Dear Ginny,

Are Ron and Hermione still ALIVE?

I mean, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but neither of them have written to me in the past two weeks. Actually, no one has written to me in the past few weeks.

Excepting you, of course. And you don't count.

It gets really, really boring here without any letters. Dog doesn't even provide any excitement anymore. I think living with me has put him in a constant state of semi-depression. Oh well.



Oh, don't worry, you didn't sound rude. Just immature, self-obsessed, inconsiderate, selfish, insensitive, tactless, whiny, childish, offensive, uncaring, and very much like a two year old that has been denied a second piece of cake. Lovely, Harry.


P.S. Thanks for that snide comment you made about me. Makes me just feel wonderful, you know?

Dear Ginny,

Look, I'm sorry. That isn't how I meant to come across. It's just that… Wouldn't you be a little miffed if your two best friends just stopped writing you for no apparent reason? I was just wondering if they were alright; I didn't mean to sound so self-pitying.

And that isn't what I meant by saying- what was it?- you don't count. You're just… Different from everyone else, Ginny. I'm not really sure how to go about explaining it.


Well, for example, you're the only one who can put me in my place, and do so frequently. And, I don't know, we can always just talk and… Stuff.

Come on, Ginny; please just don't be mad at me. I'm sorry, really I am. It's just hard sometimes.


Dear Harry,

Okay, yeah, I get that it's going to be hard, but that doesn't just excuse you for being a complete brat. You need to understand that. People care about you Harry, but that doesn't mean that they don't have other things to do with their lives. They get busy, and writing letters to you is not on the very top of their to-do lists. Everyone hasn't forgotten you; it's just been busy around here.

Of course, I'm not exactly sure WHY it's so busy around here, seeing as I'm not part of the Order. But something important is going on nonetheless, no matter how hard they all try not to show it. You'll understand what I mean when you get here. Which will only be what…? A week and a half? Very soon.

Oh, and you'll be in for a big surprise when you get here, assuming Ron and Hermione haven't told you already.


Dear Ginny,

Ron and Hermione haven't told me anything. What are you going on about?

Of course, you're probably sitting there and cackling evilly as I sit here and be confused. And I suspect you won't tell me, either. Oh well. I suppose I shall survive. Dog and I can just have a pleasant little chat and speculate about what the surprise is. Contrary to common opinion, one sided conversations really can be quite enjoyable. At least, compared to any conversations I have with the Dursleys they are quite enjoyable. Which isn't saying much.

But can't you pretty please tell me? You know you want to Ginny.


Dear Harry,

No, I most certainly will not tell you. If you want to know so badly ask Ron or Hermione. It isn't my place to tell.

Besides, I am sick, and the whole world should take pity on me. I would give you all the lovely little details, but quite frankly I doubt you would want to know. Let it suffice to say that I have a killer headache, a fever, and am incapable of eating because anything to pass my lips returns partly digested ten minutes later. Extremely, extremely pleasant.

Hm. I would laugh my head off if this was terribly contagious and you came down with the same thing just from touching a letter I wrote. Ah, well. Off to attempt to eat a few bites of toast.


Dear Ginny,

How, er, pleasant.

I really, really did not need to know that.

Look on the bright side. At least it isn't Captain Trips. Nothing is worse than Captain Trips.

Anyways, good luck with the toast.


Dear Harry,

Your good luck doesn't work. At all.

I am still very, very sick. In fact, you are lucky I am writing this at all. I should be off somewhere being miserable, but instead I drag my sorry butt over to the table and write you a letter. You better be thankful.

And what the bloody hell is Captain Trips? Do you realize how very little sense you make?


Dear Ginny,

Oh, I am very thankful indeed. Though I did actually get a letter back from Ron, promising to pulverize you the minute you stopped hurling all over everything. Apparently this surprise isn't something he wanted anyone to know about.

And uh… Just ignore the Captain Trips thing. I was so bored over the past few weeks that I took to getting Muggle books from the library. Better entertainment than being yelled at. It's just a kind of sickness, kind of hard to explain.

So… Hope you're feeling better soon.


Dear Harry,

I AM HEALED! I managed to eat an entire piece of bread and keep it down! Isn't that exciting? I am jumping around the house out of sheer joy!

Well, almost. I TRIED to jump around the house out of sheer joy, felt very queasy, and sat back down again. But the imagery is good.

Oh, happiness happiness. Ron couldn't pulverize me if he wanted to, because then I would tell his little secret.


Dear Ginny,

Glad you're feeling better, though I'm guessing you should lay off the jumping right now.

