Author's Note: Hi all, here is what I have so far. I hope you enjoy,

looking forward to what you guys think. Also a huge thanks to both Krista for betaing.

I posted this chap in Dec to a couple of places and just realized I hadn't here.

The lights of the main hanger deck were blazing brightly even though it was only 0100 hours. The night shift was busy maintaining Galactica's Vipers and Raptors. However, up on the catwalk in a slightly darkened corner sat a man who was contemplating everything about his life. Just a few short hours ago he had received news that had made him truly happy for the first time in what seemed like weeks.

He had officially become a father. But, it seemed that the Gods weren't completely on his side, because after gaining a son he lost the love of his life by her own hand. Slowly his hand drifted down by his side and he picked up another jar of Galactica's finest moonshine; he took a large swig and relished the burn as it blazed down his throat. He wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there when someone joined him.

"I'd rather be alone" he said, slightly slurring his words and not even bothering to look up.

"Chief, what's wrong?" Cally asked him very worriedly.

"Doesn't matter. Who's watching Boxey?" He asked tersely since he was fairly certain Cally was supposed to be watching him.

"Evans stopped by because she won some candy in a triad game and thought Boxey might like it. I was worried because you hadn't come back yet so I asked her to stay in your quarters with him incase he woke up and needed something."

"Well as you can see I'm just fine."

"No you're not." she replied "If things were fine you'd be in your quarters with that boy you just adopted as opposed to sitting here on this catwalk trying to drink yourself into oblivion."

She paused for a moment to let her words sink in, "So how about telling me the truth."

Galen sat in silence for a few minutes, but eventually the damn holding his emotions in check crumbled into tiny pieces. He let all his pain, anger, and anguish rise to the surface as he bared his soul to Cally. He told her about how he had almost gotten a complete family; he had a ring he was going to propose to Sharon with, and a son that any man would be proud to have. But it had all been an illusion; it turned out that the woman he loved was nothing but a machine. Cally sat quietly listening to him as all his raw emotions came bubbling to the surface.

"That may be the case Chief but that doesn't tell me why you aren't at home with Boxey? I'm sure he's pretty confused and scared right now."

The Chief scrubbed his hands through his hair, "I don't know what to say to him when I see him. How do I tell him that the woman who rescued him from Caprica, that he loved as a mother is a Cylon? That the plans that we had been making are now no longer possible. How doI tell him that?"

"Chief I feel for you, but you still have a family. It may not be the one you had planned on having, but it's still yours. You have a son that loves you and he needs you now more than ever. Plus, if you would open your eyes you would see that there are many people onboard the Galactica who care for you and will help the both of you in any way they can." Cally said, then she kissed him softly on the cheek before sitting down beside him with her hand on his back.

They sat together like that for a long time before finally leaving the catwalk and crossing the hanger deck together. When they reached his quarters he let Cally go in first. The Chief then thanked Evans and she left.

88888 Adama's Quarters 88888888

"So what the frak happened today?" Laura asked Bill.

"The cylon that was Lt. Sharon Valerii shot up the brig this morning before turning the weapon on herself."

"Was anyone injured?"

"Baltar was shot a couple of times but they went right through with little internal damage. According to Cottle's report none of the wounds were serious and he should make a full recovery. As for the Marine guarding the cells he'll be up on his feet relatively soon as well, once he recovers from his concussion," Bill said as he sat down on the couch.

"What about the other cylon? Maybe we should just throw her out of an airlock now."


"Why not she's a cylon?"

"Because right now we have leverage over her, until her child is born she wont cross us. The other thing to keep in mind is that getting rid of her will affect Lt. Agathon."

"But," she protested, "He's just one man and we're talking about the good of the entire fleet."

"Well that one man's best friend is Kara Thrace. When you add her to the equation it changes everything. The crew may follow me but they worship Starbuck like a hero and as much as she hates the cylons… I know she will stand behind her friend even if it means saving the cylon."


"Like I said the crew loves the almighty Starbuck, so they will follow her and Lee will back her up."

"Alright the cylon stays for now. Have you spoken with Chief Tyrol?" she asked compassion filling her voice.

