Down on the Farm

Chapter 1

Day 1: Saturday

Disclaimer: This is for the whole story. I own nothing but the plot.

For those of you who read the first version of this story: I went back and read over the first few chapters of this story and they sucked so I re-wrote this chapter and plan on re-writing chapters 1-10 and editing chapters 1-14. Will the story still make sense if you don't reread them? Yes, I'm not changing anything major, but I would suggest rereading them.

Authors Note: I love this story, but if you think it could be better – which it probably could – let me know.

Without any further adieu, here we go.

I can't believe this, Draco Malfoy thought to himself as he looked around at the muggle farm he had just been dropped off at.

Why is he at a muggle farm? Well, Draco was failed his 6th year Muggle Studies class and his father was pissed. Dumbledore then came up with the idea that if he stayed at Nancy and Drew Granger's farm for the summer they wouldn't make him retake the class.

Granger? Draco thought when he first heard this, Is that what they said?

"Hello there," someone said to him, "you must be Draco! Pleased to meet you, I'm Nancy Granger, and this here's my husband Drew," she thrust her hand at him. Nancy was a big woman with an even bigger smile. She looked just like Draco expected. Frizzy brown hair and an apron covering her plump self. She looked warm, and nice.

"Pleasure to meet you Nancy," Draco said in a bored voice shaking her hand, "and you Drew." He shook Drew's hand politely. His voice might have sounded bored but his head was spinning, Granger!? As in Hermione HOTTIE Granger!? Coincidence? I hope not! I hope Hermione's here! NO! I hope she's NOT! She might have been hot last year but she is still a mudblood know-it-all who I DON"T want here!

"We'll have Jessie show you around," Nancy said bringing Draco back from his thoughts.

"Okay," he said, but he was thinking, Jesse's a frickin' boy's name, fan-fucking-tastic!

"Hello, I'm Jessie," a pretty brunette who had just walked up said, extending her hand.

"Oh, oh, hello," Draco said seductively.

"You are Draco aren't you?" Jessie asked even though she already knew.

"Yes, of course!" Draco said with a smile, taking her hand she offered and bringing it to his lips so he could kiss it gently.

He can smile! Hermione Granger thought to herself.

I know he's gorgeous right? A voice responded.

No, it's probably that he can tell I'm actually a girl now, (Voice 1)

Whatever, he's still hotter than usual when he smiles. (Voice 2)

Why not play with his mind a bit? I mean he obviously likes me, at least a bit, (Voice 1)

Uh, why? And if he does like you, why ruin it? (Voice 2)

He thinks I'm Jessie remember? (Voice 1)

If you want to, but I wouldn't, (Voice 2)

Whatever, (Voice 1)

"Well then let's go" Hermione said. With that she walked over to the pig pen.

"Here are the pigs, which, unless you want to stay, we are going to bypass. She then walked over to the stable.

"Since I don't really like any of the farm animals let's go to the horses," Hermione said. They walked and stopped but the horses and Hermione turned and faced Draco like a tour guide "Now on your left you'll see the horses grazing in their pastures," with that Hermione waved her hand to her right, which was Draco's left.

"You sound like a tour guide," Draco said laughing.

"WOW! You did pay attention in Muggle Studies!" Hermione laughed, silently commenting on Draco's hotness when he laughed.

"Wait, aren't you muggle?" Draco asked furrowing his brow in confusion.

"I, my friend, am a witch," Hermione told him. "I am staying with my aunt and uncle because Dumbledore didn't want you to be the only magic 'folk' here," she explained to him, with air quotes and all.

"Oh okay," Draco said nodding in understanding. "Do you go to Hogwarts?"

"Yes," Hermione answered.

"What house are you in?' Draco asked.

"Let's continue this conversation on horse back," Hermione subtly changed the subject. "You can ride, can't you?"

"Of course," Draco answered arrogantly.

They went into the stable to pick their horses.

"You can ride Walker or Jim," Hermione said pointing to two older horses.

