I can't help but sweatdrop as an Angel is standing over me with flames and her wings spread out, "..."
"D!" I scream and her lover drags off A as I sigh. "...Well, here we go for chapter twelve! I hope you enjoy it and I do not own DNAngel!"

Hello, Clone of Me

Risa stared up at Riku, looking absolutely furious, of course of which Riku had expected more then anything. Riku turned away uncomfortably,

"Riku...why didn't you tell me?" Riku felt her heart sting slightly as Risa didn't demand an answer, but was begging with her voice, looking extremely sad. Riku sighed, brushing part of her arm sadly,

"Because I didn't know either. I didn't even see it until I went to see Daisuke...to warn him of the war coming up." Risa stared quietly, her eyes unexceptionally starting to fill with tears as the strain became a part of her heart once again. Risa stared carefully down at the ground, this time actually avoiding her sister's gaze, tears continuing to pour out,

"They...but Riku...how is it possible? We never even saw it? The colors and Tones should have full power...Riku how is it possible that they're descendents of-?" Risa was interrupted furiously as Riku cut her off, tears also coming out of her eyes,

"I don't know how! Remember, they didn't die before us! They lived a long time!"


"NO THEY DIDN'T!" Riku and Risa argued, both shaking and trembling in anger, both too stubborn to give into the battle. A few drastic moments of silence overcame the twins, both panting in exhaustion for some odd reason before the thought came to them. They both remembered two different things? They stared at each other as quietly as the silence and frowned darkly, this could mean very bad things.

Satoshi had felt it, he felt it when he went to sleep that night, the overbearing pain of something straining his heart, demanding it to give in. Satoshi was glad that no one was around the vicinity when he gripped at his chest in pain, as though this would comfort the pain. Satoshi squirmed around unpleasantly in his sense as he tried to make sense of the overbearing pain starting to spread throughout his body. Satoshi recognized it as mental strain rather then physical, something was causing him a terrible headache which effected all of his body parts. Satoshi would normally try and think logically, but he knew very well that this strain...it wasn't him, it was Daisuke.


Satoshi looked around his empty room, frowning through the darkness all around. Daisuke was hurting so much for some strange reason, he just wished that he could escape, even grab Daisuke with him and escape from the world. Satoshi wondered what kind of pain Daisuke was going through...how terrible it must be if this is just a small reaction to what Daisuke was actually feeling. Satoshi then stood up, staring around the cold dark room, for some reason...there was light pouring from somewhere. Although Satoshi tried his best to hide it from the eyes of the underground association, he needed to be outside and stay out there for a longer period of time then two hours. Satoshi surveyed the room, and tried to find the angle of which the light was pouring from. Satoshi was actually almost gleeful when he found it just above his bed, and even though he had to stretch his body against the wall uncomfortably, he was grateful to see the moon's light shining upon him brightly.

It was going to be a full moon soon, Satoshi speculated, feeling a strange kind of warmth spreading to his figure, his wings reacted to this warmth. They spread out and Satoshi was very surprised when gray feathers burst out painfully from the wings, covering his entire back to make a full-scale cloak of white and gray feathers. Satoshi staggered and looked up to the moon once again, furrowing his concentration in confusion and slowly slipped from the lack of strength to keep leaning against the wall. Feathers had fallen from the action and Satoshi amused himself with his new quest of examining his new strange feathers. Why did they come out with the sight of the moon? Satoshi sighed in aggravation as he had finally grasped a feather but it had taken so long that it had annoyed him.

The feather was incredibly light, it was hard for Satoshi to convince himself he was even holding the feather. It was also a very plain gray color, though on the borderline of silver, and that what it just was, a feather...nothing special. Satoshi stared at it quietly, not able to think of anything else but grasped it tightly, and even though he knew it was not like him...he dreamed and wished Daisuke would maybe, hopefully...know he was doing okay and not to worry about him, and deal with his own problem for now.

A long, long time ago, there were very few immortals as the world was beginning to wake up to the reality that they brought upon themselves. The immortals for Tones, Colors, Materialistic Things, Music, Mentality, Physical, Love, Hate, and many, many, more were created underneath their own faults. The only true bloodline immortals that were actually ever really created underneath God's own will were that of the immortals of Death and Life. Death and Life's relationship was uncertain to mere speculation, to many people's opinions they would be the worse of enemies. After all, life created happiness, death caused harm. However, there were far wiser people out there that saw that they were connected, weither they wanted to be or not.

However, there was a time, before the thoughts of immortals, that there was a line that served for Death and Life. Life and Death were incredibly jealous of the humans, you see. The fact that they had free will and could take the chance to think about such trivial things, such as life outside of eternity. Really, the thought to the present immortal's astonished them. What they really wanted was a life for their own, a life where they could still perform their duties but still know the free will that humans were created with. Death and Life did not know how amused God seemed to be by this thought, and weither that was a good thing or not, it could only be questioned.

So they begged, pleaded, and promised to their heart's content. After many hopes and many provings to God, although he already seemed to know this would happen, he gave them life. But he forewarned them that they would die permanently for they would change their own lives into many generations of beings. And once they died, they would bond with only the planet, making it possible for both life and death to happen without anyone would have to work for it again. Death and Life seemed to ignore God's statement, just exhilarated by the fact that God granted them life.

