Silver Thread

By: Aisu Dragoness


Disclaimer: No, I don't own the characters of Yu Yu Hakusho, although I wish I did, so don't sue me. .

chapter 1

New Mission

"SPIRIT GUN!" A huge blast of blue spirit energy hurled through a mass of brown cloaked demons that were closing in on a raven-haired boy. High-pitched, deafening shrieks filled the air as the red-eyed youkai were easily disintegrated, only for the ground to crackle as more demons sprouted from the parched earth to take other youkai's place. Their blood red eyes glowed menacingly under the darkness of their hoods, cackling and flexing their claws.

Without a moment's hesitation, they pounced on the teenager as his curses were immediately smothered by the rough fiber of their cloaks. Suddenly, with a raging battle cry they were immediately severed by an orange-haired adolescent swinging his bright sword of flame.

Not too far away from them was a slender teen who fought through a cluster of the cloaked figures with a green whip covered with thorns. The redheaded human slashed through the demons with a smooth grace while fighting at his side was a dark-haired Koorime slicing relentlessly through the thick crowd with the cold steel of his blade. The spiky haired demon felt a claw on his shoulder and whirled around and slashed through the creature with little effort.

'Damn that Botan, always getting us mixed up in this crap.' He snarled as he remembered how he had gotten into this mess.


Warm rays of sunlight streamed through the small bedroom window, as a black haired Koorime stirred under the soft sheets. Slowly, deep ruby eyes blinked open. The small Jaganshi yawned and shifted under the blanket to face his lover who slept beside him.

Dawn's first gentle rays of light trickled through the curtains, bringing its soft glow into the Miniamino residence and coming to rest on deep scarlet hair that grew past the shoulders, surrounding a beautiful porcelain face, with his red lips slightly open as he breathed softly with a look of contentment. Hiei's eyes softened as he reached out and brushed the red locks from his lover's face. Careful to not wake his kitsune, he noiselessly got out of bed and put on his clothes.

The redhead stirred, trying to find the lost warmth. Hiei turned to the bed as the corners of his mouth curled up into a small smile. He bent down and pulled the sheets over his lover's bare shoulders. His lips brushed his forehead, and he tenderly kissed his lover who sighed under the gentle touch.

The black clad youkai silently left the room, and as he headed down the stairs he heard tapping at the living room window. His ruby eyes narrowed as he saw a familiar blue haired fairy in a pink kimono sitting on an oar, waving and smiling cheerfully.

'What the hell…' But Hiei already knew why the ferry girl was there. After what happened the other night, it'll take some serious convincing to get the fox out of bed, but… He smirked and revealed sharp white fang, then again, there are other methods of persuasion.

Botan gathered the Urameshi Team together to send them on a new mission. They were all to meet at the park at noon, Kurama (after a few promises made by his lover) and Hiei had already arrived at the designated spot, but of course Yusuke and Kuwabara were late. Botan tapped her foot impatiently on the soft green grass and sighed with exasperation as she muttered, "It's already 12:15, where could they be?"


"Come on, Keiko!" Yusuke yelled, "I have to go on a mi—" He was abruptly cut off mid-sentence as he ducked a flying pot that narrowly missed his head. "Keiko!"

A young girl's shrill voice was heard from within the ramen shop, "Yusuke, you JUST got back from a mission, and suddenly you decide to just get up and leave again!" The barrage of flying pots and pans started up again leaving the dark haired delinquent no choice but to run around desperately to dodge them all.

A brunette suddenly stomped outside the shop ignoring the numerous pairs of eyes watching her, with both hands at her waist with one of them clutching a pan. Keiko gave Yusuke with her usual fierce look that made Yusuke step back.

"Have you ever thought for even one moment about how worried I was on your last mission? It's only been three days! And now you just want to leave without a second thought! You big-" she whacked Yusuke on the head with the pan as he yelled in protest, "stupid—bang—arrogant -bang- insensitive -bang- JERK!" BANG BANG BANG

The greasy haired teen lay on the concrete with numerous bumps on his head, he groaned as he sat up rubbing his head. Despite the beating, Yusuke gave her a lopsided smile.