"No way! I'm riding him," Draco said, pointing at a jet black horse.

"That's Shadow, we just got him and it's my job to break him in, for lack of better words," Hermione told him.

"So why can't I ride him?" Draco asked in whiny voice that made him sound like he was five.

"If what I just told you wasn't enough, then I guess I should tell you he's a bit feisty," Hermione said as she went to get Shadow's saddle.

When she returned, Draco was sitting on a bale of straw with a bleeding hand.

"What happened?" Hermione asked concerned.

"It bit me!" Draco shouted.

Hermione broke down laughing. She laughed so hard she almost dropped the saddle.

"It's not funny!" Draco pouted defensively.

"Sorry," Hermione apologized while getting her breath back, "it's just that it reminded me of that time in third ye-," she suddenly stopped.

"What was that?" Draco asked her pryingly.

"Let me put this saddle down and we'll go take care of your hand," Hermione said as she put Shadow's saddle down.

Draco knew she was trying to change the subject and decided to bring it up later.

"There," Hermione sighed as she finished bandaging Draco's hand, "all better. I sound like a mum now, AHH!"

Draco laughed at her joke, or at least her thought it was a joke.

"Okay, so do you think you can still ride?" Hermione was finally starting to get used to him laughing. AKA she didn't have to remind herself not to look shocked every time he did.

"Yeah, I think so," Draco answered truthfully.

"Let's go get the horses ready," Hermione said cheerfully.

Hermione started to walk back to the barn, with Draco following her. When they reached the barn Hermione was surprised to discover that Draco was actually a great horseman. He knew exactly how to saddle a horse and everything. She was quite impressed.

Once they were out on the trail Draco decided to talk to Hermione about the thing she brought up earlier. "So what were you talking about back there when I got bitten?" he asked.

"I don't remember," Hermione answered hoping that he would drop it. He didn't.

"About third year, come on I know you know what I am talking about!" Draco was getting impatient.

"Oh that? It was nothing," Hermione laughed nervously.

"No it wasn't nothing!" Draco had lost all patience and was flat out mad. "You were talking about Buckbeak, that creature! And if you were there then you're a Slytherin or Gryffindor, but I know you're not a Slytherin or else I would recognize you!" Draco was fuming.

"You should recognize me but you don't" Hermione shouted. "Yes I am a Gryffindor and proud of it too!" Hermione said in her trademark, stubborn voice. All this yelling was beginning to spook the horses, mostly Shadow.

"You're right, I don't recognize you, but I do know your name isn't Jessie!" Draco was so mad about not knowing her identity, that he didn't realize that Shadow was getting nervous.

"I thought I could get along with you," Hermione said weakly, suddenly quiet. "But, I guess I can't. I thought you were different from how you acted at school. I thought you might be decent, maybe even nice. I knew that if I told you who I was you would put your mask back on, I wanted to see who was under that mask. That's why I volunteered to come and help you. My friends thought I was an idiot. I didn't think I was, but now I realize I am. I wanted to know the real Draco, but I guess he doesn't want to know the real me," she said softly. Before she knew what was happening, Shadow bolted. He didn't like all the screaming and tension, so he was trying to get away from it. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get Shadow to stop, she was about to just fall off when suddenly Shadow stopped. She looked up; there right in the middle of the path was Draco still sitting on top of Walker of course. That was when she fainted.


She seems so familiar yet very strange, Draco thought to himself as he looked at Hermione's unconscious figure lying on the bed in front of him. He had caught her when she had fallen off Shadow and then grabbed Shadow's halter. He had placed Hermione in front of him and had led Shadow back to the barn. He had called for Nancy or Drew and Drew came and took Hermione inside. Draco then went to cool off the horses and put them in their stalls. He got them water, but since didn't know their feeding schedules he couldn't feed them. So, now he sat here staring at the figure in front of him thinking.

I know who she is, but I won't tell you until you get to know her, a voice inside him said in response to his last thought.

