Four men sat around a table. They were all looking at a certain subject. You could see different emotions in their eyes- one was curious, the second one- scared, third wandered what was the deal and the fourth- excited. After all the object sitting right there, in front of them was so small, yet looked pretty venomous. It was like a snake, waiting to strike and attack the victims. They all sat there for about 5 minutes, admiring it. It was small, but not to small. Elegant, but not over-the-top. Simple in a positive way.

The whole world was in it. You could never know what would happen if you opened it. It was a mystery, everyone wanted it, but in the end nobody did. However, these four had it. Just to themselves.

Nephrite broke the tension.

"I know a woman's bag is like a shrine, but can't we just open it?"

"you may never know what's in there. I wouldn't be afraid it a panther jumped out of it, after all it's Serena's bag." Jadeite responded calmly.

They all looked at the simple bag in front of them in awe.

"Time to open Pandora's box" Darien added cheerfully. He couldn't wait. This was way better than opening Christmas gifts.

They all stood up, Darien slowly unzipped the bag. They waited for a couple of seconds, yet nothing jumped out, nothing attacked them, no jaguar, nothing. They all decided to go into the next level: exploration.

When Darien was about to put his hand in it, a loud noise broke the silence. The brave men jumped up, looked at each other horrified. 'What the fuck?'

"THE BAG IS MOVING!" exclaimed Nephirte. He was right, it was moving slowly.

"There is something in it that's moving" concluded Sapphire.

"a bird? Snake? What is she hiding there?" wondered Jadeite.

"Only one way to find out" said Dariren as he put his hand in the bag. The rest waited silently.

"Got it." Replied Darien and slowly pulled a cell phone out of the bag.

"A CELL PHONE?" exclaimed Jadeite. They were scared of a mobile phone?

"Who's calling?" he asked.

"Some Raye" answered Darien. "Jed, find out anything you can about this Raye person. Pray for his sake that it is a woman." He added.

The phone stopped ringing. Instead, a SMS message appeared. Without a second thought Darien opened it and read:

'Pick up the goddamn phone idiot. We think he left too. Come on, it's just a guy. Cute, nicely built and rich guy. If you like him go get him tigress! Kisses from your friends.'

A grin appeared of Darien's face.

"Let's continue with the bag."

What they found there surprised them- it was true, a woman kept her life in her bag. 'So I have her.' thought Darien quietly to himself.


He had me. He almost had me.

You incompetent, mindless creature! How could you! He barely touched you and you're all over him! Jesus, get a grip on yourself. I hurriedly made my way to the office, slammed the door right behind me and sat on my desk. NO, don't!

Not on the desk.

Sit on the table.

No, not the table, chair. Sit on the chair. Like normal people.

Good, now think.

Ok, I'm officially screwed. The first page of the newspapers tomorrow will say 'Serena almost had… ' no, I can't say it. Didn't have anything. Nope. Nothing.

Wait a minute.

Isn't something missing? Where is my mobile? Where is my notebook?

In my purse

Where is my…


The door opened and Andrew rushed in.

"What's wrong."

"my purse" I mumbled.

"Somebody stole it?" He asked concerned.

"You can say so…" I answered. What will I do?

" What about the papers?" asked Andrew

"What papers?" oh yeah, the thing you were supposed to bring to your boss, remember? Not do something on the table..

"Do something?" Andrew looked confused. Did I say that out loud?

"Uhm, yeah, he will bring them soon. I mean, he just had to ehhh, read it again." Believe the bullshit, Andrew, believe the bullshit.

"Didn't take you long" yeah, I'm fast baby. Wanna try me? Darien almost did. Seems like there are no limits for me anymore. Maybe I should fuck the President now?

"Yeah, we.. uhm.. oh, never mind". None of your business!

Ring Ring

The phone is ringing. I am not going to pick it up. Fuck off. I'm not here.

"The phone is ringing Serena". Very smart Andrew.

"I know" I answered calmly.

"You know they are not art. You can touch them. And talk." Andrew added with a smile.

"Nah, you can't touch the paintings. Just like you can't…"

"PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE". Ok, Andrew is pissed.

