her a cone of ice cream. She was so fascinatingly intrigued with it that Shinji found then, and still does, that the vanilla with raspberry juice was fortunate for meeting their doom at the grace of such beautiful lips.

Feeling suddenly a sting at the top corner of his right eye-socket, Shinji re-directed his gaze upwards, to the nurse, who was sucking his own thumb. The nurse then made a wave with his left hand, while keeping his right thumb in his mouth, signalling Shinji to get up. He obeyed, and sits straight, legs dangling free. The nurse, no longer sucking his thumb, grabbed a movable lamp closer to Shinji and said

"Close your eyes." Not giving Shinji the time to do so, he pointed the lamp a few inches away from his right eye, blinding him. Clenching his eyes shut, he wondered for how long the public would in general keep such a low opinion of the pilots and lower-techs from Nerv…


1 – To get a better impression of the move, see this link http:(double slash)exemusic.online.fr/capoeira.htm