"Yes" Bill said rubbing a hand over his face and then running it through his hair "It seems every time I speak with the man lately I'm bringing him more bad news."

"Didn't you tell him about the young boy?"

"I did. It was good news the adoption went through, but bad news the woman he loved killed herself…I'm getting too old for this; wars if they must be fought should be done so by the young not old codgers one day shy of retirement."

"You're being too hard on yourself Bill" Laura smiled as she sat down next to him and took his hand into her own.

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Bill started stroking the back of Laura's hand with his thumb. She looked up in surprise, with a faint smile crossing her lips. They gazed into each other's eyes for several minutes and then Bill bent his head down and captured her mouth with his own. When the kiss finally broke both of them were breathing raggedly from the headiness of the kiss.

"That was amazing" Laura said as she slid closer to him.

"Yes, it was" Bill grinned as he draped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her even closer. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Bill did I fight you or push you away when you kissed me?" she asked him.


"Well, then you should already know the answer to your question" she replied slighly.

"So tell me then, why would you want to be with a wreck of an old man, who doesn't know what he's doing?"

Laura turned to face him, "Bill we are at war and we're all doing the best we can. You're being too hard on yourself. You're human and feeling a lot of pressure these days, but remember you're not alone. Besides, you must know something," she said with a slight smirk, "After all you did have two sons."

She reached up and lightly stroked his face. As she did this he looked into her eyes and saw true compassion shine in them. Laura pulled his face down to hers until their lips met again in a fiery kiss. This time Bill pulled Laura onto his lap and held on for dear life not wanting to let her go. When they finally pulled apart Laura placed her head against his chest and listened to his rapid heartbeat.

They sat like that for a while just enjoying each other's company. An hour or so later Laura slowly got up, "I better go it's getting late."

"You don't have to…" he said as he reached for her hand "You could always spend the night here." Before she could answer him, he pulled her into his embrace and kissed her again, with a desperation that showed her just how much he needed her with him.

When they broke apart Bill led her over to his bed. He cupped her face with his hand and kissed her again, before unbuttoning her blouse slowly. He softly kissed along her jaw line and down her neck before settling on her pulse point. When he unbuttoned the last button he slowly pushed it off of her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Turning her around slowly he undid the button on her skirt letting it slide down her legs to the floor, where she slowly stepped out of it and removed her heels at the same time. He ghosted his fingers over her shoulders down to her bra, softly kissing her shoulder as he did. His skillful fingers made quick work of her bra and he slowly slid the straps off her shoulders. He placed kisses on the shell of her ear and traveled her neck, while whispering how beautiful she looked.

Sliding his hands down her smooth belly to her waist, he hooked his thumbs into her panties and slowly drew them down her legs. Laura sat down on his bed and said slyly "I think you're a little too over dressed there."

As soon as those words were out of her mouth Bill started to unbutton his uniform top. As he was removing his clothing Laura admired the view as he revealed more of his body to her. When he was undressed he joined her on the bed and pulled her close to him. It didn't take long for their lips to find each other and the kiss to become heated. As he kissed her he let one of his hands roam over her body until it reached her breast. He began to massage it gently until her nipple began to pebble between his fingers; then he started kissing down her body until he reached her breast. He peppered the breast with kisses in a circular fashion until he arrived at the nipple. He began to suckle on vigorously causing Laura to moan and twist her body under him in pleasure.

As her pleasure increased Laura twined her fingers through his hair encouraging him to continue. Within minutes he switched breasts not wanting the other to feel neglected. When Laura thought she would go mad with the pleasure of it, he kissed his way back up her body and she spread her legs until his body was resting between her thighs. As he reached her mouth he slowly kissed her as his hard erection began to enter her soft warm passage. The rhythm started out slowly and grew faster and more demanding as the sensations and feelings began to increase until they reached their peak together and jumped off. They rode the currents of pleasure until they subsided and the two of them drifted off to a peaceful sleep in each other's arms.