"No." You are not going to make me.

"Fine" Andrew muttered as he picked it up. Fucked up male.

"Andrew Marcozi speaking". That's my office you … oh, there are no words.

However, he continued, "of course. I will talk to her. thank you very much for calling." He hang up.

"Guess where you are going tonight?" he gave me a smile.

"HOME?" I answered sarcastically.

"Take another guess."

"Hm, let me think. Oh, I know! Home."

"Someone will pick you up from your apartment at 8. You left a purse at Darien's office."


"Then where is your purse?" he asked calmly. SHIIIT.

"at home."

"You didn't take your purse with you today?" he looked amused.

"Yeah, it was .. ill". What are you, Bridget Jones? HEEY, he is walking out of my office! He believed me! Sucker!

"Nice try. Don't worry, you won't need to play flute since you already charmed his snake." He added before getting out of my office.

Shit. You are not going to get away from this one. I bolted out of myoffice.


"Come on Serena, it was just a joke." Andrew looked at me uncomfortably. Gotcha.

"Well, some jokes are not funny. Are you trying to say that I get my success only from having.." Andrew interrupted me.

"NO, what I'm trying to say is.. it's kind of obvious. Your shirt is on the wrong side."

I looked down at it. SHIT. It is.

"it's not what you think" I growled.

"I don't care what it is, as long as it works. And it seems to be working out just fine." He winked at me and walked by me slowly.

"Than why I loathe going on any form of meetings with him?" I ask logically.

Andrew kept on walking past a corridor. Before entering his office he said

"Maybe you're afraid of what you find there. Or in you."

I slammed the door behind me. that's the definition of a bad day, if you ask me.


Before heading for the unwanted meeting Serena decided to relax- she took a long bath, prepared herself for the date, ekhem, meeting and slowly made her way downstairs. She was wearing a simple yet beautiful deep red silk skirt, a black jacket and a dark blue buttoned shirt. She put on dark make-up, after all she always wanted to look good, this was not only for the dark-haired idiot.

She tried not to look impressed, she saw the camera in the corner of the limousine. She took her notebook out, starting to write something, she even pulled her eyebrows together as though she was making a grand effort. Yeah, right.

'Keep your hands to himself. Keep his hands to yourself.. himself I mean!'

The car slowly came to a halt, the driver opened the door and she slowly, very elegantly got out.

She tried very hard to hide the amazement but how could she? The house was gigantic, posh, simple yet elegant.

Suddenly Darien appeared behind her.

"Please, do follow me." he mentioned her upstairs, into his room. It was big, she somehow felt uncomfortable with the thought that in the same room as she was currently situated in, was his king size bed. White silk sheets, very royal.

She than turned around and saw a table, candlelit, ready to dine. Why were there two forks, knives, and plates?

"I didn't really have the time to dine, so I was wandering if you could join me?" he turned around and looked her in the eyes.

"I'm not particularly hungry you know" Serena lied. Suddenly, a large growl broke the silence.

They both laughed "Ok, maybe just a little bit. I mean I should get back home… "

"I cooked, come on." Darien gave one of his charming smiles.

"If you insist." Serena sighted, and sat down. She was quite impressed- his cooking proved to be quite good.

"So, how do you like my cooking?" Was Darien nervous when asking the question, or was it just Serena's imagination?

"I thought it was impossible for a man to cook well." She answered with a smile.

"Everything is possible. Impossible takes longer. What else do you find impossible?"

"Love at first sight." She answered without thought.

"Love at first sight? Do I have to walk by you again?" Darien grinned.

"How about you walk out?" Serena grinned even more.

"Ouch, sharp tongue. I've lost my phone no., so can I have yours?"

"You kinda stole my actual phone already."

"You left it, and since lawyers don't do anything accidentally, I'd say that.."

"So don't say anything and make any stupid assumptions." Serena bit back.
"Excuse me for a moment, I have to bring dessert." Darien slowly stood up, passed her which made Serena glare at him because he just had to halt right beside her, trying to catch a glimpse of Serena's breast. When he came back with vanilla ice-cream with chocolate sauce Serena had her 'stolen' purse on her laps.