So Death and Life were born as humans...just regular pure humans, the only difference was they had no memories of each other, and no memory of the many lives or deaths they had created before. Something was wrong, but it seemed out of their control. The two continued throughout life, Death growing incredibly depressed while Life started to grow strangely cold. Life and Death continued though, and managed to even meet someone who would love them and birthed children. It was then when they remembered the warning, the demons that had haunted them easily when they were still immortals. Immediately they tried to think of a way to regain immortality. Human life left much to be desired, when immortal they had no need for emotions or caring of the people around them. So they paired up together, as though finding each other's beacons in a desperate situation, and tried to find a way around God Himself. This ended up in a bad punishment, as they begged for their lives in the end, but was given no forgiveness and their souls were banished to the Earth.

But...this also resulted in a very interested result. The children of said Life and Death developed their powers, although weaker then their ancestors, they still held the power and was enforced day after day to perform the duties expected of them. Death eventually, over the many generations, tried suicide, but it was an irreversible cycle, Death could not die. Life almost grew so cold that he was considered as a dead body to many people, but as much as he wanted to be classified as so, it would not be, not until they gave birth to at least one child.

There was a time when Death and Life were both actually happy though. Both understood that their lives would be racked with misery but they both also understood that eventually...they'd get over it, they'd try to find a way to beat the curse. Life and Death at this time...was one Elliot Hikari and one Sora Niwa.

"Niwa-kun! Niwa-kun!" The red-head turned around and yelled as he was tackled by the love of his life, and he almost laughed as it was his second and third love of his life that held the two together so the two wouldn't fall.

"Riku-san, might I ask you to refrain from tacking Niwa?"

"Risa doesn't 'refrain'" she used the big word back at the other boy with a sarcastic look, "from tackling you."

"Neh Riku, that's because he has the strength to hold me, Niwa-kun is so weak."

"I have to say that I agree with Risa." Sora stuck out his tongue to his best friend, holding Riku almost protectively.

"I so could!" Riku yeeped as Sora tried to lift her up. Elliot just sighed and Risa giggled in an almost cute way, both actually laughing as Sora fell foreword with Riku in his hands and the two landed harshly with a loud thump to the grounds of the playground. Sora moaned and Elliot offered a hand graciously, of which Sora accepted and Riku got up by herself, being the very dependent twin that she was.

"So where are we going tonight?"

"I thought we planned a dinner and a movie?"

"Mou, that's so boring! Elliot, can't we do something adventurous tonight?" Elliot's lip twitched upward, asking back,

"What did you have in mind?" Risa held up her hand high and grinned cheerfully,

"Let's go walk in back-alleys!" Riku frowned, not liking that thought at all and emphasized this fact, clenching to her soon-to-be life-mate.

"Risa, we shouldn't do such a thing, especially with the reports of the missing high-school kids that have been blazing over the news." Risa huffed, folding her arm in a depressed way.

"Elliot, please?" She begged him and Elliot sighed, agreeing inwardly with Riku, but he knew better then to put this point across with his fiancée, she would burst out in a strange anger. And having lived with her for nearly all of his life, he knew this strange anger very well.

"I'm sorry Risa, we really shouldn't." Risa pouted and folded her arms, starting to go in a depressed mood, but Elliot fixed that with an unauthorized kiss to her cheek. Risa couldn't help but blush, but she still loved the contact.

"Alright it's decided, we shall go to a dinner and movie! Niwa-kun's paying!"

"Ah Riku..." Sora moaned as the other three laughed and started traveling together through the park.

There was just a time of happiness, although the many lives and deaths they had seen before had scarred their soul, they were just happy of the present, as well as glad enough their power was just constricted to the area around them. But...

All happy endings must come to a permanent end

The funeral seemed very cold...perhaps it was because it was on soil foreign to all of them. Maybe, though Dark doubted it. Towa was standing straight and it was very strange as they all held umbrellas. Daisuke didn't come, Dark had made sure of that. The boy was disturbed in some way...Dark didn't know what to make of it. But surely...Daisuke didn't kill Takashi...that...was impossible...Towa then faced Dark, looking at him very quietly. She could see the internal struggle the other was going through. But she knew...she knew that the other didn't blame Daisuke at all, it wasn't his fault, and it couldn't have been. Towa then surveyed the small crowd...just the people that had traveled together. Menou and Takai were crying their eyes out without actually making any noises and their hair was soaked like their clothes to their skin. Risa was actually there, her eyes covered with a black mourning net, and she was perfectly dry underneath her bright pink umbrella. To Towa, this felt so strange. The darkness that surrounded her and her family was very frightening. Towa then sighed and looked back to the grave, freezing as she sensed the other. There was another there, one nobody but she knew about. She stomped to him, almost angrily, noticing that no one moved, he must have frozen them again.

"Did you know this?" Towa demanded, tears pouring from her eyes finally. Her silver-hair looked frightful as it started to flout in the air. The figure grinned at her and simply took her angered hand,

"Of course I did. What war did you think Argentine was referring to?" Towa froze with even more intensity.

"But..." She cast a look back towards the frozen Dark, the frozen family whose tears had been so heartingly creepy. "NO! Not in this era!" The figure growled at her and Towa whimpered as the man crushed her fingers,

"Haven't we told you not to get so close to any of them? Tell me Towa," Towa flinched and started to shake as she saw blood pouring from her hand, "What is so special about the little ones?"

"You know...you knew this whole damn time." Towa continued shaking, "You knew they...held that bloodline." The man grinned again and Towa had to freeze once again,

"Of course we knew, of course we did." Towa started to breathe uneasily, "Now the question is, are you going to be on our side the easy way...or perhaps my favorite method?" Towa teared her hand away from the other's threatening grip and held it preciously. Towa looked away and the man grinned, "So be it...Good luck staying...'yourself'." Time unfroze, the man disappeared, and Towa was left to explain if she was okay or not to a very concerned Risa.