888888 The Chief's quarters 8888888

After Evans left the Chief's quarters, Cally suggested that he take a shower before she left so Boxey wouldn't find him smelling of moonshine in the morning. While the Chief took a shower Cally sat down on the couch and looked around the room. Eventually her gaze returned to the small table in front of her that had several papers and colored pencils on it. Carefully she picked up the papers and looked at the pictures that had been drawn on them. The first picture was of three figures standing together, holding onto each other; the figures in the picture were Galen, Sharon and Boxey.

She was still holding the picture when the Chief emerged from the shower, freshly scrubbed, somewhat sober, and wearing only a towel. She glanced up and quickly set the picture on the table, somewhat haphazardly when she heard the door open. She looked up to see the Chief in that very tiny towel and her mouth went dry. "I'll be going," she stammered out, feeling the blush creep up her neck and color her cheeks.

The Chief saw the picture she had laid down and said softly, "Boxey drew that yesterday, his idea of the perfect family."

"I figured as much, I'm sorry," she whispered, still trying to find her voice with the Chief standing half naked in front of her.

"Don't be sorry. I had some time to think while I was in the shower. I loved Sharon, I loved her with all my heart, but what I loved was a fantasy. The woman I loved didn't really exist, she was a machine. It infuriates me, it makes me sad, but drowning my sorrows in a bottle of moonshine isn't going to change what she was or bring her back. I need to focus on the here and now, and right now I have a little boy sleeping in there that thinks I'm the world. And to him, right now, I am. Not to mention all the friends you reminded me about, especially you, Cally."

"Me?" she squeaked out, as he moved a step closer to her with a predatory gleam in his eye.

"You," he said softly, almost like a caress.

She took a step back, her heart starting to pound, "Why me?"

He took another step closer and her breath caught in her throat. He just looked so, manly, she finally thought, standing there in just that little towel. His dark hair was still wet and messy from the shower. There was a trail of dark hair that started at his navel and dipped below the towel, and beads of moisture that clung to his skin in all the right places. She swallowed nervously and took another step back as he began to speak again.

He smiled an almost paternalistic smile and then said, "Cally, I know everything that happens on my flight deck. You don't think I know that you watch me every spare chance you get. You don't think I see you in the bathroom, glancing my way at the most opportune times. Think I missed the looks you send my way in the mess, before you return to studying your food. I see it all, Cally, and I've been an idiot not to recognize it before. I've been grieving over a machine when there is a flesh and blood woman right in front of me. I'm such a fool, but no more."

Cally took a deep breath, feeling her heart race a little faster and she stuttered out nervously, "I- I don't know what you're talking about, Chief."

He advanced on her again, smiling down at her, "Oh, I think you do, Cally. I think you do."

She took another step back and found herself backed against the wall. Watching him advance on her like a cat on a mouse, she thought her heart was going to pound out of her chest. How could he know how she felt, she'd been so careful to try and hide it, but somehow he knew. She cautiously licked her lips, her little pink tongue darting out of her mouth quickly.

The Chief took another step forward and he was there, inches away from her. He watched her tongue dart out and moisten her lips in anticipation. He placed his hands gently on her shoulders, radiating heat through her coveralls. "I've been waiting a long time to do this," he growled, before bending down and capturing her lips with his own.

Her eyes grew wide at the kiss and she brought her hands up to his chest, initially meaning to push him away but then he squeezed her shoulders and pulled her closer, causing her to gasp in surprise and let his tongue into her mouth. He slicked his tongue inside, gliding alongside hers. He released her shoulders only to wrap her in his arms and pull her even closer.

Cally leaned into the kiss, feeling her heart start to race. She stopped pushing his chest and slid her hands tentatively down to wrap around his waist just above that incredibly tiny towel. She felt his hand come up and twine in her hair tilting her head as he broke the kiss. Feeling the soft kisses he placed along her jaw line, she let out a pleasurable moan, "Oh, Chief."

He grinned at her little noise and then found her pulse point. He sucked the tender skin into his mouth, lightly nipping it with his teeth, but not hard enough to leave a mark. He brought his hands back to her front and started unzipping her coveralls. He quickly had them unzipped to the waist and was pushing them off her shoulders. She let go of his waist to shrug out of the coveralls before grabbing him again.