"You were looking through it." She stated angrily.

"No, I wasn't. what makes you think so?" he looked innocently.

"The mirror. It's on the wrong side."

"You have a mirror in your pocket?" he suddenly asked

"No, why?" she looked confused.

"'Cause I see myself perfectly in your pants." Serena's face changed from pale to red.

"I'm not your sex object you pervert."

"NO, you just don't object to our sex" Darien grinned proudly.

That was too much for Serena, before realizing what she was doing, she threw the dessert at him. 'ops, I did it again.'

"You know, this is a very expensive suit. Actually, it's the best one I had…" he said while making his way to her.

Serena, on the other hand, realized her mistake and very slowly got up and with her front to him and back to the wall, started retreating.

"Come on, you still have it." She tried to soothe him. Plus, the fact that he was holding his ice-cream in his right hand wasn't exactly a good sign. She tried not to laugh at the thought that she had indeed a rare specie in front of her- a mafia king with chocolate sauce on his face. She smiled broadly.

"WHAT ARE YOU SO HAPPY ABOUT?" Darien wasn't so happy.

"OH, never…" she stopped in the middle of the sentence as she felt something solid behind her- yeah, that was a wall. 'Shit'.

Darien closed on her pretty quick, put one of his arms right next to her, so she had practically no way of getting out.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Now was Darien's turn to grin slowly.

Serena didn't quite know what was there in his eyes- was he angry with her now? Didn't he want to kill her. she had no doubts that he could kill people for that. Serena suddenly felt something weird on her lips, cheek and on her neck. Was that?...

Suddenly she felt a hurricane. No, it was a volcano erupting. It hit her, an extremely hot wave. She moaned softly. Darien put hot chocolate on all those places, and was licking it off, sucking to her neck sending chills up and down her spine. Unknowingly, she arched her back. A thousand thoughts ran threw her head 'you shouldn't' 'charm his snake' 'rini' 'what are you doing', but after a while she forgot everything as he was kissing her passionately, and she was kissing him back.

He lifted her roughly, held her tight against the wall. She wrapped her long legs around him, as though it was the most natural thing in the world. He quickly undid her shirt, which was partly covered in sauce, but neither seemed to notice that.

Long moans erupted from her lips. It wasn't so good since a long time. It's not easy to satisfy women- though men never actually believed that. he knew exactly what to do. He than spun her around and laid her on his bed. He didn't lie down with her for a couple of seconds- he had to admire what he had in front of him. She was perfect. Breasts not to small, not to big. Flat stomach, slim arms. He could see her burning up. He knew what she wanted. And he was going to give it to her.

He slowly put his hand on her right thigh and began to move upwards. Serena tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She put her feet on his chest and pushed him roughly. 'If that's how you wanna play baby' He took one of her stockings and slowly pulled it off. He knew she was going crazy, but he was losing his mind too. She was the woman. The one who turned him on beyond any control. She did it again, she was hitting him lightly on the chest. It made him go totally crazy. He grabbed both her legs with one hand and lay on her.

From that moment on, they both lost control for a long time.


Hmhm. Slept well today. It's Saturday. Greaaaat! Now time to get.. waitaminute. Since when do I have such nice sheets? And what is holding me, the cat lost its fur?

Open your eyes, don't be scared.


My clothes are scattered everywhere, my jacket is covered in chocolate and I am lying naked with ….NOO!

Calm down. You have done this before. Fuck, he is holding me tight. Nice muscular arms.. FOCUS GIRL! We need to get out of here.

I slowly lifted myself up and slipped from his arms, putting a pillow in my place. He didn't seem to notice.

Now is the time to find my clothes.

After a couple of minutes I was finally dressed and ready to go. I made a final glance at Darien- sleeping like a rock. I slipped out of his home. Luckily, no guards or any kind of security there. I quickly took a taxi. The driver strangely looked at my clothes, covered in chocolate, but I couldn't care less.

I slept with him. Crossed the line.

I obviously shouldn't have. Oh, who cares.

