Disclaimer: I neither own characters or the titles. Hahah-a chickies and hotties, I would like if you would listen to any one of the title chapters in their song version while reading the chapters.. sorta gets you in the mood. I admit this was not my idea either.

A/N: does there have to be an author's note at the beginning of each chapter:sits and thinks it through…: "YEAH!" About the song stuff, they're of my personal liking although there might not be many that are like that great as in WOW SONG :you know those that don't rock your WOW FACTOR:listen to this one it's Dido's one of my favorites, it's on the Love Actually soundtrack. : I love anything by Dido: Anywho….chapter…oh chapter ……there it is enjoy.


Chapter 5 Here With Me


Hermione isolated herself from Harry and Ron, for what was the zillionth time this summer. She was tired trying to digest all that was happening in her surroundings, Bill and Fleur's engagement, Sirius, the idea that there was war but neither the good or the bad were doing anything. Nothing was happening, well at least not until today.

"Sirius, what exactly is going on?" Mrs. Weasley's face had shouted, her face voiced wrinkles that were never really there. "Molly I think we should just wait until Dumbledore gets here" repeated Mr. Weasley.

Tonks was sitting in a corner chair reading the latest copy of the Quibbler with great intensity, while Remus paced from one side of the room to the other, probably not being aware of a whole he might have carved if Dumbledore hadn't arrived just then.

Dumbledore entered the room, he looked the same way he always did no worry in his face, as if no idealism of evil had ever existed. Anyone who would have looked at him if they weren't so occupied in their own chaos would have noticed his peace.

"Hear now, lets all take a seat, I'm sure whatever it is we can deal with it"

Everyone took a seat, there were 12 chairs for 12 order members 12 of the over 100 people who now took part in the Order of the Phoenix.

"Now Sirius tell us what it is you heard this evening, and do not leave anything out" added Dumbledore "tell us everything."

Sirius eyed the room with his great grey orbs, "Well this evening I took off and went to get something to eat" he paused took a deep breath and ---"and where was that?" Dumbledore was now beginning to comprehend where he was taking this. "I went to a pizza eatery, near Gallery in London. I was standing in line when I heard a familiar voice talking to a muggle" he paused, not knowing if to continue or not for the concern looks on their faces.

"Please continue, dearie" said one of the many new members of the Order. He gave a nod and continued, "he was threatening the muggle, told him incoherent things, but I did hear one thing…he was put under the crutacious curse, and that's it that's all I heard, I'm sorry I made you come just for that."

Remus, turned to look at Sirius face and back at Dumbledore, his friend wasn't telling them something. There was something more to that story than he was letting them know.

Molly, and Aurora Podemore were eager to hear what else Sirius had to say, somehow they too knew there was something more.

"You mean to say that that's IT, there's nothing more" Mr.Weasley's face was red and agitated.

"Now, now, let's not get worked up" said Tonks nervously turning to Remus, and Sirius, she too knew and did not like Sirius silence.


"Now wait half a minute, no one calls me Nymphondora and gets away with it" Tonks was standing up from her chair ready to face Kingsley for his abrupt comments that were out of place, Remus also rose from his chair and stood in front of her as if he were her Knight in Shining Armour. (A/N: ;-p)

Arguing began to rise between the Order members, neither of them was making anything out of the situation. If anything it sounded like neither of them wanted to face what was to come, one because they were at peace in a time of trouble, and two they didn't know what was going to happen.

Dumbledore was sitting comfortably in his chair, listening to all of them argue over small insignificant things, he sat there and let it go on for awhile, let them clear whatever was in their chest before taking the next step.

Rising from his own chair finally, he spoke "Poppycock" everyone stopped what they were doing and sat while laughing. Very old trick of Dumbledore's was a relieving charm whenever things get over exited for no apparent reason.

"Alright, I think we might favor of some refreshments now, Minerva will you do the honors?" "Certainly Albus" and with a swift of a wand pumpkin juice and butterbeers were served along with trays filled with ham, and turkey sandwiches.

"How many are we here?" Mrs. Weasley asked.


"Harry, mate you think you can give me a hand?" Ron was stuck head out in a window. Harry came through the door laughing hysterically, "How did you?" "Never mind how I got stuck, help me" Ron joined in on the matter.

Someone knocked at the door.

"What were you trying to do?" Harry insisted.

"Pig, was outside the window, and he couldn't get in so, I---"stuck your head out" they both said in unison. "Yeah" said Ron. "Anyway, he couldn't get in and neither could I."

Harry noticed Ron was clutching at something in his hand, "what is it?" "Dunno, something from Ginny, I suppose" he said ripping open the letter.

"What's it say" said Harry eagerly, a little too eager for Ron took notice and gave him a suspicious glance.

"What? Maybe she needs something" he said at Ron.

"Sure mate, sure and The Weird Sisters are my cousins"

"Anyway what does it say?" said Harry changing the subject.

"Dearest Ronald Weasley,

Time has surely past, it's been 6 weeks and ½ since we've last seen each other. My trip to Sweden was pretty cool, I brought you something, but unfortunately your owl refused to take it.

