OH HOLY JEBUS! They deleted my story again! so i am putting this story up again! Do you know why they deleted my story? Because it had the word: SEX! in my summary. And i figure that i would of had to of gotte dobbed in so to whoever did it that was a really REALLY selfish thing to do and i don't like you! I am not usually THIS mean but i think this situation is more than appropriate.

They are out of character so if you don't like those fics then please at least give it a chance and if you don't like it then don't read it! It's as simple as that! But it would be much appreciated if you would leave a review after you leave and tell me how I can improve the story! I love inspiration!

The quicker you guys review the quicker i upload! So, i know it is a big ask, but i am asking for atleast 10 reviews per chapter! So please r+r! I am so sorry to the people who have reviewed my story all 3 times! THANKYOU! I relly want to finnish this story and write more!

I'll stop now!

Disclaimer: I don't own Card captors: cries: Clamp does!

Summary: YAY! I've always wanted to do one of these fics….. Ok, Sakura and Li hate each other but find themselves stuck with each other for 4 weeks while Wei is off visiting relatives! See what kind of pranks they play on each other! This is gonna be fun!

Inspiration by BOE4eva! My sister!

Unwanted Guest.

Written by Hayley Cardamone.


Syaoran's pov

If someone had told me a month ago that I would be sitting here I would have thrown marshmallows at them. Why marshmallows you ask? Because they are the only thing I have handy right now. Now I see you all getting anxious about where I am……..well I'm sitting in my worst enemies house eating marshmallows, but that has nothing to do with it. I've been living with her for a week now and it is driving me insane so I decided to play some little pranks on her just for my amusement. Of course she totally over- reacted. Well anyway I tell it from the start! Here goes….

Normal pov

Sun shone through forest green curtains onto a messy figure that seemed to be in a serene world of his own. He was then awoken by the sent of his guardian's 'almost famous' pancakes. His mouth started to water as he got out of bed sleepily and walked down to the kitchen tripping over various objects on the way. He stumbled to a chair at the kitchen table and sat down. He slowly opened his warm amber eyes to be unpleasantly greeted by the morning sun.

"LLLLLIIII!" A loud high-pitched voice shouted as his cousin's head popped into view.

"It's too early Meilin" Syaoran groaned as he rubbed his head.

"Oh come on Li! Don't be such a lazy head" The girl with ruby eyes coaxed as she came to sit next to him. "Besides it's a beautiful day and we have school!"

"Would a certain black-haired boy have anything to do with why you're so happy?" Syaoran asked not putting any emotion into the words he was saying since he was still half asleep.

Her ruby eyes sparkled as she held one hand up to her face. "Today's the day. I think he might ask me out".

" I don't think so. He's pretty dense. You could get someone maybe a bit more smarter than Yamazaki" He said even though he knew he was wasting his breath. His cousin had liked Yamazaki for 3 years now and he STILL got the hint! I mean she'll do the most obvious things like once she asked him if he wanted to get an ice cream with her and he ended up taking his little sister with him.

"Would you like some pancakes Syaoran?" Wei asked.

"Yes please" He responded huskily.

After eating a noisy breakfast and getting changed he was on his way to school.

Sakura's pov

I was walking through a forest of Japanese maples holding someone's hand. I couldn't make out the face but all I could see were piercing amber eyes. The figure lent down and kissed me lightly on the lips. His lips were warm and he was about a head taller than me. I wanted the kiss to go on forever but then he pulled away to my dismay.

"We need to ta…" His sentence was cut short by something slamming into his chest.

I ran to his side as tears started to form in my eyes that threatened to fall. It felt like I knew this person really well. I felt something warm and looked at my hand, it was blood.

"I love you" He whispered in a husky voice. And with that he was gone. A single tear slid down my face. I felt a cold hand reach around my neck.

Suddenly an alarming beeping noise cut through my mind as I woke up confused grabbing my neck as if expecting to feel something there.

