Title: One In A Million

Author: Olga LaLa

Rating: R for now…will increase later on.

Summery: Another Draco Veela fiction. Hermione is his mate. (I don't think there are enough out there.) The only problem is…Veelas come one in every million, therefore no one knows how to help Draco with his little Veela side. I suck at summaries so read on.

Disclaimer: If I would claim any of it, I would sure be sent to Azkaban.

One In A Million

Chapter One

Professor Severus Snape entered a class, which was presently occupied by the seventh year students, to give the last Potion lecture for the day. Without looking at any of his students he informed them as he set down in his chair, "You will not need any laboratory supplies for this lecture. I assume you've read the syllabus of your requirements and all the lecture plans for the semester." Snape looked over at his victims, "Who can tell me what is the topic of today's lecture?" His eyes traveled about the room, as usually ignoring the only hand that shoot up, and settling on a tall boy with carrot hair. "Mr. Weasley, whatis the topic of today's lecture?" When he saw the ginger head shake and his shoulders slump, Snape happily said, "Five points off from the Gryffindor for not knowing the right answer." After the grumbling had seized, Snape ordered, "Open up your textbook to the page 567." As his students complied, he asked again, "Now, what is today's topic, Mr. Zambini?"

"Veela…" The Slytherin replied.

"That is correct. Veela is today's topic. Five points to the Slytherin for giving the right answer."

"But he just read the answer out of the book." Ronald Weasley complained.

"Keep interrupting my class, Mr. Weasley and you'll really have something to complain about after I deduct another five points from the Gryffindor and send you to detention." Snape replied menacingly. This threat silenced the class. "Now, would someone read the passage on this exquisite creature? Mr. Longbottom?"

Nevile nervously began: "The veela are based on a number of sources which describe Eastern European nature spirits of legend:
"Vily" are Slavic fairies who can take the form of birds.
"Vilas," as they appear in Serbian legends, are "mountain nymphs, young and beautiful, clad in white, with long flying hair. Their voice is said to resemble that of the woodpecker. They shoot, according to popular belief, dealy arrows at men, and sometimes carry off children..."

"They are nature guardians, caring for the trees, streams, and flowers in their domains. They are extremely jealous of beautiful women. Their moods are as changeable as the weather and they can both cause and cure illnesses. A human who tarries too long in their territory may be shot dead with arrows or die suddenly from heart attack, lumbago, or by being buried under an avalanche. Vily have fair complexions and curly, reddish-brown hair which falls to their feet. They wear shimmering white clothing or coverings of green leaves. Interestingly, those born on Tuesday or Sunday can most easiy see Vily."

That was all that was written about the subject of Veela

(A/N: This information has been taken from:

www . hp -lexicon. org/ bestiary/ bestiary t-z.html#veela)

"Very good. If there are no questions, you may leave early." Snape prayed that there wouldn't be any but as always that same hand shot up. "Yes, Ms. Granger?"

"Professor," Hermione began, "I couldn't help but notice that there isn't that much written on the subject of Veela. I specifically remember reading something in the Daily Prophet about a man becoming a half-blooded Veela." At this information a certain Slytherin perked his ears to listen to what the know-it-all had to say on the topic; the rest of the class begun to collect their things.

"Yes, well the reason there isn't a lot of information about the Veela is because there is not enough information to go around." He informed the bushy-haired Gryffindor. "It is very rare that a Wizard possesses by a Veela blood. It isn't anything genetic."

"So are there any indications that a Wizard is a Veela?" Hermione asked thoughtfully.

"Well, the only two Veela I talked to said that they had felt some changes on the night of their eighteenth birthday. So I am presuming that if a wizard didn't change at that particular time, he is not a Veela."

"What kind of changes are you talking about, Professor?" Every time she asked him a question, she made sure she quoted his answer on a piece of parchment paper.

"Altered senses: site, touch, taste…you get the drill…"

"But why would their senses be altered?" Hermione asked confused.

"To find their mate, I presume." Snape sighed and continued. "The reason that the book doesn't cover Veela so much is because there is one Veela in every million Wizards."

"Did both of the Veela Wizards find their mates?"

"No." Snape answered, marveled by her question. "One didn't; sad really."

"So what happened to him?"

"He died one month exactly after his eighteenth birthday."

"That's terrible. Did he not know who she was?"

"No. That is the reason he died. He wasn't able to mark her." Snape watched as Hermione quoted him and sighed again. "Are you done interviewing me, Ms. Granger?"


"Will you shut your buddy mouth already, Granger?" This came from Pansy Parkinson. "Professor Snape offered to let us out earlier and what do you do? You can't keep than know-it-all mouth of yours shut with gratitude."

"If I would have been a know-it-all, Parkinson, I wouldn't have asked in the first place, now would I?" Hermione yelled back across the room.

"Ms. Granger, are you through?" Snape asked exasperated.

"Yes, Professor Snape." Hermione replied and began to pack her books.

"Thank Merlin." He mumbled and then a little louder. "Class dismissed."

As the class filled out of the class, Severus sighed. There was a reason why he wanted to dismiss his class early. He had a date with a very nice looking witch, Tabitha; whom he met at Hogsmay about three months. He promised to meet her Friday evening so they can have a long weekend to themselves.

As he stood up to go to his private room, he noticed that Draco Malfoy was the only one who still remained in the class.

"Is there something you need, Mr. Malfoy?" Snape asked his G-d son. When the blonde Slytherin didn't reply Severus asked louder, "Draco!"

"Huh?" Draco snapped back to reality from wherever his thoughts took him.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit paler than usual." Snape asked with concern.

"Professor, would you please repeat what you just said to Granger?"

"Which part?" Snape's arched his neatly threaded raven brows in confusion.

"The V-veela part." He stuttered.

Now Snape looked worried. Draco never stuttered. "You have to be a little more specific than that, boy. The whole conversation between my self and Ms. Granger was about Veela."

"The part where you said a Wizard Veela died because he didn't get to mark his mate after a month of his eighteenth birthday."

"Why?" Snape enquired, feeling something uneasy wash over him.

"I…I…" Draco opened and closed his mouth like a fish would.

"You what?" Snape prodded.

"I think I am that one Wizard in every million, professor."

"Pardon?" Snape asked. "I don't believe that my hearing as it ones was. I thought I heard you refer to yourself as the topic of today's discussion."

"I did." Draco confirmed. "All the facts you gave Granger are those that describe me."

"Are you telling me you are a Veela?" Snape's eyes widened at revolation.

"I…I think I might be…" All of a sudden, Draco began to shake violently.

"Draco…" Snape ran to the shaking young Wizard. "Draco…" He yelled again. All of a sudden Draco Malfoy froze and fell forward. If it wasn't for the Potion Master, Draco Malfoy would have fallen to the ground flat on his face.