"Oh dear"

knocking continued at the front door.

"Harry I think someone's knocking"

"Hermione will get it" just as Harry had said this he looked at Ron and they both ran for the door.

No one was supposed to know that there was such thing as 12 Grimmauld Place, only Order members and as far as they could remember they were a few already there.

"Should we open the door?" Ron asked Harry, who seemed to have the slightest idea.

"I don't know, well.. no I don't think it's anyone we know?"

Ron blinked inevitably "I mean no muggles know, and there are a few people here"

"So" continued Harry. "So we can open it"

The knocking persisted.

"Get your wand, Ron" "What?" said Ron extremely confused.

"Just in case" said Harry.

"What are you expecting to get knocked out or something" Ron's voice was panicky.

"No, but better be careful, even if it's for show" Harry winked agreeing with his best friend.

On the other side of the door stood a man with a curling lip and dressed in typically black robes.

"Would someone care to open the door" he called irritably from the other side.

Harry and Ron opened the door in cadence as if waiting for something to attack them both. And in fact Snape was looking at them in morbid. "Impressive, Potter, Weasley anymore of those crazy shenanigans and you'd end up as an Order operative" his face was cold, his eyes seemed tired and full of sarcastic remarks.

"Sorry, had you been out there too long?" asked Harry trying to make decent conversation.

Snape looked at him and ignore his question, "Is there…are the…where's Black?"

Harry could not stand Snape just for being Snape alone, but when he started to act smart and irresistibly conceited he just had it. "Sirius is with Dumbledore, and 10 other Order members in that room" he pointed at a closed door at the end of the corridor.

"Thank You" and he walked away and towards the door.


Loud and aggravated voices could be heard just 5 minutes in after Snape had entered the once peaceful room.

"I DON'T CARE!" yelled Sirius.

"Listen, we need to go out there and make sure everyone is alright, we don't know who this person might be" said Kingsley in a much more toned voice.

"I think there is someone here who knows more than he's letting us know" Snape's voice had lightened the faces of those who had suspected of Sirius as well.

"OH YEAH WELL SO DO I" Sirius temper had reached its peak he need a break.

Sirius took flight out the door leaving all other Order members to wonder.


"Well are you gonna finish reading that letter?" Harry wondered avidly holding Ron's letter.

"Oh yeah, sure but shouldn't we go see what 'Mione is up to?"

"You're right I haven't seen her since…." Harry concentrated to think when was the last time he had seen her around the house "a while" answered Ron.

"Yeah well we could but she's been real umm" words came really slowly today for Harry; "mysterious" Ron's face was blank and bored. "But you know what I really don't want to go up there she's been asking me questions lately" said Harry his eyes were round like, and his face as red as Ron's hair. "Why?" asked his best friend quite confused. "Ummm no reason" it was obvious to Harry; Ron had no idea what he was talking about. "Whatever mate, just don't get me involved" "Well, lets go ask Dobby for some


Sirius walked out the room slamming the door behind him. He paced the corridor from one end to the other and back again. Then he walked out further and saw the object of his affection sitting by the window still, looking out the window in thought.

He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she turned to face him and kissed him gently on the lips, slowly Sirius began to deepen the kiss, his tongue slightly seeking for an entrance Hermione opened her eyes and smiled.

He ran his hands down her waist and let them rest on her; her left hand traveled his face and traced a small scar below his left ear. He had initiated the kiss, but soon wish he hadn't awoken the passive Hermione, she awoke feelings in him he had never knew he had. He felt the blood rush to his head, his knees weak and stomach tighten, and she kissed him more and more as he moved her away from the window.

He was going crazy, forgetting that the house was full, and anyone ranging from Harry, to Ron to Tonks to Dumbledore or worse Snape could see them. Sirius holding her close to his body pushed her against the wall where they continue to engage in what was now more than a kiss.

Her hands clutched to his shirt as he pushed up against her, then he stopped and looked down she was close to him, so close she could hear his heart beat.

"I'm sorry" he whispered to her ear, "I'm so sorry I shouldn't ….I--" his eyes glistened with sadness.

"Shhhh, you shouldn't have stopped" her voice was quiet and calm. Looking right into his eyes was what had captivated Hermione that night, they were worried yet calmed, untroubled.

"Mmmm, I didn't want to" he said giving her his peevish smile.

"I could tell" Hermione's eyes suddenly fell to his waist.

He drew closer and whispered "I want you to know, that this isn't a game, I'm not---you're too important to me, I will never hurt you, let alone let something happen to you. For years I've been in a dark phase of my life, until that night I found the light in your eyes"

Hermione laughed softly and looked at him as if daring him to say something else, and he didn't waste a second. "What? I did and I'd give anything to tell the whole world how I feel about you" he smuggled his face in her neck pecked it with his lips. Hermione giggled, "And how is it that you feel about me." Sirius unburied his face and met his eyes with hers, he gave her a short laugh " Hermione Granger, Miss Hermione Granger, my Hermione Granger" he said and turned to her "oh wait do you accept." She was all smiles laughing at the playful gestures he made, "yes, I accept" "okay, I can continue now, just making sure." Then he continued making faces at her until she drew him closer to her, pressing her own body against his, feeling what she stirred in him with much fervor.