Daisuke wasn't sleeping again, but he was strangely quiet. All that could be heard throughout the whole room was his quiet breathing. Daisuke was staring at something straight ahead of him, his gaze looking extremely tired.

"You shouldn't stare at your elders that way, they might take it the wrong way." Right on the other side of the bed was a tall male with very long dark hair, he adorned a cloak that had wicked spikes at the edges of while the man also wore only pure black. Daisuke just continued staring, his gaze narrowing just a little.

"Who are you?" Daisuke finally questioned softly, and the other man just stared over carefully. His eyes were also black, Daisuke felt almost surprised though as the depths of the other man's eyes stared straight at him. But when the man suddenly broke contact and leaned against the bed with a loud happy sigh, Daisuke started to feel a little more surprised.

"Alive...I'm alive again..." The man held his hand over his head, staring at it with sparkling black eyes, and he moved his head towards Daisuke, "I am...Death." Daisuke felt stunned that very moment, as he started to harshly breath.

"Death?" Daisuke questioned again, as though more determined to get answers then get away from the man. Death smiled at him then held out his other hand towards Daisuke,

"Join me, there are many stars that need to be stared at." Daisuke stared at the hand, confused on what exactly the other meant, but...he didn't seem hostile. Yes, there was something in the back of Daisuke's mind, screaming "HELL NO!" but that voice seemed so small. And Death's voice...why was it so powerful? Where was Colors...or even Tones? Where were they? Daisuke stared unsatisfied at the hand that was held out towards him, and looked at Death's face. Placed on the man's face was a strange smile, as though he was trying to be seductive while being over cheerful. "Come Daisuke." Those were the last words of encouragement Daisuke needed.

He slowly crawled to the man, his wing brushing against the bed, had it really grown so much? Daisuke was finally able to lay right next to the other man, and he was very surprised as Death turned and wrapped his arms around Daisuke's form. Daisuke started to have a little voice panic immediately as Death nuzzled the boy's form. "My descendent...my powerful descendent. I'm so happy." Death spoke in a tone that turned Daisuke's very core very still. "Such strange wings though..." Death continued, his hug broken momentarily to pet Daisuke's one wing. A shudder ran across the wing and down to Daisuke's spine as he stared half-fearfully into those pure black eyes.

"Don't do that." Daisuke whispered in a small begging voice, Death stopped immediately. Death stared down into Daisuke's own red eyes and Daisuke felt compelled to stare back, immediately Death sensed a soul that was confused and wanted answers. Death sighed and turned over a bit more so that he didn't have a grip on the red-head,

"Gomen Nasai." Daisuke felt even more surprised as he felt a soft tone behind Death's voice. "I just haven't had power...in such a long time..." A thoughtful look came across his face and Daisuke couldn't help but stare, "I wonder...if He's going to forgive us..." The red-head continued to stare, but then slowly lifted himself up, staring at Death and his ever-spanning black hair,

"Us?" Death turned away and a soft whisper replied,

"Life..." The way Death spoke, actually moved Daisuke inside, almost made Daisuke forget that aspiring events before-hand, unfortunately he did and he looked away. Death saw the unsatisfied look and he sighed, "I really am sorry Daisuke. So many of my descendents had to rip away the life of the people they never wanted to. My poor boys..."

"You were...alive...before?" Daisuke asked carefully, trying to test to what limits he could go to with this man. Death nodded slowly, his dark hair covering his dark eyes.

"Alive...such a strange word. One moment I was dreading waking up every morning, and now...I'm anxious, so anxious, grasping onto any chance I get to hold on any life force. Even if it is only death in the beginning." Daisuke felt something touch his mind, the memory of staying perfectly still as the energy of Takashi's body ripped out to his own open palm...

"It was you who killed Takashi, wasn't it?" Death looked over at him and Daisuke shook as he spotted a very frightening grin and the void in Death's eyes did nothing to ease Daisuke's fears.

"Yes, it was me." Daisuke backed up, up until he hit the headboard of the bed, he couldn't help but flinch as the figure came crawling to him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Daisuke curled into his own little hole for one second, hoping that it would alarm Death long enough not to come near the redhead. Daisuke did not want the man anywhere near him now. He was the killer of Takashi, he used his body to do this. Death had the most frightening smile, Daisuke did not want him anywhere near.

"Daisuke?" Relief came swimming to Daisuke's senses and he looked up at the actual figure that had been crawling over to him. Dark...he looked very sad, then he was reminded that Dark had went to Takashi's funeral. "Daisuke, what's wrong?" There was nothing but concern in Dark's voice, and Daisuke actually found himself flinging his arms around Dark's neck, giving a tight embrace as to never let go.

"Dark...Death...Death..." Daisuke spat out words that made no sense to Dark, but he heard the boy out. Understanding that he had been through a form of trauma, and thought it was due to that. Daisuke really was growing up so fast, Dark really didn't want that to happen. To people who grew up...they would eventually leave, start their own life. But for now, Daisuke needed him more then ever, Dark noticed as from the alarming grip growing around his neck was getting sterner, he cooed the boy to sleep, not knowing what else he could do to help the boy. Risa came trailing in, carrying Takai, of which the girl looked so exhausted. She looked over to the two others, going to tell them what Menou had set out to do with Towa, and quieted herself as she saw both of them...sleeping in a long time. Risa stared for a bit longer then placed Takai gently into bed and trailed over to Dark and Daisuke.

"Please help them have only sweet dreams." Risa prayed and blushed as she did a bold move to both of their foreheads, kissing them lightly, "Oyasumi Daisuke and Dark."