If you know then I know, and what if she tells me? (Voice 1)

Then she tells you, but being who she is, she won't tell you until you know her, (Voice 2)

Screw you! Draco was getting mad at this voice in his head.

Whatever, the voice in Draco's head knew when to shut up.

"Hey," Draco heard someone say softly. He looked down at the angel face staring at him.

"Hey," he responded.

"How long have I been here?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, about 3 hours," Draco answered.

"So it's 6!" Hermione was shocked.

"Yep," Draco laughed at Hermione's shock.

"No wonder I'm hungry," Hermione started laughing with him.

"Can you walk?" Draco asked.

"I think I'll manage," Hermione responded.

"Okay, but if you need help feel free to ask," Draco offered.

"I don't think I will but thanks for offering," Hermione thanked him.

"No problem," Draco answered.

"Wow he's being nice," Hermione thought to herself. "But before you say some smart ass remark I am gonna shut up." Hermione told the little voice in her head before it even started talking.

Hermione got up and started walking towards the house, (she was in the first aid part of the barn.) when her legs gave out. Draco caught her just in time.

"I don't think you can make it much farther," Draco told her.

"Neither do I," Hermione stated.

"I could carry you if you wanted me to," Draco was very shy in his offer.

"Uh…well…okay…that would be nice, I guess," Hermione accepted his offer.

Draco lifted her into his arms, both were shocked at the electricity that shot through them and Draco almost dropped Hermione because of it. Good thing he caught himself just in time or else Hermione would have been on the ground again. After the shock of the electricity they realized that Hermione fit perfectly into Draco's arms. They decided to ignore both of these strange facts. They just walked to the house and entered the kitchen for dinner.

"Hi…" Nancy trailed off when she saw Hermione in Draco's arms. "Hermione Jane Granger get out of that boy's arms this instant!"

"Aunt Nancy, it's not what it looks like! I tried to walk but couldn't so Draco helped me by carrying me here. That's all," Hermione desperately tried to explain. As Draco put her on her feet and helped her sit down in a chair.

"It's all true, I was just helping Hermione get here for dinner," Draco back her up as he tried out Hermione's name on his lips. He rather liked the sound of it.

Why does he say my name perfectly? Hermione asked herself, but was too confused to try and figure it out.

Her aunt accepted this and let them eat, but it was obvious she didn't think they were telling her the whole truth.

Hermione enjoyed her dinner of fried chicken, applesauce, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. She ate until she was full then asked to be excused.

While Hermione, ate Draco stared at her in awe, how could she eat so much yet be so thin? He decided not to ponder it. "Hey Draco, you're staring," he heard Hermione tease him.

"Huh? What? Oh yeah, okay," Draco stuttered. He ate fast because he knew that Nancy and Drew were staring at him, and he didn't like it. He then saw Hermione get up to leave dinner, she walked 5 steps before falling, yet she didn't hit the ground. Draco caught her.

"Do I need to carry you again?" Draco teased.

"I think so," Hermione answered.

"They are so cute," Nancy said, it was plain as day to her that the two were in love even if they didn't realize it yet.

"Sure whatever," Drew answered still stuffing his face.

"You idiot," Nancy said as she threw a roll at him.

"Huh? What?" Drew was very confused, but decided that instead of finding out who threw the roll he would just eat it, and the rest of the food on the table.


Draco dropped Hermione on her bed and just looked at her.

"Hey, that's not very nice!" Hermione shrieked playfully at Draco.

"Who ever said I was nice?" Draco laughed.

"You're so cute when you laugh," Hermione clamped her hand over her mouth. "Did I just say that out loud?" Hermione's cheeks were bright red from embarrassment.

"Yes, and you're cute when you're embarrassed," Draco laughed as he left her room, leaving a very confused Hermione behind.

That night both Hermione and Draco fell into a peaceful sleep dreaming of each other.


A/N: Did Well there it is. All redone and much better if I do say so myself.

-Sugar Quill High-