After Prom
-Chapter 2-
By Geor-sama

"Kimmie, time to get up!" Mrs. Possible raised an eyebrow seeing the lack of concern this shout brought, obviously she needed to change tactics. A slightly devious smile spread across her face as she shouted once more "Honey, Ron's downstairs-"

She was cut off as a loud thump came from over head followed by an "OWww," Mrs. Possible listened in good humor as the sound of bare feet slapped the wodden floor overhead and then the sound of a a girl hopping on one foot "Tell him...Oommph!" a sudden loud thud echoed through the air and then a low mumbling curse before Kim appeared at the top of the stairs, hair looking marginally tamed, her clothes marginally unwrinkled and looking around expectantly "I gotta learn to do laundry..."

"Good morning to you too dear," Mrs. Possible said smiling as her daughter completely dismissed her and barreled down the stairs leading to the ruined ground floor. Laughing the elder Possible calm followed her daughter and met her accusing gaze easily "We decided that the entire family should help clean this mess up."

"Moooom," Kim whined "that was a dirty trick."

"Yes, but it worked" Her mother responded happily putting an arm around her daughters shoulders

" was prom?"

"Oh it was great!"

"Oh? So Eric's alright?" Her mother asked solicitously and Kim shrugged.

"Good as a pile of green goop can be..." Kim retorted walking beside her mother into the kitchen. She was immediately greeted by the sight of her brothers and father seated at the kitchen table eating breakfast. "Hi! Isn't it a wonderful morning?"

"Kim and Ron, sitting in a tree," Said Jim immediately followed by Tim "K-i-s-s-i-n-g" "First comes love," "Then comes marriage-"

"JIM! TIM!" Kim shouted scattering her brothers from the kitchen. Heaving a sigh of exasperation she looked at her mother who still looked amused and her father who looked rather annoyed "Are we sure the howler monkeys won't take them?"

"Kimmie, that's no way to talk about your brothers." Her mother said setting a cup of coffee down in front of her husband as she settled in next to him "Now tell us all about you and Ron dating." "oh that's...wait a minute, how did you know?" Kim eyed her mother suspiciously and seeing the innocent look grumbled taking her own seat "You were spying on me with the tweebs weren't you."

"Oh no, I just happened to look out the window...besides you did shout it at the top of your lungs when you got home." Her mother responded grinning "So...tell us what happened."

"B-but Eric!" Mr. Possible said, staring at his daughter "He was..."

"A synthoid!" Kim responded "Anyway, Ron-"

"So! He was polite and he was...and-and..." Mr. Possible interrupted excitedly only to be cut off by his wife who laid a calming hand on his forearm.

"Let it go dear, Kimmies got Ron now..."

"But doesn't my opinion about her boyfriend count!" he demanded looking at them both expectantly. "Nope," Mrs. Possible said followed by her daughter who shook her head adding 'not really.' Crossing his arms Mr. Possible sat back in his seat humping and looked away, eyes narrowed muttering "He is so going in a black hole!"

The instant Ron woke up his mind picked up from where it had left off last night. He laid in his bed unmoving, smiling stupidly and wondering just how lucky he had to be. Unable to contain himself he sprang off his bed and began doing a passable imitation of a disco singing with a smile "I've got a girlfriend, I've got a girlfriend, Woot! woot!" This continued for several moments before his feet tangled and he went crashing to the ground with a heavy thud.

Pushing himself off the ground he grumbled but was unable to keep the smile off his face. He quickly changed his clothes, brushed his hair the best he could and then scooped up a still sleeping Rufus and raced out of his room. He bound down the stairs to the ground floor and waved at his dad who was reading a paper "Bye, going over to Kims..."

"How was prom?" His mother shouted at him from the kitchen.

Ron smiled "I'll tell you when I bring my girlfriend over." amidst much surprised shouts and clanging of silverware he bound out into the day and stopped short, several other 'losers' from the school that lived in his neighborhood standing in his front yard. "uhmmm, Hi?" he squeaked, giving a small wave. The guys erupted into cheers and Ron soon found himself lifted up in celebration, like a conquering hero.

Once he was set back down, a block away from his house he laughed "What was all that about?" One of the boys, whose face was flushed from the strain of supporting Ron on his shoulders answered "You're the first! You're dating Kim Possible, the HEAD CHEERLEADER, nobody like us has ever done that!" The others roared in agreement and Ron blinked, surprised as the boy continued "We've all got a chance now! You're a hero Ron!"

"I am?"

"Three cheers for Ron Stoppable," the boy shouted and there were shouts. It was enough that Ron was caught up and waved his hands, acting like a politician. This celebration lasted for several minutes and then slowly it broke up and Ron turned heading for Kim's house a cockiness about him.

He couldn't help but look pleased with himself, he was being hailed as a hero and he was dating Kim! Life just didn't get any better.

Mr. Possible watched his wife and daughter, each giggling and he snorted knowing exactly what they were talking about. His Kimmie cub shouldn't be kissing anybody! Fuming he snatched up a bag full of broken coffee table parts and marched to the front door, ignoring the twins who were tinkering with something. Mumbling dark thoughts he opened the door and found himself face to face with a smiling Ron.

The blond seemed extra cheerful which further annoyed Mr. Possible "Just the test subj-er, I mean boy I wanted to see." he muttered and the blond blinked smiling good naturedly.

"Hiya Mr. Dr. Possible!" he slipped inside, twisting as he did so "Is Kim around?"

Before James Possible could respond a squeal ripped through the air and followed Kim slamming into Ron carrying him backwards slightly. Once they had come to a stop, Kim began kissing him speaking in-between each one "Ron," Kiss, "Good," Kiss, "Morning!" Rolling his eyes Mr. Possible slammed the front door shut behind him as he stalked out to the road side leaving the to kiss and talk.

AN: Well the requested sequel finally arrived. I hope you all enjoy, these are written more for humor than anything. I haven't given up on any of my fics just so you know...I'm just taking my time...Anyway, thanks in advance for you reviews.