"It was just a dream" I mumbled, still in a state of shock.

My alarm clock was still ringing so I went to turn it off and looked at the time. It read 7:30.

"HHHOOOOEEEEEEE! I have 10 minutes to get to school!" I screamed obviously waking everyone else up.

I got changed got my stuff together and ran downstairs. But half way down I tripped and rolled the rest of the way.

"Oowwwww!" I moaned in pain as my brother choked back laughter. "Shut up, baka"

"OOHH! Someone fell out of the wrong side of the bed again today" Touya said sarcastically.

I walked over to the table grabbed my lunch and ran to the door. " I'll pretend I didn't hear that last comment" I growled back at Touya.

"Bye sweetie" Foujitaka fare welled.

"See ya Dad"

I started to run to school, which was easy for me since I did it nearly every morning. I turned a sharp corner and bumped into someone. He grabbed my arm just before I hit the ground.

"I'm so sorr.,.." I started to apologise before realising whom it was "Oh it's just you, well that's all right then" I growled letting him know I wasn't in a good mood.

"That's no way to greet someone who just stopped you from falling on your ass" He smirked at me still not letting go of my hand. I just glared at him.

"Fall out of bed again this morning?" He once again let a sarcastic comment slip out.

"Let go of me" I tried to get his grip loose with no avail.

"Ok" He said simply and I fell to the ground.

"Bastard" I mumbled under my breath so it was barely audible.

"Is it that time of month again? You always seem to be in a bad mood:"

"Just around you" I replied flatly after getting up and brushing myself clean.

"Why are you such a bitch?"

"Why are you such a prick?"






"You said that already"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Did not"


"No need to PMS"


"Stop PMSing"

And the conversation between Li and me went on like that for ages until we heard the bell ring and ran the rest of the way to school.

'Damn I hate that Syaoran Li' I thought as I ran into class.

I tried to sneak into class (double maths) without the teacher noticing because he said if I were late again I would get a detention. I glanced around the room and noticed Syaoran already in class (somehow) and smirking.

"Hey Sakura, over here" He yelled calling me over to him.

I knew his plan straight away.

"Miss. Kinomoto detention" Mr. Sasaski said without raising his head from what he was doing.

I groaned and mouthed to Syaoran that I was gonna get him back. I sat in my seat and got out my textbook. I started to read but eventually drifted off to sleep.

I was having the same dream. I was walking through the forest holding hands with someone. They were saying the same things, I felt the same sensation when he kissed me, the bullet digging into his chest and the same cold hand wrapping around my neck.

But this time I turned to look at the owner of the hand and found no one.

I then heard a voice eco in my ears.

"Sir. I think Sakura is asleep." I didn't even need to look up to know who the owner of the voice was. He was evil.

My head shot up to see Mr. Sasaski's face in front of me and I fell off my chair.

Everyone started laughing as my face went red. I turned around to look at him. He WAS the devil. I picked up my chair and tried to sit back on it but it was not there anymore. So I fell flat on my ass once again. Apparently Syaoran had pulled out my chair with his feet and Mr. Sasaski had not seen him do it.

"Miss. Kinomoto you now have an after school detention for disrupting the class" He growled at me.

I looked back at Syaoran again and gave him the iciest glare I had ever given. 'Three time in one class. Damn I'm going to get him back so bad'.

Class ended and I avoided falling for any more of Syaoran's tricks again.

I walked to my locker and got my food out my locker, as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to look who it was and saw Tomoyo.

"Hey Tomoyo" I greeted flatly.

"Hey Sakura. What's up?" She asked concerned.

"Just Syaoran down to his old tricks again. You need to help me think of something to do to him" I groaned closing my locker.

"How about after school?" Tomoyo suggested.

"I would but I have an after school" I slouched as I walked out of the locker room along side Tomoyo.

"Syaoran?" She asked knowingly.