And it's a secret now, is it? Before it was only a surprise. But I would be very, very interested to learn what it is. Come on, Ginny. You can't just leave me hanging like this, even if you are sick.

One week until I get to leave the Dursleys.


Dear Harry,

Oh yes, it most certainly IS a secret. And I am having way to much fun knowing what it is while you don't to just tell you like that. No. You must grovel first.

Yes, that's right. Grovel.

And you will have to be quite creative about it too, seeing as you can't simply follow me around worshipping the ground I walk on for a few hours. One of the few technical difficulties of groveling through letters, you know?


Dear Ginny,

You had better never tell anyone about this. Me groveling, that is. Or I will join Ron in pulverizing you.

Alright, here it goes.

Please Ginny? You are so wonderful, and if I could worship the ground you walk on I would, but I can't right about now. You are smart and pretty and witty and kind and also sort of evil for making me do this but that's okay and funny and nice and a really good friend except for when you make me grovel and I am sending you some chocolate along with this letter so you must tell me! Please?

Six days.


Dear Harry,

Oh, alright. That really was pretty sweet. Especially the chocolate. Dark chocolate is probably the best thing ever invented ever and I love it.

So, I guess I owe you one really big secret about Ron.

The reason he hasn't been writing is because he and Hermione have been too engaged in snogging each others brains out in various rooms of the house. Which, quite honestly, is fairly disgusting. It also means that I have no one to hang out with but Mum. And it is quite unpleasant to accidentally walk in on the two of them together. Life-scarringly unpleasant.

Well, probably not that bad. Having six older brothers does mean that I've walked in on them in er, compromising positions.

But it's Ron, and that's just… Ew.

And I know you probably won't believe me, because you didn't believe me before, but it's quite true. I can get the rest of the household to vouch for it if you like.


Dear Ginny,

You HAVE to be kidding me. There is no way…

Ugh. You're telling the truth, aren't you?

Well, hopefully they'll have calmed down a bit by the time I get there. The very last thing I want is to walk into a room and find my two best mates surgically attached at the mouth.

That would probably be the worst experience of my life. I suppose I'll have to get used to it though. It'll probably be manageable as long as they don't spontaneously start making out while I'm not expecting it. That would be humiliating.

Send them my best regards, won't you? Oh, and ask when they were planning to tell me. They couldn't have possibly thought of hiding it.

Five days


Dear Harry,

Actually, judging by the looks on their faces when I told them what you had said, they HAD been planning to hide it. Hm.

And I think they'll try to control themselves once you're here.



Dear Ginny,

That is kind of funny. You didn't happen to get a picture of their faces by any chance, did you? Because I would love to see.

And, of course, one can only hope.

Four days.


Dear Harry,

Sadly, I did not have a camera on me at the time. It is a shame though. Well, we can always have a good time poking fun at them once you get here. We'll probably be able to reproduce the faces they made.

Oh, before I forget, Mum wanted me to ask what you wanted for supper the night you get here. It will be your birthday, after all.


Dear Ginny,

Mm, yes, we will have a good time.

And tell your mum that she doesn't have to do anything special. I like everything that she cooks. It's much better than ANYTHING Petunia's ever made.

Three days.


Dear Harry,

Come now, don't be so modest. Will you just pick something? We've never really thrown you a proper birthday party, and you more than deserve one. It should be special.


Dear Ginny,

You guys don't need to do this for me. Really. I'm quite used to not having a fuss on my birthday, and you don't need to go out of your way. Your whole family is good enough to me as it is. I don't need anything more.

Two days.


Dear Harry,


And we will do something for you anyways. It will just be a surprise now. And don't even think of asking me to tell you, because it is YOUR OWN FAULT that you don't know.

Besides, we need to make up for all those years where the Dursley's completely forgot about your birthday. This is important to us, even if it isn't for you.


Dear Ginny,

It is important to me. You have no idea how wonderful it feels to finally have some people who care about me. I just feel kind of awkward… I've never had anyone make such a big deal out of my birthday before. It's odd. I always dreamed this would happen, and now that it does, I don't know how to feel about it. It means so much that you're family can do this for me, and I will never be able to thank any of you enough.

I'll see you tomorrow, Ginny.



A/N: Alright, I probably should have put this in before I published, but I forgot. In response to the questions I've been getting: This is the last chapter of Writing You, and right now I am not planning a sequel. If I change my mind about that I'll let you know, but I'm planning on just doing a few one-shots right now, at least until HBP comes out.