He cupped her face with his hands before searing her with another kiss. She felt the intensity of the kiss burning through her; it was like a desperate need that both of them shared. She felt his tongue slick up against her teeth and probe her mouth. He ghosted his hands down her arms, his thumb lightly grazing the curve of her breast. She ached for him to touch her, to feel his hands on her breasts.

He must have read her mind, because before she knew it, he was tugging at the hem of her tanks and pulling them over her head. The Chief gazed at the woman in front of him, drinking in her beauty. He had to admit; even Sharon hadn't been this beautiful. Amazing what those coveralls had a tendency to hide. Slowly, he reached out to cup her breast, feeling its fullness in his hands.

Cally moaned and arched into the Chief's hand, the sensation of her breast in his large calloused palm sending jolts of electricity through her body. She almost jumped when his thumb grazed over her nipple bringing it to a tight peak. "Oh Gods, Cally, you're so beautiful," he rasped huskily, before bending to take her nipple into his mouth.

He engulfed that turgid peak in the searing heat of his mouth, tonguing it ever so gently. Her hands flew up to his head, sifting through his hair and trying to hold him in place. But before she was ready he switched to the other breast, taking that nipple into his mouth as well. He lightly flicked the first nipple with his fingers, feeling her shudder underneath his touch.

The jolts of sensation Cally was feeling in her breasts were making her ache with need; she could feel the wetness of desire start to seep out of her. She longed for the Chief to be inside her, filling that aching area. In an attempt to speed things along, she started toeing off her boots. She slipped her hands between them and unzipped her flight suit a little further until she could wriggle her hips out of it. The flight suit dropped down to the floor where she quickly stepped out of it and kicked it aside.

Noticing the flight suit was gone; the Chief let his hands drift down to her military issue gray panties. He slid his hands inside and cupped her perfect bottom in his large hand. Squeezing gently, he elicited a pleasurable moan of surprise from the woman in his arms. He switched nipples again, taking the first one back into his mouth, grazing it lightly with his teeth before nipping down on it gently.

"Oh Gods, Chief," Cally sighed, as she slid her hands down the back of his towel, causing it to loosen and fall to the floor.

She could feel his large erection pressing into her so she reached down and grasped him in her tiny little hands.

The Chief growled out in relief, "Oh Gods, yes, Cally."

She encircled his penis with her hands and lightly started stroking him, feeling him pulse and throb with her touch. Getting caught up in the excitement, he ripped her panties away from her and pulled her up into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing herself against his erection, wanting him to be inside.

He gripped her legs and then looked at her, "Is this what you want?"

She nodded quickly, and then answered, "Is it what you want?"

"Cally, you have no idea," he grinned, as he entered her in one slow strong push.

"OH," she groaned as she felt his powerful member breach her entrance and slide home. She felt her back against the wall start to move as he started to thrust inside her. Gripping his back tightly with her arms and legs, she tried to match him thrust for potent thrust. "Oh Gods, yes, Chief, YES!" she cried out, as each thrust seemed to hit that one perfect spot both inside and out.

She ground her hips into his, dug her heels into his waist, as if trying to draw him further up and further inside her. She could feel her nerves tingling all over and she knew orgasm wasn't far behind.

The Chief slammed into Cally, relishing the feel of her velvet heat surrounding him, feeling her muscles clench each time he withdrew, only to welcome him back in a second later. When she threw her head back against the wall he leaned in to suck her pulse point into his mouth again, only to have her bring her head back and press her lips greedily to his. He opened his mouth, feeling her quick little tongue slip inside to explore. Reciprocating, he glided his tongue in to do a little exploring of his own. And then her muscles were clenching again and he knew she was close. He started circling his hips with each thrust, trying to give her just the right contact to send her over the edge.

Cally gasped into the Chief's mouth when he started circling his hips, each rotation hit her clit just so and she could feel her orgasm thundering forward. "YES!" she yelled out bucking against him feeling her nerves start to explode inside her. Her orgasm thundered over her, breaking like a rain shower sending nerve impulses throughout her body, making her toes tingle. She squeezed the Chief's shoulders as her muscles clenched convulsively around him.