It was still dark, that was very lucky for him now that he thought about it. The selfish, greedy scientist slowly crawled around the lab, trying his best to be very quiet. The lab was nothing special, at least compared to all the other rooms in the underground laboratory. The scientist breathed timidly, brushing back his orange hair as he felt around desks to find the information he was desperately looking for. This lab was the only lab that did not have any cameras of the sort, and it held important information, such as the government's funding operation and what they have planned for whomever they were funding. The scientist's name was Adam McKinney, and he was there for mainly two reasons. Curiosity, and the selling of information to foreign countries. Adam had a wife and three children waiting for him at home, and he was not making enough money as it was. Adam shuffled even more against the desks, frowning as his eyes adjusted to the darkness and opening a file log to reveal lots of folders. However, he was well prepared for this.

Adam reached for the flashlight he had hidden in his lab-coat and turned it on lightly, avoiding the direct path of light and searching for the file quickly. To optimize his search he placed the light in his mouth and continued to search for it, nearly biting himself in the process. It took longer then he had hoped for, but he finally found it and breathed out silently as he turned his gaze back quickly to the door that he had came through. No one yet. Good.

"Now let's see what this piece has to say..." Adam muttered quietly to himself and stretching open the folder he had found and frowned as he saw mostly chicken scratch. Which that in itself was very weird, reports like these were suppose to be hand-typed...something was up. Adam turned around again, paranoid as he had just started to suspect that it was far too easy to enter in the lab. Adam gave another sigh as he stared down at the folder, reading through the words that he could understand.

Wings...blood omen...wife says we should...feather...more blood...written words on the wall... Adam furrowed his gaze angrily, it was so hard to read in this small light, especially now that he had discovered this wasn't the information he needed! This was a journal! Adam then frowned again, who in the world would keep their journal in a folder like this? Someone was out of his mind! Adam concentrated at the chicken scratches once again though, curiosity building up but then he growled underneath his breath, "I can't see anything in this light!"

"How's this?" A voice spoke from behind him, a light blared above Adam's head and carelessly the orange-haired man replied,

"Yeah, that's good. Thanks." Adam then completely froze as he realized that he was caught. Slowly he turned in fear to see the one person he really never wanted to see, the director of the labs. Hiwatari Kei. And the gaze the man was giving him was cold and could only be defined as evil.

"Tell me, what is your name?" Kei questioned, continuing his glare. Adam panicked and tried to think up a way out of this terror, however as the other man continued walking towards him, he stuttered his name. Kei stopped for a second then passed the man, taking back the journal that Adam had discovered. "Come with me." Adam stared helplessly then gulped and nodded, treading behind Kei, thinking up of what was the worse that could happen. Really all they could do was fire him...and he could get another job, but his three children would be starving for awhile, but that would be okay...they could survive. "Tell me McKinney, do you know how Immortals are created?" Adam was stunned for a second.

"I-i-immortals, sir?" Adam watched him nod for a bit and uselessly muttered back, "No sir. I do not know, and I do not know what you're talking about as 'immortal'." Kei nodded as though he had expected this and continued walking. Adam was getting real nervous, the halls were growing a lot darker, and red lights barely tinted the floor they were walking upon.

"We do not know how immortals are created as well, but what we do know is that they exist."

"Do you sir?"

"Yes, there are many documented cases of people that had been long dead coming back to life, as though to fulfill a purpose they had been given, and there are interviews of some said immortals on information of other immortals."

"But sir...that sounds a little preposterous, and forgive me for saying so." Adam commented, trying to make sure he didn't lose his job. Perhaps if he sucked up to the director, he wouldn't have to have his children starving for a bit.

"Yes, it does sound very ridiculous, however," Kei stopped for a second to type on the wall on a little pad and a new door opened up and Kei walked through it, "we also have proof of these immortals living, we have a part of them...essence if you would."

"Do...do you really sir?"

"Yes." Kei spoke no more as they entered in a large chamber. Adam was blown away with the technology in the large area, then there were pillars running to the roof and down. Two of those pillars were actually tubes, and within them were wings, surrounded by water and connected to a lot of wire. But what amazed and terrified Adam at the same was around the tubes were human bodies, all melded together and surrounding each of the tubes. Adam found his heart beating faster then he would have liked.

"Is...this...the essence...sir?" Adam choked out his question, trying not to show how imitated he was by the bodies, and OH MY GOD. They were constantly moving around the tubes, those poor things were still...alive! It made Adam want to puke as the bodies were basically all one big pink gooey mess. How disgusting.

"No, it is a power source and a bait."

"B-bait, sir?" Adam asked immediately, turning his gaze away from the gooey mess, holding the contents in his stomach tightly. Kei looked over at him quietly, his brown eyes shining coldly,

"Tell me, how much could you read of this?" He questioned, holding up the folder he had stolen earlier. Adam blinked, not seeing how relevant it was to the subject but answered,

"Not much, I couldn't understand it."

"I see." Kei then turned away and walked to a large computer that Adam had not noticed earlier because of the terrible sight of the bodies growing around the tubes. Kei then started to type at the computer and Adam could not hold back his contents as the bodies split apart and organs and blood spelt all over the floor, screeching in such a terrible yell. "Did you see how the wings reacted?" Kei asked, still staring over at the computer and Adam was trying horribly to banish the memory.

"N-n-no..." Adam replied weakly, trying to find a way to look without vomiting once again, and Kei's back was the only savior for the moment.

"They control those bodies, they screech and bleed as though they were actually living, don't you find that a bit curious?"

"...Yes sir..."

"They're bait to lure in real immortals, from what we know of ancient inscriptions, anything with power like this should lure in those immortals who want power...and if that doesn't work, we'll just harness their powers to create one nation, everyone under one rule." Adam stared wildly at Kei, still not recovered from his stomach strain.

