A/N: Finally in this chapter you'll finally find out who I'm pairing Paris with. I hope you enjoy, and thank you guys that reviewed those really gave me some ideas that I'm planning in the future.

Paris jumped every time he heard a scream or the sound of swords clashing together in their struggle. He gave a silently prayer to the Gods to keep his brother safe then on a second note he wonder briefly if the Gods care enough to listen, but nevertheless he hope this time they'll stop watching from above and take some action, what good are Gods if they don't help the people who believe in them, he humorously thought knowing that the Priest out there would preach otherwise.

The Priests! He had almost forgotten all about them Paris hope they weren't hurt or killed even though they have been his prison guards Paris couldn't bring himself to wish ill will upon them. Then, as if the Gods have granted Paris request, the chaos stopped leaving only silence in its steps. Paris got up cautiously and pressed his ear up to the door hoping to catch a word or a footstep something that would tell him what was happening.

Suddenly the door was thrust open knocking Paris to the ground, his head collide with the floor, for a moment stars flooded his vision as all his senses momentarily abandon him. He looked up to see a looming figure standing in the hallway his face hidden by the room's shadows.

" Who are you?' Paris asked wincing when his voice sound rough and raw.

The figure didn't answer but stepped closer to Paris and even though Paris couldn't see the intruder's face he could feel the man burning gaze boring holes into him.

" Did you not hear me?" Paris asked rather forcefully this time, one of his biggest flaws was that he hated being ignored, and he hoped that his voice did not squeak.

" Are you a Trojan?" the man asked paying no heed to Paris, which only to serve to infuriate him. So if the Greek wouldn't answer his question he had no reason to answer the Greek's question, " I'm a prisoner."

" Prisoner?" echoed the stranger.

" Yes, now will you kindly leave so I can live in peace," said Paris his voice dripping with the sweet honey of sarcasms as he sat up and straightens his shoulders for he wasn't going to let the man know that he was afraid.

" I've killed men who have dismiss me as easily as you have," the stranger chuckled, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Of what? Death? I've been dead ever since they locked me in this room in the minds Trojans I no longer exist."

"What is your name." the stranger demanded not asked something in his voice told Paris that this man didn't know how to ask for something. This man must be a lord or a king.

" Why do you want to know?"

"Because,… I want it." he simply answered as if it was a fact and he waited patiently for Paris to respond.

"My name is Paris." he said straining his neck to look at the man's face, wishing desperately that hw could see in the dark, as he got up into a sitting position the tale-tale sound of metal clanking together followed him. The man immediately turned his body towards his shackles reaching out his hand to touch Paris feeling around his feet until he felt the chains that bound Paris's ankles.

"You're chained."

" Well, the Greeks must be clamoring around you for a piece of your wisdom." Paris expected the man to get angry but instead he seemed only to amuse the man.

" You have a lot of courage to talk to me that way," he said in a calm voice but Paris could tell that the man was smirking at him.

" I'm not courageous, I just don't have anything worthwhile to lose."

"Then we have something in common."

A moment of silence pass between as Paris contemplated the truth of the stranger's words and then laugh at the irony of their situation. Two enemies alone in this dark room have found something communal. This is only further proof that the Gods are in dire need of amusement.

" What if I help you get out of these," the Greek said tapping his sword against the manacles.

" You'll have my undying gratitude," Paris said hopefully but something told him that the stranger wanted sometime else

" I desire your services." he said.

The Stranger asked him for his services? Does this barbarian actually thought that he would be willing to trade one prison for another? But as Paris looked around the dark room he thought maybe the life of a slave outside would be better that the life of a slave trapped in this room, and would he be betraying Troy by attending to the very person sent here to destroy the city. But Troy had forsaken him long ago it would be no fault of his own if he did the same to him, Paris convinced himself.

"Then you'll have my services." Paris said silently hoping that his brother would forgive him.

"Good, Keep still, don't move a muscle." The stranger instructed as he steady his sword just about the iron.

"Maybe, it would be better to do this outside where the light is, you may miss and chop off my leg or arm and I'll go through life as a legless, armless cripple ohpleasedon'tmakemegothroughlifeasacripple…"

"Stop your rambling," he said effectively shutting the nervous boy up, " I never miss," and he proceeding to free Paris.

Even though Paris couldn't see anything he still squeezed his eyes shut and held his body stiffly until there was a loud clank and felt large hands removing the metal, that had been his personal guards since he was five. Then strong arms encircled him helping Paris to stand, the strong smell of sweat and blood assaulted his senses but he did not care.

Only one thought emerged in his mind, " I am free." he said disbelievingly.

" I am free, Iamfreefreefreefreefree," He squealed and started to caper around unfortunately his legs muscle weren't use to strenuous activities and they gave out but thankfully the Greek was there to catch Paris before he made a complete fool of himself.

" You're to weak to walk, some servant you'll be." the man said scooping Paris into his arms and carried him at of the room like a babe.

"Put me down I am strong enough," Paris wriggled against the man trying to get out.

" This is the thanks I get for helping you surely I'm being punish for desecrating Apollo's temple." the man sternly while letting a little humor lace his words.

Paris was just about to let the man know exacting what he thought of him but then he saw the light dancing along the temple's wall as they got closer and closer to the opening. At first the light was so beautiful that it was painful to look at so Paris had to close his eyes and turn away from it, but when the pain faded azure skies and golden sand lay before his feasting eyes. The sea breeze swept though his hair and he closed his eyes once more to isolate himself to the cool touch of the Gods.

" You seem happy."

Paris opened his eyes and looked at his savior only to have his breath stolen away from him. Hair of spun gold gleaming in the sun, strains that clung to his face and the disarray from being inside a helmet only added to the feral nature that animated from his savior. His eyes were those of the cerulean ocean, the color evoked the memory of his first view of the ocean looking out from the palace., and skin made of the finest bronze. For a moment Paris contemplated that maybe Apollo had finally answered his prayers and have come to free him.

" So beautiful," those words left his mouth before he had a conscious thought in his mind.

"What's is so beautiful?" His Savior asked.

Paris didn't answer for a second and looked up towards the heavens.

" The Sun." Paris said, " What is your name?" for he must have the name for the person who have unconsciously given him everything he'd always wanted.

" Achilles."


What do you think?