Let us all rejoice not in life, but in death...

Sasuke watched as people greeted their teammates. Fools… they do not know what they are missing in this world; this world full of corruption and hate. All they know now is materialistic joy and happiness. It is better to grief then to indulge oneself in laughter.

He sat in solitude on the side of a desolated road, intently watching the townspeople. Sasuke cursed inwardly to himself. What was he doing here? Konoha had shunned itself to him years ago. His friends had already detached themselves. He was a destined loner; someone who was cursed to wander this forlorn planet. His network of people included only those who seek his blood.

Vengeance… It is the ultimate word that led him to his demise, a fatal mistake. God had blessed him with a light. However, he chose to distinguish that spark of hope by his own hands. Now, almost as if fated, he was here again; at the place where it all began. Something anew was flickering within him. Yes, that was it. Sasuke was waiting. His natural instinct drove his to return here and wait. For what?

His trance was suddenly broken when something hurled itself into him. The movement was so sudden that Sasuke's keen senses couldn't detect it.

"AYHEEE!! I'M SO SORRY MISTER!" shouted a loud voice.

Sasuke rubbed him temples in shock and looked up. Fortunately, his mask was still on. Unfortunately, however, the voice belonged to someone; someone very familiar. Sasuke's heart pounded and thumped against his chest. This isn't possible.

Of all people, the person who had run into him was none other than Naruto. "I think I was running too fast, mister. I didn't see ya. Are you ok?" Naruto, ignorant Naruto, extended his hand and attempted to help the stranger up.

Sasuke quickly recomposed himself. There was no way Naruto was ever going to find out his identity. Through the slits of his mask, Sasuke glared. "I don't need any help." With that, he slapped Naruto's friendly hand away. Sasuke stood up, brushed his shoulders, and turned to walk away.

"Wait! Mister! Do I know you? You sound so familiar!!" yelled Naruto, a bit hurt by Sasuke's gesture, but still happy. "Where are you going?"

"None of your business," Sasuke replied quickly, ignoring the Naruto. They had not met in 5 years, yet Sasuke was indeed very surprised at Naruto's growth. The immense growth of his chakra level was undeniable.

"I'm sorry, you know. I was in a hurry," Naruto chuckled, scratching his head. "I was looking for my teammates? Are you lost? Do you want to come with me?" Even after 5 years, he had failed to change his friendliness. Obviously, by the way he dressed; this strange man was not from around. So…why not help him!

"Leave," Sasuke stated, annoyed at Naruto's openness.

"Come one," Naruto urged, grabbing Sasuke's shoulder. Now, his curiosity was getting the best of him. "At least take off your mask. Everyone's unmasked now. The game's over already! Maybe we've met before!"

Sasuke tried to move away, but Naruto's grip was too strong. "Let go! You fool!"

"NARUTO!!" interrupted a high pitched female voice.

"SAKURA!!" replied Naruto happily. He let go of the stranger. "YOU LOOK SO PRETTY!!"

Seeing his chance, Sasuke quickly moved to leave. Again, luck proved to be not on his side. For, the second he took a step, another person stood in his way.

"Ahh… I see we are all here. Happy reunion. Isn't it?" Their sensi, now in his late thirties, still retained his old habits. In one hand, he held the trademark book, in the other, he held a mask. The mask, itself was, of course, meaningless for Kakashi always had a mask of his own. Furthermore, one thing about the man that had definitely not been lost due to time was that all knowing gleam in his eye. To Sasuke's bane, that gleam did not lose its sheen.

With one look, Sasuke knew. Kakashi had identified him. There was no way to run. His identity was about to be exposed.


Sasuke shuddered at the sound of his name. What would they all say? It had been so long.

"Welcome back." Kakashi ended his sentence nonchalantly, giving both Sakura and Naruto a bored glance.

Silence blocked out the festive music in the background. No one moved an inch. Only when Naruto dropped his mouth, did the thick atmosphere fade.

"SASUKE?! IS THIS A JOKE??" Naruto shouted. "WHERE IS HE??"

Kakashi sighed. His student obviously had not changed much either. Still stupid and big-mouthed. However, clever Sakura had figured everything out.

Sakura brushed strands of her long pink hair back. "Sasuke?" Those words had not been uttered in so many years. For nights, she had dreamt of these syllables. Oh, how she had yearned to forget, but her heart failed her. Even after the slow washing of time, Sakura could not completely erase the fond memories. "Sasuke?" She asked again, choking back tears. "SASUKE!" This time, her voice cracked. The pressure was too immense. Was the man standing in front of her really Sasuke? Her Sasuke?!

Clink. Clink. Clink. Sasuke's mask fell to the ground, striking the surface of the pavement before finally coming to a halt upon the grass. He could fell the freshness of the air hitting his skin and the ever stinging looks from his former teammates. Something was tugging at the strings of his hearts. Emotions. Sadness. Everything that he had blocked out for the past years was coming back now. Seeing his friends… old friends… was too much. Memories of years ago flooded back, gripping his body in grief. His hands shook. His mind became a slideshow. Laughter…tears…courage…compassion…all the things that he had experienced in the times that he shared with these people. Most of all...

One person stood out. Saii. Images swamped him now. His body was now nothing but a blob of sentiments. Joy. Happiness. Pleasure. Contentment. Love!

"SASUKE-KUN!" Sakura screamed one last time before wrapping her arms around his waist. She sobbed into his back, clutching him tightly, afraid to lose him again.

"Sasuke! You idiot!" Naruto choked, unable to suppress his overflowing feelings. He, too, dropped his man pride and threw his arms around Sasuke's neck.

Sasuke, on the other hand, didn't respond. He couldn't respond. His mind was somewhere else, drifting in the newly opened areas in the recess of his memories. Her smile. That beautiful smile that melted his heart. Her courage. Her sacrifice. Her love. He couldn't take it anymore. Tears flowed from his eyes openly, splashing onto the ground. Sasuke finally let his body sink to the ground, releasing all the pent up burden within.

Naruto and Sakura, too, sank to the ground with him, crying and hugging. They cried for Sasuke. They cried for the lost years. They cried for their shared past. Most of all, they cried for their friend, Saii.

Kakashi watched with a heavy heart as his former students clang to each other. Through the years, they had all matured into fine shinobis, ready to face the real world. Saii's departure wasn't a bad thing. It had taught all three of them the most fundamental lesson of life, and that is 'life' itself.

Suddenly, a cold jolt ran through Kakashi's body. Something…or someone was watching them. The frightening thing was that the thing wasn't alive. It wasn't dead either. Never before had Kakashi ever felt such a sensation. It was deathly, yet alive.

"It seems that I have made it just in time for the celebration. Huh?" asked a voice… the voice that was so familiar to each and every one of them. The voice was none other than…

AN: CLIFFIE!! HAHAHA YOU ALL WANT TO KILL ME NOW Sorry for MIA for so long. Too much stuff!! GRR!! I'm back!! Here to stay until this fanfic is finished!!! I wasn't planning on returning until I read the awesome reviews you guys wrote! MUCH 33!! PLEASE REVIEW AND SUPPORT!! IT MAKES ME SOO HAPPY!!