"W...sir, what...what do you mean?" Adam was shocked to see the crazy gaze of Hiwatari Kei as the other spoke back,

"War, McKinney. War." Adam froze at those words then, as much as he despised to look over at it, he stared at the tubes.

"Why...are you telling me all of this?" Kei actually grinned, and Adam was frightened by that smile. It was the smile of a man who had gone insane in his conquest for power a long time ago.

"Because you're not going to live any longer." Those were Adam's last words to hear as he blacked out permanently.

"Mom?" Rio asked, peeking just barely over a wall, seeing her mother sitting still in a bed, her eyes black as she was reading a book. The woman turned to face her daughter, a sweet and protective smile appearing on her face. Unfortunately Rio had become accustomed to this look and took it as a safety measure and not a warning look. "Are you doing better?" Rio asked quietly, walking near her mother in slow steps. The woman stared down at her child then grinned even more,

"I'm fine now Rio, tell me, how is little Emiko-chan?" Rio climbed unto her mother's bed and looked up to her, a slight frown building on her face.

"Emiko-chan is fine...Mom...I...I have a question." Rio started carefully, not wanting to alarm her mother or be in the range of danger. The woman stared then nodded carefully, not discouraging her youngest to continue speaking.

"Why is...Satoshi more different then Krad-niichan or I?" Rio stared up to her mother to see the reaction and was surprised to see a very, very ugly look upon the older's face. A short snort escaped from her mouth but she replied back nonetheless,

"Because he's a useless experiment. Krad-kin's doesn't see that he is weak and useless, he's just a defect darling." Rio nodded then looked down at the blankets, quietly frowning as she started to think. A defect...Satoshi was not a defect...he was actually very nice, and he helped Rio actually like being here. Satoshi wasn't a defect at all, he was proof that people could be cloned...and no one with those wings could be a defect...no one...

"Mom, could you tell me more about Krad-niichan?" Rio then asked, hoping that she wasn't baiting her mother on, because the result might be frightful. However instead of getting that ugly look once again, she grinned cheerfully and closed the book, as though Krad was her favorite subject.

"Krad-kins is perfect."


That was the basic summery of what Rio went through with the discussion with her mother. Rio was starting to grow suspicious though, this seemed ridiculous. There was no one in the world with such high recognition...Rio had just made a serious realization.

Her mother was a very disturbed human being.

Research, as much as she hated to do anything that involved real work pertaining to studies, she had to do it. Risa groaned, looking through the grand library of the grand arcanium in the center of the universe. God had such a twisted sense of humor, Risa sensed, growling as she stared down at the books in front of her.

"This is really starting to piss me off!" She screeched on the top of her lungs and a voice chuckled behind her,

"Now that is unlike you Risa-san." Risa turned and pouted a bit, then looked away again,

"Shut up Argentine." ((YES! FINALLY! WAHAHAHAHA! Ah, sorry, carry on.)) Said man had short blonde hair but very creamy tan skin, he chuckled slightly and sat next to the frustrated goddess.

"And what is wrong with on this fine day?"

"You take things way to lightly Argentine, you're always so carefree. I really hate that about you." Argentine rose an eyebrow and actually smiled lightly at her,

"My, someone is awfully moody."

"Well...I've been looking for my memories. But I can't find anything on my first death." Argentine actually laughed at the girl as she admitted her weakness. Risa growled at him and swapped him quickly on the head, of which he apologized for laughing.

"Of course you can't find that, no immortal remembers their first life, that's why we're immortals, silly." Risa stared curiously at the older immortal and blinked slowly.


"Of course, had no one explained it to you?" Argentine did an over dramatic sigh, "I had forgotten how young you really were." Risa pouted at him again then turned away, standing up and starting to stomp off. "Now dear, don't be like that." Argentine started, standing up after the girl, carefully stifling his giggles. "It was all in good-will."

"I really do not appreciate being called so young, especially as an immortal. One life is one to many." Risa growled at him, facing him directly. Their noses actually touching for a moment. Argentine's eyes actually sparkled from this firey attitude however and continued speaking,

"We are immortals for a reason."

"And what reason is that, and where is the book of my first life?" Argentine sighed, then looked around, "What is it?" Risa asked, frowning once again and Argentine grinned a rather large grin,

"I'll tell you if you treat me to a cup of tea." He spoke in a singsong way, Risa stared with wide-eyes for a second then growled and stomped out of the library, Argentine following after her faithfully and happily. It was soon when they arrived at a small cafe, however down on Earth in England, Risa almost frowning in distaste as Argentine slurped the brown liquid gratefully.

"So you were saying?" Risa asked, playing with her biscuit before biting into it softly.

"Hm? Oh yes, immortals are immortals because of what we did in our first life. There is one thing that we decided to forget. A thing so important, that it lead us to actually commit a sin. So we live until we either gather enough power to offer up to Him, or we remember the thing we forgot." Risa blinked once again, then glared,

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"YOU IDIOT!" Risa yelled on the top of her lungs at him, throwing her cup of tea at him and standing up, "You could have just told me that before! GAH!" Risa threw her arms up and stomped off, scaring a few Englishmen as she growled at them as she passed by. Argentine frowned, his skin burning from the scalding tea but then a smile started on his face.

"Ah Risa-san, you really shouldn't be so impatient." Argentine's eyes sparkled once again, though the sparkle seemed rather suspicious.

What are you smiling about?

