"Hey! I think I see them! Isn't that Daisuke over there?"

Mimi whipped her head around at Iori's find, and grinned. "Yes, that is him! And there's Ken, too..." She trailed off with a frown, looking around. Miyako finished her thought.

"But where's Hikari and Takeru?" She asked.

The couple was nowhere in sight. The group glanced around in confusion, and then Jyou looked back at Daisuke. "Hey, he doesn't look so good..."

That was when they saw the goggle-head throw up.

"Daisuke," Ken began, as he watched her friend empty the contents of his stomach, "this may not be a good time to mention this, but,"

"Go ahead." Daisuke rasped, clutching at the grass to steady himself. "Say it."

"I told you so."

Daisuke just moaned, and threw up again. The fact that he had been boasting so much about how Takeru would probably throw up all over Hikari wasn't helping much. Once again, he probably should have listened to his raven-haired best friend. Once again, his bull-headedness had taken over. Daisuke drew in deep breaths of air, trying to calm his stomach. Weakly, he tried to stand, and Ken silently helped him up and over to a nearby bench. He sat down with a thump and stuck his head between his legs. He barely registered Ken sitting down next to him and patting him soothingly on the back. "I am so stupid..." He muttered.

"Uh huh." Ken agreed.

After finally escaping the security guard, Taichi and Yamato stood on the other side of the fairgrounds, peering in through the wire fence. "This is so not fair..." Taichi moaned.

"Tell me about it." Yamato agreed.

"I hope you know this is all your fault." Yamato glanced over at Taichi in surprise, then started laughing. Sheepishly, Taichi joined in.

"This is so not fair." Taichi repeated, grinning and shaking his head.

Koushiro sighed with happiness, relaxing in front of his television. "Finally." He sighed, flipping on to the Discovery Channel. "I don't think I'd really want to be involved in whatever those two hooligans are up to anyways. It's been forever since I received some peace and quiet!"

And there Koushiro stayed, oblivious to everything save his program.

High above the fairgrounds, the stars began to emerge as tiny pinpricks of light in the inky darkness of the night sky. And at the top of the Ferris Wheel, two very happy young teenagers cuddled up to one another.

"Looks like we lost them." Takeru happily commented.


Takeru glanced down at his diminutive girlfriend, and smiled. He slipped an arm around her, and whispered softly, "I love you, 'Kari."

Hikari smiled softly, and murmured sleepily, "Love you too, TK."