AN This is just the opening my second chapter will be better I promise.

sorry I forgot the name of the fox demon, ooops This is my first story so please R&R-you can tell me what you liked what you didn't like. . .

Disclaimer I do not own Inu Yasha or any other character in this story except Kapora, Sensu, Hacksu and Amptrung


Chapter 1-friends for life

A young woman with long dark red hair, dressed in ripped cloth and amber eyes holds her baby closely as she wades threw a stream that comes up to her waist. "Kapora," comes an exasperated voice from under a tree on the other side. "Yes Sensu?" Asked Kapora as Sensu, who has hair that went to the bottom of his shoulder blades, held up in a pony tail, sapphire blue eyes, a black tail and dressed in animal skin, wades into the river. "My mother will kill me if she finds out you tried to get threw that river alone and with little Destiney too," he said playing with the blankets. "And your so clean, Sensu," she said as she got out of the water.

"How's Shippou?" "Ack, he's still sneezing but gramma says he'll be alright. He's stopped throwing up though and that's a good thing."

"Are you going to ask why my things are over there?" Asks Kapora. "Ah . . . Well . . . now that you mention it why are your things over there?" "I'm moving in!" Cries Kapora happily. "Were's Hacksu and Ampstrung? Are they moving in as well?" "' Of course they're coming, they'll be here tonight!" Kapora giggles. "But you're a cat demon and Hacksu is a dog demon." "So?" Asks Kapora seriously, looking up from her baby. "We're all fox demon."

"Oh, your mother is going to be so happy, Shippou does not have anyone to play with and now it will be like him having a little sister! And when you and your father go out to battles we won't have to worry about because my husband will be there-even your father can't disagree."

They proceed to walk through the forest until they reach a tree with a short long door. "Nanatook! Shippou!" Calls out Kapora. "Come in, the door is always open to you my dear," Nanatook ducking out of the door, she looks like a older female copy of Shippou.

"Why do you visit us now Lady Kapora?" She asks watching her son run off to get the few possessions Kapora has broughten. "We need someone who can play with Destiney, someone near her own age and since you have the same problem I thought I'd move in." Nanatook gasped and giggled, "Really? Oh that would be wonderful.

"Oh come in, come in. Shippou there's someone who'd like to see you!" She opens the door as she speeks Kapora enters, "Hello, Shippou. Are you feeling any better?" A toddler Shippou nods though he look sick.

(an Like you do when you have a high fever, a bad cold and you feel like rubbish.)

"I brought Destiney. Guess what? We-" "Your moving in!" Yells Shippou with his illusion crashing, "I knew it'd work. Sensu said it would!" Both Nanatook and Kapora give him a disapproving look.

With very bad timing-possibly the worst ever-Sensu brings in the few bags that Kapora had taken with her. When the two women turn around he blushes, "Well father and Hacksu told me to do something, so they would not have to worry about you guys being left alone while they are away." "Hey I'm here, Mommy wouldn't be that lonely, right mommy?" Nanatook laughs. "No, honey. But you have your things to do too and then that is when I am most lonely.

"I should have known something was up when mister keen eyes didn't notice my belongings. And my husband went out for the day and took Ampstrung. Who is too old to want to go fishing, were he cleans the fish his father catches," says Kapora. "Are you still moving in?" Asks Nanatook. "Of course. When we cat demons make up our minds, it takes more than that to change it. However dog demons are different. . ."

Shippou isn't listening he just sits on the bed and begins singing, "a rin-tin-tin, ah rin-tin-tin when I grow up I'll beeee a rinny-tinny-tin. . ." Destiney begins crying because she hates that song and probably will for the rest of her life, so Shippou stops singing looks over the baby and says, "Hey you ruined my song!" But Destiney just cries harder so Kapora sets her down, "Shh, it's okay. Calm down. . . ." she croons. Shippou as inconsiderate as he is-being the average three year old-sticks out his tongue and uses his demon magic to make it a long snake tongue.

(AN Well I think we all know what happens when we stick something near a baby's face.)

So Destiney reaches up and grabs it, turning Shippou back into a little kid only with his tongue in a vice grip of a poor and nearly defenceless baby.

"Do you think they'll get along well?" Asks Nanatook. "Oh ya. I see these two friends for life."

(AN So incase you were thinking "I'll just let this kid write more and I don't need to R&R"-geuss what? Your wrong! I am going to wait for at leased one review-yes just one, one simple review-Before I put in the second paragraph. I'd do it for you!)