"Yeah, I know, and I'm sorry about that, I really am! But come on Keiko, Botan just called us all up with a new mission. But by the sounds of it though, it's a small fry, I'll be back in a week, tops." He gave her another cheesy grin as Keiko let out a huge sigh,

"Oh, fine, but you had better come back in one piece or else-" She shook the pan in her hand threateningly as Yusuke merely laughed lifting his hands up and motioning for her to calm down.

"Ok, ok, I promise. See ya later." He turned around and waved as he walked down the street. Keiko just watched his back sadly until he disappeared.


Through a crowd of people, an orange-haired thug raced across the sidewalk, shoving people aside, and swearing every step of the way.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn…" He looked down at his watch and cursed again. "12:20! Aw, crap, I'm late! Damn it all!" He glances up hastily at the people in front of him and yelled, "Out of the way people! The Great Kuwabara Kazuma is comin' through!"

Botan paced back and forth with annoyance with her kimono rustling with her hasty steps under the shade of a large tree where Kurama calmly leaned against its large trunk with Hiei perched on a branch above him. She glanced at her watch: 12:30. Extremely frustrated, and slightly worried, she muttered for the millionth time, "WHERE ARE THEY?"


Yusuke ran as fast as he could, eluding people on their bikes and kids walking their dogs as they yelled at him when he passed by.

'Aw, man, Botan is going to KILL me!' He skidded around the corner when before he could react, he smashed into something very solid with a hard thud. With a yell, the raven-haired boy toppled onto the pavement hearing a familiar shout come from the unfortunate person in front of him. He rubbed his nearly crushed nose as he glanced up to quickly apologize.

"Sorry, hey, are you oka—KUWABARA!" He saw the orange haired boy look up and his face quickly turned to a look of disbelief.

"YUSUKE!" They both got to their feet as Yusuke asked,

"What are you doing here?" Kuwabara snorted indignantly, looking as if the answer was obvious.

"I'm going to go meet up with Botan and the others, DUH." Yusuke rolled his eyes.

"Kuwabara, the park is THAT way." Yusuke pointed in the direction Kuwabara just came from as the orange haired Reikai Tantei realized his incredibly stupid mistake. He paused for a moment.

"Well then what are you waiting for Urameshi? Come on!" Without a second thought, he dashed off leaving Yusuke in the dust as he called after him,

"O-oi! Kuwabara, matte!" With that, he quickly ran after him.


Botan, at this point, is nearly hysterical with worry. She just paced back and forth in front of the tree, muttering to herself about just where the two missing Reikai Tantei were. Hiei just sat silently on a tree branch, who was amusing himself by watching Botan go crazy. Abruptly, Kurama opened his eyes, revealing his steady gaze.

"They're here," he said calmly. Botan looked up frantically and saw the two teens running at a breakneck speed towards them. They both skidded to a halt and gasped heavily with exhaustion. However, Botan was not in the mood for sympathy as she burst out,


"Sorry…huff…Keiko…went nuts…tried to kill me with….a pot….huff" Yusuke collapsed onto the grass as he looked up at the panting Kuwabara. "So, what's your excuse?" Kuwabara scratched his head sheepishly,

"Uh, well…I kinda slept in…aaaannnddd…I sorta forg—"Botan abruptly interrupted, "Alright, alright, I get the picture."

After the Urameshi Team had settled down on the grass under the shade of the elm standing tall above them (excluding Hiei of course, who of course is still perched high above on a tree limb). Botan's quickly turned solemn and serious.

"As you all already know, Koenma has another mission for you. This one has to do with a vicious gang in the Makai."

"Gangs," echoed Yusuke, "is that it? Come on Botan, I just got my ass kicked by Keiko to get here, and this whole time it's been about a gang? Not some terrible leader who's about to take over the Ningenkai or something? Couldn't Koenma just send someone else to take care of that?" Botan cleared her throat,

"Well this isn't some ordinary gang; they're from the City of Ghost and Apparitions." This would've had much more effect if it hadn't been said before. Kuwabara jerked up from his slouched position.

