Shoes and Chocolate

A loud shriek erupted from the kitchen as Mrs. Weasley called from the kitchen window.

"Ron! Get down here this instant! Now!"

The plump and kindly red-haired woman busied herself with instructing knives to cut up vegetables and stirring the soup simmering on the stove with a flick of her wand, all the while muttering dark words under her breath that sounded ominously like "break his neck" and "didn't need a sixth son anyways".

The petite redhead sitting on the couch smirked knowingly as she happily chose a chocolate from a box her father had brought home. Ginny knew her brother was in for something pretty bad.

At that moment, the sound of heavy quick-moving footsteps could be heard as Ginny's brother Ron came galumphing down the crooked staircase. The expression under his shaggy red hair was one of bitterness and lack of sleep as he passed her sitting on the couch. He walked into the kitchen, not quite as prepared for the storm that met him as he should have been.

"RONALD WEASLEY! WHEN I ASK YOU TO DO SOMETHING IT IS FOR GOOD REASON AND I DO NOT APPRECIATE YOU BEING SUCH AN IMMATURE PRAT ABOUT EVERYTHING I SAY NOWADAYS!" The short and slightly chubby Mrs. Weasley towered over her over 6-foot son. His lanky form cowed under her rage.

"I ask you to simply clean out your room to make room for Harry and what happens? You throw your things OUT THE WINDOW! What exactly is the use of that? Did you think I wouldn't notice you hadn't done it!"

"I-I was tired and I'd th-thought I'd pick it up lat—"

"WHY WOULD YOU EVER!" his mother shrieked. "Get out of here right now before I clock you upside the head! Go clean that stuff up immediately!" Ron turned tail to run out through the living room where Ginny was happily enjoying the last chocolate from the Honeydukes box.

"Better watch that chocolate intake Gin, you're getting a little pudgy there," Ron snapped bitterly. Just as Ginny flushed scarlet and stood to retaliate, she was cut off by a short squat ball of fury exploding through the kitchen door.

"I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR INSENSITIVE AND DISRESPECTFUL BEAHAVIOR ANY LONGER!" Mrs. Weasley pointed her wand towards the pile of rain boots by the back door and they began to chase Ron, continually kicking him, leaving muddy stains across his back and legs. From the sounds of his strangled yells, they followed him all the way up the crooked house to his room just below the attic. Ginny stood in the living room giggling insanely while Mrs. Weasley stood shaking with fury. Ginny started having trouble getting air after hearing one particularly loud kick and high-pitched girly scream from Ron and she was soon on the floor shaking with silent laughter. After they heard Ron pleading with one shoe, trying to convince it to stop its attack, Mrs. Weasley gave up on any pretense of anger and dissolved into laughter.

It was with the two Weasley women in fits of insane mirth when Fred and George apparated with loud cracks.

"Oh Fred! That was truly hilarious!" George cried while pretending to hold in a mock laughter fit.

"Brilliantly witty! I can't hardly stand it," Fred clutched his ribs while pretending to gasp for air. Ginny recovered a little from her insane chuckling fit in order to pop Fred in the back of the head.

"Oh shut it, you two," Ginny said irritatedly between giggles. Mrs. Weasley had in the meantime sunk into the nearest chair and was wiping streams of tears from her eyes while trying to calm herself and retain some sense of motherly pretense.

"Oh my… I haven't laughed so hard in weeks. Hello boys!" She motioned for the twins to come and hug her.

"Now may we inquire as to what was so incredibly funny," Fred asked his mother as he broke away from her bone-crushing hug.

"No," Ginny replied cheekily as she dug through chocolate box for remaining crumbs.

"Hmmm… well anyways, we came to tell Mum that Remus said that they would be arriving around 6 o'clock," Fred turned to his mother.

"Oh well we have a lot to do. Fred will you Floo your father and tell him that. And when your done come help George with these things." Mrs. Weasley chattered away in her chore-giving mode. "George, it's just a few things at the top of the stairs. Take the extra sheets to Ginny's room for Hermione and then that crate goes to Ron's room for Harry. Alright, run along now."

"How are they getting here," Ginny asked slyly. Mrs. Weasley looked at her youngest child and gently nipped her under the chin.

"Order business, Ginny, you know that. Now come help me get going with dinner. We're going to be so busy tonight. It'll be nice to have everyone under the roof, won't it?" Ginny nodded half-heartedly as she followed her mother into the kitchen to continue dinner preparations. As her mother continued to chatter, Ginny's thoughts began to drift towards Harry. He would surely be devastated by his loss of his godfather and Ginny wished more than anything that he didn't have to deal with this burden on top of everything else he had to deal with. She also wished more than anything that she could be the one to make him smile and –

"OUCH!" She had burned herself on the soup that had been simmering over. She brought her hand to her mouth and nursed her wound as best she could.

"Oh Ginny I just told you to watch out for that. Here, let me get you a cloth. There you go, all better," Mrs. Weasley cooed soothingly as she held a cold compress to Ginny's throbbing hand. "Just watch out for things that shouldn't be touched or you'll do more damage than that."