Satoshi asked, as Krad nearly pranced in the rec room, his face shining brightly with affection and pure delight. Unfortunately, what for, Satoshi could not comprehend right away. Especially as he could swear he was seeing bubbles that morning. Ugh, he felt so damn sick. Krad then stopped his dancing a bit and walked straight towards Satoshi, Satoshi didn't mind this much as he was just leaning against the cold table board to support his sickness.

"Sa-to-shi-sa-ma." Krad spilled out, Satoshi just glared at him because of his overwhelming cheerfulness. Krad then sensed that Satoshi could really care less about what was making him happy and sat next to him, humming a slight tune.

What is it?

Satoshi mouthed to Krad, seeing as there weren't that many things that actually made Krad this cheerful, especially right now in this wretched place. Krad just mysteriously continued to smile and Satoshi did nothing as Krad tread his fingers in his blue hair. Satoshi was almost glad when the door opened to reveal Rio and Emiko, the two girls scattered into the room, closing the door and sitting across the happy Krad and sleepy Satoshi.

"Krad-niichan, I just heard the news, is it true though?" Great, even Rio knew more then Satoshi did at the moment. Satoshi rose his head in mild curiosity, raising one brow and hoping that Krad would catch this as a sign of demand for any new information.

"Yes, it is true. Satoshi-sama, we're going to finally be able to operate on your wings." Krad finally spat out, and Satoshi could definitely finally understand why Krad was so deliriously happy. In fact, he lifted his head up even higher and tilted his head in question.

"That really is great news! Does that mean Satoshi will stop bleeding at random times?" Emiko asked, her eyes shining cheerfully even if she only knew Satoshi for a day.

"It should, because the wings will stop decomposing part of Satoshi's cell structure, and that means a stability in his flesh." Emiko frowned as though she didn't understand, and she probably didn't, but Satoshi had no doubt that Rio would explain it to her later. There was a moment of even more cheerfulness within the room but then Satoshi asked,

What about Daisuke?

Rio and Emiko didn't understand, they couldn't speak lip. But...Krad had to, he knew Satoshi so well. In fact, he could see the softening eyes in sadness, however, Krad continued as though he didn't see Satoshi speak. Satoshi frowned and found his mood to be a lot worse then the moment he woke up in the morning. What...about...Daisuke?

Tones...what the hell are you doing? Colors decided to ask, staring blankly as the light-haired woman stomped back and forth across the quiet motel room. Risa and Towa was absent presently, Menou and Takai was downstairs, moping in the lounge, Daisuke was locked in the bathroom and Dark was sitting on the bed, trying to piece everything together.

I'm just wondering how it's possible! I mean we've never seen any of them until now! Colors sighed, also trying to think casually of how it could have been possible. According to their information of Dark and Krad's bloodline, it was only supposed to be them...not...Life and Death. It was very weird and unheard of, in fact usually if more then one magical bloodline tried to form a child, it would be impossible to bare the child because the host human would become infertile, because there was no way that two magical bloodlines could work together, they would just cancel each other out...

Have you seen Life yet? Colors asked, breaking out of his own thoughts as Dark stood up and examined the bed that Takeshi had died on. Tones was quiet for a second then shook her head,

I actually haven't...now that's also odd. Colors gaze diverted a bit as Dark started muttering around the bed. Poor Dark, he was in way over his head...another thing...

Hey Tones...why hasn't Dark or Krad seen us? Tones blinked carefully, considering the new question and frowned darkly. More questions that needed to be thought at, and there were just no apparent answers that would make any sort of sense! This was really starting to irritate her to no end!

I don't know! Why do you ask me these sort of questions? Colors shrugged, then stood up and just telephased through the bathroom door. Tones stared at where Colors had been then screeched at him about pervert bastards that should stop asking so much questions because he was going to die VERY soon!

Dai-chan? Colors asked kindly, sitting up on the cheap faucet that the motel had built. Daisuke was staring down at his feet on the toilet, his wing slightly separating from his body, reaching over to the sink where water was running.

"Hey..." Daisuke softly spoke, as to not alert Dark of Colors presence. Colors stared quietly at the redhead, noticing that the boy really did seem so depressed...but at least he was on the verge of trying to fix that depression.

Dai-chan...have you seen him yet? Daisuke's face lifted up and Colors felt saddened as the face seemed terribly racked up in such emotional pain.

"Yes." He answered back quietly once again, "He's different." Daisuke finished, as though that would explain everything. Colors couldn't help but laugh, it really was all that he could think of doing. Daisuke had seen Death had he? Death was...different...what an interesting description of him. Colors didn't know much about him, after all, he had never actually met Death, but for someone who was still mortal to call him different...it was to laugh at for some reason.

I see. Colors then sighed, staring down at Daisuke's wing, the new feathers melting into the water, it was then Colors noticed steam from the water. Colors twitched and frowned at Daisuke, "You shouldn't do that to your wing, I know it pains you to do that, and if the feathers continue to melt in the water then... Colors trailed off from his sentence, realizing something silently. Daisuke blinked as Colors stopped his sentence completely.

"Is something wrong?" Daisuke actually asked a little louder, curious on why Colors had stopped the discussion. Colors shook his head, then walked through the door once again, leaving Daisuke confused and grabbed Tones.

OW! HEY! What are you doing?

Come on, we need to check something out! Dai-chan, you be careful, you hear?

"Yes." Daisuke simply replied back in a hushed whisper and Colors disappeared quickly with Tones to find out what he just realized to be a startling revelation.

