Tai: Okay everyone, last chapter to this story, I will not be writing a sequel, or any more chapters. I forgot how I was going to end this originally, so these last to chapters are just something I thought up quickly. I have another story to concentrate on now. If you've seen the show Fullmetal Alchemist then you should check it out.

Also, Trisha is quickly writing one long chapter to finish the story Demon Within, there was going to be a sequel to that but that is now forgotten. I may decide to write another story involving both Tori and Trisha, but that is not a priority.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed this story, I'm sorry it has a crappy ending. Well, it's crappy in my opinion anyway, you may like it but I don't.

Anyway onto the eighth and final chapter of 20 Minutes.

Disclaimer: I don't own beyblade, get over it.

Chapter 8

Everyone who hadn't figured it out yet gasped. The great Kai Hiwatari was gay. Fan girls everywhere would be devastated. "But, if Kai's gay, who liked Tori?" Tyson stuttered. Bryan and Ian both blushed and looked quickly at the ground. "Tyson, I was 5years old when I was killed, absolutely everyone loved me!" Tori sighed. "Everyone loves a cute little five year old who can beyblade, get it?"

"Oh, wait, were you the world champion at one stage?" Tyson asked, still completely oblivious to everything. Tori rolled her eyes, "Can you two lover boys hurry up? Being in the realm of the living is kinda depressing for me." She sighed, "And if you say no, I swear I'll drag the two of you apart."

"Wow, what's eating you?" Johnny asked sarcastically. "Last time I checked my grave, a few hundred maggots, why do you ask?" Tori smiled. They all paled "I don't think we needed to know that Tori." Bryan informed her.

"Ah well, Johnny asked, so it's his fault. Now hurry up you two!" Tori growled, glaring at Kai and Tala. "But, don't I get to say goodbye?" Tala asked, starting to cry. "Oh boy, not the drama queen act again." Trisha rolled her eyes. "You are a disgrace to everyone who does that Tala. Pathetic."

"Right, that's it, we're out of here." Tori growled, walking over to Kai and grabbing his arm. "Alright, oh and Ray, you're in charge of the team from now on." Kai sighed. "Have fun getting Tyson out of bed in the mornings."

"Bye guys, see you when Tala dies." Tori stated, waving as both her and Kai started to fade. "Wait, why when I die?" Tala asked sounding very worried. Tori continued to wave and smiled, and very soon, both were completely gone.

"At least we got to see him one last time." Max shrugged, walking out of the room. The others slowly agreed and followed him out of the room. Bryan and Tala however remained behind. "Cheer up a bit, at least you know he won't be lonely. "Bryan told his teammate. Tala's eyes filled with tears, "I guess you're right, but I'm still going to miss him." He whispered before bursting into tears. Bryan knelt down beside him and put an arm around his team captain's shoulders.

"It's not the end of the world." Bryan assured him. "I mean, I lost Tori, and I've managed to cope." Tala looked at him, "You loved her, didn't you?" He asked, looking Bryan in the eye. Bryan nodded in response and stood, dragging Tala with him. "I doubt Kai's impressed with how you're acting right now." Bryan smiled, "Go wash your face and we'll help set up the sleeping arrangements, alright?"

Tala nodded and walked out of the room, while Bryan waited behind. "Goodbye, Tori." He whispered, walking out the room and closing the door behind him.

Tai: It's just like the end of a movie where everyone cries, I hate that! Anyway, I know it's sappy, but how else was I going to end it? Have Kai magically come back to life and everyone lives happily ever after? Don't think so.

Anyway, review and I'll see what I can do about writing a story where Kai and Tori are still alive.