Hi guys! Sorry about the long long wait, I just got caught up with a bunch of other things. I had to devote the entire month of March and the first week of April to studying for the ACT exam, which I took April 9th (I think I bombed it). I'm sure you all were very sad that I made Kagome have cancer, I'm sorry but that would be a worse case scenario for me, I hope my cancer never comes back. As you can see I've changed my penname cause I was getting sick of my old one and I like this one better. Anyway without further ado, here is the final installment to Do You Really Love Me?

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor do I own the song 'Skin' by Rascal Flatts.

Chapter 14: Our Happy Ending?

Kagome slowly opened her eyes as the radiant sunlight purged the darkness of the guestroom. Lifting her head off the pillow, she let her eyes flow over the room to adjust to the new light but then a scream formed in her throat and she cried out.

Inuyasha woke up abruptly at the sound of her scream. "Kagome what's wrong?" His voice filling with panic.

"On…on the pillow…" She cried as she tentatively reached her hand out.

Inuyasha's eyes widened as he followed her gaze to a dark pile resting upon her pillow.

"My…my hair…I'm loosing…my hair…" Kagome cried relentlessly as she fingered the silky strands, holding her eyes shut as tears cascaded down.

For just this morning, right there on her pillow

Was the cruelest of any surprise

And she cried when she gathered it all in her hands

The proof that she couldn't deny

And Sara Beth closes her eyes

'Please…let this be a dream, just a cruel nightmare. Not again…not again.' Her tears never ceasing.

Inuyasha quickly enveloped Kagome's sobbing form in his embrace and held her tight, slowly rubbing her back. "Shush…You know I can't bear to see you cry Kagome. I love you, forever and always. I'll never stop, hair or no hair."

Kagome opened her eyes and looked up at him. Her blue orbs clouded with fear and anxiety, as she stared into his golden ones filled with unconditional love. "Oh Inuyasha…" She collapsed against him.

Just then Sango, Kagura, Miroku and Sesshomaru burst in through the door. "What's wrong? We heard you scream."

Gently rocking Kagome back and forth, Inuyasha solemnly replied. "She's starting to lose her hair, due to the chemotherapy treatments."

Tears formed in Kagura's eyes as she watched Kagome being cradled in Inuyasha's arms. "Kagome, I'll postpone the wedding for two more weeks. We don't have to do it today, I want to do it when we are all happy."

The said girl lifted her head and body out of her boyfriend's embrace, tears still sliding down. "Oh no Kagura, I couldn't ask you to do that!" She exclaimed, wiping the remnants of her tears. "You've waited so long, no, get married today."


"No buts, I'm not asking you to continue on as planned. I'm telling you." She firmly stated.

All stared incredulously at Kagome, surely she was going mad. She was not in a very stable state right now, "Now Kagome I won't have you putting on a brave face when I know you are hurting inside. This is just…so wrong. I can't be happy knowing you are suffering…no I refuse to be." Kagura broke in.

Kagome's blue eyes softened at her cousins statement, "Kagura, seeing you get married to the one you love is what will make me happy. You need to go through with it, we all need to." She smiled, and stood up. "Now let's go get ready, and we'll see you boys at three o'clock in the church."

Miroku, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru stared at their disappearing forms as Kagome dragged them off to get ready for the wedding. "Well I guess we should get going too." Sesshomaru said, grabbing both Inuyasha and Miroku by the collar and dragging them out of the bedroom. 'We got a lot ahead of us in six hours."

Six hours later:

"Wow Kagura, you look so beautiful." Kagome and Sango exclaimed, watching her twirl around in her wedding dress, with her hair done up in a bun and a small jeweled crown pressed upon her head.

"I know, I feel so giddy. I can't wait to walk down that aisle." Kagura smiled. "And you two just look lovely in your candy apple red dresses. I picked out the best color." (Remember descriptions from chapter 10: Celebrations and Doubts)

A knock was heard at the door of the room in the church they were using, and a familiar voice reached the ears. "May I come in and see my niece and daughter?"

Kagome's eyes lighted up with happiness to see her mother's figure glide into the room, clad in soft red colored gown. "Oh mom, isn't Kagura just beautiful. I never felt this happy in all my life, and I'm not the one getting married."

Mrs. Higurashi just chuckled at her daughter's statement. 'Soon, my dear. Soon you and Inuyasha will be walking down that aisle. I know it.' "Well I just came to let you know that's it is time." She said, walking up to Kagura and then embraced her. "I am so proud of the woman you've become. Your mother would have been proud, she loved you. We all love you."

Kagura smiled at her aunt, her words causing tear to form in her eyes. "I love you guys too. Oh look at me, we should go and not keep them waiting any longer."

Sesshomaru stood at the front of the church, and unlike most grooms, no nervousness took over his being. He knew what he wanted, and that was Kagura as his wife, why would he need to feel nervous about that?

He shifted his candy apple red vest and tie to perfection as his golden gaze swept over the sanctuary of the church. It was filled with crimson roses as far as the eyes could see and there were hundreds of people sitting patiently in the pews, awaiting the arrival of Sesshomaru Taisho's bride.

On cue, the organ's rendition of 'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Johann Bach' permeated the building and the doors opened. Sango graciously walked down the aisle to the front, her bouquet of red rose held tightly within her hands and her red gown flowing beautifully behind her. A smile spread upon her face as she caught Miroku's lovesick gaze from the front, where he was standing.