Hours later, Dark yawned as he was waiting by a pay phone outside the motel for a call from Kazuki. Dark felt both miserable and had even more conflicting emotions that were bugging him. Most of them directed towards Daisuke. Dark couldn't be falling in love with Daisuke, could he? No, Dark knew where his morals stood and they would stay standing up like that until someone would break the walls. Which Daisuke seemed to be doing. Dark growled, leaning against the cracked wall, rushing a few fingers through his hair, thinking of what had happened during the previous week. Dark had been having different thoughts towards Daisuke, but all in the while he was missing someone. Dark couldn't be missing...Krad! It was irrational, he hated the man now more then ever! He couldn't...could he? Dark stared as people walked past him in a hurried rush, the streets of New York were filthy, and no one was helping especially as liter adorned their hands and they would drop it. Dark sighed once again, but then luckily the phone rang, he quickly grabbed at it and in a hushed voice,

"So did you get the information?"

"Of course I did, do you think I would have called you otherwise?" There was a shuffling noise in the background from the receiver but Kazuki's voice came back, "Now Dark, the most recent transferrings is in a lab in Nevada, but I couldn't find the exact one because that's even more hushed, hushed." Dark nodded carefully,

"As long as you got some info, so in Nevada you say?"

"Yea, you best be careful there, not just because of the hot winds there, but because I've heard rumors that they've been using a different power source to create...creatures."

"Creatures?" Dark asked quietly, waving off a woman who had wanted to use the pay phone. There was a heated breath for a moment and Kazuki continued on,

"Yes, creatures. I'm not sure by what my informant meant, but I still have to warn you be careful." Dark nodded once again, even though he now realized that it didn't matter. "So...how's Daisuke?" There was a long pause and Dark groaned,

"Not doing well...you remember Takeshi?"

"The punk who thought he knew everything? Yeah, I remember him."

"He died." A longer pause took place this time when the dreaded monotonous voice replied back,

"Did he now?"

"Yes. And right in front of Daisuke." There was a movement in the background, as though Kazuki was trying make up for the deadly silent that had built up over the phone.

"I see, you're taking care of him though, right?"


"Okay...listen Dark, I have to go."

"Why?" Dark asked quickly, not at all reassured by Kazuki's want of a haste retreat. Kazuki probably turned to reply back but there was a loud yell. Dark froze as he heard the words of a struggle and the clashing of chinaware. "KAZUKI! KAZUKI!" He demanded through the phone, when the phone hanged up on him. Dark frowned darkly at the receiver and angrily placed it back on the pay phone. This sucked, big time. However Dark was lucky enough to get his information, he walked through the streets with a new mission in mind. When Dark opened the door to the motel room, everybody looked up and he claimed viciously, "Everyone pack up! We're going to Nevada!"

Krad was still humming slightly, walking through the halls gently with a still smile on his face. This was great, soon Satoshi would not have his wings and then Krad could make his escape with Satoshi and...Krad paused in his thoughts for a second as two faces of the girls popped in his eyes and he nodded, yes he would take them too. Rio was not going to go through what he did, no matter the cost. Krad continued his cheery disposition but stopped as he encountered something he had never seen before. Not that he had seen many things in this hall-way, most people were forbidden to walk through, however Krad loved to ignore rules. A little pad full of numbers, however there didn't seem to be any door to open for the little numerical pad. Krad frowned a little in distaste but continued to exam it. This was here for some reason, but Krad couldn't think of a good reason why. Krad then shrugged and went on his way, however halfway through the hall, he heard the uncomfortable sound of a door opening and light tap of someone walking. Krad turned around quickly and saw that an invisible door had opened to whoever had typed at the pad.

Quickly, Krad followed after, suspicion building up in the depth of his mind. Krad paid no attention when the door closed in on him, a dark red tinted light guided his path. Whoever entered was far ahead of Krad, but he paid no mind to that either as he looked around the room. It was quite large and Krad continued to grow suspicious of his surroundings. Something was wrong, there was something different within this room...a sense of hostility. However Krad continued, his smile now a frown, stepping lightly on the ground to not alert whoever was ahead of him.

"Another new message, hm?" Krad blinked as he recognized that voice and hid behind a pillar, which he had just started to notice. That was very strange, this room had a lot of pillars, more then should be intended to hold up a structure like this.

"Yes, but I'm getting rather alarmed because of all these blood messages Kei." Krad narrowed his eyes, his mother. Damn that woman to hell and back, but what in the world were they talking about?

"So what does this one say?"

"Something about our chimeras." Chimeras? What in the world?

"Really, let me guess, 'Stop it, it is unholy, God will damn your souls?'" A charmed laugh spread throughout the room.

"Close enough darling." Kei smirked, also laughing but their laughter trailed off for a second, and Krad blinked fearfully as a loud roar encumbered through the room. That must be one of the chimeras that they were talking about. Krad frowned in through, how would that be possible? By legend, chimeras were creatures that were two other animals merged to become a fearful enemy. This was interesting news, what could his stepfather and mother be thinking creating creatures like those?

"My, this chimera doesn't seem satisfied."

"Let it out honey, I believe there's someone in here for it feast on." Krad froze for a second, then turned away from the pillar as a loud clank revealed itself and a creature jumped after him in the darkness. This model had the rear-legs of a kangaroo while its body was of a panther and face of a lion. Krad froze for that one moment and the monster pounced on Krad, rearing for a large bite but there was a sudden bash to the chimera's side, saving Krad for the moment.

"Krad, how pleasant to see you."

"Oh Krad-kins, what are you doing here? Hasn't mommy told you before not to follow me to work?" Krad ignored the baby talk from his mother and stared at Kei with a terrified look,

"What the hell is that, and what are you planning?" Krad recovered, glaring at Kei coldly, attempting to hide his fear. Kei just smiled then pointed to two pillars of light that Krad hadn't noticed. The chimera was trailing it's panther tail, walking behind Krad's mother with a predatory look. Krad stared at the pillars, recognizing the objects within the light. "Why is Satoshi-sama's and Daisuke's wings in there?" Krad asked, glaring coldly at Kei as he stood up.

