The name is Red, redskin122004. Ok, I new here to the Soul Calibur section, not counting the fact that I read every fic in here. This is by far the most interesting section, since there is almost an unlimited possible of pairings. Trust me, I seen most of them. My favorite by far is the Talim and Link. I like it, imagine: a priestess with a heart of gold and a warrior hero with unlimited courage…. Okay corny yes, but there is something I like about them together. Also, another reason I am writing this is because I was inspired to do it. Ladies and gentleman, I like to dedicated this story to the thirteen year old, who also had to much time on her hand but made a great story in the process, CypticElf!(The song of angels singing and flowers and other things fall from the sky) Alright now, on to the story

Dedication of the Year: CypticElf- Thank you for making a great story, and continue it on, or else I would be a very sad boy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Calibur and Legend of Zelda. DUH, are you ever going to see the guys that made the ultimate story here on fanfiction. I think not. Although the Legend of Zelda needs some work. I still don't get how Zelda was his sister first then his girlfriend, or something like that.

Chapter One: Link's Sadness


Zelda walk down the halls of castle, looking for her brother, who after barely two days coming back from destroying the cursed Soul Edge, had disappeared. She sighed, he had been avoiding everyone, even the party meant for him, he had missed. She worried slightly, she saw him this morning. The look on his face was not one she had seen before, or at least, one she could not remember. Sadness, it painted all over his face and in his eyes. Every time she looked at him, or lack of it, she saw he was near the verge of tear and walked away quickly to not let any see. She turned and ran into one of the guards that was coming from the courtyard.

"Princess, you look worried." Zelda nodded slowly to his statement.

"Have you seen Link?" The guard looked up into the air, remembering where he was last seen.

"I believe he went outside the city walls, Princess. Excuse me." He bowed lightly before returning to his post. Zelda, who believe in respect, even though she was the up coming queen, moved out of his way. She started to walk out of the castle gates, and as always, trailed by the two guards to protect her once she was outside the castle walls. She continued her walk through town square, up to the city gate. She turned to the guard, nodding to him to lower it. Once lowered she looked out and saw her brother sitting in the distance. She began her walk towards him, with now two more guards behind her. The sun was setting and the stars began to show, and her brother was staring off into the distance. She was more than twenty yards away when she stopped and turned to the guards.

"Stay here, I must do this alone." They turned to each other and then bowed to her.

"Yes princess." Slowly, she began her walk towards him. The only sign he showed was that of sadness. As if he would never be happy. Zelda sudden had the thought enter her head, causing her to stop where she is. –Could it be?- Zelda kept that very possible thought in her head. And yet, her heart told her that it was the truth. Her brother was in love with some one. Some one in that world he had come from.

Link closed his eyes, the wind blew by him gently, and it hurt him. Not physically, but it hurt him as it was a blow to the chest. He slowly took out the Ocarina, and began to play a song he had made in his travels to the other world. This song was about a girl and the wind, this song he cherished in his heart. Unaware of whom was behind him, his sister, Zelda, watch on. -I know happen to you in that world, my brother- Zelda, she gave a small frown -My brother, were you in love with someone there?- Zelda slowly approached him and put her hand on his shoulder, Link finish the song before looking to the ground. "Brother, what is wrong?"

"Everything." Link said, "IF only...if only I could hold on to her for just a few more seconds, she would be here with me. My mission was to protect her, but...I fell in love with her instead." Zelda look at her brother sadly, so she was suddenly startled when he started yelling to the sky. "WHY COULD I NOT BRING HER WITH ME!" he sighed and got up, "She loved me back, and I know it. Talim loved me back, and I left her." He looked to his sister, "And do you know what?" Zelda looked at her brother.


"This is the same day I meant her. I been with her for a whole year, this was going to be the first year we would have been together." He suddenly fell to his knees, tear streaming from his eyes. Zelda had never seen her brother like this, she was angry as well. Not Link, but to the three goddess that sent him there. –Did they not foreseen this?- She gently started to hug him. Through his tears, he managed to say more.

"Just after we defeated that creature," he said softly, his tears slightly drying up, "She hugged me, because we both lived through it. Then, she lean up and kissed me. She told me softly, so only I could her, that she loved me." Zelda held on to her brother, she felt that pain before. Zelda looked up to the skies, -Oh yes, we are going to have a very long talk- she thought so hard, she was certain that the three goddess had her.

Next Chapter: Talim's Sadness and a angry Sister.

Okay, that how much I got. Oh yeah, before I finish up. I want to see how many people have seen the previews of the new Soul Calibur 3! That it is probably going to be the best so far…Okay, got to go.
