Chapter 11

It had been a few days since Seth had returned home and he was recovering well. Everyone in the house was waiting hand and foot on him. He hadn't left his bed, except to go to the bathroom, since he got home. Seth, under any other circumstances would have enjoyed the special treatment, but not today. All he could think about was Lillian. Shane was almost 100 positive that he would see her again. He hoped that he was right, for the next time he saw her, he would not let her get away.



"Because we're kids and that's what we do. Anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted, Seth, it's time to go downstairs, Mom will be home soon."

"Okay, I'm coming."

"Here let me help you," Shane said.

"I can make it down the stairs by myself you know."

"No you can't."

Lieutenant Shane Wolfe was sad, but oddly excited. He had discovered the whereabouts of the Ghost that morning and was excited, but with the discovery and the return of the children's mother, he would have to leave and that made him extremely sad. He did not want to leave these kids.

"She's coming." Lulu said.

"Turn on the music."

"Mom's going to be so surprised."

When Julie Plummer entered the room, she was expecting anything, but the sound of the music and five well behaved children.

"Welcome back Mom. I missed you." Seth said as he hugged his mother.

"I missed you too sweetheart," Julie replied. She knew all about the events that took place during her absence and was worried about her son's emotional state. He seemed to be handling it okay, but one could never tell with Seth, for he was always one to burry his emotions. She could feel the bandages through his shirt and once again felt guilty for leaving just as Shane felt guilty for not protecting the boy and he would feel guiltier by the days end for soon after Julie returned home, he would be starring at the face of a gun, with the Ghost in his hand, Julie and the children next to him, and unconscious Captain Bill Fawcett and an unconscious woman.

"Give me the Ghost." Mr. Chun said.

"Fine, see look, I'm walking forward with the Ghost," Shane said as he slowly walked forward. He dropped the Ghost near the duck and told the duck to bite Mr. Chun where it counted; the duck didn't listen to him though. However, Shane noticed that Claire was lurking in the bushes near by. He motioned with her eyes for her to strike and the former officer did not miss her mark as she single-handedly took down the potentially dangerous criminal. The three traitors were then arrested and taken away by the police. It was finally silent at the Plummer household and everyone believed that they were out of danger, but what they did not realize was that only one potential threat had been taken down that day, one more remained.

Lillian and Graft were close by when the Captain and the Chuns were arrested. They were waiting for the perfect time to strike and that time was now for the police had left and the Plummers were all outside with the Lieutenant and the Principle.
Seth Plummer nearly jumped out of his skin when two figures dressed all in black suddenly blocked their entrance into the house. Shane and Claire were immediately on guard, ready to fight the newest threat. Lillian and Graft were equally ready, but something stopped them…

"STOP!" Seth yelled as loud as he could, hoping to stop the fight. Surprisingly it worked for Lillian immediately stopped her assault.

"Lillian, you don't have to do this. Please don't do this."

"Seth you don't understand…"

"Yes I do Lillian. You have to stop listening to Graft. He's lying to you, you can be forgiven, none of this is your fault, it's his," Seth said while pointing to Graft. "He doesn't care about you Lillian and you can't trust him, but I love you, I care about you and you canturst me when I tell you that everything you did in the past can be forgiven, for it was not your fault, Lillian. You were only a kid, you're still a kid, and you didn't know any better. You can still turn back, you can still be with me. You won't ruin my life by staying, Lillian. For the past few years, all I ever wanted was to see you again. Now that my dream has finally come true, I will not let you turn your back on me because I know that you want to stay with me too. Lillian, you don't have to listen to him anymore. Let yourself be free of him. It's not too late to change things."

Tears began to glisten in Lillian's eyes.

"He's right Lillian." Julie Plummer said. "You are not something that he can control anymore. I know this sounds corny, but listen to your heart. What is it telling you to do?"

At this point, Graft could tell from the look in Lillian's eyes that he had lost his control over Lillian, but he was not going to be taken down with her. With a sudden lunge he threw himself at Seth and pinned him against the wall. He wrapped his hands around the boy's throat and began to squeeze. Soon Seth was struggling to take in air.

Shane made a move to go help the boy, but Julie held him back wanting to see how Lillian would react to this. She reacted exactly as Julie expected she would.

"I told you not to hurt my brother, you sadistic pig!" And with that Lillian attacked Graft. She aimed a punch at his face. Instinctively, Graft ducked and in the process he let go of Seth who fell to the ground gasping for air. Graft was not going to be taken down by his young accomplice easily though. Every time she threw a punch he blocked it and every time that he threw a punch, she blocked it. Graft finally got the upper hand and forced Lillian back, but she was not going to loose this match. Just when he thought he had her, she turned around and did a back flip off of the tree. Graft now had his back to her and Lillian was able to place a kick to his back. Graft went sprawling to his knees and with another well-placed kick to his head, Graft was out cold. Lillian, for the first time was free. For the first time in a long time, the sun spared some rays for her. For the first time in a long time, she didn't listen to him; she listened to the part of her heart that could still love. For the first time in a long time, Lillian was happy. Graft was out ofher and her brother'slives indefinitely. There would be no more Monsters lurking in the dark corners of their minds. And after that day, there were six Plummer kids instead of five.


Thanks to evreyone that reviewed. I really appreciate it.