"We must thank you for creating a power source Krad," His mother spoke, petting the hostile animal with a satisfied smile, "That is what the defect and other one are only good for." Krad flinched, twitching madly as he tried to make a desperate attempt to understand what was going on here. "It really is such a nice power source, it never seems to run out."

"You still haven't answered me." Krad replied back, looking back from the pillars to his stepfather, hoping his gaze would penetrate through the other's walls.

"Plans? Why are you so concerned about something like that? I thought all you wanted was your Satoshi to live?" Krad growled, but was welcomed by a growl from the monster behind his mother. Krad then froze as there was a different sound that echoed in the chamber. Krad looked around, expecting another chimera but was greeted with a far worse sight. Bodies, all thrown across the walls, and messages all over the walls, messages of telling of an apocalypse.

"What are you going to do? Damn you both, tell me now!" Kei and the woman smiled gently, and Krad screeched in surprise as a metal cage flew around him, and now he was stuck. Krad immediately grabbed at the bars, struggling to get loose but failing from his lack of strength.

"We're planning on getting rid of your mistake for you Krad-kins, honestly mommy must always fix your mistakes, but no use in crying over spelt milk, isn't that right Krad-kins?" Krad froze at the prospect that meaning had given. Krad struggled even harder now as his mother left the room, chimera and all.


"We can't do that, after all, if someone like him is around, they could stop our war." Krad stared at the man in terror, shaking in his anger. They plan a war? A WAR? What were they thinking? A war would destroy the world, the people would be even more corrupt, until they rebel and the planet would die on itself. In other words, an apocalypse.

"You bastard!" Krad cursed the man, and was surprised for a sudden light to envelop the room. Kei blinked in mild curiosity and walked to the large computer at the sides of the tubes, typing at it quickly.

"That's new." Krad growled and continued to try and get out, Satoshi was going to die if he didn't! Krad was not going to let Satoshi die, not now, and not ever!

Dark and Daisuke were moving ahead of the rest. Menou, Towa, and Risa decided it would be best if they stayed in New York, otherwise they would probably get in more trouble around Daisuke and Dark. Besides, if they went with them, the other side might resort to dirty tricks and use the three of them as hostages.

"How are you holding up Daisuke?" Dark asked, Wiz and With on his back as well as Daisuke. Daisuke just nodded numbly against Dark's back and Dark was slightly disturbed as Daisuke hadn't spoken in the last few hours. You'd think the boy would at least be pretty happy that they were heading towards Satoshi and Krad, in fact Dark was even a little happier due to this fact. Of course, he took it in a denial form and took it out of happiness for revenge. "Is something wrong?" Dark asked as the plains underneath him quickly turned into desert.

"No...I just feel a little sick." Daisuke whispered back, continuing to hold unto Dark. Dark nodded in acknowledgement to this and stopped in mid-air, staring around the area. It wasn't just sand, it was hard ground with so many rocks that it looked like a suitable place to hide a laboratory. Dark flowed down to the ground and carefully placed Daisuke down. The two stood there, waiting for just about anything to show itself as an entrance. "Dark, what makes you think the lab is around here?" Dark shrugged,

"I don't know, we don't have any information on where anything is, so the best we can do is look around." Daisuke nodded softly then trailed off a bit. Dark mistook it as a search but Death was stepping backwards, taunting Daisuke to find the entrance of the lab.

"Just step this way descendent." Daisuke frowned slightly, wishing he wasn't taking the help of his man, but what else could he do? Daisuke didn't feel anything but helpless and his mind was in an emotional mess. So many things had happened to him that was close to driving him crazy. Death then stopped and Daisuke also stopped, "Just a little solid step right here, and all will be revealed." Daisuke nodded timidly, then took a step into the sand.

"Daisuke!" Dark yelled out as a loud chambering noise echoed throughout the sky and admist from the sun came the entrance, just as Death said. Daisuke did nothing to thank the man, but Death smiled mysteriously, accepting the silence as the two sneaked into the building.

Now would be the start of an entirely different adventure.

"Okay...that was a crazy chapter. And I'm sorry for it. Two reasons, I was like 'what the hell, this is an HR chapter (HR is the code I use for the lines).' And then, 'God, I took forever to update on this one stupid chapter'. Yes I suck ladies and gentlemen."
"About time you admit it."
"Shut up. Anyway, this will be last time I do the review things in the chapters. So to the reviews!"

"See I hate the voices as well, but I understand why they add lines, because it would seem very weird if it was like recent games and there was a moment where it trailed off and the character wasn't saying anything. So they have to change the context and junk like that. Anyway, thanks for the review!"

Shimmering Solitude
"No I don't think they did in the manga...But I don't know, I've got just the ten and Yukiru Sugisaki decided to be hateful and not update her mangas! GRAH!" I yell then calm down, "Thanks for the review!"

Les Scribbles
"Hey, you do the same thing like...ALL the time. So no complaining." I glare lightly then get hit by A who comments me being rude, "Ugh. Ouch...Thank you again for reviewing!"

"So is that it?"
"Well I have to do a promo."
"On what?"
"People, if you have questions to ask or just want to bug me outright about this story (or any other) then you can go to my forums and discuss and junk."
"Wow, that was quaint."
"Hey, I've been busy trying to play Lunar. Anyway, that was the end of that lazy, crappy chapter! R&R please!"