He felt her crash into her orgasm, felt the powerful storm as it pulled her away. The feeling of her muscles clenching around his penis were enough to send him into his own thundering orgasm. He felt his muscles clench and then spurt his seed up into her. He gripped her buttocks with bruising force as he continued thrusting while she milked him dry. She collapsed against him, resting her head on his shoulder.

He kissed her hair and whispered, "Gods, Cally, that was amazing."

He held her against him as he walked her over to a chair and sat down cradling her in his arms. The two of them sat like that for several minutes, trying to catch their breath. Ever so often, the Chief would bend down and kiss her hair and whisper, "Thank you."

Cally remained silent, overwhelmed with what had just happened. She and the Chief had just frakked up against a wall, now what? After several more minutes in the Chief's arms Cally slowly untangled her limbs from the Chief and got up. She went over to where her discarded uniform lay, picked it up and slowly started to dress.

The Chief followed Cally and stopped her from putting on her tanks, "Cally, you don't have to leave." She looked at him questioningly. He picked her up and carried her to his bedroom. Once inside he laid her on the bunk. He then crawled between her thighs and spread her legs widely. Before she could protest, the Chief started trailing kisses alternated with licks and nibbles until he reached her core, causing Cally to tremble with pleasure. He then repeated the action on her other thigh, only this time when he reached her core he gently blew on her clit causing her to buck her hips in surprise.

Once he reached his goal he grabbed her legs and hooked them over his shoulders drawing her closer to him, when he had her in the desired spot he bent his head down again and began to lap at her engorged clit. "Oh Gods" Cally groaned in pure delight as she grabbed a hold of his head trying to pull him closer.

The Chief continued to lick, nibble and suck on Cally's clit in an alternating pattern as he slowly took one of his hands and spread her labia. He gradually inserted one finger and began moving it in and out in tandem to the rhythm of his tongue. As Cally began to move her hips against his finger he inserted a second and third finger in quick succession. He could feel her body stretching around his fingers as they started searching for her elusive g-spot with each thrust.

Within several thrusts his fingers had found their mark, "Oh Gods, yes!" Cally kept repeating as her second orgasm approached quickly, whilst the Chief increased the tempo of his fingers. All too soon Cally erupted in an explosive orgasm. When her wet channel started contracting the Chief pumped his fingers into her a few more times before withdrawing them. Moving his body over her, he left her legs over his shoulders and sheathed his rock hard penis in her still convulsing passage.

He began thrusting in and out of her prolonging her still ebbing orgasm. When Cally had recovered her breath somewhat he bent his head down and started kissing her. With each hard powerful thrust, they moved up in the bed from the force.. Within minutes Cally was moving her head from side to side and mewling incoherent words as the sensations of the Chief hitting her cervix and his pelvis hitting all the right spots. She could feel another orgasm building.

Soon Cally's nerve endings exploded causing her to see stars as her orgasm tore through her body; her vaginal muscles began contracting tightly sending the Chief over the edge into oblivion as her body milked him dry of his seed. When they both came down from their highs the Chief rolled off of Cally and pulled her close to him. He pulled the covers around them as they passed out from sheer exhaustion.

The following morning when the Chief rolled over in his bunk, he noticed that he was alone. He got up slowly and got dressed Upon reaching the main room of the living quarters he noticed that both Cally and her clothing were gone.

8888888 Life Station 8888888

As Kara walked through the quiet darkened Life Station, she took a quick look around and noticed the night nurse was busy in one of the rear patient cubicles. Slowly, Kara made her way over to one of the general medication cabinets next to the clean utility room. She carefully opened the hinged door making sure it didn't squeak and then quickly scanned its contents until her eyes fell on the item she was looking for. Kara grabbed it and closed the cabinet door before proceeding until she stopped outside of the cubicle in which Gaius Baltar was currently residing. Taking one last deep breath, she entered. Once inside she took a good look at the man in front of her. She could feel the bile begin to rise in her throat. She started taking quiet steps toward him like a hunter towards its prey and with every step closer, her anger towards this man rose as well.

When she reached his bed she looked down at the pale man in front of her. Suddenly he turned his head and looked straight at her; he was surprised because she was the last person he had expected to come and visit him.