Sirius closed his eyes and let her kiss him this time, risking everything. (A/n: they could be heard ;-p) "I want you" she said as her lips traced his lips, he let her play with him teasing him, gently kissing him here and there. He pulled opened his eyes and said "I love you." Hermione's kisses grew stronger with confidence; he closed his eyes again as she stretched out his arms and traced them with her fingers. His knees were bent, his stomach was tight, he smiled whilst her kisses as her fingers traced his arms.


Snape was preposterous making Sirius sound like he was the boss, claiming he probably had not wanted to be in the Order, but was in the Order for shame, "That's enough Severus, we are neither here to defame anybody for any reason that is not our own" Dumbledore's blue-eyed gaze was fixed on Snape.

Remus was not at all surprised at Snape's false accusations; in fact he was pleased to know Dumbledore had caught his attention before he himself went and shut him up.

"I'm going to go out and check Sirius is alright" he said as the conversation grew quieter.

(Oh Sirius was alright, alright.)


He moaned quietly only for her ears to hear, "mmmmm" she said in delight opening her eyes for the first time "mmmm" he mimicked.

"There's something I want to give you" she said her hands were hidden in his, "there's nothing you can possibly give me that would compare itself to you alone" 'gods she's beautiful, her smile I'll never forget her smile.' "Well I still want you to have it" she pulled her hands out of his and reached for her neck, she struggled to get her hair out of the way when Sirius pulled it back, stroking it gently. "I want you to have this" she pulled his hands together in front of her and fitted something inside them.

Sirius gaze fell to his hands and opened them, it was her necklace. A delicate shiny chain with a faint blue small butterfly on it. "I fear I won't always have you here with me, but you'll have me with you."

"Hermione, I don't have--"he turned to her a weak smile on his visage, eyes that were glazed with tears. "You've given me the most important thing you've got" she said facing him and then meeting he's grey deep seas "your love" she stretched to reach his ear "I love you too Sirius, I love you" she whispered. "I'll always be here with you Hermione, my Hermione."

The sound of footsteps traveled to Sirius ears (A/N: mmm padfoot instincts).

"Padfoot, you alright?" "Are you okay, I heard noises coming from over here"

Sirius smiled at Hermione. "He has the ears of a werewolf, I tell you no doubt" said Sirius laughing.

Remus walked at a slow pace giving his friend some space. Then as he approached, he heard Sirius talk very loudly indicating he was not alone.

"And that is why I don't like pumpkin juice" he said with rather enthusiasm.

Remus laughed as he caught sight of Sirius putting something into his pockets.

"What are you laughing at?" Sirius said looking from Hermione to Remus with an amused expression on his face. "You were there laughed, few years later story repeats itself and you laughed again, for the millionth time it was not funny" Sirius said finally breaking into a laugh.

"Ahh Hermione, Sirius must have been telling you about the time---"Sirius interrupted him. "Yeah, yeah I did she doesn't need to hear it again" he said playfully.

They began to walk towards and out of the corridor.

"Well then you're alright I can see" Remus calm stare turned to Hermione and back at Sirius. "Yeah, you keep him laughing like this Hermione and he'll be the happiest man"

Hermione turned to look at Sirius a glare that questioned if Remus knew about them, Sirius winked at her, "umm Moony why, why would you say that?" he asked suspiciously while turning back to Hermione. "Oh no reason, Hermione has a really good sense of humor I hear" Remus said.

"Ooh" said Sirius raising his eyebrows comically.


Aurora Podemore was finish reading out of a very old moldy looking book called Triumphs and Victories by Jean Jean Pierre.

Tonks was nodding off towards an empty spot to where a shoulder would have been, she fell right onto the cold floor.

"I thought so I'm going to have to go down and prepare dinner" said Mrs. Weasley as she helped Tonks from the floor.

"Molly you are kind, let us take a bathroom break" said Dumbledore as he disappearated.

"Molly, I'm afraid Severus and I will have to leave almost immediately" said Minerva McGonagall as she walked towards the door and towards Snape.

"Oh nonsense, at least stay and have something quick to eat" she insisted as she was ready to call for Ron, Harry and Hermione


"Dinner everyone"

"Merlin, Molly you've cooked for one too many people" said Kingsley


In less than 10 minutes Mrs. Weasley had prepared Roasted Chicken, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes (Dumbledore's favorite), lumped potatoes, a variety of soups and fresh bread, butters, and Roasted almonds.

Dinner was quiet at first Ron, Harry, Tonks and Hermione were engaged in conversation while Dumbledore, Minerva, Molly, Arthur, Bill, and Severus were intrigued by another one of Bills stories. Sirius was chatting away with Remus, while directing his sight at Hermione, she was laughing, he wanted to capture that moment forever.

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed this one, it's my favorite so far mmmm I wonder why….:walks away scratching head:Read ..although if you're reading this you should have already read it so Review! Please….:-) Oh and all questions will be answered not to worry I know where I'm going…it's all in me head. Ta-Ta only 17 more days until Half-Blood Prince!