Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!Sob

PS- This is my very first fanfic so do not be disappointed if it's bad, I'll get better!(I finished the whole story on note book paper!)

Note: Girl Saii

Description of Saii:

Black, long hair that falls to her waist.

Bluish eyes (except when she uses her blood limit, you'll see what it is soon enough)

Kind of short (5 feet something)

Personality: Sometimes mean, but most of the times nice but evil

Pata-pata. The drizzle of the rain had suddenly turned into rushing water, pouring from the sky. There was no on e out side except for a young girl. Her pale legs jumped from tree to tree until she stopped upon an oak tree's limb. The limb swayed gently from her weight. Drops of water traced her face, all leading up to her eyes.

"Why! Why!" she sobbed as she banged her head against the rough tree bark. "Father, I hate you!"


"Mommy! Daddy! Look at me, I can blend into the shadows!" shouted the eleven years old girl with glee. She had just mastered a technique invented by her. I can't wait to show it to Mommy and Daddy. They'll be so proud! Especially Daddy. He is always telling me to get stronger. The girl ran towards the castle where she was born and raised. She stopped in her tracks when she reaches the door. The wind blew through her black hair. She reached forward to grasp the handle. Aha! Her reflexes made her hands jump back from the coldness. Whoa! I never felt the castle so cold. I have a sick feeling that whatever is behind it is not going to be welcoming. Mom! Dad! Could they be in danger! Beads of sweat dripped from her face as she pushed open the heavy door.

"Daddy? Mommy?" questioned the girl. Where are they! Don't be scared! Be brave, Saii. She took a step forward. The floor boards creaked under her feet. It was dark in the hall… so dark that she couldn't see her own hands.

Suddenly, a light flickered on. "Daddy!" shouted Saii. "You're all right! Where's Mommy?" No answer.

"Your mom is gone." replied Orochimaru. The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile. "You'll never see her again…"

"What? No, I don't believe you!" protested Saii.

"I need power." hissed Orochimaru. "You will be able to help me. Now, come to me…Daughter…"

"No! I don't want to! I want my mom! You monster, what have you done. I've always looked up to you…but now. You…" She threw a few kunais toward Orochimaru, but he caught it easily with his fingers.

Sunlight streamed in from the windows casting an eerie glow on the snake man's pale complexion. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You'll seek me… for power, just like everyone else. That seal on your neck will force you to."

"I hate you!" yelled Saii as she ran out of the door.

End Flashback

I can't let him find me! What should I do? Let's see, Dad hates Konoha! Yes! I'll go to Konoha for help! But it's so far away. sigh I must make the trip.

For days, Saii walked and walked. A few more hours… just a bit more. pantpant The sun's rays blazed her skin. Finally, after miles of desert, she saw greenery. Konoha! Saii stumbled past the borders of Konoha (She got past the guards because the guards thought she was harmless…think again.) and fell into a deep sleep beside its lush bushes.