I simply shook my head yes. "I hate him"

"Speak of the devil" Tomoyo pointed ahead of us.

"Yes. He is the devil," I mumbled under my breath.

"No, I mean there he is" Tomoyo corrected.

"Quick hide me. He might come over" I said as I scrambled behind Tomoyo but it was too late. He was already walking over to us giving me a strange look. Eriol accompanied him.

I straightened up. "Fuck off, Playa" I said in a hoarse tone. I wasn't usually rude but he annoyed the hell out of me.

"Stop PM…" Syaoran began before getting interrupted.

"Don't say it or I swear I'll have to hurt you" I gave him another icy glare before walking away.

"See you in detention" Syaoran yelled after me.

I groaned for like the fiftieth time that day and continued to walk away from him with Tomoyo.

"Dude. It's like he's stalking you or something!" Tomoyo squealed in excitement.

"And that's a good thing?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well Sakura, you've gotta admit, he is pretty hott in an assholeish kind of way" Tomoyo said rubbing her chin.

"Ewwww! Tomoyo! He's such a sleaze!" I replied disgustedly.

"Why do you hate him so much anyway?" Tomoyo asked curiously.

"It's not so much that I hate him he just annoys the shit out of me! He is the only person that can make me that angry bar Touya. But even he's not AS bad!" I said getting angry just talking about it.

"You should really give him a chance" Tomoyo suggested.


The day went by smoothly but I was still sulking about having to be in detention with him.

'Damn that bastard. He probably got in trouble just so he could annoy me' I thought feeling anger arise in me once again. The bell rung to signal the end of school. But not for me, I still had another agonising hour with Syaoran Li.

Syaoran's POV

I walked into detention and surprisingly Sakura was already at a desk so I signed myself in and took a seat next to her. This was going to be fun!

She grunted as she noticed that I sat next to her and I smirked. She is so fun to tease. The only reason I do it is because I know it annoys her so much, and she knows that that is why I do it! So really it's her own fault for getting annoyed! I know that is not totally logical but it makes me feel better!

I was thinking of this line all day and knew that it would piss her off so bad.

"Hey, your hot. Wanna make out?" I said in a seductive voice.

"Grrrrrrrrr. Shut up!" Sakura growled, obviously annoyed.

"OOHHH! FEISTY!" I snapped.

"Don't talk to me, Playa"

"I'll talk to you if I want to" I pouted crossing my arms.

"Fine, but I won't listen" She replied turning away.

"Yes you will. I know you can't resist my sexy voice" I scoffed. I swore I could see smoke coming out of her ears she was that mad.

"Think what you want, but I will not become one of your show girls that you can just do whenever you want!" I was taken aback by that comment but quickly regained my ground.

"That's what you say now"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sakura inquired now looking at me.

"Oh… Nothing"

"No. I want to know now"

"Well I'm not telling you"

"Tell me"


"DAMMIT! Your so damn stubborn"

"I'll tell you, but I want something in return"




We went through the whole hour like that. The teacher, who was asleep, woke up when it was time for us to go home and he dismissed us.

I got my stuff out of my locker, which was right down the hall from Sakura's, and walked home.

Sakura's POV

I walked in the door and took my shoes off. I was greeted by my dad who gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"I have some news. I have been talking to Wei and it seems that we will be having a guest staying with us for the next few weeks" Fujitaka said smiling.

A terrible thought crossed my mind and was confirmed by the next thing that he said.

"Since him and Meiling will be going away to Hong Kong to visit some relatives Syaoran will be staying with us"

And with that I let out the most blood-curdling scream you would have ever heard.



CLIFF HANGER! And in the first chapter! Well it's not really a cliffhanger; I think we all saw that coming! There will hopefully be more E+T in the next chapter but this is mainly a S+S fic! Please R+R and also leave CONSTRUCTIVE critisizem, if you can think of any!

So like i said before the quicker you review the quicker i update!

Until Next Time