Then Kagome followed, with a pink color flushed across her cheeks as she stared up into the golden gaze of Inuyasha, as he watched her every movement to the front. And finally behind her trailed Rin, in her small white gown, carrying a basket. Dropping red rose petals on the aisle in preparation for Kagura to walk down to her groom.

With only a short pause, the organ struck up again with a different tune, "The Canon by Pachebel"; the guests rose from their seats and in walked Kagura, with her aunt by her side.

Sesshomaru's eyes filled with love and pride to see her walk down the aisle to start her future with him. Never before had she looked so beautiful in her strapless white gown, trimmed with red. His breath stilled as he watched her come forward and as her aunt gave him her hand. Silently they both walked up the small steps, leading closer to the podium at which the minister stood smiling down upon them both.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered her today to join together this man, Sesshomaru Taisho and this woman, Kagura Kimura, in the bonds of holy matrimony. If there is anyone who objects to their joining, speak now or forever hold your peace." The minister spoke, and allowed a few moments to pass by before continuing.

"Please turn and face each other, joining hands. Sesshomaru, do you take Kagura to be your wedded wife, and in the presence of these witnesses do you vow that you will do everything in your power to make your love for her a growing part of your life? Will you continue to strengthen it from day to day and week to week with your best resources? Will you stand by her in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, and will you shun all others and keep yourself to her alone as long as you both shall live?"

Squeezing her hand tight and looking into her eyes, he solemnly vowed. "I will."

Now looking at Kagura, the minister repeated those same endearing words to her and she could hardly retain her excitement and blurted out, "I will."

'Now may we please have the rings." The minister signaled for Souta to come, dashing in his small suit, and hand the rings to Sesshomaru. "The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. It is an outward sign of an inward and spiritual bond, which unites two hearts in endless love. And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, you Sesshomaru, may place a ring on the finger of your bride."

Never ceasing his smile, Sesshomaru voiced his love. Slipping the golden ringer onto her fourth finger. "Kagura, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you."

"By the same token Kagura, you may place a ring on the finger of your groom." The minister then sounded.

"Sesshomaru, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you." She giggled as she placed the matching ring on her husband's finger.

Their eyes sparkled with love and happiness as the waited for the final moment. "By the power vested in my by God, and (wherever the heck we are, cause this stupid no good author never stated where we are living at) Osaka, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

A loud roar of applause was heard and the rest was almost a dream as the newly wedded couple locked lips and sealed their love for all.

Loud cheers rang throughout the Taisho household as for the very first time Mr. and Mrs. Sesshomaru Taisho were presented to their guests and seated at the large white table set up in their backyard.

"We are so glad that all of you could make it out this evening." Sesshomaru announced, looking into Kagura's crimson eyes. "It means a great deal to me and my blushing bride, that you all could share this day of love and happiness. Thank you for everything. Now let us dance."

Everyone watched as Sesshomaru led his bride out onto the dance floor, and a slow ballad began to play in the background. Sango and Miroku, along with other couples followed suit, twirling in waves of red upon the wooden floor. Without warning Inuyasha leapt up from his seat and pulled Kagome down to the dance floor. "Dance with me."

Kagome sighed and she leaned her head against Inuyasha's brow as he held her close, dancing out on the dance floor. Nothing else existed outside of their embrace, nor did it matter, she was with her first and only love.

She dreams she's dancing

Around and around without any cares

And her very first love was holding her close

And a soft wind is blowing her hair

"You are beautiful Kagome. I love you, no matter what." Inuyasha replied, holding her close, knowing that what he said was true. Nothing, nobody, no tests or outcomes could erase that feeling from him.

"Oh Inuyasha, my mom told me some good news." She exclaimed lifting her head up, her cerulean orbs shining with untold happiness. " The doctors said with just a few more treatments of chemotherapy, I will be on the way to recovery. Although I may lose my hair, they can heal me."

Inuyasha's eyes filled with happiness at her statement and he twirled her around and around in his arms. "Marry me next year." He blurted out. "Marry me…"

They go dancing, around and around

Without any cares

And her very first true love is holding her close

And for a moment she isn't scared

"Oh Inuyasha, do you really love me that much?" She cried staring into his loving eyes. "No one ever has…"

"Of course I do Kagome. I'll love you forever and always, no matter what." He smiled and pulled her face towards his, planting a sweet yet passionate kiss on her lips. "Do you?" He asked.

"Yes! How could I not say yes, I love you Inuyasha." She practically shouted, kissing him endlessly.

Inuyasha chuckled at his sudden proclamation. "Come, I think it's time for the bouquet toss. I bet your mother wants you there, front and center."

Laughing happily he pulled her along, and they rejoined their friends and family on this beautiful night with a bright future ahead for them. 'My very own fairy tale.' Kagome smiled at Inuyasha and then caught her mother's knowing gaze. 'Everything will turn out all right. I can't wait until graduation next year, when I'll spend life with my prince. After all, fairy tales always end with the prince and princess living happily ever after.'

We've finally reached the end the end of this tale, and I am just so happy with all the reviews and encouragement I have received from all of you. Tears formed in my eyes at how many of you love and adore this story, I am sad to see it end so soon but it ended on a good note and I couldn't be happier with this ending. I appreciate and love you all for sticking by me, now you can switch over to my other one's and give me more love. Thank you so much, I love you all!

Your loving authoress, sending much love and huggles out to all of you,