"Lt. Thrace, to what do I owe the honor of your visit?" he asked her cautiously, being the first to break the eerie silence between them.

"I want to know why," was her hushed reply.

"Why what Lt.?" Gaius asked feigning innocence.

"Don't play your frakking mind games with me. I want to know why you did it." Kara said in a vicious whisper.

"Why? The why doesn't matter Lt.," he said sanctimoniously. "It is now in the past, we had sex. It was no big deal, get over it already. Unless of course, you enjoyed it so much you want a repeat."

Upon hearing those words Kara pulled out a syringe, "Do you know what this is" she asked him with an absent look on her face.

"Of course not…" Gaius answered hoping his voice didn't portray the fear he was starting to feel inside.

"Well this syringe is filled with potassium chloride," she told him calmly. "You're a smart man, you should know what that means," she said condescendingly. "But just in case, I'll give you a refresher, if given in high enough doses intravenously it can cause cardiac arrest… in other words all I have to do is inject all of this into your IV and your heart will stop. Do you frakking get?" Kara whispered menacingly at him, getting dangerously close to his face, causing him to shrink away from her.

Kara backed away from him and grabbed his IV tubing, uncapped the needle and inserted the needle into the injection port, "You're a spineless worm who preys on women and you don't deserve to live."

Just as she was about to depress the plunger on the syringe, the curtain parted and Lee came inside.

"Thank the Gods you're here! She's gone completely crazy!" Gaius stammered.

"Shut the FRAK Up!!!!" Lee said in a commanding voice before turning his attention to Kara.

"Kara don't do this, please" Lee begged her. "I know he's hurt you but this wont solve anything, please, just give me the syringe."

"I can't do that Lee, I can't let him hurt me again or any of the other females on this ship. I won't let him put another woman through what he did to me." Kara replied, her voice trembling.

Lee slowly made his way over to Kara, "We won't let that happen, I promise. He'll end up in jail for what he's done to you. Please don't do this, you're not a killer." He said as he finally reached her and pulled the syringe out of her hand. He wrapped his arm around her and led her out of the cubicle.

Slowly they made their way into the main area of the Life Station as Cottle and the night nurse went into Gaius' cubicle. Lee led Kara to one of the empty beds and had her sit down. He sat down beside her and she laid her head on his shoulder. As she finally broke down and cried, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. He could feel her sobs shake both of their bodies.

An hour later Lee walked Kara to the C.A.G.'s office, "Kara, you've got to talk to me, you can't keep doing this on your own. Let me help you" he pleaded.

"I don't know how. I've always been on my own, I'm used to it" she said softly.

"Well you're not alone anymore," he insisted. "I'm here, my father is here for you and so is Helo. We all care about you and to help, if you'll just let us. Just tell me what's going through your mind right now and we'll take it from there."

"That my mother was right, that I deserve whatever happens to me. She told me that I was unlovable and that no man would ever want trash like me" she said, looking at the floor, ashamed to look him in the eye.

"You didn't deserve this Kara, your mother was wrong…" he took Kara's face between his hands and made her look him in the eyes. "I love you Kara Thrace with every fiber of my being. I will love you until the day I die and that is never going to change" he said as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"How can you say that, Lee? I'm a frak up; I screw up everything good in my life. Hell, look at what I did to Zak!"

"Kara everyone fraks up from time to time; hell if I hadn't been a complete and utter dumb-ass none of this would have happened to you. If I had stayed with you that night he never would have raped you… and for the last time Zak's death is not your fault."

She looked at him suspiciously, "What do you mean about none this would have happened if you'd been there?"

"If I had of stayed with you that night Baltar never would have been able to do what he did. I gave him access to you and he used it" Lee whispered, overwhelmed by the guilt he felt.

"Gods, we are both frakked up beyond belief," Kara said with the briefest glimpse of a smile crossing her features.

Lee laughed, "You're right we are but maybe if we take it one day at a time we'll make it" he said as he pulled her to the bunk in the rear of the room. Together they laid down and Kara let Lee spoon her as she settled in his tight embrace. Tonight they would lie there and rejoice being with each other; tomorrow they would face their demons and forge a new future together.