Before I even realized it, the ride was over and I was heading to my apartment. I quickly opened the door, thinking about a hot bath. Cure for everything. I threw my shoes with a passion and heard a loud thud as they hit the wall.

"Feisty, aren't we?" I jumped up and turned around. On my couch, out of no-where, sat a t-shirtless Darien. On my table were two plates with French croissants and two cups of coffee. I stared at him in shock.

"You didn't have any breakfast. Come on, join me."

"IN MY OWN APARTMENT?" I shouted angrily.

"You obviously didn't want to dine in mine, so I had to bring it here." He smiled devilishly.

"Didn't anyone teach you not to come uninvited?" how dare he?

"Didn't anyone teach you not to run away from responsibilities?" he answered back. Fuck.

"Don't answer a question with a question."

"Some questions are answers." Urgh, that man is frustrating.

I stared at him angrily.


What's that sound?

Somebody's trying to open the door.

SHIT! Rini's coming back today!

"What the…" Darien managed to say as I opened the nearest wardrobe and shoved him into it.

"Don't move or I'll kill you" I whispered as I tried to close the door.

He caught my hand and moved me closer.

"I'll feel a little bit lonely without you" and he kissed me.

SHIT! The door was just about to open now so I quickly closed the wardrobe.

"Hey you guys" I shouted cheerily.

Mina looked at me weirdly.

"Are you ok?" she looked around the apartment. "Having breakfast?"

"I.. um.. made it for you guys!" I said cheerily. That was close.

"mummy!" Rini shouted and hugged me.

Time to get Darien out of my apartment. Quick.

"Rini, why don't you and auntie Mina go and get the rest of the things while I finish with the breakfast?". Rini nodded and took Mina's hand.

"Do you have a guy in your apartment?" Mina looked slyly.

"Good joke Mina" I answered, faking a laugh.

"Could it be Darien?" Mina answered laughing back at me.

"Pleaaase. Yeah, Darien sure" I said as I closed the door behind her and Rini.

"Could it be me?" a masculine voice asked.

I turned around to find Darien, an eyebrow raised, looking at me.

"Come on, get out!" I said as I took his hand and tried to pull him out of the apartment.

Na-ah. Not an easy task.

"What will you give me?" he pulled me close, turned me around so we were both staring at each other.

"How about… nothing?" I tried myself out of his grasp, but to no avail.

"You are the one for me. I want to be with you. Trust me. I'll see you soon.. very soon." He let go of me and left the apartment.

I stared back bluntly. I felt happy. Independence run to the bathroom.

The next day I woke up, took a shower and made my way to work. I don't know why I chose to walk, consider it fate. Luck. Lack of luck. I always like to walk when I feel happy. I dropped by a café and bought myself a coffee. Nice way to start a day. Slowly sipping it, I walked down the street. I don't know why, but I decided to buy a newspaper. I haven't read one for such a long time, I should find out about what's going on in the world .

"2$ please" the guy with the newspapers told me.

"Keep the change" I told him as I gave him a five dollar note.

I opened the newspaper and started reading. A picture caught my eye.

The coffee fell on the floor.

"Darien and the dark-haired beauty". A picture of Darien and Beryl, one of the famous 'daddy-girls', her father owns a huge company. Done 2 days ago.

Kissing. Fucking. Passionately.

I threw the newspaper behind me and kept on walking. The fucker is going to get it.

In my office a bouquet of roses awaited me. I threw them into the rubbish bin violently.

"Andrew!" I called out. In a couple of seconds he appeared in my office.

"How can I help my best lawyer?" he asked cheerily.

"I no longer wish to represent Chiba. No matter what." Andrew looked at me surprised.

"Should I call him?" he asked concerned. Yes, he knows when he shouldn't argue with me.

"Yes. Tell him that if he ever tries to talk to me, I'll cut his dick off." I said as I dialed a number.

"Mr. Kawasaki? Hello, I'm so sorry… well, yes, I would love to represent you."

Sailor moon does not belong to me.

So, what do you guys think?

I know it sucks, but I'm in a hurry.

Drop a line :P otherwise I will not continue.