"The City of Ghosts and Apparitions!" He bellowed. "We've already been there Botan," He slammed his fist into his palm. "And not to mention, we kicked their sorry lil' asses, what were their names? Uh, the Four Sake Monsters, or somethin'?" The short spiky haired youkai above them snorted with irritancy.

"It's the Four Saint Beasts, you fool. Is there even one spark of intelligence in that hollow skull of yours?" Kuwabara jolted up to his feet, and made his way towards Hiei whose expression hadn't changed as the thug strode toward him.

"Why you little shrimp, you think you're so tough and that you know everything, just you wait until I get up there, you little miniature bastard—Oof!" Yusuke stopped the quarrel from going any further as he stuck his leg out, and before Kuwabara knew it, his face was planted to the ground with a mouthful of dirt. Kuwabara spat and snarled at Yusuke who quickly covered the other teen's mouth and restrained him, ignoring Kuwabara's thrashes and muffled threats to let him go.

"As I was saying," Botan continued, "this particular group of criminals were very devoted followers of the Four Saint Beasts, and ever since you guys had defeated them, they've been hungry for revenge." Yusuke cut in,

"So what? There's a shield around the city right? So even if they did want to get back at us, as long as they are in the City of Ghosts and Apparitions, it doesn't matter." Botan's expression didn't change as she replied,

"Not quite." Kurama finally spoke up, his voice in his usual smooth, alto tone,

"Does it have to do with opening in the shield?" Botan nodded, however Yusuke and Kuwabara were still wore looks of confusion. "If the criminals had somehow found the crack in the shield that we had used to get into the city on our last mission, they could use it to get out to the human world." Kurama explained. Kuwabara however still didn't understand,

"So? Then just seal it up again." Hiei's crisp voice was heard up above saying,

"You idiot, unlike you, these demons aren't fools. If they had found the opening in the shield then they would obviously ward it so that no one can seal it up again." Kuwabara growled as Botan again nodded,

"He's right, strong wards have been set up by the demons so that no one can seal it. Also, the gang is gathering more followers as we speak so that they can attack the human world. Instead of making an opening in the shield like we did last time, we're going to make a portal that will take you into the city. We need you guys to go through the portal and destroy the wards that they made. Koenma's agents will be standing by at the shield so that they can seal it once the wards are broken. Since the crack will be sealed up again, you'll have to go back through the portal you came from and once you guys are back, we'll destroy the portal and then case closed!" Botan smiled but Yusuke was clearly not satisfied.

"Come on Botan, do we have to go? Can't someone else go?" The grim reaper frowned,

"Quit whining Yusuke, you guys are Spirit Detectives; you have no choice in the matter. Besides none of Koenma's agents are strong enough to go, the wards will be heavily guarded and no one's willing to go."

"Cowards…" Yusuke muttered, "Alright, I'll go." Botan smiled with approval.

"Good, how about you Kuwabara?" Kuwabara smirked,

"Count me in; I Kuwabara Kazuma will bring those criminals to justice!" Yusuke rolled his eyes, and Kurama spoke up,

"I'll go too." The ferry girl looked up at Hiei. "How about you? Will you go too?" Hiei, thought for a moment.

'Hmph, I couldn't care less about what happens to the human world. Yusuke and Kuwabara can go alone and get killed for all I care.' But a sly voice in his mind said, 'But Kurama is going too….' Hiei flinched, and glanced at Kurama. The redhead was at his usual calm stature with not a hint of fear in his serene face. Hiei knew that Kurama was very skilled, and could probably take care of himself, but with an idiot like Kuwabara around, who knows what could happen. He couldn't risk getting his fox hurt. He had no choice.

"I'll go," he replied curtly. Yusuke grinned and got to his feet, cracking his knuckles.

"Yosh! The whole team is set, now let's get going and kick some serious demon ass!"

AisuDragoness: Yea, I know ish kinda boring and all that, but I needed SOME kind of plot to begin with, but daijoubu! Things are going to get a lot more interesting in the next few chapters, so please, please, PLEASE, READ AND REVIEW! (flames are welcome.)

P.S. In case you're wondering, the title Silver Thread doesn't apply until later on in the story. .